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Cincinnati, Monday, October 3, 1836.


The President, ALBERT PICKET, Sen., of this city, assisted by the Rev. ELIJAH SLACK, Vice President for Ohio, took the chair, and called the Institute to order.

D. L. TALBOTT, the Recording Secretary, officiating. The meeting joined in an appropriate prayer by the Rev. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL,. of Virginia.

Extracts from the Minutes of 1835 were read by the Recording Secretary.

A portion of time was spent in hearing verbal reports from delegates, on the state of Education within their respective limits, when the College took a recess to hear the Opening Address.

At 11 o'clock, A. M., the citizens and members of the College assembled to hear the Introductory Lecture, by the Rev. J. L. WILSON, "On the proposition that a system of Universal Education is not only desirable, but practicable.”*

All the Reports, Lectures and Addresses, delivered before the College, that are thus marked (*) in the "Minutes," will be found in Part II. of this volume.

The Rev. W. H. McGUFFEY officiated as Chaplain.

The College was reorganized at the close of the lecture. An invitation was extended to the members of the College by DANIEL DRAKE, M. D., to spend Friday evening at his house, which invitation was unanimously accepted.

The College. then adjourned until 3 o'clock, P. M. At the hour for reorganizing, the College was addressed by the President, ALBERT PICKET, Sen.*

THOMAS MAYLIN, in behalf of the "Executive Committee," submitted and read their annual report, which was accepted.* On motion, it was

Resolved, That so much of the report as relates to the publication of the future "Transactions" of the College, be referred to a committee of three members.


W. H. McGUFFEY, Oxford, O.

JNO. L. TALBOTT, Cincinnati,

P. S. FALL, Frankfort, Ky.

A communication was then read from Dr. BowRING, of London.

The Report of the Treasurer was called for, read and accepted.

SAMUEL LEWIS, of Cincinnati, from the Committee on that subject, submitted and read a Report "On the causes of the fluctuation of Schools, the evils, and their remedies," which after some discussion, was laid on the table.

On motion, ALEXANDER H. McGUFFEY, of Burlington, Ky. was appointed Assistant Secretary.

At 7 o'clock, P. M., the Right Rev. Bishop PURCELL delivered a Lecture "On the Philosophy of the Mind."*

The Rev. S. H. MONTGOMERY officiated as Chaplain.

The above Lecture was succeeded by an animated discussion, on the subject of the Lecture delivered in the forenoon, with particular reference to the introduction of the Bible into Schools, in which the Reverend Dr. J. L. WILSON, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, Bishop J. B. PURCELL, and ALEXANDER KINMONT took part.

At 10 o'clock, P. M. the College adjourned.

DAVID L. TALBOTT, Recording Secretary.

Tuesday, October 4, 1836.

At 9 o'clock, A. M., the members were called to order. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. B. J. SEWARD, of Cincinnati.

The Minutes of Monday were read and approved.

The following gentlemen were appointed a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year, viz:

WM. H. McGUFFEY, Oxford.
N. HOLLEY, Cincinnati.
JNO. L. TALBOTT, Cincinnati.
H. A. GRISWOLD, Louisville.
P. S. FALL, Frankfort.

H. L. ROSS, New Albany, Ia.
A. CAMPBELL, Bethany, Va.
H. D. TOWNE, Springfield, Ill.

The Report "On the causes of the fluctuation of Schools," presented by SAMUEL LEWIS, on Monday, was called up, when on motion, duly seconded, it was

Resolved, "That so much of the report as relates to the division of pupils into regular and irregular, be read."

After which a discussion arose, which was continued until the hour for the regular lecture, when the question was taken on the adoption of the Report entire, and decided in the affirmative.

At 1,1 o'clock, A. M. the Rev. R. H. BISHOP delivered a Lecture "On the difficulties in the management of Colleges; and the manner in which these difficulties may be met."* The Rev. J. L. WILSON officiated as Chaplain.

At 2 o'clock, P. M., the College was reorganized.

Dr. SLACK, from the committee on that subject, submitted a report on the question, "Ought Agriculture to be made a branch of Common School Education,"* which was adopted.

Dr. AYDELOTT, from that committee, submitted a report "On the question, what is the best method of prosecuting the study of the Bible in Common Schools,"* which, after some discussion, was unanimously adopted.

At 3 o'clock, P. M., an Essay, "On Female Patriotism,"*

written by request for the occasion, by Mrs. LOUISA H. SIGOURNEY, of Hartford, Connecticut, was read, and on motion, duly seconded, it was unanimously

Resolved, "That this College has listened with great satisfaction, to the Essay on Female Patriotism, communicated to them by Mrs. LOUISA H. SIGOURNEY, and return to that distinguished lady, their grateful acknowledgments for the prompt, kind and able manner with which she has responded to their call."

Professor NUTTING, of Western Reserve College, submitted and read a report on the question, "Ought the vacations in Colleges to be so arranged as to accommodate such students as may desire to teach school during a part of each year,” which was accepted.

At 7 o'clock, P. M., the members and citizens assembled to hear the Lecture, "On the present inefficient and superficial modes of instruction," by JOHN D. CRAIG, of Cincinnati.

The Reverend R. H. BISHOP, officiated as Chaplain. The Lecture was succeeded by a discussion, in which Professors TWINING, HARRISON, MCGUFFEY, ELLIOTT, FERGUSON, R. MORECRAFT, E. SLACK, J. L. TALBOTT, A. KINMONT, and A. CAMPBELL took part.

The College then adjourned.

D. L. TALBOtt,



Wednesday, October 5, 1836.

At 9 o'clock, A. M., the members assembled for business. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend N. S. MANNING, of Kentucky.

Resolved, "That a committee of five be appointed to prepare subjects for reports next year."


M. G. WILLIAMS, of Ohio.

A. CAMPBELL, Virginia.
E. N. ELLIOTT, Indiana.
O. L. LEONARD, Kentucky.


The Committee on Publication, submitted the following Report, which was adopted, viz:

1st. "That the College open a subscription among the members, pledging to each subscriber one copy of the Transactions for every dollar subscribed.

2d. "That subscription papers containing the same pledge be circulated among the audience this evening."

Resolved, That Mr. SAMUEL LEWIS, or in case of failure, Professor McGUFFEY, be appointed to present the subject to the meeting.

The following gentlemen were appointed to circulate said papers, viz:



M. G. WILLIAMS submitted and read a Report on the question, "Ought Manual Labor to be introduced as a means of reducing the expenses of a Collegiate education-and should the engaging in such labor extend to all the students, or should it be optional,"* which, after discussion, was adopted.

At 11 o'clock, A. M., ALEXANDER CAMPBELL delivered a Lecture, "On the importance of uniting the moral with the intellectual culture of the mind."*

The Rev. A. DENNISON officiated as Chaplain.

At 2 o'clock, P. M., the College was again organizedPresident A. PICKET, assisted by the Vice President, ELIJAH SLACK, in the chair.

Wм. H. McGUFFEY submitted and read a Report, in behalf of the Committee "On the most efficient method of conducting Examinations,"* which was unanimously adopted.

A. KINMONT, from the Committee on that subject, read a Report on the question, "Can the reading of fictitious compositions be rendered beneficial to students,"* which was succeeded by a Report of the minority, from the Rev. E. SLACK,* when, on motion, duly seconded, it was

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