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fully read and examine any works which may fall into our hands; if they are unprofitable, let us discard them; if profitable, let us honor them.

Mr. FOREMAN closed the meeting with prayer.



years since the church was at a very low ebb, and in very great difficulty, when it was resolved to form the church anew, which commenced with 9 members, when brother Caunt consented to supply till he was chosen pastor, and now the church numbers 46; the congregation was about 40, but now amounts to about 250. He also alluded to the affection and union that dwelt in the hearts of pastor, deacons, and church. Several short addresses where delivered in a short and cheerful spirit, by Messrs Caunt, Rayment, Cooper, Cornish. After singing the Doxology, the meeting broke up, which appeared to be one of a very happy character.


THE members and friends met together on Tuesday, February 26th, to take tea; after which, a public meeting was held, Mr. Thomas Chivers, of Bermondsey, took the chair; Mr. Beacock, implored the divine blessing, the chairman then called upon one of the deacons to state the object of the meeting, which was namely, for the benefit of Mr. Henry Langham, the pastor, who has laboured amongst us above Green, and those meeting at the Town Hall ON Friday last, the friends of Wooburn a twelvemonths and we can say, surely the in this place, met together in the pretty little Lord hath been in this place. Souls have been called by divine grace, saints have been comforted and built up, in their most holy faith, and much good hath been done, through the preaching of the cross of Christ.

Mr. Bloomfield, Mr. Bowles, and Mr. Chaimberlain, severally addressed the meeting, and testified their Christian and brotherly affection for our pastor, for which we highly esteem them, and publicly thank them, and also the chairman, Mr. Chivers, for the leading part he took in this service in our affliction. We realized at the meeting £7 6s., which we presented to Mr. Langham. Can we not say, Is anything too hard for the Lord? N. E. BARNES. J. W. PRICE.



chapel at Wooburn. They were treated to a good tea, and afterward assembled for Divine Cause, from the text "If ye know these worship. A sermon was preached by Mr. doubt not that the truth of the text was exthings happy are ye if ye do them," and we emplified in the experience of one at least who was present, namely, our brother Butler; he has evidently been taught by the Great Teacher the knowledge of "these things," and was there waiting by the pool to do his command.

The occasion was highly interesting to the Wycombe friends especially. It was a confirmation to their minds that the course they had adopted was a right one. Among the excellent supplies the Lord has sent them since they have met at the Hall, the preacher EAST STREET, GREENWICH. on the present occasion was one; he has told A SERMON was preached on Good Friday has talked of all he did and said, power and us again and again the sweet tale of Jesus; afternoon, at Ebenezer Chapel, East Street, savor has accompanied the word. We have by Mr. Caunt, minister of the place. The found the council chamber a chamber of compreacher selected his text from Lamentations munion, the seat of justice a seat of mercy. i. 12. "Is it nothing to you all ye that pass We have seen marked attention in some who by," &c. After making some solemn remarks used to be indifferent, several lingering at a concerning the characters who passed by the distance when the supper had been observed; atoning sacrifice of the Saviour, which he and now comes one to tell us of the Lord's described as fourfold, viz., 1, the ungoldly; gracious dealing, and his wish to follow him. 2, the Jews; 3, the Socinians; 4, the ArminThe little chapel was crammed, and the oc ians. The ungodly pass the Saviour's suffer-casion solemn. May evidence be granted that ings by carelessly; the Jews rejectingly good was done. So pray's yours in the the Socinians denyingly; viz., denying the truth, efficacy of the atonement to save; the Arminians ignorantly, believing they had duty faith to perform, whereas the preacher advocated the free and perfect salvation of the sensible sinner through the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb of God.

After which he proceeded to dwell upon the sufferings of Christ, dwelling much upon his divinity in sustaining him in the same.

