widow-hood. was called Pharez. on the garments of her How haft thon broke thi forth? this breach beyond the friend the Adullamite, to 30 And afterward cams with Jorph, and dev 20 And Judah fent the thee: therefore his era. receive bls pledge from the out his brother that sex, and pa kid by the hand of his womans hand but he LORD the fcarlet threed upon hi 21 Then he asked the called Zarah. hand, and his name wat om to as keeper of the prefo found her not. men ofthat place, faying, CHA P. XXXIX. and Where the harlot, that ANd Jofeph was brought band all the was no harlot in this place. 2 And the LORD hand; and 13 And Judah faid, Let her take it to her, left we with Jofeph, and he was mur, faying was with hi be ashamed behold, Ifent was in the houfe of his lie which be mafter the Egyptian... in her hand, made fro pr z 3-And his mafter faw that. this kid, and thou haft not CHA Red forth gypt, and about three moneths after, and that the LORD made a todo there! that it was told Judah, all that he did to profperne er of ter in law hath played the 4 And Jofeph found gracealed unto offended harlor and alfo behold, In his fight, and he fervedle, and mo faying. Tamar thy daugh the with child by whore dom. And Judah faid, Bring her forth, and ler her be burnt. 25 When he was brought 5And it came to pass from Tried this came to pass, w ard char I lift c and cryed, t his garment forth, fe fent to her fa- the time that he had made are thefe, the fignet, and fephs fake: and the blef, and got bracelets, and staff. 26 And Judah acknowledged them, and faid, She hath been more righteous, fing of the LORD was up than 1; becaufe that I gave had in Jofephs hand; and make un her not to Shelah my fon he knew not ought he had to the and he knew her again no fave the bread which heng, The after tio e things, that his my voic 8 But he refufed, and ith me,and f It came analer be Sof his wife bound upon his hand a faid unto his mafters wifer unto him faying, Behold, my mafter wors manner teth not what is with me to me brot this houfe than I neither the kings: prifoners were ath he kept back any bound: and he was there his na thing from me, but thee, in the prifon. becaufe thou art his wife rd how then can I do this that great wickedness, and fin upeagainft God? name .. ant to And it came to pass as the fpake to Jofeph day XIX by day, that he hearkened broue, norunto her, to lie by her, ptor to be with her. of II And it came to pafs a e guai bout this time, that Jofeph ehr went into the house to do el his bufinels, and there was brong none of the men of the houfe there within. D1 And the caught him be va by his garment, faying, and Lie with me: and he left of his garment in. her hand, and fled, and got him out. at 13 And It came to pafs th his when the faw that he had Dleft his garment in her profpe band and was fled forth, 14 That the called unto dgra the men of her houfe, and ferva pake unto them, faying, e b See, he harh brought in an hos Hebrew unto us to mock heus; he came in unto mero lie with me, and I cried fre with a loud voice. houl mad 15 And it came to pass, hon when he heard rhar I lift haded up my voice and cryeds that he left his garment with me, and fled, and got him out. ed ble 23 11p Id. ar h 16 And the lald up his garment by her, until his lord came home. 17 And the fpake unto him according to thefe words, faying, The Hebrew feryant which then haft brought unto us,came In unto me to mock me. 18 And it came to pafs, pa as I lift up my voice and the cryed, that he left his garcyment with me,and fled out was well 19 And It came to pafs, when his mafter heard the and words of his wife, which ift the fpake unto him,faying, yot After this manner did thy mervant to me that his at Wreth was kindled. 20 And Jofephs mafler took him, and put him init to the pinya lacewhere 21 But the LORD was with Jofeph, and fhewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the fight of the keeper of the prifon. 22 And the keeper of the prifon committed to Jofephs hand all the prifo ners that were in the prifon; and whatfoever they did there, he was the doer of it. 23 The keeper of the pri fon looked not to anyt thing that was under his hand; because the LORD was with him: and that which he did, the LORD made it to profper. A CHAP. XL. Nd it came to pass after thefe things that the butler of the king of Egypt, and his baker, had offended their lord, the king of Egypt. 2And Pharaoh was wroth against two of his officers, against the chief of the butlers, and against the chief of the bakers. 3 And he put them in ward in the houfe of the captain of the ghard, inco the prifon,the place where Jofeph was bound. 