GB/T 23920-2022 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GB/T 23920-2022, GBT23920-2022): Low-speed vehicles - Determination method of maximum speed [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 9 jan. 2023 - 14 sidor This document describes the determination method of actual maximum speed of low-speed vehicles. This document applies to low-speed vehicles (hereinafter referred to as vehicles). |
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4 | |
Foreword | 5 |
Test methods | 8 |
Appendix A Normative Measurement report of the actual maximum running speed | 10 |
Appendix B Normative Setting of running resistance on chassis dynamometer | 12 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
accelerator to reach actual maximum running actual maximum speed Actual maximum Test air density and/or vehicle speed Anhui Atmospheric pressure kPa average vehicle speed calculated slipping speed chassis dynamometer consecutive measurements design total mass Determination method drum dynamometer test engine speed and/or equivalent inertia filled with fuel highest forward gear Initial calculated slipping Jilin University kilopascals km/h km/h Liaocheng Linyi longitudinal gradient Low-speed vehicles Luoyang main measurement parameters maximum design total maximum running speed measure the actual measured actual maximum Measurement report moment of inertia Newtons N open the accelerator precision requirements required in Table running resistance running speed record runway for test set according Shandong speed and/or vehicle speed record table standard environment Table A.1 Taian Taizhou Take the larger Terms and definitions test environment test road section test vehicle tire pressure to-and-from direction to-and-from trip transverse gradient travel a distance units and precision vehicle identification vehicle manufacturer