SARAH H. TOOME. SARAH HANNAH TOOME, a member of the Baptist church meeting at Mount Zion Chapel, Chadwell Street, Clerkenwell, departed this life, aged twenty-four years. At twelve years of age she was awakened to a knowledge of her lost and undone state as a fallen sinner. Being brought under the sound of a freegrace gospel by her parents, she, after some time, found that which she was led to seek, viz., pardon and peace in the Person, work, blood and righteousness of the dear Redeemer; and being constrained by his love, she felt it her peculiar privilege to follow her Lord in his own appointed ways. She was baptised by Mr. Jones, at Jireh Meeting, Brick Lane, St. Luke's, on Lord's-day evening, February 27th, 1848; she church, through rich and sovereign grace was preserved to fill up her place in Zion, as an honourable and consistent member, to the day of her death. She had been in a declining state of health for a considerable time, but for the last five months she had not been able to attend the public ordinances of God's house at all: this was a great trial to her, for she loved the habitation of God's house, but desired in submission to say, "Father, thy will be done." About three months ago she was removed into the country, hoping that the change might prove beneficial, but her God had designed to remove her to more healthy and happy climes. She began more rapidly to sink, and oft expressed a desire, if her heavenly Father's will, to quit her trembing house of clay for her house eternal in the heavens. One morning, when her cousin was assisting her to dress, she said, "Thank you; I have helped you before now, but shall never do so again." Her mother, in reply, said, "Our loss will be your gain." She replied, "Yes; I long to be gone!" At another time she said, "How I wish to be at home, but my Father's time is best. Do pray my dear Lord to give me patience," At another time she said to her mother, "How I wish I could feel as I did once." It was observed, "You must not expect to be always on the mount; you are as safe now as then." She said, "Yes; but not so happy!" About a fortnight before her death, she said, "I fear you think me very impatient, but my sufferings are very great; but they are nothing compared with what my dear Lord suffered for me." About a week before she returned home she complained of darkness. Her mother repeated "His way was much darker and rougher than mine, Did Christ my Lord suffer, and shall I repine?" She said, "Oh, no! I do not repine, but should like to leave a testimony behind that I am gone home to glory. Do pray my dear Lord to come and fetch me home." On the night previous to her death, when asked as to the state of her mind in the immediate prospect of dissolution, she said, "I know that my departure is near; I have no desire to return to the world. No one knows what I have These were nearly her last words, as she gradually sank during the night, and on Tuesday morning, at half-past sis, January 29th, 1856, her ransomed spirit took its wished-for flight, to those blessed climes where sickness, sorrow, pain and death, are felt and feared no more. Her mortal remains was deposited in Kensal Green Cemetery, on Monday, February 4th, upon which occasion her pastor, Mr. Hazelton, attended, and spoke a few consoling words to her relations and friends. Mr. H. also improved the solemn event of her death on Lord's-day evening, February 10th, from the most appropriate language of the apostle Paul, "Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better." Our sister's gone, and nature weeps, Till Christ her Lord shall come. Her body rests in sweet repose Death's mighty conqueror will appear, Shall leave its gloomy bed; O how consoling is the thought, But O! the disembodied soul, In seas of endless love. O could we look from scenes of night, How we should long to drop our clay, To join the blood washed host; In rapturous wonder lost. No tempting foe, no dreary night, THE LATE MR. WHITEMAN, LATE OF EXETER, OF UNICORN YARD, AND BOSTON. [The following letter was addressed to Mr. Rees, a member of the church at Unicorn Yard, Tooley Street; and through his kindness, we are permitted to furnish the painful intelligence.-ED.] but not so as to perceptibly affect his ministerial labors. On Wednesday, the day preceding his death, I, my daughter, and another sister in the Lord, met, by invitation, our friend Mr. W. and his family, at our venerable and kind brother deacon's, Mr. Holland, of Kirton-four miles distant. Whilst there he twice experienced a return of the pain, in both of which he was relieved by a moderate dose of ether. He observed that if he did not DEAR SIR-It has pleased the Sovereign meet with something effectual, it would kill Ruler of the skies to remove, by sudden death, him. Before parting, our brother spent a this morning, our dear brother in the Lord, long time in prayer, during which it was reMr. C. M. Whiteman-by spasmodic affection markable, that with more than usual earnestof the chest, of which he had several sharp ness he pleaded for each, kneeling with him sttacks in the last fortnight, but not so as to singly, according to our several relationships prevent his ministerial duties. Being blessedly in the church, the family, and the world; and assured that to our departed friend to live was also for his