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SHE whose last moments we here record, de-
parted this life, April 13th, 1858, aged seventy-
four years.
She died from a gradual decay
of nature, which increased upon her for the
last seven months previous to her decease. The
last four of these, great weakness overtook
her; so great as to impress her mind that her
end was fast approaching. From that time
until her death she appeared to be waiting
her heavenly Father's call. Eleven hours
before she died, she ceased to cough. Her
youngest daughter writes:-


"She sent for me, and my eldest sister; we immediately repaired to her bedside. She appeared very low; took no notice of me, until I spoke to her, asking her how she was. replied, Very ill.' I then said, 'Are you in any pain ?' Oh no,' she said. I asked her if she was happy, to which she replied, "Yes, very happy, but do you think that when I get to the gate, I shall find it open?" I answered, 'Yes, mother, you have no need to doubt that." She then said, I feel God all-sufficient; on him I place all my trust.' Looking up, and fixing her eyes upon me, she exclaimed as loud as her feeble voice would allow her, Shall we all meet in heaven ?" I replied, I hope we shall, mother.' All heaven is love,, she said, 'nothing but love can enter there.' I then left her, but returned in a few hours. She was still sensible, but sinking very fast; and, by the moving of her hands, appeared in prayer. I said to her, Are you still happy, mother? She replied, 'Oh! yes, quite happy.' I could distinctly hear her pronounce the words, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit;' and made answer, When he has completed his work in you, he will, mother.' 'Yes,' she replied, so he will.' The last time I saw her, (about an hour before her death) she took no notice of me until I said 'Good night, mother, when she said Good bye, my children; live in love and unity with each other. Good bye, my child.' Before I was permitted to see her again, her happy spirit had sped away to take its everlasting rest. Like a shock of corn fully ripe, she was gathered into the garner of of the Lord." Deptford.

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"MY FATHER KNOWS."-(Rom. viii. 15.) "My father knows," calmly replied a little child, in reference to a trial which had befallen him: "My father knows," he again repeated. On another occasion, "My teacher has set me a long lesson, and it seems very difficult, but my father knows,' he will help me to understand, and make it easy to me." In short, it was not difficult to perceive, that the child's oft-repeated and favourite motto, including help, security, and consolation, was, "My father knows." Whatever his trial, need, or difficulty, his first desire was, to let his father know; he then seemed to have no further care or want; here was full confidence, entire security, and repose. Christian! may not a lesson be learned from the faith and practice of this little child?

The Earthen Vessel Pulpit.



Of Saffron Walden Essex.

"Unto him that loved us."-Rev. i. 5.

What a glorious subject for our contemplation is the love of Christ to his chosen ! This love is the scource of all our salvation, the inexhaustable fountain, whence flows all those streams of mercy that make glad the city of God. His love commends his character, and carries with it the strongest claims on the believer's gratitude. 1 John iv. 19. It is an interesting exercise to the renewed mind to survey the many evidences of love that present themselves in the history of the Redeemer's personal ministry. Love was the animating, pervading principle of all his discourses, for grace and truth ever dwelt upon his lips. It was love that prompted him to preach good tidings to the meek; to comfort the mourner; to invite the laboring and heavy laden to come to him for rest. It was this principle that dictated the reproofs, the admonitions and warnings which he so very tenderly administered in his intercourse with his disciples, with whom he always conversed as a father with his children. How amazingly did his love shine, forth under his severest conflicts in working out our salvation! How did he seem to forget his own troubles in furnishing his dis tressed disciples with such stores of heavenly and solid consolation. See John xiv., xv. and xvi. How unspeakable the love that snatched the thief upon the cross from hell, and carried him safely to heaven! Surely in the conduct of Jesus we have love displayed that has no parallel! But however delightful it is to contemplate the displays of the love of Jesus in his state of humiliation, we must look bigher, if we would understand the nature, the achievements, and the extent of this divine principal. We must consider his love as God and Mediator. This was the principal that induced him to undertake, and accomplish the work of our redemption! This is a boundless subject! Eph. iii. 19. Who can tell how much is comprended in the words, "Him that hath loved us?"

