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could men judge the summer nigh at hand, for men to lift up their heads, that their redemption drew near, without some of the signs and wonders appearing? What I told them in my Gospel, and what was shewn unto John in the Revelations, never can be understood or explained by men, before I begin to fulfil them, any more than men could explain the Second Book of Wonders, which I ordered thee to publish, which no man could understand till this wonder appeared, to shew the way I shall prove the truth of my words. And now remember what I said before, that just like the Bible all this should come round, and none but my sheep could ever judge of the sound: and now believers may clearly see how I have brought round this, like the Bible, that no man could prove the truth of that Book last year, before this visitation came to thee, which was concealed from all, till I worked a way to make it true; and perfectly so my Bible stands: without a visitation, and a revelation, no man by wisdom can prove the Bible true, any more than thou couldest prove that book true, if I had permitted thee to be called forward when I gave the warning: but know what I have said in thy writings before

What's spoke one year doth not appear;
Another's hastening on

For ME to make the mysteries clear,

And prove from whence it comes.

"Now come to the Second Book of Wonders, page 10.

"He that hath the Bride is the Bridegroom; but the friends of the Bridegroom rejoice greatly; and so will thy friends all rejoice when marriage hath taken from thee thy reproach among women, and all is made as clear as the noon-day

sun; then will your rejoicing be great, when every thing is made so plain before them, that there is no room for doubt left; which I have told thee I shall now make clear to every man, to open my Gospel, prove the visitation of my Spirit according to my Gospel, and prove that my Kingdom is nigh at hand.”

"But now I ask thee, how any one could explain the meaning of these words last. year, without they had drawn a judgment that thou wouldest be visited from on high, in the manner of my visitation this year? But this, thou knowest, was not their thoughts; though some judged, by the marriage union, that thou mightest have a Child, as Abraham had by Sarah; but what reproach hadst thou got then to take away? It is no reproach to a woman never to be married. But now look to what thy friends have said already, that thy Son cannot stand to be an Heir established by Law, with God and man in one likeness, without the marriage union, to have a reputed Father, to adopt him as a Sor, when he is born. Then now see the truth of my words, why I said that a necessity was laid on thee to enter into a marriage union with man, to complete my visitation, and make it honourable amongst mankind. But this necessity would not be required had I never meant to visit thee further than by Prophecies. No necessity would be laid on thee to enter into a marriage union, to take away the reproach of women, which is to have a child without a marriage union, which men call a base-born child, and is a reproach to women and in this manner thy friends have allowed, that by the laws of men, such a reproach would be cast on thee. And I now tell thee further than the words spoken by thy

friends; so far from stopping the mockery, by thy having a Child, by the power of the Most High, before thou hast a Father to adopt it, would but increase it ten times the more; as they would say that thou hadst a base-born child in thy old age. And therefore thou must have a Husband to do away this reproach, to stand as a Father to adopt the Child, who firmly believes that thy visitation is from on high, having the eyes of his understanding opened clearly to discern the Scriptures, from the manner I have pointed them out to thee, and from the manner I have revealed it to thee in what manner a SoN must be born to fulfil them. These things must be weighed together, and clearly proved, from every witness, the length of time thou hast been concealed from any man's coming into thy presence, to prove that it is a visitation from on high, as I have told thee by whose power the Son will be born.

"And as I have told thee of heirship-land being regained, that hath been lost; so I have told thee of this CHILD; it is to regain the promised land, which was lost to the Jews, and to establish that throne of David, which I said I should raise up in the end. But how can HE be an established heir, after the manner of men upon earth, without having a reputed father to adopt him in my stead? But know I said, that no man should have thy hand in wedlock who did not receive it as a blessing from the Lord: and as a blessing from the Lord it is to him, and to all that receive it in true faith, to be made heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.

"This is the beginning of the fulfilment, if ye discern the sense and meaning of the CHILD being allowed to be an heir, both from God and man; and therefore I said that this union was a

blessing to him whom thou givest thy hand m marriage to. But no man without faith can enter into a marriage union with thee: but where faith is, he will see the blessing great, from what is to follow. And now I ask thee and all mankind, what blessing could a man say he enjoyed in marrying a woman of thy age, because she had been a prophetess? What blessing was it to him more than to others, if nothing else was to follow? If that was all the blessing from the Lord, to marry a woman at thy age; then all the world might mock. But now discern what hath followed since, to prove the truth of my words, that it is a blessing to be the reputed father of the PRINCE of PEACE; for I have told thee the CHILD will be born to be that character, to fulfil the Scriptures throughout, which have been hid from the understanding of men, in the perfect manner that my visitation in thy prophe cies have been hid from the understanding of the believers, in what manner I meant to fulfil them and make them true. And so in like manner was thy Second Book of Wonders all concealed from the knowledge and understanding of thee and the believers, why I said thy hand was a blessing, which no man should receive, without behieving it a blessing from the Lord; and ye may see plainly the truth of my words. Now come to page 14,

"And then the mysteries will be known,
The way that I am in thy form;

Because it is in Spirit strong.

I ask what man could lead thee on,

The way that I am leading here?

Thy youth is gone, old age appears."

"But where is the man, who could explain the

meaning of my words? Have not thousands of women at thy age been led to the altar? And have not many, that seemed to have an aversion to matrimony all the days of their lives, till old age came upon them, and then have entered into a marriage union? So in this I could not make the inquiry, what man could lead like ME? But here is the inquiry, what man, by the power of his spirit, could visit thee invisibly, to create a Son, to be born in old age? This was my meaning in the words, which I concealed from thee and from all; but now every man may see them plainly, and allow that it is more than man can do. And this will be allowed by men of wisdom: many things that were mocked, for want of understanding the sense and meaning thereof, they will now see plainly. There are many things hid in thy writings, which men cannot understand, till I come to fulfil them; and perfectly so stand the Scriptures throughout; and in that likeness stands my Gospel, that I came to prepare the way for the end, but did not make it plain to mankind: because impostors would have arisen, if they had known in what likeness to deceive mankind. Therefore I concealed it from the knowledge of men; as I concealed from thee, why I said a marriage union must take place, or all thy writings would be of no use: for I said, to make men's jarring cease, it was my controal that it should be done. And now ye have heard already what would be the jarring discord amongst mankind, if the SoN should be born before a marriage union hath taken place with man, to have a reputed Father for him. But know, the CHILD must be born before any man can claim any further than to be a reputed Husband, to adopt the CHILD, when it is born.


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