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JANUARY, 1814.

ART. I. Patronage. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of Tales of Fashionable Life,' ' Belinda,' ' Leonora,' &c. 4 vols. 12mo. London. 1814.

NOVEL-writing is perhaps the most remarkable addition which

have made to literature, Ina variety of other instances they have prodigiously embellished and enlarged the structure bequeathed to them by antiquity; but in this they have built from the ground. Every thing that we see of this kind is planned by their genius, and fabricated out of materials exclusively their own. Some miserable attempts of the later Greeks will hardly be considered as contradicting this assertion. With the single exception of the Æthiopics of Heliodorus, they consist of a few tiresome stories, absolutely void of taste, invention, or interest, without influence even upon the declining literature of their own age, and in all probability quite unknown to the real forerunners of Richardson, Fielding, and Rousseau. In fact the means of making a novel did not exist. Slavery spread a gloomy uniformity over three-fourths of the population of Greece and Rome. The free citizens were chiefly devoted to publick affairs, and their private life exhibited nothing but a stern unsocial strictness on the one hand, or a disgusting shameless profligacy on the other. To them that steady settled influence of women upon society was utterly unknown, which in modern times has given grace, variety, and interest to private life, and rendered the delineation of it one of the most entertaining and one of the most instructive forms of composition. Such persons, such feelings, and such events as our novels. describe did not exist till after the united effect of religion and chivalry-of religion in purifying--and of chivalry in softening the manners of men-had re-civilized the world with a more perfect civilization than was consistent with the habits and opinions prevalent in the most polished states of antiquity. The comic theatre of the ancients, which may be supposed to give a pretty accurate idea of their domestic habits, is barren both of character and incident, and the same notions of propriety which prevented all women above the servile state from appearing among the personages of a comedy, would equally have excluded them from any other work of fiction drawn from private life. But as soon as private life acquired sufficient interest and variety to render it worth describing.

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