Let us, my brethren, attempt to glance at this unspeakable subject. We notice.

would trace it to its origin, we must ascend I. The antiquity of this love. If we beyond the end of creation, and penetrate eternity that preceded it. We are assured that God choose his people in Christ before the foundation of the world; and in this manifestation of love we cannot doubt that the Lord Jesus, on whom the execution of the plan was laid, was united with the

Father, and the Holy Ghost in this choice. | language of a quickened soul, who has an In Prov. viii. 23-31, we find the Redeemer experemental knowledge and enjoyment of saying, "I was set up from everlasting," the love of Jesus. "Unto him that loved Such was his love to his people, that he rejoiced from all eternity in the prospect of coming to them, dwelling with them, blessing and saving them with an everlasting salvation. Let us look back to the period when God alone existed in infinite blessedness and glory, before he had formed the earth and the world, or had given existence even to the angels; in that grand and awful solitude, when the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, were perfectly happy in their own perfections and in their mutual enjoyment; yet even then his thoughts towards us were thoughts of kindness and love, his councils councils of peace.

Indeed, if he had not loved us from eternity, he could not have loved us at all; for our conduct is calculated to awaken displeasure rather than love. Therefore, his love must be a sovereign, spontaneous love, springing from his own goodness and will. There was nothing meritorious in the objects of this love to call into action. It was not obtained by any grateful acknowledgement, dutiful service, or any moral excellence in us. No, for we were not only destitute of all moral and spiritual excellencies; but we were fallen, guilty, defiled creatures, in rebellion against him who loved us.

It was an act of condescension for God to create angels and men. It was an evidence of great benevolence in him to continue his kindness to his creatures while they remained upright and faithful to him. But these are not the triumphs of his mercy. He saw the misery, ruin and rebellion into which they would sink and yet, amazing! he loved them and undertook for their salvation to fulfil the law, endure all its curses, to satisfy and glorify divine justice on their behalf. Was ever love like his! He loved us. His love is an extensive love.

It embraces the whole election of grace: all that the Father gave him of every age and nation; regarding with tenderest affection, every sigh of the poor spiritual prisoner, healing every broken heart, sympathizing with every mourning soul. And having given his life for all his sheep, he sees of the travail of his soul and is satisfied, in their eternal salvation.

"His love is an enduring love. Having loved his own that were in the world, he loved them to the end."

The love of Christ is perfectly exempt from the caprice which is found in mere human affection. Its gifts and calling are without repentance. It never leaves its objects; but abides with, protects, leads and brings them all safely home to their eternal rest in heaven. Isa. liv.

"Unto him that loved us." This is the

us:" this is not the language of mere specu lation or hearsay persuasion; but that of a renewed mind, the feeling, the gushing out of profound gratitude, to the manifested, realized and admired lover, "who is the chiefest among ten thousand;" and for the display of such love that has nothing like it amongst the children of men; no other love is worth naming: he hath, he only hath so loved us. All other love sinks into comparative insignificancy with this love. This is love divine, infinite, eternal, which embraces the whole family of God in Christ Jesus, and extends its kind, considerate and compassionate care, to every member of the family. "Loved us :" thus it is precious to each, because it comprehends each member, weak or strong, sick or well, in time and eternity.

It is this love that commends all the gifts of God-this love from which they all flow, gives them all their claims. This is the glorious possession of all the heaven-born children. Here they have riches immense, unloseable and eternal.

O how great is the blessedness of those who know the love of Christ experimentally; whose hearts have been touched, melted, and subdued by it! But it is only God the Holy Ghost, that can communicate this love, and the spiritual knowledge of it to the soul; therefore, the Apostle Paul prays for the Ephesians (iii. chapter.)

