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San Francisco, Cal.


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Reference, Text. Pocket, Hand and

New Pictorial Teachers'


Testaments, Prayer Books, Bible Dictionary, etc.

Write us for complete Catalogue.


3360 17th Street, San Franci co, Cal.

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"Der Glaube und Gottvertrauen," von H. H. Schroeder; preis.. "Christliche oder Gottliche Wissenschalt," von R. S. Hill; preis.......... For sale by H. H. SCHROEDER, 2622 S. 12th Street, St. Louis, Mo.

Directory of Divine Science Work and Workers

The Home College of Divine Science, 3360 Seventeenth St., S. F. M. E. Cramer, President; C. L. Cramer, Vice President.

The First Divine Science Church of San Francisco, M. E. Cramer, Pastor. 3360 Seventeenth Street, between Valencia and Mission. Services Sunday at 11 a. m.

Divine Science Center, Mrs. J. R. Wilson, Teacher and Healer, 612 Fifteenth Street, Oakland, Cal. Services Sunday evenings at 7.45.

Colorado College of Divine Science, 1562 Broadway Denver, Colo. Alethea B. Small, Nona L. Brooks, Louise MCN. Brooks, Trustees.

Divine Science Society, cor. Franklin and Eleventh Sts., St. Louis, Mo. S. S. 11 a. m., Church services 7:45 p. m. Rev. D. L. Sullivan, Pastor.

Divine Science Church, 3022 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Services, Sunday 11 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. D. L. Sullivan, Pastor.

Divine Science Center, Aspen, Colo.

The Massachusetts State Division of I. D. S. A. evening at 7 p. m., also Thursday evening north of Middle Street.

Mrs. E. L. Parker, President. Services every Sunday at 7.30 p. m., in Cornell block, Pleasant Street, just

Divine Science Association, 623 Quincy Street, Topeka, Kan. Prof. LeRoy Moore, Pastor. Services Sundays II A. M. to 7.45 P. M.

Waterloo Branch of I. D. S. A., 312 E Park Ave., Waterloo, Iowa.

and Sunday evenings.

Meeting every Wednesday, Friday,

Divine Science Center, 30 Gardner Street, Salem, Mass. Mrs. J. L. Darling, Leader. Sundays, 3 p. m. Divine Science Church of Christ. Rev. J. F. Van Vlasslaer, Sheboygan, Wis.

The Society of Practical Christianity holds Sunday services in their church, S. E. cor. Eighteenth and Pestolozzi Sts., S. St. Louis. H. H. Shroeder, Pastor.

Divine Science Meetings, 1116 N. Twelfth St., Kansas City, Kan. Conducted by Mrs. M. A. Graham, Divine Science Center, 721 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. E. D. Zearing, Teacher.

Divine Science Center, 5544 Ingleside Avenue, Chicago, Ill.

Divine Science Center, Suisun. Cal.

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Hill, Ada A..

.C. S. Teaching and Healing..1524 N. Madison Ave., Peoria, III. Harmount, Mrs. S. Elmendorf...Teaching, Healing, Lecturing....12th and Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Harrington, Emma H... Healing and Teaching.. 4143 E. 6th Street, Kansas City, Mo. Humphreys, Mrs. E. A....................... Teacher and Healer... ..Seattle, Wash.


McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs..... Healers. absent treatm't.934 Lincoln St., Los Angeles, Cal-
Morris, Mrs. Helen A........Teacher and Healer..
..San Bernardino, Cal.

Moore, Prof. Le Roy.. ........Teacher and Healer; Absent Patients... 721 Jefferson St., Topeka, Kan.

Parker, Mrs. E. L............ .Teaching and Healing........
.......40 Parker Street, New Bedford, Mass.

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(Science Reading and Health

Small, Mrs. Alethea B..
Sullivan, Rev. D. L.......
Schroeder, H. H..
Smith, Mrs. L. E...............

Wilson, Mrs. J. R......


223 Capital Ave., South Lansing Mich.

..310 East Park Avenue, Waterloo, Iowa.

[blocks in formation]

......Healing and Teaching.......612 15th St. bet. Jefferson and Grove, Oakland, Z

Zearing, Mrs. E. D............. Healing and Teaching......721 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal



THE INTENTIONS of the editors of HARMONY are:

To teach that God is infinite and ever present, and that there is no other Power or presence That there is but one Life, Mind or Spirit.

To teach the truth of the body, and its true relation to God.

To show that knowledge and faith are realization and demonstration.