absent sons, one of whom is in Christ, to die was gain: sudden death, sudden India. At the station, whilst waiting for glory; I trust the bereaved will, through him the train for Boston, he was cheerful, and who comforts the mourners, (after the deep seemed well; was so during the ride; and sorrow into which they are so suddenly plung- when we parted at his own door; slept well ed, has, through divine aid, in a measure subsided,) be enabled in the ever to be remembered words of the deceased, "look up! look up! there's always a way upwards!" and be en- writhed in his chair, exclaiming, "I am being abled to cast their burden on the Lord, and feel his merciful and sustaining goodness, and see his will respecting them to be able to say, "He doeth all things well." I am, dear sir, yours in the Lord, J. ASHWELL, Deacon. Skirbeck Quarter, Boston, Lincolnshire, March 27, 1856. Our brother's remains were interred on the 2nd April, in the new Cemetery, by Mr. W. Bull, of Burgh; a large concourse of friends and spectators assembled on the solemn occasion, and were greatly affected. On the 15th, Mr. Bull baptised and received into the church at Ebenezer, three females an aged, a middle-aged, and a young sister. How little we know what a day may bring forth! Our late brother W. had the pleasing prospect of ministering in these ordinances. Whatever part he and former pastors had in planting and watering these plants of the heavenly Husbandman's right hand planting, glory to God in the Highest, for thus honoring their labors with an crease, according to his own eternal purpose and grace in our precious Lord and Master Christ Jesus! Mr. B. in the evening delivered an impressive discourse on Phil. i. 21. "For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain." The collections made morning and evening towards the fund for Mrs. Wightman and her daughter in their bereft and trying condition, amounted to £12 10s. 7d. Boston, April 17. BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE LAST DAYS OF MR. WHITEMAN. during the night; rose rather earlier than usual next morning, partook breakfast, after which he was seized with excruciating pain, torn to pieces!" Going up to bed, he yielded to calling in medical aid, but countermanded it to try domestic remedies-mustard plaister, hot water, fermentation. During their application, the affectionate father, casting a parting glance at his daughters, (one on each side the bed), sank lifeless, without a sigh or a struggle, on the arm of the oldest, which was beneath him as a support. Our dear friend's discourse on the Lord'sday evening before his death, from 2 Cor. iv. 5, "For we preach, not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord," was manifestly attended with the Lord's blessing and presence, and produced a striking and deep impression. It is remarkable that our late friend, in the course of the sermon, used these words "We know not how soon we may turn our pale faces to the wall." It has been ascertained since his death, that he was in his 71st year. Regretting something better expressed, and more ready inability to furnish you and brief for your purpose, I am, dear sir, your's most respectfully, J. ASHWELL. P.S. Kindest acknowledgments to Mr. Rees for the £2 from himself and friends. Skirbeck Quarter, Boston, April 19. www ments." - Habbakuk iii. 19. My soul! take down thy harp from the willow; and now the night is past, let the first of the morn find thee going forth, in the matin of praise, to the Chief Singer on all the instruments of his grace, which he hath strung thine heart to use to his glory. And who is this Chief Singer, but Jesus? Doth not the prophet say, "The Lord God is my Strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk in mine high places?" Surely he that is the Lord God of my salvation is the Chief Singer, and the Chief Musician, of my song. And he that will be my portion, my everlast (To the Editor of the Earthen Vessel.) DEAR SIR,-I am obliged hastily to forward further particulars relative to our brother W. Rather more than a fortnight previous to our brother's decease, (Thursday, March 27th), he was attacked with spasmodic ing portion, in the upper world, will be my affection of the chest, which at times recurred, strength and song in this. OUR BRITISH BAPTIST CHURCHES. THE OLD CHURCH BOOK. No. I. the sending for Mr. Gill: these brethren had a meeting too, in opposition, they passed a motion, that Mr. Gill be sent for immediately. After Mr. Scurney had preached his month, UNICORN YARD CHAPEL, they ordered another letter to be written, and SOUTHWARK. THE old church book contains minutes and records from 1790 to 1820. It is the intention of the Editor to give out every month in the VESSEL, Some account of the principal events which took place under each successive pastor. A church that has been in existence, from records, 136 years, and must have been in existence for some considerable period previous to the building of Unicorn Yard - for when this chapel was built, it was in consequence of the lease of the chapel where they previously worshipped having run out, (in which, afterwards, the celebrated Dr. Gill preached,) this church which must have existed, at least, above a century and a-half, must, necessarily, be connected with many important events that may be helpful