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The Author having requested the Reverend the Vicar of St. Bride's to express an opinion of the volume prior to its circulation, that gentleman has kindly returned the following

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SIR, I have availed myself of the earliest leisure moments at my disposal to read your Treatise on "The Joys of Heaven,"-not, indeed, with as much attention as I could wish, but with sufficient to direct me in forming a judgment of the work. You seem to have compared with much diligence, and connected with much skill, the intimations which are scattered throughout Scripture on this most interesting and important subject; and without making myself responsible for the correctness of every sentiment, still less the accuracy of every expression, I think that, as a whole, the Book displays a power of thought which will recommend it to the few who reason,


and a felicity of illustration which will make it attractive to the many who feel. I have no title, and I am sure no disposition, to place myself in the attitude of one whose moral imprimatur' shall influence the public mind; but, as I have had no concern in recommending the publication of the work, I do not hesitate to characterise it, now that it is published, as likely to be read by many with interest, and by none without improvement. It suggests much material for reflection, and reflection on such a subject can never be unprofitable.

I am, Sir,

Your obedient and faithful Servant,

65, Lincoln's Inn Fields,

Jan. 20, 1840.


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