My brethren, this is not a matter of speculation, but of heaven-born feeling. If we know this love, we shall return it; (1 John iv. 19.) for love begets love.

But how does love manifest itself?-In frequent thoughts of the object beloved,—in strong desires for communion with him,in sincere endeavours to do his will,-in affectionate imitation of him.

Let me ask you then, "What think ye of Christ?" Is he the supreme object of your affections? Do you delight in his person, work, and offices? Is he your all and in all? Do you love to obey and follow him? "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." This is the language of Jesus himself. The Apostle John has given us a most beautiful summary of the evidences and effects of Divine love. See 1 John iv. 16-21.

Dear brethren, I must leave the other parts of the text until another time. May the Lord command his blessing on you and his word. Amen and amen.

Saffron Walden, Essex, Nov., 1857.

If we are not built on a firm foundation, the flood of God's anger will soon sweep us away -our own refuges are sure to fail us.

Our Churches, their Pastors, and their People.



On Monday evening, May 3rd, a special service was held in the Old Baptist Chapel, Devizes, with reference to the settlement of Mr. C. H. Marston, as pastor over the church. The desire of both minister and people being, to escape the formality usual in public recog. nitions, it was determined simply to hold an evening service for the purpose of general thanksgiving and mutual consideration of the responsibilities connected with the event.

The service was opened by the singing of a hymn, after which, Lieut. W. R. Aikman read the 85th Psalm, making a few practical remarks, suited to the occasion. Thanksgiving followed for the special mercy of God in setting over the church a brother in whose ministry so general a confidence was felt; and suppli. cation was made for the effectual blessing of God to rest upon the soul of the pastor, upon his ministerial labours, and also upon the


After a second hymn, Mr. Aikman addressed the congregation from Psalm xc. 16, 17. After noticing from the Psalm, the vanity of man, the determination of God to rebuke sin in his people, the shortness of life, the true wisdom of consecrating it to the service of God, he observed,

I-That Christianity is entirely the work of God, being the result of personal election unto everlasting life by the sovereign will of God. That the free reception of this mercy by the few, while the multitude, according to the counsel and purpose of God, are passed by, should lead the possessors highly to value this gift. That the whole progress of the inner work in the soul, depending entirely upon the gracious operation of the Holy Spirit, should induce a humble, submissive walk with God. That the effect of this life in the soul of the genuine believer would ever be the desire and the prayer that the work of God should appear in him, and through its outshining upon the members of his family that the glory of God should appear to them also.

II. That the beauty spoken of was not the personal righteousness of Jesus which is imputed to the people of God. This is ever upon his believing children, and their shortcomings cannot cause it to remove, but that this beauty is the spirituality of God, or the beauty of holiness in the image of Jesus. Having particularised the leading features of this beauty, humility, meekness, devotedness to God, love to the brethren, sympathy with the poor and afflicted, the speaker endeavoured to lay upon the consciences of the brethren the fact that possession of this beauty by individual Christians and by the church, was glorifying to God, and the true end of their vocation in Christ Jesus.

III. That the prerogative of establishing

the labour of the hands of his servants belonging exclusively to God, it was absolutely necessary, in order to his blessing, that Christian labour should be according to knowledge, and in purity, and in a spirit glorifying to the Divine name; that the absence of these in much of the labour of the present day rendered it only wood, hay, and stubble, which should be burned up in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lieut. concluded by pointing out earnestly to the brethren, that the grand means appointed by God for the carrying out his mysterious purposes of grace and mercy being the ministry, they should seek grace highly to value and to esteem their brother whom the Lord had so evidently sent among them; should consider his manifold trials, temptations, anxieties, and infirmities, and exercise all forbearance and Christian love, not forgetting continual importunate prayer for the power of the Holy Ghost to rest upon him as the minister of Christ, ordained by God for the peace, prosperity, and advancement of the church of Jesus.

Mr. Randall, one of the deacons offered an earnest prayer for the blessing of God upon the union that had been made, acknowledging the divine goodness which had already attended the ministry of his servant, and begging that the union might be one of lasting usefulness.

