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HIS SICKNESS AND DEATH-Taken Sick at Briarfield-Brought to the Residence of Judge
Charles E. Fenner, New Orleans-Description of the House-Mrs. Davis His Con-
stant Nurse-Her Account of His Sickness-Better-A Congestive Chill from
which He never Rallied-Friends at His Bedside-"Pray Excuse Me"-Tho
End-Profound Grief at His Death-Editorial in the "State"-Editorial Announce-
ment of the "Times-Democrat"-Editorial in "City Item"-THE DAY OF HIS
DEATH: Mayor Shakspeare's Proclamation-Proclamation of Governor Nicholls-
Telegrams of Condolence Received from All Quarters by Mrs. Davis-PREPARA-
TIONS FOR THE FUNERAL: Meeting at the Mayor's Parlor-Remarks by
Mayor Shakspeare, Associate Justice Fenner and Others--Letter to Gover-

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nor Nicholls and Telegrams to the Southern Governors-Appointment of

Committees-Draping the Houses-Descriptions of the Decorations of the

City Hall-AT THE FENNER MANSION: "After Death"--Mrs. Davis's Chris-

tian Resignation-Crowds of Visitors-Touching Incident of the Old Slavo

who Came to Sce "Marse Jeff."-REMOVAL OF THE BODY: The "Picayune's "

Vivid Description of Converting the Council Chamber into "Mortuary Hall "—

The Catafalque-The Casket Removed from the Fenner Mansion to the City Hall

at Midnight-The Washington Artillery Acting as Escort and Guard of Honor-

THE CAUSE OF HIS DEATH: Interesting statements by Justice Fenner and the

attending physicians, Drs. Stanford E. Chaille, and Dr. Charles J. Bickham--

LYING IN STATE: Immense crowds view the body-General George W. Jones, of

Iowa-Commodore Hunter-Mrs. Wheat, the mother of Maj. Wheat, of the "Lou-

isiana Tigers"-Incidents-Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Hayes visit the chamber at mid-

night-Mr. Orion Frazee takes a death mask-Telegrams continue to pour in

from every quarter-The text of many of them-Proclamations from Governors

Nicholls of Louisiana, Lowry of Mississippi, Seay cf Alabama, Fleming of

Florida, and Ross of Texas-Mrs. Davis's graceful response to telegrams of

condolence-Estimated that 150,000 people viewed the body while lying in

State-The Times-Democrat on the popular demonstration of respect and love

shown our dead President-Telegraphic correspondence between Mayor Shakspeare

and Secretary-of-War Proctor-Two Poems-Meeting of the Army of Tennessee

Association-Full text of an eloquent eulogy by Rev. Dr. T. R. Markham-Brief

speeches made by Gen. Geo. W. Jones of Iowa, Gen. S. B. Buckner of Kentucky,

Gen. T. T. Munford of Virginia, Dr. J. Wm. Jones of Atlanta, Gen. S. W. Ferguson

of Mississippi, Gen. S. D. Lee of Missisippi, and Judge Walter H. Rogers of New

Orleans-THE FLORAL OFFERINGS: Vivid description of the Times-Democrat-Tho

display magnificent in the number, variety, and beauty of the designs-THE NEW

ORLEANS RESOLUTIONS: The Bench and Bar-The Veteran Confederate Cavalry

Association-The Board of Trade-Law class of Tulane University-The Stock

Exchange-Colored Citizens-Faculty of Tulane University--Medical Students of

Tulane University-The Civil District Court-The City full of Delegations and

Visitors from every Quarter-THE FUNERAL OBSEQUIES-A Cloudless Sky-An

Immense Crowd-A Stream of Visitors to Mortuary Hall from 7 A. M. to 10-The

Bier Borne at 12 O'clock from the Council Chamber to the Stone Portico of the

City Hall The Bishops, the Clergy, the Choristers, the Immense Crowd-The

Service Begun-Chaste and Eloquent but Brief Address of Bishop John N. Galle

her-The Benediction-Father Hubert's Prayer--Bearing the Remains to tho

Funeral Car-LAID TO REST-The Immense Procession-The Services at the Tomb-

THE FUNERAL PROCESSION-The Organizations Comprising the Six Divisions in

Line--Detailed List of the Organizations, Officers, &c., in Each Division-At MET-

AIRIE-The Remains Deposited in the Tomb of the Army of Northern Virginia-

Full List of Pall-Bearers-Some Notable Men who were in the Procession-The

North Carolina Delegation--Registered at the Continental Armory-The Ken-

tucky Delegation-Delegation from Richmond, Va.--The Tennessee Delegation--

Largo Delegation from Alabama-The Maryland Representation-Four Military

Companies and Over 1,000 Citizens from Mississippi--Names-The Florida Delega-

tion-Delegation from South Carolina-Ladies' Memorial Association of Columbia.

