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To the President and members of the Fifth Congress of the International Divine Science Association, San Francisco, California.


The writer sends Greeting, and God-speed.

It has been a source of regret because of inability to avail myself of your courteous invitation to address the Congress at its present session, but thinking perhaps I might write something which would be of interest, instruction and benefit to some, I have concluded to submit a few pages on the subject of Thought by way of an essay.

If we stop a moment and consider the tremendous strides which all Science has developed during the present century, we are appalled at the realization of its magnitude; and in no department of Science has there been greater advancement than in the world of Mental Science. The new book has been opened, and but few of us have as yet been permitted to read its title page. The new Science is but in the gray of the morning, but so sure as the sun dissolves the night, will the coming century unfold to us a more brilliant realization of the great truths which are for us.

Solomon tells us, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall it be unto him." God thought, and it was done. The reality of all, the substance of existence, is Mind.

I ask if it seems incredible that man, who is the image and likeness of the Father, should be given a system of communication between the Father and the child? What seems more natural than that this should be true? If this idea had been advanced a century or two ago, the advocate of the theory would have met the doom that was meted out to every great reformer. The old fogy idea is that facts must fit theory, and not theory the facts.

In the world of thought we have the contending forces of the spiritual and the material, each antagonistic, the one striving against the other; the one real, the other unreal, the one true, the other false; the one carrying in

its train joy, peace, happiness, love, contentment, goodness; the other, pain, sickness, sin, death, and the multifarious ills, anxieties, heartaches, trials and troubles of humanity, and with the exception of one or two hundred years subsequent to the crucifixion of our Savior, this last element, the element of evil, the element of the material, has held sway over man since the earliest recorded pages of history; aye, longer, ever since the time our parents were whipped from the Garden of Eden, have they been chained to this material thought with its burdens, its heartaches, sin and disease. The 19th Century has developed the wonderful Truth of the reality of Spirit, until the devotees of the new Thought are numbered by millions, and the practitioners and teachers of this grand idea, of this wonderful reform, encircle the earth, carrying with them the solace and happiness, and the joy incident thereto. It is the key which unlocks the future, gives us a realization of the Now; a promise to man to become emancipated from the sin, sickness and sorrow incident to materiality.

Man, with his mind surcharged with fear, his body an expression of that fear developed during all these centuries, is but a shadow of what he ought to be, is but the pretense of what he was when God Almighty breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul. The span of life has become circumscribed from one thousand years down to thirty-three, and his environments are those of misery incident to the diseased Thought which has surrounded him during these centuries. Not only is this true as to the man we see, but the submerged personality, the submerged consciousness has been taught through all these centuries these thoughts of evil, until material laws, which cannot be broken except by Divine Love, surrounds mankind, and holds us in these chains of misery. This submerged personality reasons, loves, fears, believes, and through it are these laws made for man, without his consciousness, so binding that it sweeps him from the face of the earth.

If we would purify this sub-conscious mind, we must do it by pouring within it healthy Thoughts, and driving out the impure. If we would attempt to purify a stream of water which was being polluted by its environments, the wise would make it pure by removing its impure surroundings, so that the pure alone could come. If this sub-conscious mind, with its laws apparently so fixed of death, sickness and of sin, is to be removed and destroyed, and a normal, healthy belief of the one Mind, and of the one Spirit is to take its place within, it must be purified by pouring in the pure, which in turn will drive out the impure.

The world of Thought to-day, partakes of the practical. It goes with wonderful force; transmits itself scientifically through the waves of the thought ether, regardless of distance, with so much power that it is stronger

than bands of steel. Sitting in my library in the City of Washington, I can talk with my friends in London or Pekin, or the remotest corners of the earth with as much effect, with as much potency, as if he were sitting by my side in conversation. This wonderful revelation of the power of Thought has come to us saturated with the love of God; and through this world of Divine Thought disease can be destroyed wherever extant, it matters not how far apart the healer and the patient may be. Before the power of electricity was discovered one could not have believed that the lightning could be chained and forced to become the slave of man, yet such is the power of Science and this wonderful Thought, that it has become our willing slave. The architect, who plans the most beautiful edifices, has the thought of that building mirrored in his mind before it is transmitted to paper. The engineer has the complications of his engine completely outlined in his mind long before he transmits it to its uses. So with all thought of the present day, it is taking on the practical. Thought is mind in operation.

The Metaphysicians, those who practice Divine Science, bring this Thought to a more practical issue and make it the vehicle through which the sufferings of man, his sins, his sickness, his death are being abolished, for it is through this power of Thought that he commences with God to destroy these beliefs of illness in man. It is the power of Thought which produces all discord, and it is the power of Divine Thought which must be the healer. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall it be unto him." Never were words spoken of more practical import, more pregnant with good to man, if we but heed, and understand the lesson. It is Thought that is the father and the mother of pride, human selfishness, and which destroys our physical constitution; it is Thought which gives us Fear, and Fear makes us cowards and we suffer from it all along the pathway of life from the cradle to the grave. It is Fear that fills us with dread of disease, of catastrophe and doubt. It is Fear which destroys faith, and makes us distrust the Father of all. It is Fear which causes death, sickness, anxiety, and care, and all Fear is but the offspring of Thought.