After the sermon, a tea meeting was held, upwards of 120 sat down to tea, and at half past 6 a public meeting commenced by brother Caunt giving out hymn 30, 2nd book, (Watts.) After which brother Miller supplicated the divine blessing, when brother Duly the senior deacon gave a statement of the rise and progress of the cause since W. Caunt has been among them; stating that it was about two

H. HEATH, High Wycombe, March 23, 1856.


Dear Brother in Covenant Grace-Though unknown to you in the flesh, nevertheless you are not altogether a stranger to me, having had on several occasions the pleasure of picking up a few crumbs of the master's bread broken by you while at Crosby Row, and do really sympathise with you in your many afflictions, praying that the dispenser of them may (which he has promised to do) give you resigning and upholding grace under them. Dear brother, taking as you do so lively an interest in the welfare and prosperity of the Lord's Zion, would you favour me, on behalf of the brethren here, to insert for

drooping causes, the visit which the Great Head of the Church has made to this isolated spot of his gracious garden. Having been invited to supply for six months, I accepted, and have (though with many fears) blown, as the Lord hath enabled me, the trumpet of the Gospel. The sound, I am happy to say, has been an acceptable one to many. The Holy Ghost, by which alone it can reach the conscience and awaken the soul, has been pleased to own the instrumentality employed, not only in awakening the conscience, but in constraining several to comply with its gracious invitations, and have come before the church, made a good confession, and six persons, four female and two male, were publicly baptised last Lord's-day morning, in the triune name of our covenant Jehovah-Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. During the short time I have been here our attendance has much increased, both on the Sabbath and week evening services, and I believe that several others beside those who have been baptised are under deep convictions. The church, too, is in a very united state, much more so than many immediately surrounding us. It will be a long time before the relish of last Sabbath's repast will be forgotten by many. We commenced our forenoon service as usual, with singing and prayer; a brother in communion, who is very useful in the vineyard, took the first part, when I made a few remarks (on "Men wondered at ") and then descended to the poal. I made a few observations on the bature and design of the ordinance, and then baptised them, the Lord most wonderfully manifesting himself in the comforting and supporting the baptised in the same, some (as I have been told since) sang Hallelujah! coning out of the water, when the service was concluded with singing and prayer. The chapel was filled throughout, and altogether it was a most solemn and impressive service.

In the afternoon we approached the banqueting table, and truly his banner over us was love-scarcely a member absent. It was a refreshing season indeed. In the evening I spoke from Romans xiv. and 17, showing the negative and positive character of the religion of the Saviour, that it consisted not in the mere 1. Performance of religious duties; 2. Assent of the judgment to Bible doctrines; 3. In an admission to Gospel privileges. but, positively, in righteousness, 1. By imputation, wrought out fully by Christ, and freely received (by faith) by us of Christ; 2. RightCusness by impartation, or the Holy Ghost, by is indwelling grace, bringing our hearts and minds, and souls into subjection to the Lid and will of Christ, and thus producing Cause fruits of holiness which is to the praise of God and honour of our profession. The second particular was "Peace," having its origin in the covenant of peace, issuing from the God of peace, flowing through the Gospel of peice, reaching every elect sinner and produring peace, in the conscience, in darkness, in temptation, in death; beyond the grave. The third particular, "Joy." Joy of pardon, of adoption, of assurance, joy now experienced, then in prospect. And, by way of application, showed that this righteousness,

peace, and joy was now entrusted or committed to the hands or agency of the Holy Ghost, and only as it was communicated by him, through the Gospel, could it be felt, known, and experienced. Urging those who felt their need of it to seek by prayer and supplication an acquaintance with those vital truths which make wise unto salvation, thus ended the happiest day we have spent in this place. S. M. P. SAXMUNDHAM, SUFFOLK.

The first anniversary of the reopening of the New Baptist Chapel in this town was holden on Good Friday last. The sermons in the morning and evening were preached by C. W. Banks, from Psalm exxxv.-" Praise the Lord; for he hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure," &c., &c. The afternoon sermon was by Mr. Robert Barns, of Glemsford, from Romans v.

"The love of God shed abroad in the heart," &c. Mr. Brand, of Aldringham, assisted. Mr. William Day, the pastor, and all his people appeared happy and thankful to God for his mercies unto them. The chapel was crowded to overflowing, and we have abundant evidence that the Lord is here, gathering in some of his own peculiar treasure.