Texas Delegation-Arkansas-THE FLORAL TRIBUTE--Vicksburg's-The Misses

Stringfellow-Lee Association, of Mobile--Florida's-Richmond Howitzer's-Girls'

High School-Louisiana Rifles-THE SALUTES-Battery B, Louisiana Field Artillery.

NOTES-Floral Ship of State from Ladies of Dallas, Texas-Capt. Jack White-The

Davis Guards-MASS MEETING OF THE UNITED Confederate VETERANS-Address

of Gen. Jno. B. Gordon-Vice-Presidents-Resolutions and Remarks of Gen. S. D.

Lec-Gen. W. L. Cabell-Governor Lowry, "the Soldier-Governor" of Mississippi--

Governor Fowle, Governor Nickolls, Governor Buckner, Governor Fleming, Gov-

ernor Eagle, Governor Lubbock, Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson..

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VIRGINIA'S TRIBUTE: Proclamation of Governor Fitzhugh Lee-Proclamation of the

Mayor of Richmond-Letters of Gen. Dabney H. Maury and Gen. W. H. Payne-

Memorial Windows in St. Paul's-Memorial services at the various Churches-

Resolutions of the General Assembly-Minute Guns by the Richmond Howitzers-

Meeting at the Academy of Music-Resolutions-Meeting of Members of Legisla-

ture to hear the Oration of Senator Daniel-Remarks of Hon. R. H. Cardwell,

Speaker of the House of Delegates-Norfolk and Portsmouth-Meeting of Pickett-

Puchanan and Stonewall Camp Confederate Veterans Religious Services-

"Memorial Day" in Petersburg-Mass Meeting at Opera House under Auspices of

of A. P. Hill Camp Confederate Veterans-Resolutions-Letters of Mrs. Davis to

the Mayor of Richmond-Lexington-Virginia Military Institute and Washing-

ton and Lee University-Extract from Oration of Hon. J. Randolph Tucker-

Danville-Maury Camp of Fredericksburg-Williamsburg-Other Points . . .585-601

ALABAMA'S TRIBUTE: Montgomery's Mourning-Editorial in the Montgomery Advertiser

Meeting of Confederate Veterans-Poem by Rev. Dr. M. B. Wharton-Proclamation

of Mayor Graham-"Rufus Sanders" in the Advertiser-Memorial Day in Mont-

gomery-Editorial in the Advertiser-Grand Mass Meeting on December 19th-

Resolutions-Speeches by Gen. Holtzclaw, Gov. Watts, Gen. John A. Sanders, Gen.

Geo. P. Harrison, and Capt. B. H. Screws-Extracts from speech of Gov. Watts, the

old Attorney-General of the Confederacy-The Observance of the Day at Other

Points all over the State


GEORGIA'S TRIBUTE: Henry W. Grady's Graceful and Touching Announcement of the

Death and Tribute to the Memory of "Our Dead President"-Poem by Mont-

gomery M. Folsom on "Davis is Dead-The Message Read"-Proclamation by

Gov. Gordon-By the Mayor of Atlanta-By Judge W. L. Calhoun, President Con-

federate Veterans-Large Meeting of Veterans-The Resolutions-Speeches-Poem

by Mrs. J. Wm. Jones read at the Meeting-Arrangements to Raise Funds for the

Family and for a Monument-Telegraphic Correspondence Between Col. John A.

Cockrell, of the New York World, and Henry W. Grady, of Atlanta-Memorial

Day in Atlanta-A Procession, a Mass Meeting, and addresses by Judge Calhoun,

Mayor Glenn, Rev. Dr. Strickler, Hon. A. H. Cox, and Judge Howard Van Epps-

Grady's Telegram from New York-Atlanta's Warm Tribute Finds its Equal all

over the State-Augusta's Tribute-Action of the Confederate Survivors' Associa

tion-Memorial Day-Oration of Col. Charles C. Jones, Jr.-Extracts from His

Eloquent Address-Macon's Tribute-Editorial in the Telegraph-Tribute of the

Veterans-At the Churches-Memorial Day-Editorial in Wesleyan Christian Advo-

cale-Savannah's Tribute-In the Churches-The Veterans-Gen. Henry R. Jack-

son's Brief but Eloquent Tribute-The Resolutions-Gen. Lawton in Calling the

Vast Crowd to Order-The Prayer-At Other Towns in Georgia ...