to the church of God in the present day. It, perhaps, is the oldest church in existence could it be traced to its first formation. It has been the subject of dissention, alternate prosperity and adversity; and amongst other things, the solemn manner of induction of deacons into office, the cautious and careful anxieties respecting those to be united in church-fellowship, the great solemnity attending the ordination of ministers, and the constant perseverance in prayer when destitute of a pastor, until God was pleased to send them one - these things are what the church may safely imitate and return to in the present day; for it must be acknowledged that Zion is in this day, in these matters, almost destitute of that feeling our father Jacob had when God appeared to him at Bethel, when he said, "how dreadful is this place, this is none other than the house of God, and the gate of heaven." The old church book begins with a brief statement of the affairs of this church from the death of the late pastor, Mr. Benjamin Stinton, of the old chapel, to the settlement in the new meeting house, under Mr. William Arnold. Mr. Benjamin Stinton died, February 11th, 1718. After several ministers had occasionally supplied the pulpit, the church cast their eyes on two, more than the rest likely to serve them; they were to preach to the church a month each; and in this important business, a serious division took place, and painful for the time, were the circumstances into which they were plunged. The church was stayed, June 28th, 1819. It was agreed that Mr. Scurney should be sent for first; a letter was ordered to be written by the deacons, and laid before the church the Tuesday following, signed by all present; but there was a jealousy on the part of some of the brethren, supposing it was designed to put off signed contrary to the only deacon present. Mr. Gill was sent for by them, and came up from Kettering, in Northamptonshire, and preached to the people about six weeks. Mr. Gill's party then proceeded to elect him pastor, and taking female's votes-which had not been allowed for thirty years-obtained a majority. The following Friday, the deacons and a considerable number of the brethren met, and consulted what was best to be done to save the church from what they considered impending ruin. The church meeting being the following Tuesday, they determined to give in their protest, signed with their own hands, against the pretended election, viz.: that Mr. Gill's friends had chosen him illegally, contrary to the minds of the deacons, and majority of the brethren. Mr. Gill's adherents utterly refused to take the matter into further consideration, affirming his election to be valid. The women's votes not being allowed, it was voted that all the former proceedings respecting Mr. Gill's election were void. Brother Atkins proposed a scrutiny, but the opposing party refused. The church therefore proceeded to provide a ministry for the future, and appointed two brethren to let Mr. Gill know the result. Sad altercation and strife ensued. Those who adhered to Mr. Gill, read a paper to the church and congregation; the others, another Lord's-day, did the same. They each appealed to ministers of the same denomination, but all means failed. Mr. Gill's friends rent themselves from the church, met for worship at Mr. Crosly's school, till the old church removed to the new meeting house, Unicorn Yard, and Mr. Gill and his friends afterwards occupied the old chapel. Ninety-nine mem. bers left to follow Mr. Gill; One hundred and twenty-two remained behind, including all the deacons. The contract for building Unicorn Yard Chapel, was closed January 9th, 1818; Abra ham Atkins, Esq., on behalf of the church, and Francis Randall, builder; the cost amounting to £350. All that is recorded of their first opening the place, is - "Lord's-day, June 26. We met at our new meeting place, and Mr. Owen preached in the morning, Mr. Harrison in the afternoon." REMARKS. This first extract contains a subject of a very unpleasant nature. It might be thought best to have passed it over, and so it would, were it not that the circumstances of the present day in many of the churches, are similar. The wise man says, "The thing which hath been, is that which shall be done: there is no new thing under the sun." Dissensions will arise; even a Paul and Barnabas could not set their horses together, but were compelled to part asunder. "Offences will respondents of this periodical. We are come," but a woe is pronounced against those sorry our old friend has no better work to through whom they come. It is a surprising do, in his last days;-still, we hope some thing that this church should have been kept good may result from his severe ministerial together for so long a time. What a mighty chastisements. shaking was this separation even before the new chapel was built, yet here God has been pleased to maintain a church, which though often in contention, has not fallen to piecesmany times of revival and prosperity hath been her lot. Perhaps, not a better history of this church could be given, than is recorded in the 107th Psalm. Alas, what imperfect creatures are the best of Christians; short comings and blemishes will attend, more or less, all the living family, while here below. Well might the church ex