13 And it came to pafs, as he interpreted to us, fo it was: me he reftored unto mine office, and him he hanged. 14 Then Pharaoh fent and called Jofeph, & they her brought him haftily out of the dungeon: & he fhaved ou bimfelf, and changed his and raiment, and came in un to Pharaoh. -ea and favoured,and lean-fleshed, fuch as I never faw in all the land of Egypt, for badness. 20 And the lean and the ill-favoured kine did eat up the first feven fat kine. 21 And when they had eaten them up, it could nor be known that they had eaten them; but they were fill ill-favoured, as at the beginning. So I awoke. 22 And I faw in my dream, and behold,teven earscame up in one stalk, full and good, 23 And behold, fever ears, withered, thin blafted with the caft-wind; fptung up after them. 24 And the thin ears devoured the feven good ears: and I told this unto the magicians; but there was none that could declare tr unto me. 25 And Jofeph fald unto Pharaoh. The dream of Pharaoh ts one: God hath fhewed Pharaoh what he is about to do. 26 The feven good kine are feven years; and the feven good ears are feven years: the dream is one. 27 And the feven thin and ill-favoured kine that came up after them, are fe ven years; and the feven empty ears blafted with the east-wind, fhall be fe ven years of famine. 28 This is the thing. which I havefpoken unto Pharaoh What God is a-bout to do, he fheweth unre Pharaoh. 29 Behold, there come feven years of grear plenty throughout all the land o Egypt. 15 And Pharaoh fald unto red Jofeph, I have dreamed a did dream, and there is none that can interpret it and I have heard fay of thee, that thou canft understand a dream, to interpret it, 16 And Jofeph answered. Pharaoh, faying. It is not in me: God hall give Pha. raoh an anfwer of peace. 17 And Pharaoh fald un-30 And there fhall arife to Jeeph, In my dream, after them feven years of behold, I ftood upon the famine, and all the plenty brink of the river whall be forgotten in the 13 And behold, there land of Egypt: and the came up out of the river famine hall confume, the feven kine, fat-fleshed,and land. well-favoured, and they fed in a meadow. he ars nk 19 And behold, feven other kine came up afrer them, poor, and very ill 31 And the plenty fall not be known in the land, by reafon of that famine following: for it ball de very grievous C3 32 And 32 And for that the dream was doubled unto Phara. oh twice; it is because the thing is established byGod, and God will thortly bring it to pass. cried before him; Bow the knee; and he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt. 44 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee fhall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of E 33 Now therefore lee Pharaoh look out a man difcreet and wife, and fet him over the land of Egypt. Eypt 34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appointofficers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the feven plenteous years. 35 And let them gather all the food of thofe good years that come, and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities. 36 And that food shall be for ftore to the landa gainst the feven years of famine, which shall be in the land of Egypt; that the land perith not through the famine. 37 And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his fervants. 35 And Pharaoh fald unto his fervants, Can we find fuch a one as chis is, a man in whom the fpirit of God is? 39 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, Forafmuch as God hath fhewed thee all this, there is none to diferer and wife as thou art. 40 Thou shalt be over my house, and according anto thy word fhall all my people. be ruled: only in the throne will I be grea. ter than thon 45 And Pharaoh called Jofephs name Zaphnach. paaneah; and he gave him to wife Afenath the daugh ter of Potipherah priest of On: and Jofeph went out over all the land of Egypt. 46 T And Jofeph was thir ty years old when he flood before Pharaoh king of E gypt And Jofeph went out from the prefence of Pharaoh,& went through our all the land of Egypt.. 147 And in the feven plenteous years the earth brought forth by handfuls 48 And he gathered up all the food of the feven years, which were in the fand of Egypt: and laid up the food in the cities: the food ofthe field whichwas round about every city, laid he up in the fame, 49 And Jofeph gathered corn as the fand of the fea, very much until he left numbering for it was without number... 50 And unto Jofeph were born two fons, before the years of famine came: which Afenath the daugh.. ter of Poripherab prieff of on, bare unto him. 51 And Jofeph called the name of the firstborn Manaffeh: For God, jald ht, hath made me forget. all my toil, and all my fa thers home. 41 And Pharaoh fald unto Jofeph, See, I have fet thee over all the land of Egypt. 42 And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and par it upon Jofephs hand, and arrayed him in veftures of fine linen; and put a gold chain about hits neck. 2 And the name of the fecond called he Ephraim, for God hath caufed me to. be fruitful in the land of my affliction.s 53¶ And the feven years of plenteoufnefs that was in the land of Egypt, were c.ended. 43 And he made him to ride in the fecond charior which he had; and they 54 And the feven years of dearth began to come, according as Jofeph had fald: aidu haraoh hall no and of faid: and the dearth was bread. of Canaan, to buy food. knew not him. 9 And 70 eph remembred the dreams which he drea med of them, and laid unto them, ye are fples: to fee the nakedness of the land you are come. 55 And when all the land of Egypt was famished,the people cried to Pharaoh for bread; And Pharaoh d of B. fald unto all the Egypti ans,Go unto Jofeph; what he faith to you, do. 10 And they fald unto 56 And the samine was over all the face of the hnath ve him daugh rick of ent out Едури all the ftore houses, and as thir in the land of Egypt. 57 And all countreys came into Egypt to Jofeph for to buy corn; becaufe that the tamine was fo forein all lands. wCHA P. XLII. plen. Now when Jacob faw carth andfuls red up feven n the id up : the that there was corn in Egypt,Jacob faid unto his fons, Why do ye look one upon another. 