Sorrow's pathway strewed with tears,
Paved with anxious doubts and fears,
Traversing the bridge of sighs;
Thus we journey to the skies,
'Tis the path the Saviour trod;
Shall we murmur at our God?
Stern encounters with the world;
Shafts by hellish magic hurled;
Fleshly lusts which war within,
Conflicts between grace and sin,
But though all in league conspire
Grace maintains the living fire,
As our day, our strength shall be,
Wherefore fear the stormy sea?
Does not Jesus guide the bark?
Is not he a living ark?
Where from trouble shall we flec,
Ark of Refuge,-but to thee?
Mansions are prepared above?
For the objects of his love;
But the pathway to the skies
Through deep tribulation lies:
Furnaces of trial here,

Will the promise of rest endear.
Ransomed spirits round the throne
Have the like temptations known:
Doubting, fearing, here below.
They were steeped in earthly woe;
Often writhed 'neath satan's frown:
Now they wear a victor's crown.
All who on the Son believe,
Shall like blessedness receive;
They who onward press to God,
Grace will teach to kiss the rod,
Teach to trust a Saviour's love,
Till they see his face above.
Day's of gloomy thought and doubt,
When we fear ourselves thrust out;
Days of gladness when the soul
Finds the evidential roll,
Soars aloft away from care,
Communes with her Saviour there.
Such the checquer'd path we go,
Made of happiness and woe;
But beyond our mortal sight,
Faith beholds celestial light;
Meekly bending to the rod,
Trusts her life, her all, with God.





THE study of the Old Testament as the typical forerunner of New Testament and New Covenant realities, is one of the sweetest employments-of a private character-I have ever known; and I am pleased to find that there are others, even in these superficial times, who are, in a measure, digging for this treasure, in this precious golden mine. Some volumes are announced as the produce of an Archdeacon's pen, entitled "CHRIST IS ALL!-the Gospel of the Old Testament:" wherein the history and the mystery of the Word of God is said to be well blended, although of the pureness and clearness of their divinity, I do not undertake as yet to speak. It is painful for me to be compelled to write my papers so briefly and so hurredly; but I am like a sailor in a rough sea-thrown about by adverse winds in all directions; many a time I have fully expected to be driven on some rock or yawning sands where the wreck and loss of all things has appeared to be inevitable: and not a few of the crew who once sailed with me, have jumped into some of the little boats passing by, and made their escape; and they think they are doing God service, by now exclaiming against me. Oh, beautiful Christians! What develop. ments of a fallen nature, under the garb of a gospel profession, have I witnessed in this immense and mighty London! I almost wish we had another edition of "The Christian World Unmasked." I know I could throw in a few additional strokes to that

fearful picture of the family who "have a name to live"-but where they live, and on what-where they will die, or how, is not for me to say. For the caution and instruction of some of the Lord's ministers, who may come after me, I should much like to write a book-but of that no more at present-as I promised to notice in this number




These twelve sons were historical and figurative portraits of the characters who make up the visible church-the militant church the gospel family of mankind, on the earth.

One strong word of consolation I must quote here, drawn from the dying bed of Jacob. After he had blessed the sons of Joseph, he said to him, "In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and Manasseh;" and furthermore added-"I DIE: but God shall be with you, and bring you again into the land of your fathers." Upon this, one hath said, "How satisfactory it is to a dying saint to consider that God lives, and will carry on his cause without him, as well as with him:" the great JOHN OWEN, two days before he died, which was in 1683, (a time when Popery and arbitrary power threatened to overspread the land, wrote these words in a letter to a friend-"I am

leaving the ship of the church in a storm; but whilst the great Pilot is in it, the loss of a poor underrower will be inconsiderable."