Mr. Marston observed that had more time been at command, (yet his own feeling would have prevented his saying all he would have liked to say) he had wished to give some simple statement of those truths which he desired ever to maintain, but one word would embrace all: "Salvation is of the Lord." He felt and realized the total ruin and utter helplessness and nothingness of man, and cast away with abhorrence all that savoured of human merit, free will, or creature power. God's salvation flows alone from his own sovereign will, manifesting itself in the wondrous gift of Jesus as all and in all, and through the power of the Holy Ghost brings each redeemed soul into living spiritual union with Jesus. God's design in all, was his own glory, and he must contend for that salvation which not only exists for his people but is wrought in them, bringing them into association with him in seeking that glory, even as it shall soon bring them into association with him in the realization and manifestation of that glory. It was not only a salvation wrought for, but wrought in, the elect, shewing itself in the fear of God, the work of faith, and the labour of love which he must maintain as the salvation which was of God. This was the word of salvation which he aimed to preach.

That word he aimed to preach affectionately. He coveted the loving spirit. He sought to preach faithfully. Faithfulness and love were good handmaids. He would that every time

he preached, so far as his efforts went, every objection can be raised to them, provided they man might find his own state described, and are carried on in a profitable and Christian have the testimony of God upon it so clearly spirit; and we would strongly recommend paspointed out, that so not shunning to declare tors on these occasions always to arrange that the whole counsel of God, he might indeed be each speaker shall have a given subject to clear of the blood of all men. He wanted to speak from within a given time: also to let preach discriminatingly, that there might be, the choice of each speaker's subject be so arno uncertainty in the sound of his trumpet, ranged as to be in harmony or connection no mingling of law and gospel, flesh and with the others who may precede or follow. spirit, precious and vile. He wanted to preach If this plan be carried out we are sure many profitably. John had no greater joy than that very happy and profitable hours may be spent. his children walked in the truth; might that Tea meetings are often the means of members joy be his. If his people were cold, conten- and friends becoming better acquainted with tious, worldly; if no souls were gathered into one another, and this is frequently attended the fold, where should be his labour? He with good results. wanted wages, souls redeemed and sanctified On Monday evening, May 17th, the tenth for his hire, and fruit abounding in the church anniversary of our friend Moyle's pastorate as his seal. He looked at these things, and over the church at Rye Lane, Peckham was his heart often sank while he cried, "Who is held; the church where for many years that sufficient for these things?" yet he knew that honored servant of God, Mr. Thomas Powell, the grace of God was sufficient. Therefore laboured with some success, who died in the would he again remind the dear brethren of year '47. The friends took tea together; after one of his earliest messages, Pray for us." tea, in introducing the business of the When he found them a prayerless people, he meeting, Mr. Moyle said-Ten years have should surely find them unblessed, and he rolled into eternity since first I became Paswould that in prayer they should pray that his tor of this Church; or, to be more precise, it soul might have its place close in prayerful was ten years last September since I first took communion with God, that the blood of the the oversight of this flock. We are together Lamb might come into constant contact with still; and I think we are now more united first married. The his conscience, and that the fear of God should than when we were have its deep place in his heart. He knew Church had built him a good substanthat to be a savour of Christ to them, his own tial, and comfortable dwelling house, for soul must have much dealing with Christ. If which he was thankful. Respecting the cause God had blessed his word, surely their pray--he said, our progress has been gradual; but ers, through the Spirit, had much tended to that end. He had indeed been with them in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling, yet determining by God's grace to know nothing among them save Jesus Christ and him crucified.


Most gratefully he thanked the friends, one and all, for their many kindnesses, and would only beg that if at any time anything should escape his lips which might appear to be inconsistent with truth that they would at once name it to him, that they might come together to the Word; and deeply grateful should he be to that brother whose greater light should, at any time, point out his own darkness, but it would be painful to hear that Soand-So had said this, and So-and-So of his own flock had said that. Hitherto, in mercy, their peace and unanimity, from the first day of meeting unto now, had been perfect. Might God preserve it! He begged their continued sympathy and prayers, and earnestly begged that the blessing of God might rest upon them.

