The village-maids, with fearful glance, Full many a trav'ller oft hath sigh'd, NEW PUBLICATIONS. JAMES BURNS, 17 PORTMAN STREET, PORTMAN SQUARE. THE CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER; A Monthly Magazine and Review, Combining the features of the Quarterly and Monthly Periodical. PRICE EIGHTEEN PENCE. Each Number of this Magazine contains: I. Three or four articles on Theology, General Literature, or the Fine Arts (occasionally illustrated by Engravings). II. Reviews and Notices of Books. It is intended that this part of the Work shall be made as complete as possible, embracing publications in every department of literature. III. Miscellaneous Papers, Correspondence, Documents, &c. V. Ecclesiastical Intelligence; Proceedings of Societies; Ordinations, Preferments, Deaths of Clergy; University News; Copious Miscellaneous Intelligence from the several Dioceses in England and Ireland; Scottish Church Intelligence, &c. &c. 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