Our venerable friend John Andrews Jones, in a pamphlet he has just published, says "Dr. Gill, adverting to the very great revival of Arminianism, and other heresies in his day, said that A veil was drawn over the glory of the Reformation, and the Doctrines of it.' Was it so then? Alas! reader, how is it now? It is indeed a dark night season, only a few stars are feebly twinkling here and there, and, it will be darker yet. O then how incumbent it is for those who have experienced, and who really do know the value of the precious Truths and Doctrines of the everlasting gospel, highly to esteem them, to told them fast, and never, no never, to let them go no, not one grain of Truth." However true this may be, how good it is to remember those mighty words of Paul-“Your life is hid with Christ in God; and when Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we also appear with him in glory."

But now we must have the text, and proceed with a few remarks thereon. In Genesis xxxv. 22-26, you will find it, beginning, "NoW THE SONS OF JACOB WERE TWELVE;' and then their names are given, The first lump is Leah's fruit-bearing"Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun." These are representative characters in the professing family.

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"Reuben" is the first-and respecting his mother, and Jacob's sore disappointment, there is a pungent word written by an old divine on Genesis xxix. 23. "Laban took Leah-[instead of Rachel, as he had_promised,] and brought her to Jacob." Thus, Laban gave Jacob the unseemly elder instead of the beautiful younger, on whom Jacob's heart was so firmly set. "This was a fraud much akin to the one Rebekah-(Jacob's mother) had committed, when she substituted by a cunning disguise, the younger son for the elder." God pays us in our own coin; and "measures to us again the self-same measure that we have meted to others." Let every man remember that; and let him see how fully this sentence is confirmed in the Scriptures of truth. Poor Leah, she was in a sad place. Jacob did not want her; yea, it is said, "the LORD saw that Leah was hated:" she was thrown, as it were, by her father, into Jacob's arms; and Jacob would fain have thrown her back again; but the Lord had mercy upon her; she conceived,―she bare a son;-she called his name REUBEN ;-for she said, "Surely the Lord hath looked upon my affliction; now, therefore, my husband will love me.' Leah recognised the hand of God in this; she was patient under her trial; she was helped, honored, and enabled to rejoice; for the best interpretation I can find of Reuben's name is that given by the Hebrew scholar Hillerus, who expounds it thus

"God hath seen, or, provided a son." If she hoped that this son was the promised seed, she was mistaken; nevertheless, she had joy in this deliverance out of her sorrow.


disobedience. The "double portion' Reuben's-this was given to Joseph's sons. The "kingdom" was Reuben's-this was given to Judah. The "priesthood" was There is, surely, a bright breaking forth of Reuben's-this was given to Levi. We are the splendid rays of sovereign grace in the here, then, to notice Reuben as a representadistinct difference between the prediction pro- tive character-yes-the representative even nounced upon Reuben by Jacob, and that pro- of some whom we hope the Lord hath marked nounced upon him by Moses. Jacob, his for his own; but against whom sin and satan father, says (in a kind of austere and angry have awfully prevailed. Oh, what a lookingtone-) REUREN, thou art my first-born, glass is Reuben's character! How it reflects my might, and the beginning of my strength, the shattered state of many who once stood the excellency of dignity, and the excellency well in Zion! If I were to let feelings guide of power: Unstable as water, thou shalt not me here, I should be carried a long way; excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's but one thing I may note. It appears to me bed," &c. &c. This word which Jacob spake that there have been some of us who once is to be divided into three parts. 1st-He stood in the visible church without having on says "Thou art my might, and the begin- "the whole armour of God"-consequently, ning of my strength:"-the word here used, when the evil day came, it found us unpresignifieth the straining of the body forcibly-pared; and how very few-(who have once as Paul said, he reached forth, and pressed after the things that were before; so Jacob had wrestled with God in earnest prayer that a son might be given to him; and the prayer was answered. Then, 2dly, Jacob speaks of his dignity, being the first-born. But this natural birth-right he forfeited; he fell from it; and dishonored himself. Natural privileges, natural attainments, yea, all things, short of Christ and his grace, may be lost and turned to the worst account. It was, as though Satan made a desperate thrust at Jacob here, in his very first-born; and threw him into one of the worst of sins; so Jacob says, (3rdly,)" Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel." Almost forty years had rolled on between the time when Reuben sinned the great sin, and the time when his father thus spake to him; but he had not forgotten it. An Heathen historian once wrote "Sooner or later, great sins will have great punishments from GOD; therefore, hate as hell that which is evil;" and as for all uncleanness let it not be once named among you, saith Paul.