KENTUCKY'S TRIBUTE: In Louisville-Meeting of Confederate Veterans-Resolutions by

Rev. Dr. J. A. Broadus-Speeches by Hon. H. W. Bruce,.Col. J. Stoddard John-

ston, Maj. E. H. McDonald, Gen. Thomas H. Taylor, and Col. B. H. Young-Edi-

torial in the Courier-Journal-Editorial in Western Recorder-Elsewhere in Ken-

tucky-At Paris-At Lexington-Characteristic Letter from Mr. Davis-At Stan-

ford-Offer of a Burial Place on the Spot of His Birth

MISSISSIPPI'S TRIBUTE: Throb of Mississippi's Heart in Unison with the General Grief-

Resolutions of the University of Mississippl-Resolutions from all over the State-

Action of the State Legislature-Full report in the Clarion-Resolutions Specches-

Mutual Love of Mr. Davis and Mississippi

MARYLAND'S TRIBUTE: Gallant Marylanders in the Confederate Army and Loyal Hearts

at Home Their Tribute to Their Chief-"Memorial Day" in Baltimore-The

Meeting at the Armory of the Fifth Maryland Regiment-The Officers-Prayer by

Rev. Dr. (Confederate Captain) McKim-Speeches by Mayor Davidson, Col. D. G.

McIntosh, Col. Charles Marshall, Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Rev, Dr W. U. Murk-

land, and Hoh. S. Teackle Wallis-Extracts from the Conclusion of Col. McIn-

tosh's Speech, and Major Hall's Memorial-Tribute of Lieutenant Winfield Peters

and Eloquent Speech of Hon. T. R. Stockdale, of Mississippi, at the Confederate

Reunion and Banquet January 20th, 1890-Johns Hopkins University, Western

College of Maryland, Lady Visitors of the Confederate Home, and Others, Swell

Maryland's Tribut e.

NORTH CAROLINA'S TRIBUTE: The Governor, in His Proclamation and Speech, Voices

the Feeling of the "Old North State"-A Meeting at Metropolitan Hall, Raleigh-

Gov. Fowle's Telegram to the New York World-Memorial Day in Raleigh and an

Eloquent Eulogy by Rev. Dr. Watkins-At Other Places in the State-Honor from

the Men who Followed Him in War

SOUTH CAROLINA'S TRIBUTE: Action of the Legislature-Brief but Eloquent Speech by

Col. McKissick-Charleston's Tribute-The Mayor's Proclamation-Various Meet-

ings and Resolutions Great Meetings on Memorial Day and Speeches by Col.

Zimmerman Davis, Maj. T. G. Barker, Gen. B. H. Rutledge, Rev. Dr. Thompson,

Gen. McCrady, Rev. R. C. Holland, Col. Henry E. Young, and Mr. J. P. K. Bryan-

The Day in Columbia, Greenville, Newberry, and Other Points all over the


TENNESSEE'S TRIBUTE: Memphis once the Home of Mr. Davis-Her Loving Tribute-

Resolutions-Memorial Day in the Churches-Mass Meeting at the Theatre-

8peeches-Poem by Mrs. Boyle-The Resolutions-Decking with Flowers the

Grave of Jefferson Davis, Jr.-At Nashville-Elder Lin Cave, the Orator-At Other

Points in the State

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PUBLISHERS have, at great expense, and by exercis

ing unusual care and patience, succeeded in securing a large number of beautiful and attractive illustrations for the DAVIS MEMORIAL VOLUME, many of which are of rare historical value. We are greatly indebted to W. L. Sheppard, whose intimate acquaintance and association with many of the characters and scenes presented in the book enabled him to not only draw for us many striking and interesting pictures, but to make suggestions that were exceedingly helpful to other artists engaged in preparing the illustrations for the book. Mr. W. W. Davies, of the Lee Gallery, Richmond, Virginia, also places us under lasting obligations to him by furnishing us many photographs taken during and soon after the war. We would note specially the Grand Jury, and Petit Jury, Members of Mr. Davis's Cabínet, photograph of Mrs. Davis in full dress, with the aid of which Mr. Sheppard was enabled to draw the charming pioture entitled "A Reception at the White House by Mr. and Mrs. Davis." The originals of these and other photographs used in illustrating the book are now in possession of Mr. Davies, of the Lee Gallery, and copyrighted by us in producing this work.

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