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it, for the reason, I suppose, that they thought Mr. Wichert asked for too great a reduction.

Commissioner Donovan

Having heard the statements of both parties to the controversy, I suggest tha the men return to work, under the old methods and schedule of prices, for the period of one week; during which time Mr. Wichert will give to each employe one dozen pairs to be made in accordance with the proposed new system and under the new schedule of prices. If it should appear that the amount earned in that time is not equal .to what would be earned at the old prices, then Mr. Wichert will pay for the work under the new system within two cents per pair of the old prices, and he will meet a committee to adjust the schedule as may be agreed upon.

In accordance with this suggestion, the following scale of prices was prepared:

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Mr. Wichert expressed a willingness to accept this suggestion, and the committee agreed to submit it to a meeting of the employes. Commissioner Donovan awaited a decision of the workmen, and Mr. Brower reported to him that the employes had refused to try the plan that bad been suggested, and would insist upon the terms which they had previously demanded..

On the morning of January 9, Commissioner Donovan had another interview with Mr. Wichert in reference to this action of the employes. Mr. Wichert stated that they acted as if they did not understand the matter; that there was no reduction of wages, as they would discover if they gave the new schedule a trial.

Commissioner Donovan then held further consultation with the representatives of the employes, and, at his request, Mr. Wichert

met them again, for the purpose of endeavoring to agree upon terms of settlement. After a lengthy discussion of the proposed reduction of prices, Mr. Wichert acceded to the demands of the workmen, and the following agreement was prepared and executed:

"BROOKLYN, January 9, 1892.

"It is hereby agreed, by and between J. Wichert, manufacturer, and G. W. Myer, John Plumb and Alfred Pieser, on behalf of Ladies' Turn Shoemakers' Union No. 1, of the city of Brooklyn, that the prices to be paid by said J. Wichert, on all grades of goods manufactured in his factory, shall be the old prices in force previous to the strike of January 4, 1892, except that two cents per pair shall be deducted therefrom for fitting edges. "This agreement shall continue in force until August 1, 1892.

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The union afterwards ratified the action of its committee, and the strike was declared off.

About the fifteenth of January the proprietor of a shoe factory at the corner of Lafayette and Bedford avenues, Brooklyn, reduced the wages of the sewers and stitchers, and the employes in those two departments went on strike. They were assisted by the employes in the other departments of the factory, all of whom stopped work. The employer restored the old rate of wages for sewing and stitching, and the strike was declared off.

On the fourth of August another strike took place in the factory at the corner of Fifth avenue and Sterling place. This strike affected only the solers and stitchers, who had been receiving the following prices for their work: For men's shoes, eighteen cents for stitching, and ten and eleven cents per pair, according to grade, for soleing; for boys' shoes, eighteen cents for stitching and eight and ten cents for soleing; and for children's shoes, fourteen cents for stitching and six to eight cents for soling. They

demanded an advance of twenty per cent in the prices paid for all work, except children's shoes. The proprietor of the factory stated that he had no knowledge that his workmen were dissatisfied, and that no complaint was made to him or his superintend ent before the strike took place. He refused to discuss terms of settlement until the employes returned to work; and after waiting one week for them to return he employed other workmen.

About the same time there was a strike in a shoe factory at 32 South Sixth street. The proprietor of the factory acceded to the demands of his employes, and they returned to work on the fif teenth of August.

On the sixth of August the turn shoemakers employed by a firm whose place of business is at 26 Boerum street, Brooklyn, demanded an increase of wages. Their demand was not granted, and on the eighth of August, when they were about to strike, the firm closed this department of the factory, and 150 operatives were locked out. The next day about 300 hands, who comprised the entire force employed in the other departments, went on strike in order to assist the turn shoemakers. The strike continued until the second or third of September, when the firm and representatives of the employes agreed upon a scale of prices.

New York.

About the fifteenth of July the Goodyear Welt and Turn Shoemakers' Union ordered a strike in a factory at 199 Grand street, New York, where there had recently been a general reduction of wages. This strike was not successful.

College Point.

On the twelfth of April forty-six ribbon weavers, employed in a silk mill at College Point, struck for a twentyfive per cent increase of wages. On the twentieth of April the employers granted a ten per cent. advance, and a settlement was effected on that basis.

About the twenty-second of September the silk weavers employed in this mill again struck for an increase of wages. This strike is now pending.

About the fifteenth of April the operatives employed in a silk mill at College Point, struck for the observance of the Saturday half-holiday, during the summer months, and for a fifteen per cent. advance in wages. Within a few days thereafter the proprietors of the mill and their employes agreed upon a compromise, and the strike was declared off.

On the seventh of September the employes in another mill struck for a twenty-five per cent. advance in wages. On the tenth of September the employer granted an advance of twenty per cent., and the strike was declared off.

During the year there were a few other strikes in silk mills at College Point and Brooklyn.

New York.

In January the silk weavers employed in a shop on West Fiftieth street, New York, struck for a twenty-five per cent. advance in wages. Early in February they accepted an advance of fifteen per cent., and returned to work.

On the twelfth of February 300 employes in a silk-ribbon factory at 518 West Fifty-fifth street went on strike, after demanding an increase of wages. Under date of March third, the employer stated that he had paid off and discharged his employes for revolt, and that their differences had not been adjusted.

About the twenty-fifth of July the silk-ribbon weavers employed in a shop on West Fifty-fourth street, were locked out for having demanded an increase of wages. About the first of August the proprietor of the shop offered to compromise upon the basis of a ten per cent. advance, but the employes rejected this offer, and on or about the sixth of August their demands were granted.

On the twenty-sixth of July the Silk Ribbon Weavers' Union ordered a strike in another shop, were the weavers had demanded a ten per cent. advance in wages. The employer granted the desired advance, and work was resumed on the first of August.


New York.

On the fourth of May a small strike took place at the stabies of the Fifth Avenue Stage Company, on Eighty-eighth street, and the stablemen and one driver stopped work. They objected to a new superintendent who entered upon his duties that day. Their places were immediately filled, and there was no interrup tion of the business of the company.

New York.

On the twenty-seventh of July seventy-three brownstone cutters, who were employed in a stone yard at One Hundred and Twenty. second street and First avenue, went on strike because one of their fellow workmen was receiving less than the union rate of wages. The Stonecutters' Union passed resolutions imposing a fine of $100 upon the employer, and prohibited its members from working in the yard for the next three months. The question in dispute was submitted to an arbitration committee, composed of four employers and four journeymen, whose decision was accepted by both parties, and the strike was settled on the second of August. The terms of settlement were that the proprietor of the stone yard pay a fine of $100, pay the expenses of the strike, and reimburse the workmen for the time they had lost.


New York.

On the nineteenth and twenty-second of August two firms. in New York city discharged employes who were members of the Suspender Makers' Union. The workmen claimed that they had been discharged on account of their connection with the union, and that the employers were making a combined effort

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