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"Whoso readeth, let him understand." Matt. xxiv. 15. "And Philip said, Understandest thou what thou readest? How can I, except some one should guide me?" Acts vii. 30, 31.


And he said,

18, St. Paul's Church Yard;


[Entered at Stationers' Hall.]





1 THE Writer of this Book wrote one of the Gospels, which he here calls " The former treatise" -which Gospel was it? To whom were both the Books addressed? Who was Theophilus? ANs. Probably, a pious nobleman: the title given to him in the Gospel is the same as that which is given, by Tertullus the orator, to Felix, in the 24th chapter of this history; which shows that Theophilus was a persm of rank. What was the subject of the former treatise addressed to Theophilus ?

2 To what time did that history extend? The day in which who was taken up? And taken up whither? What had Jesus done before his ascension? By what influence had Jesus done this?

3 To whom did Jesus show himself after his passion? What is meant by our Saviour's passion? How was the appearance of Jesus to his disciples known to be real? What is the meaning of infallible? For how long a period, after his death, did Jesus occasionally ap

pear to his disciples? Of what did he converse with them?

4 What, at the last of these interviews, did Jesus command his disciples not to do? But what were they to do? Concerning that promise, what did Jesus remind them?

5 What kind of baptism was John's? But with what kind of baptism did Jesus say his disciples should be baptized? And where would this take place?

6 At present, however, the disciples thought more of a temporal, than of a spiritual kingdom-and what question did they ask Jesus? What did they mean, think you, by restoring the kingdom to Israel?

7 But Jesus would not satisfy improper curiosity-therefore what reply did he make?

8 But what greater blessing did he promise them? And what honourable character should they sustain? Where would they be witnesses for Jesus? Find in the map those places which are named.*

9 What took place while Jesus was conversing with his disciples ?

*This direction should be given in all similar cases.

10 While they continued looking upward, who appeared to them?

11 Or, angels in the appearance of men-what question did they ask the disciples? And what important information did they communicate? When, and for what purpose, will Jesus come again?

12 On receiving this communication, whither did the disciples go? Where were they, at the time? Can you remember near what town, on this mount? How far were they from Jerusalem ? And what distance was that? ANs. A Sabbath-day's journey, in the time of Moses, was the distance between any part of the camp and the ark, which would vary, from a mile to nearly two miles. Bethany, the place near which Jesus ascended, was nearly two miles from Jerusalem.

13 Whither, in Jerusalem, did the Apostles go? And there they continued-what were their names? 14 While the Apostles were at Jerusalem, how did they employ their time? Among others, who were with them? What women? ANS. Those who followed Jesus from Galilee, and supplied his temporal


15 It is pleasing to find that our Lord's brethren, or relations, who were once his enemies, are now become disciples-how many disciples were assembled together at this time? And one stood up to address the rest-who?

16 Peter began his address by noticing the fulfilment of a scripture-by whom was the scripture written? Under whose influence did David write it? What was the scripture? ANS." Mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lift up his heel against me." Doubtless, David referred to one of his own friends-but to whom, in later times, might this scripture be applied? In what had Judas acted treacherously?

17 Yet with whom was he numbered, as one of their company? And this greatly increased his guilt-as one of the twelve, what honour had been conferred upon him?

18 What is the money which Judas had obtained from the chief priests, here called? What did Judas do with this money? But did not Judas return the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests ? ANS. Yes he did, and they bought the field; but as the money with which they bought it belonged to Judas, the purchase is described as his. And in this field Judas put an end to his life-how? But Matthew informs us that he hanged himself— how are these different accounts to be reconciled? ANS. Though there is a difference in the two accounts, there is no contradiction: he probably fell down as described here, from the tree on which he had hanged himself.

25 What was to be the office of the disciple who should be chosen? How was the vacancy occasioned? What was the end of the sin of Judas? What is meant by his own place"? ANS. The future re

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19 And this awful end of Judas was well known-to whom? And therefore by what name did they call the field? And what is the meaning of Aceldema? But if these circumstances were so well known, why were they introduced here?sidence of the wicked: it is called His ANS. The 19th verse did not form a part of Peter's address; but was added by Luke, for the information of those who might read his history. What, respecting Luke, does this verse prove! ANs. That he was a Gentile; for had he been a Jew, he would not have said, "In THEIR proper tongue;" but "In OUR proper tongue."

20 What is written in the Fsalms, of David's unfaithful friends, which might also be applied to Judas?

21 Peter applied this to Judas, and proposed to fill up the vacancy thus occasioned in the apostleship -from among whom did he propose to choose a successor ?

22 For what purpose was one of these to be ordained? Of whose resurrection?

23 How many did the disciples name, from whom to choose one? What were their names?

OWN place, because he deserved it, as the proper wages of his sin.

26 Having sought Divine direction, what did the Apostles do? How was

And who was chosen?
this ceremony performed? ANs.
Grotius, a learned commentator, in-
forms us, that there were two urns,
into one of which were put the names
of the two disciples, and into the other,
two slips of paper, the one a blank and
the other containing the word " Apos-
tle ;" and that in drawing these, the
word "Apostle" was taken out of one
urn, at the same time as the word
"Matthias" was taken out of the other,
and therefore Matthias was chosen.
From that time, what office did
Matthias hold?


1 OF what feast do we read, in the 1st verse of this chapter? 24 What did the disciples do, What was the feast of Pentecost? before they decided which of these ANS. An annual feast of the Jews, two should be appointed? For instituted in remembrance of the giving what did they pray? What scrip- of the law on Mount Sinai: the word ture affords encouragement to seek PENTECOST means THE FIFTIETH the Divine guidance? ANs. One DAY; and the feast was observed anof the Proverbs of Solomon: " Acknow-nually, on the fiftieth day from the ledge him in all thy ways, and he shall direct thy steps."

Passover, which was also the fiftieth day from the resurrection of Jesus

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