The Doxology was then sung, at the conclusion of which, Mr. Marston presented a fervent prayer for the guidance of himself and brethren, and after pronouncing the benediction, the meeting separated, having experienced a solemn and refreshing season.


MR. MOYLE'S TENTH ANNIVERSARY. Tea and public meetings among the churches professing to hold "the truth" "have, within the past few years, assumed a prominent feature. We do not know that any particular

continuous: we have never gone back, but a little forward. Truth was still maintained amongst them in all its purity. Peace reigns sweetly in our midst the church and Pastor are united and happy; the deacons work harmoniously, cheerfully, and willingly for our united comfort. This is something to say in these quarrelsome times. I don't know that we have any masters here; truly we have One whom we all not only acknowledge as Master, but adore and praise for his unspeakable love to us, a band of blood-redeemed sinners.

Mr. Congreve, (one of the deacons) gave a clear statement of the financial position of the "Pastor's House Fund." Total cost of the Freehold Pastor's house was £328. 13s. 1d.; towards which, the Church and friends had already subscribed about £150; the remainder is borrowed at interest.

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Mr. Milner congratulated the pastor on his happy and useful position in connection with his change; and gave a short address on "The Mr. J. A. Jones spoke Captive set Free' solemnly on "Gospel Confidence." Mr. G. Wyard, in a short and happy address, descanted on the "Christian Race." Mr. Meeres gave some excellent and well arranged thoughts on "The Evidences of Divine Truth." Friend Attwood was to have spoken but want of time prevented. It was a pleasant and profitable meeting.


ON Lord's-day, 25th April, 1858, the twenty-ninth anniversary of Bethesda Chapel, Ipswich, took place, when three sermons were preached by Mr. J. E. Bloomfield, of Sa

lem Chapel, Meard's Court, Soho, London, And truly a good day we had while hearing our good brother proclaiming the grand truths of the everlasting gospel of the grace of God. Many hearts were made glad, the ever blessed Spirit bearing his divine testimony to the truth spoken, without which, preaching may please, but never profit. May his servants, be led more deeply to feel this truly indispensible branch of experimental truth in their own souls, insist more upon it in their ministry, that the Holy and blessed Trinity may be more glorified in preaching, and his people refreshed as we were favored to be on that memorable day. The Lord lead, teach, and bless our good brother, make him more valiant still, and a large and lasting blessing

in Zion.

The congregation in afternoon was, from ten, to twelve hundred. A liberal spirit existed, and upwards of twenty-two pounds collected.

This tempest tossed cause, has long been a highly favoured one :-nor is it less so now. Much, very much, have we to be thankful for we can truly say that

"Midst changing scenes, and dying friends,

He is our all in all."

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BORO' GREEN-On Sunday. May 9th, the village of Boro' Green presented an appearance that it has not done for some time, owing to Mr. John Inward, the pastor at Ryarsh, Kent, being expected to baptize seven persons in his Master's name. Spectators were in all directions wending their way toward the place! Presently, along came the Ryarsh pastor, with his candidates, and their respective attendants; after the usual preliminary services, he announced his text, John i. 25, "why baptizest thou?" 1, because it (the ordinance of baptism) was heaven's authority; 2, heaven's example; 3, heaven's approbation; 4, heaven's commission; 5, heaven's description by way of figure in reference to the sufferings of Christ. An appropriate hymn was sung, chosen by one of the candidates; then the baptizing commenced. Mr Inward took them through the water manfully, giving a short statement of each one's call by grace. In the afternoon, he administered the ordinance of the Lord's supper to the church at Boro' Green; he was at home in his work; at night he preached a sound solid truthful discourse from Habakkuk iii. "Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people; "even for salvation with thine anointed." Noticing two things; 1, the love acts of Jehovah, Father, Son and Holy Ghost," thou wentest forth.' 2nd, the end and design" the salvation of thy people." Thus ended another day of gladness and of delight in Zion. Boro' Green Chapel is large and convenient, they are a truth loving people. Could they get a man to sound forth the notes of the unadulterated gospel, they would be glad. May the Lord, ere long, send them a young man after his own heart, that shall feed them with knowledge and with understanding; so prays


