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Sida 248 - And the said tolls, together with the duties on the manufacture of all salt, as established by the act of the fifteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen ; and...
Sida 62 - Andrews, from the said committee, reported, that the committee had gene through the said bill, and agreed to the same without amendment ; which he was directed to report to the House, and he read the report in his place, and delivered the same in at the table, where it was again read, and agreed to by the House.
Sida 604 - York, and for other purposes," reported, that the committee had gone through the bill, filled up the blanks, and agreed to the same, without amendment, which he was directed to report to the House; and he read...
Sida 501 - American coal company," reported, that the committee had gone through the said bill, made an amendment thereto, and agreed to the same ; which he was directed to report to the House, and he read the report in his place, and delivered the same in at the table, where it was again read, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the bill be engrossed. Mr. Babbitt, from the select committee to which was referred the bill entitled " An act to incorporate the Albion and Tonnewanta rail-road company...
Sida 92 - That the duties on the manufacture of salt, as established by the act of the fifteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, and by the tenth section of the seventh article of the constitution of this state, may at any time hereafter, be reduced by an act of the legislature of this state; but shall not, while the same is appropriated and pledged by the said section, be reduced below the sum of six cents upon each and every bushel; and the said duties shall remain inviolably appropriated...
Sida 470 - Redford glass company," reported, that the committee had gone through the said bill, and agreed to the same without amendment ; which he was directed to report to the House, and he read the report in his place, and delivered the same in at the table, where it was again read, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the bill be engrossed. Mr. Van Duzer, from the select committee to which was referred the bill entitled " An act to incorporate the Saugerties manufacturing company...
Sida 585 - Delaware literary institute," reported, that the committee had gone through the said bill, made amendments thereto, and agreed to the same; which he was directed to report to the House, and he read the report in his place, and delivered the snme in at the table, where it waa again read, and agreed to by the House.
Sida 243 - Kemble, from the said committee, reported, that the committee had gone through the said bill, made amendments thereto, and agreed to the same ; which he was directed to report to the House, and he read the report in his place, and delivered the same in at the table, where it was again read, and agreed to by the House.
Sida 459 - Saratoga rail-road company," reported, that the committee had gone through the said bill, made amendments thereto, and agreed to the same ; which he was directed to report to the House, and he read the report in his place, and delivered the same in at the table, where it was again read, and agreed to by the House.
Sida 459 - Onondagn," reported, that the committee had gone through the said bill, made amendments thereto, and agreed to the same ; which he was directed to report to the House, and he read the report in his place, and delivered the same in at the table, where it was again read, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the bill be engrossed. Mr. RB Miller, from the select committee to which was referred the bill entitled " An act to incorporate the Utica and Susquehannah rail-road company...

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