claim, "O, give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever." Instability, weakness, unmindfulness of our mercies, is what we must all plead guilty to like those whose lot fell this side of Jordan. There was poor Reuben, "unstable as water," yet divine life was there; and Moses says, "let Reuben live and not die, and let not his As many communications are reaching us, expressive of unhappy feelings in the minds of some in Plymouth against us, we answer once for all, the only reason on earth why Charles Waters Banks did not fulfil his engagement in preaching in How Street, during the month of April, was, because neither his circumstances, nor the present condition of the Church at Unicorn Yard, would suffer him to leave London. His previous visits to Plymouth have been mutually happy ones; and as regards his promised recent visit, the deacons and committee at How Street, behaved in the kindest manner possible; - When the church at Unicorn Yard, wrote them begging them to release their pastor from his engagement to serve them, they did with sympathy, and in a most hon men be few." "Gad, a troop overcomes him;" ourable manner: and deeply grateful we so the Christian often falls, if not outwardly, feel to them; for, although, we should have he does inwardly, before his foes; yet triumphs been truly glad to have spoken to the friends in Christ Jesus, and by faith believes. "Though I fall, I shall arise again, and shall overcome at How Street, for another month, yet being at the last." And the half-tribe of Manassah prevented by adverse winds, it was charitable in them to give a release; and we sincerely pray that Mr. Ball, who is chosen as their future pastor, may labour among them for forgetfulness - unmindful of his mercies, a want of dependence upon his faithfulnesswill stick to us like burs, while here below. All prove we have no continuing city here. many years, with great success; and much to the comfort of the multitude of dear believing souls who dwell in those large towns, Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehouse, How many churches have risen and disappeared since this church was first formed; and as it has been 80 long preserved, may we not hope it may yet be the birth-place of many &c. precious souls. It has lately been put in good, We have a long account of the death of substantial repair, and in the order of provi- Mr. Samuel Nicholson, the Baplist minister dence, a suitable ministry has been provided, of Plymouth: from it we extract the fol and though the waters have been troubled, some are waiting anxiously to step into the pool. May the Lord of the harvest bring in thither many precious souls, who shall declare in Zion the goodness of the Lord. One remark more. There is no account of seeking the Lord by prayer in this matter, respecting the choice of a pastor; the next time they were destitute of a pastor, we shall find them seeking the Lord's direction by persevering prayer and watchfulness, and no dissension ensued: and that thing which is begun in prayer, attended with a watching the Lord's hand, shall not meet with disappointment. The next extract will contain interesting events under the pastorate of Mr. Arnold, who laboured in this church 14 years, and died happy in the Lord. AARON MILLER. lowing: Mr. Samuel Nicholson was born at Devonport, on the 28th of April, 1801, where his father, who was a respectable man, carried on business. (His venerable mother still survives). As the eldest son in a large family, Mr. Nicholson, after receiving the rudiments of general education, was at an early period taken from school to enter upon his father's business but the work of selfimprovement still went on. His father was a deacon of the Baptist Church assembling in Pembroke-street Chapel, under the of Thomas Wilcocks, and at an early age Mr. Nicholson became a member of the same church. Whilst still very young he took part in its public services, preaching in the villages; and at the age of nineteen, he occasionally supplied the pulpit for Mr. Wilcocks care HOW STREET CHAPEL, PLYMOUTH, in his absence from home. At this time Mr. AND THE LATE MR. SAMUEL NICHOLSON. A PERSON, signing himself "A Baptist, How Street, Plymouth," has been industriously employed of late, in writing letters to different ministers, criticising and condemning the Editor, and some of the cor Wilcocks, who was a man of considerable acquirement and much mental culture, engaged his young friend to assist him in the duties of his school, principally with the view of preparing him by suitable instruction, for the work of the Christian ministry. After Mr. Nicholson had remained for some time with Mr. Wilcocks, he was invited as an occasional supply to preach at How-street Chapel, in Plymouth, which was then with- | express in words the assurance I have of my out a pastor, and his services were so acceptable that, after a lengthened but most satisfactory probation, in 1823, he was solicited by the church and congregation to become their stated minister. Previously to this, the attendance at the chapel had been very much diminished, but in a short time the congregation increased, and in this important position Mr. Nicholson found his appointed sphere.In 1822 he married Miss Jane Nicholson, and by this marriage there were twelve children, of whom nine survive. Mr. Nicholson's