Sidor som bilder

book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou.

In the following words, the terminating syllable is pronounced zhun, or the vowel i may be considered as liquid, like y.

Ab scis' ion col lis ion

pro vis ion
re vis ion

[blocks in formation]

in cis ion
mis pris ion

e lys ian
cir cum cis ion
sub di vis ion

No. 131.-CXXXI.

Words in which c before h has the sound of k.

[blocks in formation]

bär, fall, whạt,

prey, marïne, pin, bird, möve,

chro mat' ic
me chan ie
cha ot ie

scho las tie
ca chex y
cha lyb e ate
anach ro nism

syn ee do che
mo när chic al
bron chot o my
chro nol o gy
chi rog ra phy
cho rog ra phy
chro nom e ter


the om a chy
mel' an chol
pa' tri är chy
hi er är chy
ol i gär chy
cat e chet' i cal
ich thy ol o gy

Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no


Chyle is the milky fluid separated from food by digestion, and from this are formed blood and nutriment for the support of animal life.

An epoch is a fixed point of time from which years are reckoned. The departure of the Israelites from Egypt is a remarkable epoch in their history.

Abraham was

A patriarch is the father of a family. the great patriarch of the Israelites. Sound striking against an object and returned, is an echo. The stomach is the great laboratory of animal bodies, in which food is digested and prepared for entering the proper vessels, and nourishing the body. If the stonach is impaired and does not perform its proper functions, the whole body suffers,

No. 132.-CXXXII.

Words in which g has its hard or close sound before

ei and y.


éa ger

erag ged

gib bous

[blocks in formation]

dig ger

gid dy

gew gaw

dig ging

gig gle



ti ger
to ged
big' gin

rig ging

gig gling

rig ged

gig let

[blocks in formation]

giz zard


brag ger

flag ging

gim let


dag ger

flag gy

hag gish


[blocks in formation]

jag ged


bug gy

gib ber

Jag gy

book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, hou.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

No. 133.-CXXXIII.

In the following, c accented or ending a syllable, has the sound of s, and g that of j.

[blocks in formation]

fall, what,

prey, marïne, pin, bird, möve,

[blocks in formation]

au then tic i ty

sim plic i ty
me dic in al
so lic it ude

eoġ it ate

tri plic i ty

prog e ny il lic' it

ver tic i ty
rus tic i ty

[blocks in formation]

e las tic i ty
du o dec i mo
in ea pac it ate
ab o rig in al
ee cen tricity
mu cil ag in ous
mul ti plic i ty
per spi cac i ty
per ti nac i ty
tac it ur ni ty

mag is te ri al
a troc' i ty
fe roc i ty
ve loci ty
rhi noc eros
rec i proc' i ty
im ag in a' tion
ex ag ger a tion
re frig er a tion
so lic it a tion
fe lic it a tion

an tic ip ate

o le ag in ous

leg er de main

No. 135.-CXXXIV.

Words in which ce, ci, ti and si, are pronounced as sh.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

un sub stan tial ce ta ceous

un es sen tial
in flu en tial

pes ti len tial
au da' cious

ca pa cious
fa ce tious

fal la cious

a tro cious fe ro cious

lo qua


im pär tial

pro ea cious

[blocks in formation]

erus ta ceous

con ten' tious in fee tious sen ten tious li cen tious in eau tious

con tu ma'cious ef fi ea cious

os ten ta tious

per spi ca cious per ti na cious con sci en' tious!

pa' tient

quo tient an cient tran' sient

[blocks in formation]

pär tial' i ty
im pär tial' i ty

No. 134.-CXXXV.

Words in which ci and ti are pronounced as sh, and are united to the preceding syllable.


[blocks in formation]
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