Of lively portraiture display'd, And as I wake, sweet music breathe Sent by some spirit to mortals good, And bring all heaven before mine eyes! And may, at last, my weary age MILTON. Peace of Mind secured. THE solid joys of human kind Are those that flow from peace of mind; With peace our conscience crowns; Calms ev'ry trouble, makes the soul serene, Smooths the contracted brow, and cheers the 36 THE SERGEANT AND THE FRIAR. He that hath lafte The hosiers crafte, And falleth to making shone ;3 The smythe that shall To payntyng fall, His thrift is well nigh done. Or he could pas, Rapped about the pate, Whyle that he would A little play the frere : 8 Know how it fyll, Take hede and ye shall here. Now masters all, Here now I shall Ende there as I began: In any wyse I would auise And counsayle euery man, His owne crafte use, All newe refuse, And lyghtly let them gone: Play not the frere. Now make good chere, And welcome euerych one. SIR THOMAS MORE. The Cathedral. OFT on the HALLOW'D PILES I love to gaze 8 Friar. |