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dread of your rebuke shall be upon every spirit that moveth in the dry opinion of oneself and in the simple philosophy;

power (to teach them) is given to your souls over theirs.

Genesis, 9. 3. The knowledge of every moving spirit that liveth shall be food for your soul; I have

given you all knowledges, (for your use or improvement).

4. But the human opinion with the spirit
thereof, shall your souls not eat.

6. Whoso destroyeth in man the knowledge that
is the life of his soul, by man shall the
knowledge of his soul be destroyed: for
in the image of the Spirit of God made
He the spirit which He formed in man.
7. And you, be ye fruitful (according to true
philosophy, or to the Spirit,) and mul-
tiply; bring forth abundantly in the phi-
losophical knowledge, and multiply therein.
8. And God spake unto Noah's soul, and to his
sons with him, saying,

9. And I, behold, I establish my covenant with
your souls, and with those who will re-
ceive instructions after you;

10. And with every living spirit that is with yours, of different degrees in humanity; from all that go out of the religious system, to every inferior philosophical spirit. 11. And my Spirit shall establish His alliance with your soul; neither shall every human mind be cut off any more by the opinions of an overpowering system; neither shall there any more be an overflowing instruc

tion to destroy the knowledge of the hu

man philosophy.

Genesis, 9. 12. And God said, this is the token of the alliance which I make between my Spirit

and your soul, and every living spirit that is with your knowledge, for perpetual ge


13. I do set my mercy in the spiritual know-
ledge, and it shall be for a token of a co-
venant between my Spirit and the soul.
14. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a
dark or a threatening spiritual knowledge

over the human mind, that the mercy shall
be seen in the moral knowledge.

12. And I will remember my alliance, which is
between my Spirit and the knowledge of
your souls and of every living spirit of all
degrees in humanity; and the spiritual or
the simple instructions shall no more be-
come an overwhelming system to destroy
the knowledge of every human mind.
16. And the mercy of my Spirit shall be in the
spiritual knowledge; and I will look upon
it, that I may remember the everlasting
covenant between God and every living
spirit of all degrees in the human philoso-

17. And God said unto Noah, this is the token
of the covenant, which I have established
between me and every mind that is in the
spirit of the earth.

18. And the sons of Noah's soul, that went forth of the religious system, were the spirits. Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is

the father of the spirit Canaan (begotten

by him in the human philosophy).

Genesis, 9. 19. These are the three souls who received their knowledge or life from the knowledge of


Noah's soul and of their knowledges was every human mind overspread.

28. And the soul of Noah lived after the destroying instruction three hundred and fifty philosophical years.

29. And all the knowledges of Noah's soul were nine hundred and fifty philosophical years:

and her knowledge died, or ceased to enlighten him or others.

10. 1. Now these are the generations of the souls whose knowledge came from that of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japeth; and they gave the philosophical knowledge or life to others after the overflowing of the destructive opinions.

32. These are the philosophical families that proceeded from the instructions of the sons of Noah after their generations, in their nations; and by their knowledges were the minds of all nations divided in the human philosophy, after the overwhelming system. 11. 10. These are the generations of Shem:the soul Shem was an hundred philosophical years old, and by her instructions she begat the soul Arphaxad in the knowledge of the human philosophy two years after the flood of opinions. 15. 8. And by thy will the instructions of the simple philosophy were gathered together, the knowledges that would have over


whelmed their spirits stood upright as an


24. 2. The souls fathers or teachers of yours dwelt in the corrupt philosophy that was before the overpowering system in old time: and they obeyed the commandments of other gods than the true God.

3. And I took the soul of your father Abraham (while he was in the philosophical degree Noah) from the perverse notions that existed in the human mind before the overflowing scourge, and I led her throughout all the philosophy of the spirit Canaan, and multiplied her instructions, and gave her the soul, or the knowledge, or the spirit Isaac.

14. Now, therefore, fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away from your minds the false notions of the spirits which your fathers worshipped as their gods, in the ignorant and corrupt state that was before the destroying system, and in the mental condition Egypt: and serve ye the Lord.

15. And if it seem evil unto your souls to obey the commandments of the Lord, choose you this day of whom you will be the servants: whether of the spirits whose errors your fathers followed in the state of corruption that was before the overpowering instruction, or of the spirits that are admired and worshipped by the souls in the degree Amorites, in whose philosophy yours dwell: but as for me and those who

listen to me, and in whose mind my spirit dwelleth, we will serve the Spirit Lord, or the Spirit that is the Lord.

2 Sam. 22. 5. When the powerful notions of the world, or of the philosophical system compassed my


soul, the overwhelming opinions of ungodly men made her afraid.

14. 11. As the instructions fail from the simple philosophical spirit: and the overpowering

knowledge decayeth and drieth up (in the soul).

20. 17. His soul shall not see the fertilizing instructions, the powerful instructions, the sweet and the rich, or the softening instructions. 22. 16. The wicked souls whose knowledges were cut down out of time, whose foundation in philosophy was overflown with a flood of opinions.

28. 4. The overpowering knowledges break out from the soul; they are dried up in her they


are gone away from her.

11. He bindeth the destroying opinions from

overflowing (the soul).

Psalm 18. 4. The sorrows that belong to the world, or to the wrong opinion of one's self, compassed my spirit; and the strong and dangerous opinions of ungodly souls made mine afraid. 2. For He hath founded its knowledge upon the simple and deep instructions, and established its spirit upon the powerful knowledges. 29. 10. The Spirit or the mercy of the Lord sitteth upon the destroying knowledge; yea the Spirit of the Lord sitteth king for ever (in the soul). 32. 6. For this shall every soul that is godly pray

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