That there is no religion higher than Truth-than Christ's presentation of the Truth of Being.

To supply a simple method by which all may practice their knowledge of Truth, and demonstrate the Christ method of healing.

To supply to students and practitioners practical lessons in Divine Science and Healing. To bring about a Unity of Thought, Purpose and Work

To bring about a correct use of Terms that will truthfully convey the idea of omnipres ent good, and fulfil the law in our dealings one with another.

To interpret Scripture, spiritually, the plane from which it is written.

To notice publications of the day, and supply interesting information of value to students.

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Alice Eckman Cramer 321


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Condensed Lessons in Divine Science, in form of Questions and Answers...

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JULY, 1900.

No. 10.

VOL. 12.

The Tower of Strength.

Sermon delivered before the FIRST DIVINE SCIENCE CHURCH of San Francisco, by Pastor M. E. CRAMER, December 3d, 1899.

"He is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;


'Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain, one new man, so making peace:

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And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby."-Eph. 2: 14 to 16.


N considering the subject, "Tower of Strength," one may ask, where rests its base, and where points its spire? Is its base resting on earth, and is its spire pointing toward the heavens? Is it built upon a solid rock foundation, and does its summit tower above the clouds, into the azure blue?

It may be said, that contrary to the ordinary appearance of things, the tower of strength is not based upon the earth, neither does its spire point toward the heavens. It is not built upon a literal rock-foundation, nor does its summit tower high into the azure blue. Viewed from true consciousness, the All-seeing Eye of Being, its base is seen to rest in Omnipresence-the Only Source and Cause-in Spirit itself, and its summit touches visibility, and is apparent in and as all visible form. The basis for true building lies in the Source and Cause of all things-the Manifestor of the Universe. I am Source and I am Cause; that is, I am Manifestor or Expressor of the power and possibility that I Am, and my expressions in bodily form, in word and in deed, are the result of what I am, they testify and bear witness of me. How beautiful this truth to contemplate! Jesus must have known this law, this eternal and unchanging Truth, when he said: "I am the vine, ye are the branches." A closer relationship is not and cannot be conceived of as existing between the I Am and its expressions in bodily form, word and deed, than that of vine to branch. The branches are in the vine. Vine is the larger term-is the whole, inclusive of branches. Our bodily expressions, words and deeds, are included in the I Am. I Am is the larger term that includes

within itself all expressions of itself. Thus it is seen that the body is a living, moving expression of life, of conscious, intelligent life, of what the I Am is; this, each one can truthfully claim.

We can preach peace, and practice peace, and sense peace from a conscious oneness of life, which proves that we are peace. But nothing can possibly be accomplished by the belief of becoming.

The Truth of Divine Science, that God is expressed in creation here and now, and that the Christ-man lives universally in our midst, without sin and unto salvation, is the corner-stone of the living temple of God. It is the basis of the Divine Science Church and organization. The work of Divine Scientists is that of making known to humanity and calling its attention to this living Truth. Thus do we seek to let light shine, that others may see the good works of Truth, and see how to apply the Truth of their Life. We do not seek to have them become something different from what they are, but to bring out the power and possibility of that they now are.

The departure of the Christian world from the Truth of Being, the true spirit of Christ's teachings, and that of his apostles, is almost as marked and lamentable as was the departure of the ancient world from the Truth of Unity into division and idolatry.

It is true that in the most ancient record we have of man, the truth is revealed that he is God's image and likeness, that there is but One God expressed in all creation, that the All in All is God and His Word. We may truthfully say, it was and is revealed to man from the beginning (from Source or Origin), that he was and is the Truth of God, immortal, co-eternal and coequal with Him, wholly Good.

Long before the Divine Omnipresence made itself known to the Jewish nation by the thunders that shook Mount Sinai, man heard its command, "I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other Gods before me." The degeneracy from the belief in one God to Polytheism, or a belief in many Gods, and its consequent practices of idolatry, was almost universal at the coming of Christ. The solitary exception was the Jewish nation, whose reliligion was then, as now, a system of pure Theism, declared in the words: "Jehovah alone is God."

God's own words, "I am that I am, and beside me there is none other," were not practically understood by them; so, even the Jewish race, who were called the Chosen People" of God, because they believed in One God, degenerated in belief. While other nations believed in many gods, and thus divided their power and sensed an increase of weakness with every division, the Jews weakened their sense of power by separating themselves from God, by believing that He was one, was whole and altogether good, and that they

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