Picturesque Views on the Upper, Or Warwickshire Avon: From Its Sources at Naseby to Its Junction with the Severn at Tewkesbury ; with Observations on the Public Buildings, and Other Works of Art in Its VicinityR. Faulder and T. Egerton, 1795 - 284 sidor |
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Picturesque Views on the Upper, Or Warwickshire Avon: From Its Sources at ... Samuel Ireland Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1795 |
Picturesque Views on the Upper, Or Warwickshire Avon, From Its Sources at ... Samuel Ireland Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2018 |
Picturesque Views on the Upper, Or Warwickshire Avon, From Its Sources at ... Samuel Ireland Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2018 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
abbey acroſs adjoining alſo annexed antient appears arches Avon bank Bard beautiful beſt Bidford Biſhop Bretford bridge caſtle cauſe chapel church Clopton cloſe confiderable conſequence courſe deſign diſtance Dugdale Earl Earl of Warwick eaſy Eſq eſtate Eveſham extenſive faid firſt fiſh Fladbury Guy's Cliff handſome Henry hills himſelf hiſtory houſe intereſting itſelf John King landſcape laſt Leiceſter leſs likewiſe Lord manſion maſter mile moſt Mythe bridge Naſeby obſerved occafion oppoſite pariſh paſs paſſed perſon pictureſque poſſeſſion premiſes preſent preſerved purchaſed reign repreſentation reſpect reſt riſes river river Avon ſaid ſame ſays ſcene ſcenery ſeems ſeen ſent ſerve ſet ſeveral Shakſpeare Shakſpeare's ſhall ſhe ſhould ſide ſince ſituation ſketch ſmall ſome ſon ſpacious ſpot ſpring ſtands ſtate ſtill ſtone ſtood ſtory Stratford ſtream ſtrong ſtyle ſubject ſuch ſupport ſuppoſed taſte theſe Thomas Lucy thoſe tower town Tripontium uſed venerable village Warwick Warwick Town whoſe