Sidor som bilder

bọọk, dŏve, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou.

[blocks in formation]

No. 79.-LXXIX.

Words of four syllables, accented on the second.

A e' ri al

an nu i ty me mo ri al de mo ni aeam mo ni ac ad ju di cate e lu ci date im me di ate re pu di ate col le ġi ate ex fo li ate in e bri ate ex eo ri ate

ap pro pri ate in fu ri ate al le vi ate ab brevi ate an ni hi late ac cu mu late il lu min ate e nu mer ate re mu ner ate in cor po rate

no ta ri al

ma te ri al

im pe ri al
ar te ri al
ar mo ri al
mer cu ri al
em po ri um
sen so ri um
tra pe zi um

eri te ri on
cen tu ri on

al lo di al al lo di um en co mi um tra ge di an com e di an col le ġi an cor ne li an bar ba ri an gram ma ri'an in fe ri or su pe ri or an te ri or

in te ri or

post e ri or

ex te ri or pro pri e tor ex tra ne ous spon ta ne ous eu ta ne ous er ro ne ous ter ra que ous tär ta re ous com mo di ous fe lo ni ous har mo ni ous gra tu it ous for tu it ous lux u ri ant e lu so ry il lu so ry col lu so ry so ci e ty im pu ri ty se cu ri ty ob seu ri ty

bär, fall, what, prey, marïne, pin, bird, möve,

All clouds float in the aerial regions.

The aerial songsters are birds of the air.

Grave stones are placed by graves, as memorials of the dead. They call to our remembrance our friends who are buried under them or near them.

The blossoms of spring send forth an agreeable smell. There is an immediate communication between the heart and brain.

Men who have been instructed. in colleges, are said to have a collegiate education.

Laudanum is given to alleviate pain.

The sun illuminates our world.

Our bodies are material, and will return to dust; but our souls are immaterial, and will not die.

Arterial blood, is that which flows from the heart, through the arteries.

An actor of a tragedy upon a stage, is called a tragedian. A collegian is a student at college.

God has made two great lights for our world, the sun and the moon the sun is the superior light, and the moon is the inferior, or lesser light.

The exterior part of a house, is the outside; the interior is that within.

No. 80.-LXXX.

Words of two syllables, accented on the first.

[blocks in formation]

book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou.

[blocks in formation]

The old Romans used to write in the Latin language.

The linchpin secures the cart wheel upon the cart.

Satin is a rich glossy silk.

The falcon is a bird of the hawk kind.

Ladies should know how to manage a kitchen.

The little chickens follow the hen.

The martin builds its nest near the house.

A witness must tell all the truth in court.
Our congress meet once a year to make laws.
The sloven seldom keeps his hands clean.
The dolphin is a sea fish.

A boy can harness a horse in a wagon.
We harness horses for the coach or the gig.
A good mistress will keep her house in order.
The grampus is a large fish, living in the sea.

Porpess signifies hog fish, and he is so called from his shape, or from rooting for food.

Brickbats are pieces of broken bricks.

The doctor bleeds his patients with a lancet.

When large hail-stones fall on the house they make a great racket.

The little boy likes to have a new jacket.

bär, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, möve,

No. 81.-LXXXI.

Words of three syllables, accented on the second.

de feet ive

Re venge ful

in vent ive

in ae tive

for get ful e vent ful

[blocks in formation]

neg leet ful

con sump tive

dis gust ful dis trust ful

de cep tive

sue cess ful un skill ful col leet ive pros peet ive per spect ive cor reet ive in vee tive

vin dic tive
af flict ive
at traet ive
dis tinet ive.
sub june tive
con june tive
in duct ive
pro duet ive
de strue tive
con struct ive

as sert ive ab or tive di ġest ive ex puls ive com puls ive im puls ive re puls ive

de fens ive

of fens ive

sub ver sive

dis cur sive ex cur sive in cur sive sue cess ive ex cess ive pro gress ive op press ive ex press ive im press ive

[ocr errors]

effect ive
object ive
e lect ive

ad he' sive
co he sive
de ci sive

cor ro sive
a bu sive
con clu sive
ex elu sive
in elu sive
e lu sive
de lu sive

al lu sive
il lu sive
col lu sive
ob tru sive
in tru sive

pro tru sive e va sive per sua sive as sua sive dis sua sive

in cen tive

[blocks in formation]

un fa ding

pre vent ive

trans mis sive

un feel ing

We are apt to live forgetful of our continual dependence

on the will of God.

We should not trust our lives to unskillful doctors or drunken sailors.

Washington was a successful general.

bọọk, dŏve, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. A prospective view, means a view before us.

Perspective glasses are such as we look through, to see things at a distance. Telescopes are perspective glasses. Rum, gin, brandy and whisky, are destructive enemies to mankind. They destroy more lives than wars, famine and pestilence.

An attentive boy will improve in learning.

Putrid bodies emit an offensive smell.

The drunkard's course is progressive; he begins by drinking a little, and shortens his life by drinking to excess. The sloth is an inactive, slow animal.

The president of the United States is elective once every four years. He is chosen by electors who are elected by people of the different states.

No. 82.-LXXXII.

Words of four syllables, accented on the first.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

No. 83.-LXXXIII.

Words of three syllables, accented on the first.


Rel a tive

[blocks in formation]

ab la tive

pur ga tive

ob vi ous

nar ra tive

len i tive

en vi ous

[blocks in formation]
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