Sidor som bilder

The whole description of Arthur's court is picturesque and appropriate: but we can only make room for the opening of it, with which we must conclude our extracts.


For this the King, with pomp and pride,
Held solemn court at Whitsuntide,

And summoned prince and peer,
All who owed homage for their land,
Or who craved knighthood from his hand,
Or who had succour to demand,

To come from far and near,

At such high tide, were glee and game
Mingled with feats of martial fame,
For many a stranger champion came
In lists to break a spear;
And not a knight of Arthur's host,
Save that he trod some foreign coast,
But at this feast of Pentecost

Before him must appear.-
Ah, Minstrels! when the Table Round
Arose, with all its warriors crowned,
There was a theme for bards to sound

In triumph to their string!
Five hundred years are past and gone,
But Time shall draw his dying groan,
Ere he behold the British throne

Begirt with such a ring!'-p. 71.

The fate of this work must depend on its own merits; for it is not borne up by any of the adventitious circumstances that frequently contribute to literary success. It is ushered into the world, as we have already observed, in the most modest guise; and the author, we believe, is entirely unknown. Should it fail altogether of a favourable reception, we shall be disposed to abate something of the indignation which we have occasionally expressed against the extravagant gaudiness of modern publications, and imagine that there are readers whose suffrages are not to be obtained by a work without a name.




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