Sidor som bilder
[blocks in formation]

abuse, VI. 395.

a mile beyond the moon, XXI. abused, XVII. 565

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

addition, XV. 328, 346, 413. affections, XII. 192.

additions, VIII. 285.

affects, XIX. 284.

[blocks in formation]

VI. 412.

- VII. 368.

VIII. 318.

IX. 46.

ΧΙ. 34.

XII. 334.

XVIII. 418.

advise, XVII. 385,

advised, VII. 263.
Χ. 483.

[blocks in formation]

XIII. 388.

XIV. 345.

ΧΙΧ. 251.

ΧΧ. 450.

advocate, IX. 384.

adulterate, XIV. 452.

aery of children, XVIII. 133.
afeard, IV. 109, 398.

affect, VII. 34.

affect the letter, VII. 92.

affection, VII. 132, 345,

IX. 403.

XVIII. 148.

affectioned, V. 302.

affy, XIII. 316.

agate, VI. 82.



XII. 25.

aged custom, XVI. 110,

aglet, IX. 58.

agnise, XIX. 280,

Ajax, VII, 187.

- - XV. 287.

aim, IV. 239.


XVI. 269.

ΧΙΧ. 257.

aiery, XIV. 316.

airy devil, X. 438.
airy fame, XV. 273.
air remaining, XXI. 265,
Alcides, X. 377.
alder liefest, XIII. 187.
alderman's thumb - ring, XI,


ale, IV. 231.
Alexandreis, VII, 336,

a'-life, IX. 353.

all, XVII. 564.

all armed, IV. 372.

all hid, VII. 105.

all in all, XII. 251.

all obeying, XVII. 188,

all to, XXI. 270.

all to you, XIX. 51.

all waters, V. 386.

Allhallowmas, V. 28.

Allhallown-fummer, XI. 208,
alliterations, IV. 475.
allow, V. 246.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

appeal, XVII. 148.

amaze the welkin, XIV, 519. apperil, XIX. 35.

amazed, X. 477, 495.

[blocks in formation]

apple-John, XII. 75.
apply, XV. 260.
appointment, VI. 297.

[blocks in formation]

anchors, VI. 267.

arbitrate, X. 276.

ancient, XI. 386.

arch, XVII. 387.

ΧΙΙ. 83.

Ardenne, VIII. 13.

ancient damnation, XX. 189. argentine, ΧΧΙ. 378.

angel, IX. 140.

Argier, IV. 34.

angel faces, XV. 112,

argofies, VII. 233.

angle, IX. 316.

argument, IV. 424.

- XVIII. 352.

-- VI. 85,

[blocks in formation]




Χ.-111, 484.
XII. 196.

XIII. 270.

XVI. 162, 270.

Ascapart, XIII. 249.
ascaunse, XVIII. 315.
Ather-house, XV. 129.-
ashy, XIII. 290.
aspéct, XVIII. 157.
aspersion, IV. 124.
aspire, XX. 138.
V. 132.
assay, XVIII. 108.
ΧΙΧ. 258.

asses, XVIII. 350.
affinego, XV. 294.
assumed, XVIII. 639.
affurance, XVIII. 328.

afsured, X. 406.

ΧΧ. 407.
aftonished, XII. 502.
aftre, XVIII. 19.
astringer, VIII. 379.

[blocks in formation]


XVII. 74.
XVIII. 429.
ΧΙΧ. 448.
attached, XVII. 538.
attask, XVII. 378.
attended, XIV. 159.
attent, XVIII. 45.
ΧΧΙ. 251.

attorney, XIII. 176.
XIV. 497.

avale, VII. 163.
avaunt, XV. 77.
averring notes, XVIII.633.
audacious, VII. 132.
Audrey, VIII. 112.
augre hole, X. 137.
aukward, XΧΙ. 362.

Aumerle, XI. 20.

aunt, IV. 352.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

bans, XVII. 414.
barbarian, XIX. 297.
Barbafon, XII. 326.
barbe, XIX. 147.
barbed, XIV. 271.
barber-monger, XVII. 397.
barber's chair, VIII. 271.
bare, IV. 251.

- XVI. 212.
Bargulus, XIII. 317.
barm, IV. 348.
barnacles, IV. 146.
barne, IX. 307.
barns, VI. 110.
baronets, V. 63.
barren, IV. 408.
barful strife, V. 259.
Barston, XII. 240.

batchelors buttons, V. 122.


IX. 135.

XII. 414.

ΧΧΙ. 312.

bated, XI. 379.

XVIII. 348.

bating, XX. 147.
batlet, VIII. 55.
bats, IV. 156.

batten, XVIII. 243..

battles, lift of, XIV. 210.

bavin, XI. 342.

bauble, VIII. 374.


XX. 113.

- ΧΧΙ. 114.

bawcock, IX. 225.

bay, VI. 243.
bay curtal, VIII. 281.
bay trees, XI. 82.

- ΧΧΙ. 422.
bay window, V. 384.
Baynard's Castle, XIV. 408,


beadsman, XI. 94.
beak, IV. 27.
beam, XV. 461.

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