4 And the captain of the guard charged Jofeph with them, and he ferved them; and they continued a fea fon in ward. And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night,each man according to the interpretation of his dream; the burler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which were bound In the prifon And Jofeph came in unto them, in the morning, and looked upon them; and behold, they were fad. 7 And he asked Pharachs officers that were with him in the ward of his lords houfe, faying, Wherefore look ye foladly re day? SAnd they faid unto him, we have dreamed a dream and there is no Interpreter ofit. And Jofeph fald un 19 Yer within three days läks medinthall Pharaoh lift up thy Egy and all fuch as never to them, Do not interpre head from off thee, and the land of E tations belong to God? tell fhall hang thee on a tree sadnes 9 And the chief butler told his dream to Jofeph, and fald unto him, In my dream, behold, a vine was before me; to And in the vine were flesh from off thee. 20 And it came to pafs the third day, which was Pharaohs birth-day, that he made a feaft unto all his fervants: and he lifted up up the firft Pharaoh, fay. eaten them remember my be know eaten the three branches; and it was the head of the chief but va mach tillil – as though it budded, and her bloffoms fhot forth; and the clusters thereof ler, and of the chief baker 21 And he reftored the hand... and begin in the captain 22 And DE chief baker, upin med each man with brought forth ripe grapes. chief butler unto his but-bove, but 200 II And Pharaohs cup was lership again; and he gave and a d in mine hand: and I took the cup into Pharaohs mich, Ind A 22 But he hanged the kindel Vi chiefbaker as Jofeph had interpreted to them. 23 Yet did not the chief. the grapes, and preffed them into Pharaohs cnp, and I gave the cup into Pharaohs hand. 12 And Jofeph fald unto is dream. upa him, This is the interpre- butler remember Jofephs invit to the a tatlon of it: the three but forgat him. dere was there 2 young man, an vou thegord; and C 4m, and he interour dreams:co CHAP XLI. that Pharaoh dreamed, to the place, and thou and behold, he food by me to pas thalt deliver Pharaohs cup into his hand, after the the river. 2 And behold, there came upted to us, fo Rebe reftored un former manner when thou up out of the river fevence, and him he 14 Rut think upon me, when it shall be well with well-favoured kine, and en Pharaoh fer thee, and fhew kindness, I 3And behold,feven other in batily out pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh,and bring me out of this houfe. 15 For Indeed I was ftolen away out of the land of kine, came up after them & be thaw hd changed and came in haraoh Cale and dorzz interpret 1 beard fay o 4 And the ill-favoured. the Hebrews: and here al. and lean-fleshed kine did have drea fo have I done nothing eat up the feven well-fathat they thould pur me voured and far kine. So into the dungeon.. 16 When the chief baker faw that the interpretat!. on was good; he faid unto Jofeph, Ialfo was in my aream, and behold, I had three white baskets on my mead, Pharaoh awoke.. 5 And he flept and dreamed the fecond time: and behold, feven ears of corn came up upon one talk rank and good 17 And in the uppermoft basker there was of all manper of bake-mears for Pharaoh; and the birds did ear them our of the basker pon my head. 18 And Jofeph answered, and faid. This is the Interpretation thereof the three basketscrethree days 6 And behold,feven thin ears, and blafted with the caft-wind, fprang up aften them. 7 And the feven thin ears devoured the feven rank and full ears and. Phara oh awoke, and behold, te was a dream, canf unc to intere Tal, faying God hal mfver And Phar kep, la 8 And it came to pass in the morning,that his fpirit was troubled: and he feat and up our kine, fa Gavoure na mea And t kine 119, poo Fee days ze, and and called for all the ma- favoured,and lean-fleshed, upthy gicians of Egypt, and all fuch as I never faw in all the wife-men thereof: and the land of Egypt, for a tree; Pharaoh told them his badness. dream; but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharach ear thy to pas cb , that all hit fred ief but ef bake red the his but The gat 99 Thenfpake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, faying, I do remember my faults this day. 10 Pharaoh was wroth with his fervants, and pur me in ward in the captain of the guards house, both me, and the chief baker. II And we dreamed a dream in one night, I and he: we dreamed each man ed the according to the interpre ph ha tation of his dream. araoh 12 And there was there chief with us a young man, an fofeph, Hebrew, fervant to the captain of the guard and we told him, and he interat the preted to us our dreams: co years each man according to his amed, dream he did interpret. od by 13 And it came to pafs, as he interpreted to us, fo came it was: me