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My father bade me carry loaves and cheese
To Eliab and my brethren in the camp.
And is it so, thought I, and must I go?
Then I shall see this Philistine, and measure
With my own eyes his ponderous proportions.
I saw him, and saw too where to aim;

His forehead was my mark upon the rock.
The rest thou knowest. But 'twas God, my prince,
Who nerv'd and guided me to do the deed.


It was, my David, and he honoured thee

By making thee the saviour of our land.

And this exchange of thoughts between ourselves

Has drawn my heart with such affection towards thee,

That from this day, if thou wilt pledge me too,

We will be friends for ever.


I, a shepherd-boy,

The friend of Israel's Prince! It cannot be.


It must: for I have never yet been favoured
To meet with one like-minded with thyself.
We must be friends for ever!-plight thy troth.

Alas! my prince, I fear thy noble frankness
Will be but ill repaid. I am unworthy.

And then I do remember

[blocks in formation]

What, if I were to tell thee thou must spurn me.
Oh, let my prince excuse all further converse.


David, again I tell thee solemnly,

Before the God of Abraham I tell thee,
That my soul loves thee as I love my soul-
That nothing on this earth shall ever sever
My love from thee, my David.


Beloved Prince!

My heart responds to thine with ardent love.

But I am bound by consecrated bonds
Which I can never sever; and I dare not

Tell even unto thee the solemn secret.

I know it, David!



Know it, and yet love me!

I know it, and yet love thee. I have heard
How Samuel, blessings on his aged head!
Poured upon thine the consecrated oil,
Anointing thee as Israel's future king.




And what am I, and what my father's house,

That I should set myself against the will

Of Him who rules in heaven? I tell thee David,
That I esteem thy friendship, with the favour
Of Him whom we both serve, more than the crown
Of Israel's kingdom; more than all the crowns
That e'er bedeck'd the brows of earthly monarchs.
Did not our Prophet set the great example,
Refusing the adoption of the Princess,
Esteeming the reproach of the Messiah
Far greater riches than all Egypt's treasures?
So I, for God and thee, renounce the crown.
Now for thy trothplight, David.

[blocks in formation]

Embracing, in token of covenant, they proceeded next day to join the triumphal progress of the armies through the cities of Judah. Terror of the Philistines and their giant champion had held the mothers and daughters of Israel in almost breathless suspense for many days and nights, but the tidings of the stripling's victory flew like the sound of the silver trumpet of jubilee from hill to hill and valley to valley; and now, drawing breath freely, they came forth from every strong city, and every walled town, and every village, and every terraced mountainside, to greet the young hero of Beth-lehem. On they came, singing and dancing, with tabrets, with joy, and with instruments of music. Fancy you see these fair daughters of Judah tripping with measured steps, and chaunting, in responsive glees, their song of glorious triumph in honour of the victor. Somewhere we have met with this sprightly melody, expressive of the joy of the delighted Israelites :

STRIKE the cymbal, roll the timbrel,
Let the trump of triumph sound;
Powerful slinging, headlong bringing
Proud Goliath to the ground.

From the river, rejecting quiver;
Judah's hero takes a stone;
Lift your banners, shout hosannas,
Battle is the Lord's alone!

See advances, with songs and dances, All the tribes of Israel's daughters; Catch the sound ye hills and waters; Lift your banners, shout hosannas, Battle is the Lord's alone!

God of thunder, rend asunder,

All the power Philistia boasts;

What are nations? what their stations? Israel's God is LORD OF HOSTS.

Where's the haughty champion now?
Low before Jehovah bow!

Pride of princes, strength of kings,
To the dust Jehovah brings:
Praise him, exulting nations praise!
Hosannas in the highest raise !

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