the treasure unto me above all 6 And ye thall be unto me 7 And Mofes came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all there words which the LORD commanded him.linen yio 8 And all the people anfwered together, and faid, All that the LORD hath fpoken, we will do. And Mofes returned the words of the people unto the LORD. the third day: come not ar your wives. 16 And it came to pass on the third day in the morning,that there were thun ders and lightnings, and a thick clond upon the mount, and the voice of the trumper exceeding loud; fo that all the people thar were in the camps trembled. Morea, R 17 And Mofes brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God, & they flood at the nether part of the thount, 18 And mount Sinal was altogether on a fmoke, bes caufe the LORDdefcended upon it in fire and the fmoke thereof afcended as the fmoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.yan 9 And the LORD faid Jerk unto Mofes, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may 19 And when the voice hear when I speak with of the trumper founded thee, and believe thee for long, and waxed louder. ever. And Mofes told the and louder, Mofes fpake, words of the people unto and God answered him by the LORD. a voice, aktorer ! his 10 And the LORD fald 20 And the LORD camé unto Mofes, Go unto the down upon mount Sinal people, and fanétifie them on the top of the mount: to day and to morrow,and and the LORD called Molet them wash theirclothes fes up to the top of the fr And be ready against mount, and Mofes went up the third day: for the third 1 And the LORD faid day the LORD will come unto Mofes, Go down, down in the fight of allthe charge the people,left they people, upon mount Sinal. break through unto the 12 And thou thale fet LORD to gaze, and many bounds into the people ofthem perith, round about, faying,Take heed to your felves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of tt: whofoever toucheth the mount, thall be furely put to death. 13 There fhal nor an hand touch tr,but he thall furely be ftoned or fhorthrough whether it be beaft or man, it fhall not five: when the trumper foundeth long, they thall come up to the mount, 14 And Mofes went down from the monat un: to the people, and fanel fed the people, and they wahed their clothes. 15 And he fald unto the People, Be ready against 22 And let the priests alfo which come near to the. LORD, fanctifie them felves,left the LORD break forth upon them, 23 And Mofes faid unto the LORD, The people cannot come up to moune, Sinal: for thou chargedft us, faying, Set bounds ar bout the mount, and fantificir 24 And the LORD faid unto bly, Away, get thee down,and thou that come up, thou, and Aaron with thee,burler not the priests and the people break through, to come up unto the LORD, left he break forth upon thent. 25'50 25 So Mofes went down unto the people,and fpake untetiem. CHAP. xx. ANd God fpake all thofe words, faying, 2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the houfe of bondage. 3 Thon fhalt have no o.. ther gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven i mage,or any likeness of any thin that is in heaven a bove or that is in the earth beneath,or that trin the water under the earth, Thou shalt not bow down thy felf to them,nor ferve them: for 1 the Lord thy God ma jealous God, vifiting the iniquity ofthe fathersupon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me 6 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my com mandments. 7 Thou shalt not take the game of the Lord thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in yaln 3 Remember the fabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days fhalt thou la bour, and do all thy work, 10 But the feventh day is the fabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work,thou,nor thy fon, nor thy daughter, 13 Thou shalt not kill 14 Thou shalt not com mit adultery. 15 Thou shalt not freali 16 Thou shalt not bear falfe witness against thy neighbour.. 17 Thou shalt not coves thy neighbours houfe, thou shalt not cover thy neighbours wife, nor his man-fervant, nor his maidfervant,nor his ox,nor his afsy nor any thing that is thy neighbours.. i5 And all the people R 19 And they faid unto Mofes, Speak thou with us, and we will hear but let P not God fpeak with us left we die, 20 And Mofes faid unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye fin not. 21 And the people food afar off, and Mofes drew near unto the thick dark nefs where God was. 92 And the LORD faid unro Mofes, Thus thou fhalt fay unto the children. of Ifrael, Ye have feen that I have talked with you from heaven. 23 Ye Ghall not make with me gods of filver, neither hali ye make unto you gods of goldi of earth thy man-fervant, nor thy 24 An alcanto mes maid-fervant, nor tby cat thou halt make un thy 25 And Ifthon wilt make me an altar of Bone, thou halt not bulld it of hewen, tone for if thou lift up thy toofupon it, thou hart pullnted it. 20 Netcher halt thou go ng. or ber aft th up by feps unto mine al- 2 If thou buy an Hebrew 3 If he came in by him felf, he thall out by him felfs If he were married, then his wife hall go out with him, 4 If his mafter have given him a wife, and the have born him (ons or daugh ters, the wife and her children shall be her mafters, and he thall go out by himfelf. And if the fervant hall ar plainly fay, I love my mater, my wife, and my children, I will not go our free 6 Then his mafter thall bring him unto the judges; he hall alfo bring him to the door, or unto the door poft: and his master fhall bore his ear through with an aul; and he thall ferve him for ever. Rood L dark dres 74 And if a man fell his daughter to be a maid-fer vant, the hall not go out as the men-fervants do.. 8 If the pleafe not her mafter, who hath betroth yo ed her to himself, then thall he let her be redeem ed,to fellherunto a ftrange nation, he shall have no power, feing he hath deals deceitfully with her. you* 9 And if he have betroth ed her unto bls fon, he hall deal with her after the manner of daughters 10 If he take him another if her food,her ralment, and her dury of marriage, hall he not atmunih. It And if he do not thefe three unto her, then thall the go out free withour money. in wait, but God deliver him into his hand; then E will appoint thee a place whither he thall flee. 14 But if a man come prefumptuously, upon bis neighbour, to day him with gulle; thou shalt rake him from mine altar, that he may die. 15 And he that fmiterh his father, or his mother, thall be furely put to death 16. And he that flealeth a man, and felleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he thall furely be put to death. 