A LITTLE ONE ON THE WALLS OF ZION. HANSLOPE, BUCKS.-Mr. Editor-As members of one family, we love to hear of each others welfare, especially of the recovery of any that have

been in a poor sickly condition. We feel persuaded to send this, to the glory of God; and the encouragement of those who may be in a like position. done great things for us; whereof we are glad." "Wait, I say, wait upon the Lord." "He hath For a length of time this part of Zion has been in a low state; so much so, that the hearts of the been grieved; and we have feared many times lest ministers who have kindly come to preach, have thanks be to God it is not so. "Ichabod" should be written upon the walls, We wish, through this medium, to thank you, and all those who have come to preach the gospel to us. We believe it has not been altogether in vain. For some years the two or three here have been praying God to send a man as an instrument in his hands to build the walls of Jerusalem, and we believe he has in the person of Brother JOSEPH CARTWRIGHT, of Tring. God moves in a mysterious way. After the first time Joseph preached here, he thought he could not come to Hanslope again, but this appeared the only open door at that period; and as he came, the congregation increased: not only is his preaching blessed to the believer in administering comfort and support; but others are brought to see somewhat of the beauty and excellence "of him of whom Moses and the prophets did write." On Lord's day morning, May, 2, 1858, Mr Cartwright preached from the first chapter of John and 25th verse, "Why baptizest thou then?" He noticed, 1st, because it is of divine appointment; 2nd, the example of our Lord and Master; lastly, the Divine approbation, and heavenly benediction. After sermon, the ordinance of baptism by immersion, was administered to a young man, a teacher of the sabbath school, to whom Mr Cartwright's ministry has been highly blessed in bringing him out of darkness into God's marvellous light, and we hope, if it is the Lord's will, others will follow. There was a great number to witness. Our minister made some very appropriate remarks at the baptistry. We trust much good was done. R. B. T. B.

MR. S. COZENS AT DERBY.-On Lord's-day May 2nd, 1858, we were favoured with the ministrations of our esteemed friend, Mr. Cozens at Derby, when two excellent sermons were preached on behalf of the chapel incidental funds. The morning service was a joyful season to all who were privileged to attend: we had been longing for the time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and thanks be unto his adorable name we had it-hearts were made glad, faith strengthened, hope brightened and encouraged. The evening discourse was full of heavenly counsel; the word came with great power and demonstration of the Spirit, and was watered with tears of joy and gladness; long, will our brother Cozens be remembered by some at Derby. Our fervent prayer is that he may be long spared to water many a vineyard. On Monday, a public tea meeting was held, when a goodly number sat down. After which addresses were deliverd by Messrs Taylor, Walker, Merwood and Cozens. Cozens, in his able style, rivited the attention of the audience, while speaking of " the two great desideratums of the age," viz: Character in the Church, and Salvation in the Pulpit. Mr. Cozens remarked that there must be a change in the ministry before there would be any very mater


ial alteration in the church. If Zion's saints are to shout aloud for joy her priests must be clothed with movement in America, Mr. Cozens proposed a spesalvation. After referring to the great religious cial prayer meeting to be held at 7 o'clock on the following and every morning through the week, to pray God to revive his work in the hearts of all his people individually, and in the church universally, promising to attend the first meeting. Consequently on Tuesday morning, at 7 o'clock, we met for prayer, at which eight addressed the throne of grace for a revival of pure and undefiled religion. Oh may the dear Lord bless the services to the good of our souls is the prayer of


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