he reftored unfever to mine office, and him he and hanged. y fed then 14 Then Pharaoh fent and called Jofeph, & they other brought him hastily out of the dungeon: & he fhaved bimfelf, and changed his raiment, and came in un to Pharaoh. Favou , and e, up 15 And Pharaoh fald unto 17 And Pharaoh faid unthe to Jeeph, In my dream, behold, I ftood upon the brink of the river. afte ears rank 13 And behold, there came up our of the river ara feven kine, fat-fehed,and well-favoured, and they fed in a meadow. d, t 19 And behold, feven other kine came up afrer them, poor, and very ill. 20 And the lean and the ill-favoured kine did eat up the firft feven fat kine. 21 And when they had eaten them up,it could nor be known that they had eaten them; but they were #lill-favoured, as at the beginning. So I awoke. 22 And I law in my dream, and behold,teven ears came up in one ftalk, full and good, 23 And behold, feven ears, withered, thin cod blafted with the east-wind; fptung up after them. 24 And the thin ears devoured the feven good cars: and I told this into the magicians; but there was none that could declare tr unto me. 25 And Jofeph fald unto Pharaoh. The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath thewed Pharaoh what he is about to do. 26 The feven good kine are feven years; and the feven good ears are feven years: the dream frone. 27 And the feven thin and ill-favoured kine that came up after them, are fe ven years; and the feven empty ears blafted with the east-wind, fhall be feven years of famine. 28 This is the thing. which I have spoken unto Pharaoh What God is a bout to do, he fheweth un te Pharaoh. ng stor 29 Behold, there come feven years of grear plenty throughout all the land o Egypt. 30 And there fhall arife after them feven years of famine, and all the plenty thail be forgotten in the land of Egypt: and the famine hall confume. the land.readed 31 And the plenty fhall not be known in the land, by reafon of that famine following: for it ball de very grievous po C3 32 And and there is no Interpreter 19 Yet within three days. Arbet ofit. And Jofeph faid un- thall Pharaoh lift up thy of Egg, and all fuch as I never win all me them, I pray yon. Parab and fald unto him, In my the third day, which was the chief Andben they dream, behold, a vine was Pharaohs birth-day, that warah, dix them up it could before me; he made a feaft unto all his among his fervants. 26.16 remember my be known that thew vaten them; bu a adin the captain 22 And law in my three branches; and it was the head of the chief but the woch 14 favoured, ber bloffoms hot forth; and the clusters thereof the grapes, and preffed them into Pharaohs cup, hand.. dreamed each man withered, thin And there was there 24 And rive 22 But he hanged the theater with the 12th and I gave the cup into chiefbaker as Jofeph had his dream, him, This is the Interpre- butler remember Jofeph,,invart to the ears 23 Yer did not the chief yng man, and the 12 And Jofeph fald unto tatlon of It: the three branches are three days; but forgat him. CHAP XLI. Water the magi 13 Yet within three days ANd it came to pafs at the tous our dreams: co clare tru= end of two full years, according to his to the place, and thou and behold, he stood by And it came to pals, Phara head, and reftore thee un- that Pharaoh dreamed, det Into his hand, after the 2 And behold, there came hereftored un. is ab former manner when thou up out of the river feven ofice, and him he 26 Tharaoh fent fem make mention of me unto our ofthe river, lll-favou. Well and changed Pharaoh,and bring me out of this houfe. 14 For indeed I was ftolen away out of the land of the Hebrews; and here al fo have I done nothing that they should pur me into the dungeon.. 16 When the chiefbaker faw that the interpretatl. 17 And in the uppermost basker there was of all manner of bake-meats for Pharaoh and the birds did ear them our of the basker pon my head. 18 And Jofephanfwered, and faid. Thisls the Interretation thereof the three basketsrethree days red, and lean-fleshed, and 4 And the ill-favoured. eat up the feven well-fa- Pharaoh awoke... And he flept and drea behold, feven ears of corn med the fecond time: and came up upon one talk rank and good Sme and came in un Paraoh fald unte I have dreamed , and deers is no interpret it:ar e heard day of th thon canft underf eam, to interpres And Lee an me:God shall gi faying. han anfwer of 17 And Pharaoh Jep, In my old, food ok of the river And behole t up our of kine, fatTell favoured. fed in a meadow 19 And beho eber kine cam , poor, an ears, and blafted with the them. 7 And the feven thin ears devoured the feven rank and full ears and. Phara oh awoke, and behold, tr was a dream, 8 And it came to pafs in the morning,that his fpirit was troubled: and he feat and |