really been visibly thrown down, overcome, and bruised)-that rise again to the full enjoyment of that happy and useful position in the visible church of Christ which certainly belongs to all whose conscience and conduct testify to these three things:-First-that Jesus Christ has put them into the ministry. Secondly-that the Holy Ghost has made them faithful, and honored them in their ministry. Thirdly-that by the good hand of God they have been preserved, having a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward all men. Oh, precious Grace! How sweet, how safe, how strong thou art! And when we live under thine almighty influence we may well sing

"More happy-but not more secure, The glorified spirits in heaven." Is it my privilege to be now writing for the perusal of any who are young in the ministry or, but of few years in the gospel vineyard? Let me most sincerely say one word to youand it is this, "let thy garments be always white, and let thine head lack no ointment;" Now, turn to the sermon Moses preaches to "be sober," and not intoxicated with creature Reuben. We have seen what a black sen- applause, or with false notions of thy own tence Jacob wrote upon him; and we might strength and security; be vigilant in much well expect to find that Moses would come use of God's Word, in a careful and consistent down upon him with a more awful sentence waiting upon thy God in prayer; and in an still. But, not so. Jacob comes like a judge, unceasing watchfulness against satan, sin and and thunders loudly, without one word of thine own heart. Ah! how natural it is for a merey;-Moses comes in, as a mediator-young man to suppose himself proof against and as though viewing Reuben as sheltered, as washed, as pardoned, as accepted, as saved-he says-" LET REUBEN LIVE: AND NOT DIE: AND LET NOT HIS MEN BE FEW.' Here are three things-first, the Person :secondly, the Condition:-thirdly, the Prophetic Blessing-"LET REUBEN LIVE: AND NOT DIE."

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the shafts of the wicked one! but I have seen those who have been most cruel in their contempt of others, and exceedingly bold in their own self-sufficiency; I have seen such become like a thing cast away and despised. I say, therefore, "Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed LEST HE FALL." I will dare to write these words -THE DOUBLE PORTION MAY BE TAKEN FROM US; I mean the sweet enjoyment of grace in a pure and peaceable conscience. The kingdom may be taken from us;-I mean our happy and useful standing in the visible church. The priesthood may be taken from us: I mean, real access at the throne, and the assurance of our union to the Head." One covenant Therefore, brethren, watch. Before I pass from this, let me say, I wish our honored brother, "A LITTLE ONE," would some day give us a letter or two on

[I am writing this now in a corner of one of the Eastern Counties close boxes;-with mind and body both disturbed-pray forgive the imperfections. But now]

1. The Character-REUBEN- "Unstable as water"-having no solid principles to preserve him;-a lightness, a lewdness, and an unsteady principle, marks his career. authority says there were three things which belonged to Reuben's birth-right; but which he lost by the foul force of temptation and

Paul's words, "Wherefore take unto you the | fied therein. This brings to my mind a cirwhole armour of God."

cumstance of which it may not be improper for you to notice, seing so very conspicuously the finger of our Lord therein."

There is more in Reuben's character yet; and I must not be hurried over these portraits of men, for I hope the Lord will bless them; In the year 1824, I forwarded by the Ship but, as a "A LITTLE ONE," and other cor- Gardener and Joseph, a splendid merchantrespondents this month, are long and nu-man, (Captain Foster I believe was his name) merous, I must defer.