17 And he that curfeth his father, of his mother, thallfurely be put to death 187And if men frive to gether, and one fmite another with a ftone, or with bis fift, and he die nor, but keepeth his bed: 19 If he rife again, and walk abroad upon his flaff, then hall he that fmote him, be quit: only he thall pay for the lofe of histime, and fhall caufe bim to be throughly healed. 20 And if man fmite his fervant, or his mald with a rod, and he dle un der his hand t he shall be firely punished. 21 Notwithlanding, if he continud a day or two, he thall not be punished: for he is his money. 22 If men frive, and hurt a woman with child, fo that her fruit depart from ber, and yet no mif. chief follow: he shall be furely punished, accor ding as the womans huf band will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the Judges determine. 23 And If any mlfchlef follow, then chou shale give life for 11fe. 24 Bye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand,foor for foot. 25 Burning for burning, 12 a for ftripe. He that finiteth wound for weund, Arige man, fo that he die, fhall, be furely put to death." 23 And if a man lie aor 26 And If a man fmire the eye of bis fervant, or the eye of his mald, that it perit; perim, he thall let him go or fall it; he thall refore 2 if a thief be found him, there hill be blood| Jhed for him: for he thould make full realtuelon if he have nothing, then he thall be fold for his theft. 4 If the theft be certainly found in his hand alive, whether it be ox, or, afi or heep: he thall reforé double. 28 If an ox gore a man Ifthe fun be rifen upon or a woman, that they dier then the ox fhall be furety ttoned, and his feth hall not be eaten, but the ow ner of the oxfbalt bequit. 29 49 But if the ox were wont to push with his horns in tithe past, and it hath been teftified to his owner, and he hath not kept him in, but that be hath killed a man or a wo than the ox fhall be foi hed, and his owner alfo shall be put to death. 301fthere be laid on him a fum ofmoney,then be half give for the ranfom of his life, whatfoever is laid up. on him. 31 Whether he hath gori eda fon, or have gored a daughter, according to this Judgment thall it be done unto him. 32 Ifthe ox thall put a man-fervant, or a maid fervant: he thall give unto their mafter thirty thekels of filver; and the ox half Bé Rofied. 33 And if a man thall open a plt, or Ifa man thall dig a pit, and not cover it; and an ox or an af fall therein: 34 The owner of the pit thall make it good,and give money unto the owner of them, and the dead beat hall be his. Ifa shan fhall cause á 6 If fire break out, and 741f a man all deliver 35 And If one mans ox hurt another, that he die, then they fall fell the live ox, and divide the money off and the dead ox alfo they hall divide. 36 Or if it be known that the ox hath used to put in time paft,and his owner hach nor kept him in; he, thall furely pay ox for ox, & the dead hal be his own' CHAP. XXII. 11 The thallan oath of the LORD be between there them both that he hath not put his hand unto his 204 neighbours goods; and the owner of it thall accept thereof, and he thall not make it good. poor by thee, thou shale not be cohim as an ufrer neither halt thou lay up on him ufury 26 If thou at all take th pledge, thou shalt deliver neighbours raiment to 12 And if it be follen from him, he thall make it unto him by that the po reftitution unto the owner fun geeth down oo thereof. ai torn. 3 Ifit berorn in pleces; the let him bring it for witness, and he thall not make good that which was 14 And Ifa man borrow alu aught of his neighbour, and at Irbe hurt, or die, the o ow ner thereof bemenet with tit; he thall furely make it good. 15 But if the owner thereofte with it, he thall not bed make it good if it be an hired thing, it came for his ard hire. -16 And if a man entice maid that is not betroth rd: and lie with her; he fall furely endew her to Si be his wife, t 204 17 If her father utterly all refufe to give her unco him, he fhall pay money according to the dowry of virgins, 13 Thou shalt not fuffer a witch to live, be 19 le with a beaft, fhal furely be Pat to death. Whofoever lleth 20 He that facrificeth nto any ged, fave unto the LORD only, he thall be arrerly deftroyed.. da Thou that neither vex a ftranger, nor oppreis him: for ye were ftrangers In the land of Egypt. of 22 Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. 23 If thou aflet them in any wife, and they cry at all unto me: I will furely hear their cry, all 24 And my wrath wax hor, and will kill you with the fword; and Y wi your wives that bel Wi dows, and your children Fatherlefs, afthout lend money to any of my people that is ing only, it is his raiment 27 For that is his covere for his skin: wherein hal he fleep? And it thal come to paß,when he crieth un to me, that I will hear 28 Thou shalt not re for I am gracious. vile the gods, nor curfe the fuler of thy people." 29 Thou shalt nor de lay to offer the firft of the. ripe fruits, and of thy IIquors: the firf both of thy fons fhalt thou give unro me. 30 Likewife thalt thou do with thine oxen, and with thy theep: feven days it fhall be with his dam ort the eight day thou shale give it me. 31 And ye fhall be how ly men unto me: neither fall year any Reth that is torn of beafts in the field: ye hall caft ir to the dogs. CHAP. XXIII. Hou fhalt not raise a falfe report: put not thine hand with the wick ed to be an unrighteous witnefs, Thou shalt not fotlow a multitide to do evil; neither halt thon fpeak in a caufe, to decline after many, to wreft judgment. 3 Neither halt thoiz conntenance a poor man in his caufe, 4 If thou meer thine enemies ex or his afs going aftray, thou halt furely bring it back to him again. 5 if thoa fee the afs of him thar bateth thee, ly ing under his burden, and wouldeft forbear to help help with him. him thou halt furely 6 Thou shalt not wreff the judgment of thy poor, in his cafe. 7 Keep thee far from falfe |