If we would have healthy bodies, we must have healthy minds. We must fill our minds with thoughts of goodness, of love, of joy, of peace, of happiWe must fill our hearts with perfect trust, realizing a faith in God. We must know the Truth and the Truth will make us free.


Divine Metaphysics is the key which unlocks this Pandora box, and he who is wise, will study well the lesson taught by this new, yet old Science. By its enlightening influence man is liberated from all of the ills which diseased Thought has fastened upon his consciousness, and when he becomes free, he sings hosannas with the redeemed because he sees and knows his

God, and knows that God is All in All. In this liberty of Love he fears no evil, but on the contrary, he sees that all is good, for all is God and God is Good. By this beautiful Science we can realize the Fatherhood of God and can understand how that we each are brothers and enjoy the brotherhood of man. It is by the practice of this beautiful Science that destitution, crime and sin of every kind and character is banished, and man comes into the Kingdom of God, and into the enjoyment of His righteousness here and now. It is through this beautiful Science that we know and feel the enjoyment of Heaven here, and are emancipated from the evils and fears of hell hereafter.

There has, perhaps, been no one thought which has done more towards dragging man down, and chaining him with fears, fastening upon his consciousness disease, dwarfing his ability, and destroying his mind, than has this Thought of an endless hell and future punishment, which robs God of His love, and installs vindictiveness and hatred, and gives us a God we can not love, but which we always fear. For centuries past this ignorant Thought has been fastened upon us, until the past centuries of this belief brings forth its crop of war, crime, rapine, pestilence, want, poverty, destitution, destruction, here and now; but when we can hold our heads aloft, and look into the beautiful blue sky of the future, and see there enthroned a loving Father who cares for us, who watches over us, then it is we can see the beautiful and the true, then it is that happiness can come into our hearts, and we can rejoice, and sing a new song, here and now.

In our everyday life and conversation, we must be careful of how we think. The person who will sit down and talk to you of ills, of sickness, of crime, of misery, and the misfortune of his fellows, is doing untold wrong, and should not be countenanced in any company for an instant. If they were giving your children expert testimony how to become pickpockets or a housebreakers, they could be doing no more harm than when filling their minds with the thoughts of evil in its multifarious forms. The newspapers are aiding in the dissemination of disease when giving the symptoms and declaring its character, and are the cause of disseminating more unhealthy thought, and the creation of more disease and misery, ten thousand times, than the doctor's medicines they advertise, can cure. It is this wave Thought which goes out over the country that causes epidemics of this or that disease. The physician who comes to his patient, feels his pulse, takes his temperature, looks solemn, slowly shakes his head, and calls the disease by some latin name unknown to the patient, does more harm to the life and well being of that patient than all medicines can cure. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall it be unto him." Our boys read their dime novels of wild adventure, highway robbery and murder, and soon the little fellows are booted and spurred, with their

knives strapped around them, ready to go out and do that which the Thought has put into their minds.

Give our girls the yellow-backed literature of sensuous love and unrequited desire, and you fill the houses of prostitution with our children, "For as a man thinketh in his heart, so shall it be unto him."

Man must be free, and the glorious revelations of the 19th Century, through the blessings of Divine Science, is lifting up the race. We see the bow of promise in the sky, and many are fast learning to read the talismanic Thought; God Almighty is giving us His blessing and His countenance. It is through this blessed Thought, this glorious Science, that the world is being unchained, and the Truth is becoming free, and man in all the evolutions and conditions of life has the right to look up to the great Jehovah as the author of all good, fully realizing and understanding why such is true. Our mental condition must be filled with happiness, health, eternal life, and man must be in the realization of his own until he reaches that degree of perfection where death shall be banished, and eternal Life shall be his.

In conclusion, it is with pleasure that I greet the Congress now in session at the mouth of the Golden Gate, on the shores of the broad Pacific, and say to you, ladies and gentlemen, with your members throughout all the world, I bid you greeting, and God-speed.


Home College.

CLASS is held at Home College every Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 P. M.
This Class is open to the public.

Wednesday, February 28th, was a bright, warm day-one of those balmy California days in which all nature seems to take a special delight in growing and putting forth her leaves and buds.

The lecture room was filled, mostly with those who were new to the Science, but the faces of all wore a brilliancy that testified of their oneness with the brightness of the day. Several Scientists testified of the light of Truth within, and of demonstrations of healing.

One lady said she was healed twelve years ago, and brought from death's door while the healer, a Scientist, was talking to her. The doctors had said she would not live twenty-four hours, but at the end of one hour she was healed. She had been an invalid for several years.

M. E. Cramer set forth the principles of healing, and then called for testimonials, as is her custom. After giving a brief lesson, a few questions were asked by students, which were answered accurately from the Science

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