C. W. B.


MR. EDITOR.-Dear Sir: Will you be so kind to correct in your April number a mistake made by our very highly esteemed brother Clark, a man, and minister of God, with whom I am enabled frequently, and very blessedly, to hold sweet communion and spiritual converse? who has, it seems unwittingly, asserted in the March number of the EARTHEN VESSEL, that the late George Bond, Esq., of N. St. John's N. Brunswick, N. America; (who, for upwards of twenty years was Alderman of that City, and held in the highest esteem by all who had the honor of knowing him, as a CHRISTIAN, a gentleman, a magistrate-dear Mr. Clark, in his preface to the two letters forwarded for insertion, says, that) Mr. Bond was once a resident in Hull; when the real fact is, he, I believe was never once in Yorkshire during the whole course of his valuable life. True it is, the dear man had made up his mind, if spared, to pay me a brotherly visit, on his way to his dear friend, at Great Torrington, in the county of Devon, it being his native place; but the dear Lord, ere that time arrived, thought meet to call bis beloved servant home to his Father's house, to go no more out; but to remain a pillar in the temple,

"With God eternally shut in,

Far from a world of grief and sin." My first aquaintance with this dear and blessed man of God was, I believe, the year 1818, at Plymouth Dock, now Devonport, where I was frequently, and for some years previously thereto, in the habit of going to preach JESUS, at a very large chapel, called "Prince's Street chapel;" being for a number of years, called as a supply therein; and from that time to the time of his demise, we kept up a brotherly and truly christian correspondence; nor have I ever known a more honorable, upright, worthy, and truly honest Christian during my experience with the dear saints of God than my departed brother Bond. I have, from time to time, sent him the Gospel Magazines, i.e. from the year 1800 to 1840, or say 40 bound volumes of that useful work, with other works of the like, all in one parcel; also at other times since the year 1820, I have forwarded brother Bond, tracts and pamphlets sermons &c. &c.; in all nearly, if nor full out to the amount of £200 worth of publications on stirling divinity, published by HAWKER GILL, TOPLADY, &c., for which the dear honest hearted man of God never failed to send me the amount in cheques, on persons or merchants who never refused even in one solitary instance, on seeing his name attached thereto, to hand over to me the amount speci

a large number of sermons, tracts, hymn books &c., the chief bulk was made up of Doctor Hawker's works; which said vessel when in the very midst of the western ocean, foundered, and was consequently thrown upon her beams, and all hope of salvation of the ship and her crew were completely gone for upwards of Two DAYS! when the dear Lord providentially directed a Liverpool vessel to heave in sight, and so thereby rescue the poor despairing seamen from a watery grave, to rejoice and return home in safety; but what still is more connected with this event, is, the large bundle of books in question, where lying in the cabin, I believe quite dry, when the mate of the ship in his last effort and hurry, snatched up the cumbersome and weighty parcel, threw the same into the waiting boat, and thus the truths of God were preserved in that parcel, it being the ONLY article saved, independent of the crew, and having taken the same into Liverpool, it found its way undisturbed and uninjured to my dwelling, and from thence, after many months, to its destined place, St. John's! Why I more particularly mention this circumstance is, a learned divine, late of Leeds, in Yorkshire, at a Public Tract Society meeting, very piously remarked, "I like Hawker's tracts, but not Dr. Hawker's, as a proof of which, I took up a quantity of them this morning, and thrust them into the fire." Some little time after this, a young squib of (what some might call) divinity, at a place called Burlington, in the same county, not very remote from Leeds, took up a number of dear Dr. Hawker's works and committed them to the flames, lest his church and congregation should become tainted and contaminated therewith, and forsake his froth for sterling truth; for which wicked act, if I am correctly informed, more than 40 of his members justly forsook him and fled, which ultimately broke up his cause. so that it may be truly said, of the blessed effects contained in the said truths in question, wrapt up in the aforesaid bundle, that the water could not drown them, nor the fire consume, nor the fierce flames of a creature's malice destroy them; however, if report be true, I have reason to believe that the former before his final departure, saw his error, and like Paul, lived to preach the faith he once destroyed.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow,"

Mrs. Bond was a person of superior talents, and a profound enemy of the doctrine of what is generally termed the free will system, or salvation by creature holiness and justification by the works of the law, &c. A minister in Devonport told me that Mrs. Bond was one of the most powerful reasoners against the Arminians he ever heard dispute on that point. A captain of one of our Hull ships once said to her, " Mrs. Bond, what made you become a preacher, after reading what Paul

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