JANUARY, 1839. NEW BOOKS IN THE COURSE OF PUBLICATION BY J. G. & F. RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, AND WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL. I. Dedicated (by permission) to HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. An ECCLESIASTICAL DICTIONARY: Or MANUAL of REFERENCE, intended to supply the Student of CHURCH HISTORY with concise Information, and an Explanation of Terms respecting ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUITIES, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, DOCTRINE, DISCIPLINE, RITUAL, GEOGRAPHY and ARCHITECTURE EDITED by the Rev. S. R. MAITLAND. To appear Quarterly, in Parts, closely printed in double columns, and arranged Alphabetically. To be completed in Six Vols. 8vo. A PROSPECTUS containing the Names of the Contributors and further Details will shortly be issued. II. The CLOUD of WITNESSES: A SERIES of DISCOURSES on the Eleventh Chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the HEBREWS. By the Rev. JAMES S. M. ANDERSON, Μ.Α. Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen; Chaplain to the Queen Dowager; and Perpetual Curate of St. George's Chapel, Brighton. In 8vo. (In the Press.) III. AMERICA and the AMERICAN CHURCH. By the Rev. HENRY CASWALL, M.A. Rector of Christ Church, Madison, Indiana; and late Professor in the Theological Seminary of the Diocese of Kentucky. With MAP and PLATES. In small 8vo. (In the Press.) IV. An INTRODUCTION to the CRITICAL STUDY of ECCLESI ASTICAL HISTORY, attempted in an Account of the Progress, History of the Church. By JOHN GOULTER DOWLING, M.A. Of Wadham College, Oxford; Rector of St. Mary-le-Crypt, Gloucester. In 8vo. 9s. 2 BOOKS PUBLISHED V. A FOURTH VOLUME of PAROCHIAL SERMONS. By JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, B.D. Vicar of St. Mary the Virgin's, Oxford, and Fellow of Oriel College. Lately published, NEW EDITION of Vols. I., II. and III., price 10s. 6d. each. VI. INSTRUCTIONS for the USE of CANDIDATES for HOLY FIFTH EDITION, containing all the recent alterations in the Laws relating to the Clergy. By CHRISTOPHER HODGSON, In 8vo. 9s. (Just published.) VII. PORTRAIT of an ENGLISH CHURCHMAN, VIII. PRACTICAL INTRODUCTION to LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION. By THOMAS KERCHEVER ARNOLD, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. In 8vo. (In the Press.) Lately published by the same Author, A PRACTICAL INTRODUCTION to GREEK PROSE COMPOSITION. In 8vo. 5s. 6d. IX. A COMPANION to the FIRST LESSONS for the SERVICES of the CHURCH, on Sundays, and the Fasts and Festivals. By JAMES DUKE COLERIDGE, LL.D. Rector of Lawhitton, and Vicar of Lewannick, Cornwall, and Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral. In small 8vo. 3s. 6d. x. Not TRADITION, but SCRIPTURE. By P. N. SHUTTLEWORTH, D.D. SECOND EDITION. Small 8vo. 3s. 6d. BY J. G. & F. RIVINGTON. 3 ΧΙ. THE CONCLUDING SERIES OF The BIOGRAPHY of the EARLY CHURCH. Forming the Fifteenth Volume of the THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY. CONTENTS: Origin-Cyprian-Novatian-Dionysius of Alexandria-Paul of Samosata. By the Rev. R. W. EVANS, M.A. Vicar of Tarvin, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Lately published, The FIRST SERIES. With Frontispiece. Small 8vo. 6s. XII. INSTITUTIONES PIÆ: or MEDITATIONS and DEVOTIONS Originally collected and published by H. I. in 1630; and in later Editions ascribed to the learned Bishop LAUNCELOT ANDREWS. Edited and arranged by the Rev. W. H. HALE, M.A. In 18mo. (In the Press.) XIII. THE SECOND EDITION OF A TREATISE on the CHURCH of CHRIST. Of Worcester College, Oxford; Author of "Origines Liturgicæ." In 2 vols. 8vo. (In the Press.) XIV. The ANNUAL REGISTER: or a VIEW of the HISTORY, POLITICS and LITERATURE of the Year 1837. In 8vo. 16s. (Now ready.) xv. SERMONS, DOCTRINAL and PRACTICAL. To which is added, an Assize Sermon. By the Rev. WILLIAM HOWORTH, M.A. Rector of Whitton c. 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