min isterial ability soon attracted attention not only in Plymouth, but amongst the churches of his denomination elsewhere, and he was more than once solicited to leave the congre salvation and union to the Lord Jesus Christ. I feel within me now the germ and the principle of eternal life. It is not life for me, but eternal life within, and I know that because my Redeemer liveth I live also." And so he passed over to the other side, and they saw him no more. Mr. Nicholson died at four o'clock in the afternoon of March 13th, and the general expression of sorrow which this event has occasioned shows emphatically that consistent and holy conduct has the promise of the life that now is, as well as of the life to come. On Wednesday morning, at half-past ten o'clock, "devout men carried him to his burial." His church-christians of all de gation in How-street for other stations, nominations-christian pastors-the old and which, in a worldly point of view, offered greater advantages. At one time he was earnestly entreated to take a prominent place in the management of the Baptist Missions in Calcutta, and subsequently to become the successor of the late Robert Hall, in Bristol. But Mr. Nicholson believed that God had given him a work to do which would fully reward his most stedfast and diligent care, and so he remained firm at his post, often, indeed, rendering temporary and valuable service elsewhere, but still returning with undiminished interest to the people of his charge, and under such affectionate care they grew and prospered. The congregation consolidated, the church increased, until at length, in 1844, the spacious and noble chapel in George-street was begun. The members of the church and congregation exerted themselves with most zealous liberality, and almost without debt, this fine building was opened for Divine Worship in 1845. Pre-eminently he was a good man, thoroughly earnest and sincere. His religion was not assumed for Sabbath-days and public services, but was the mainspring of his being. It was not a thing that could be taken up or laid down at pleasure, but the inwrought conscious experience of a heart at peace with God. He was a very diligent student of the Scripture, and from its constant and careful perusal had derived unrestrained sympathy with the doctrines of the gospel, as the efficient cause of practical holiness. As he lived so he died. The truths that he had commended from the pulpit, and illustrated in his life, were with him to the very last; and as he drew near to the dark river. his feet almost touching the brim, there was no cloud upon the spirit, nor even the shadow of a cloud. He saw the Cross still, as he had seen it when in health and vigour, only that it seemed nearer and more precious. "Give my love," said he to one of his early and attached friends, to all the brethren. My strength is hourly diminishing, but say to them, 'all is well." What may be the state of the disembodied spirit I know not, but I know that my trustee has the full confidence of the Father, and that he has power, and grace, and love sufficient to carry out his engagements, even to the very end." To one still more dearly beloved he said, only a very little before his death, "I almost hesitate to the young-followed his mortal remains to the chapel in George-street. Several ministers of the town and neighbourhood took part in this solemn service. His old and attached friend, Thomas C. Hine, of Sydenham, addressed the congregation and Thomas Horton, of Devonport, committed the body to the dust, a glorious trust-"in sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection," Well was it said, Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his. THE PROGRESS OF THE BAPTIST CAUSE AT BETHEL CHAPEL, LEIGHTON, AND THE REMOVAL OF MR. JOSEPH WILKINS, THE PASTOR. DEAR BROTHER BANKS. - When God was pleased, in the order of his providence, to deprive this church of its pastor by the sudden death of the late much-esteemed Mr. William Roberts, you kindly directed the friends to our much-beloved friend and brother, Mr. Joseph Wilkins, as a suitable person to succeed him. After he had preached a few weeks, there was but one opinion among the brethren, and he received an unanimous invitation to the pastorate. The Great Head of the church has from the commencement given his sanction and blessing to the means used. The congregation has gradually increased; the church has been edified and built up; has dwelt in peace and love; and the God of peace and love has dwelt in the midst of it. The Word preached has been attended by the almighty energy of the Holy Spirit. Sinners have been converted to God, and frequently additions have been made to the church. The chapel has been enlarged and beautified, at the cost of near £170. There has been no aecumulation of debt, but an annual reduction of it of nearly £20. In February last, Mr. Spurgeon preached; the clear proceeds were £27. This, with £3 since, raised by private subscription, had enabled the trustees to pay off £30 owing on a note of hand; so that the chapel funds are in excellent condition; the whole deht on the chapel being only about £49, and that they have without interest. During the three years Mr. Wilkins resided here, he was almost universally respected; and his people often said, "How beautiful |