Sidor som bilder

bär, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, möve,

[blocks in formation]

li bel ous

pre vi ous

ered u lous

trem u lous

No. 84.-LXXXIV.

Words of two syllables, accented on the first.


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Brimstone is a mineral which is dug from the earth.
Children should answer questions politely.

When the sun shines with clearness, it is the most splendid object that we can see.

book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thir., thou.
Pot and pearl ashes are made from common ashes.
Thirty-six bushels of coal make one chaldfon.
Saffron is a well known garden plant.

We put a candle in a lantern to keep the wind from blowing it out.

A wooden cistern is not very durable.

Many persons spend too much time at taverns.
Mules are sometimes very stubborn animals.
The cuckoo visits us early in the spring.
Parsneps and carrots have a long tap root.

At midnight we are on one side of the earth and the sun is on the other side.

A merchant is one who exports and imports goods, or who buys and sells goods by wholesale.

Water flows along a descent by the force of gravity. God governs the world in infinite wisdom; the Bible teaches us that it is our duty to worship him.

It is a solemn thing to die and appear before God.

No. 85.-LXXXV.

Words of three syllables, accented on the first.

[blocks in formation]

bär, fall, whạt, prey, marïne, pin, bird, möve,

[blocks in formation]

Cherubim is a Hebrew word in the plural number.

We admire the heroism of the general, more than the rash ambition of the duelist.

We ought to pity the mistakes of the ignorant, and try to correct them.

The porcupine can raise his sharp quills, in the same manner as a hog erects his bristles.

All mankind have their origin from Adam.
A lexicon is a dictionary explaining words.
Goliath was the champion of the Philistines.
Pompions are commonly called pumkins.
The sting of a scorpion is poisonous and fatal.
Mariners are sailors who navigate ships on the high seas.
We put tea in a canister to keep its flavor.

Quicksilver is heavier than lead; and it flows like a liquid, but without moisture.

Abraham was the great ancestor of the Hebrews.

Cicero was the most celebrated of the Roman orators. If John sells goods to James on credit, John is the creditor, and James is the debtor.

bọọk, dŏve, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. No. 86. LXXXVI.

Words of two syllables, accented on the second.

[blocks in formation]

bär, fall whạt, prey marïne, pin, bird, möve,

[blocks in formation]

Heavy clouds foretel! a shower of rain.

The ratan is a long slender reed: it grows in Java.
Good children will submit to the will of their parents.
The tomtit is a pretty little bird.

We elect men to make our laws for us.

Idle children neglect their books when young, and thus reject their advantages.

The little busy bees collect honey from flowers; they never neglect their employment.

The neck connects the head with the body.
Children should respect and obey their parents.
Parents protect and instruct their children.

Satan afflicted Job with sore boils.

The lady instructs her pupils how to spell and read. Teachers should try to implant good ideas in the minds of their pupils.

The kind mother laments the death of a dear infant.
A bashaw is a title of honor among the Turks ; a gov-


"If sinners entice thee, consent thou not," but withdraw from their company.

No. 87.-LXXXVII.

Words of two syllables, accented on the first.

[blocks in formation]
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