2 And he fald, Behold, L bave heard that there is corn inEgypt:get ye down thither, & buy for us from hthence that we may live, city and not die. nered e fea, :left was vere the me: ugh it of the him, Nay, my lord, but to buy food are thy fervants 11 We are all one mans fons: we are true men, thy fervants are no fpies. 12 And he fald unto them, Nay, but to fee the naked nefs of the land you are come. 13 And they faid. Thy fervants are twelve bre thren,the fons of one man in the land of Canaan and behold, the youngest is 15 Hereby ye shall be proved: by the life of rhaadoraoh ye shall not go forth 37 And Jofephs ten bre- hence,except your young thren went down to buy eft brother come hither. corn in Egypt ym ni 16 Send one of you, and 4 Bur Benjamin,Jofephs let him fetch your brother, brother, Jacob fent not and ye that be kept in pri with his brethren: for he fon, that your words may faid; Left peradventure be proved, whether there be mischiefbefail him any truth in you; cr elfe by the life of Pharaoh furely ye are fples. orn Canaan jalt rget the im,' e to 17 And be put them all. together into ward, three days. 18 And Jofeph faid un to them the third day, this do, and live: for I fear. God. 5. And the fons of Ifrael came to buy corn among thofe that came for the famine was in the land of OTWOTION 6 And Jofeph was the go. vernour over the land in he it was that feld to all the people of the land and Jofephs brethren came 19 If ye be true men, et and bowed down them one of your brethren be fives before him with: bound in the boufe of your their faces to therearth: prifon: go ye, carry cora 7 And ofeph saw his for the famine of your brechten, and he knew houfes. has the vid gina them, but made himself aa But bring your young ftrange unto them and ett brorher uno me; 10 fpake roughly unto them; fhall your words be verlis and he laid unto them fied, and ye shall not dia Whence come ye? And And they did fow FUPORES ad they fald, From the land 21 And they sold one C4 of to another, We are verily Builty concerning our brocher,in char we raw the angulth of his foul, when he befought us: and we would not hear; therefore Is this diffrets come upon not, and the youngest is 33 And the man the lord 22 Amd Renben antwer, ed them, laying, spake the famine of your hour norumo you, laying, Do holds, and be gone. Born against the childs 34 And bring your young.) and ye would not hear è eft brother unto me: then therefore behold alfo, his hall I know that you are blood is gequired. no fples, but that you are tod true men: fo will I deliver you your brother, and ye thall traffick in the land. 935 And it came to pafs as they emptied their facks, that behold, every mans bundle of money was in his fack, and when both they and their father faw the bundles of money,they were afraid. 23 And they knew not that Jofeph understood them for he pake unto them by an interpreter. 34 And he turned him felf about from them, and wept & returned to them again,and communed with them, and took from them Simeon, and bound him before their eyes. 21 Then Jofeph com manded to fill their facks yici, corn, and to refore Every mans money into Zals fack, and to give them provifion for the way: and bus did he unto them 36 And Jacob their fa ther fald unto them, Me have ye bereaved of my children Jofeph is not, & Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away: all thefe things are against me 26 And they laded their alles with the corn, and departed thence. ert 27 And as one of them opened hits fack to give his ais provender in the inn, he efpyed his money for bebold it was in his facks mouri, moge So 28 And he faid unto his brethren, My money is retored; and lo iets even in my fack and their heart failed room, and they were: afraid, faying one to another, What is this that 37 And Reuben pake unto his father, faying, slay ny two fons,ift bring him not to thee deliver him into my hand, and I will bring him to thee again. 138 And he faid, My fon fhall not go down with you for his brother is dead, and he is left alone; if mifchlef befall him by the way in the which yet go, then hall ye bring down my gray hairs with forrow to the grave. od hath done unto us? 99 Andrhey came unto la cob their father, unto the Jard of Canaan, and told him, all that befell unto them, saying, trag Shand 30 The man whe is the lord of the land, fpake roughly to us, and took us for iples of the countrey. And we fald unto him, We are true men; we are no fples 32 We betwelve brethren, w of our father: one is CHA P. XLIII. ANd the famine was fore in the land. have 2 And it came to pafs when they had eaten up the corn which they had brought out of Egypt,their father fald unto them, Go again, and buy us a little food 3 And Judah pake unto him, faying: The man did folemnly proteft unto us, faying, Ye thall not fee my face, except your brother bewith you.e <di 04 Vi Conngef41fthou wilt fend our out farba brother with us, we will Canaan. reaved of my children, Iam bereaved. wv W go down & buy thee food. 15 And the men took that prefent.and they took double money in their hand, and Benjamin, and rofe up, and went down to Egypt, and ftood before Jofeph. an the lads But if thou wilt not faid un fend him, we will not go 11 I know down: for the man faid unto us, Ye shall not fee my face except your bro Ther be with you, men; least thren be ake fordi your bon gone. our youth me: thu at you at you 111 delive me ropa 6 And Ifrael faid,Wherefore dealt ye foill with me, as to tell the man whether ye had yet a brother? And they faid, The man asked us firairly of our fare, and of our kindred, er, and y faying, Is your father yet the land alive? have ye another brother? and we told him ac led the cording to the renor of old, every these words could we cermoney stainly know that he would when be fay, Bring your brother ather fan down? 16 And when Jofeph faw Benjamin with them, he faid to the ruler of his houfe, Bring these men home, and nay, and make ready for thefe men ihall dine with me at noon. 17 And the man did as Jofeph bader and the man brought the men into Jo fephs houfe. 18 And the men were 2fraid, because they were brought into Jofephs houfe, and they fald, Be oney,they 8 And Judah faid unto caufe of the money that Ifrael his father, Send the their flad with me,and we will ar hem, Merife & go:that we may live ved of my and nor die, both we, and is not thou, and alfo our little nd ye will ones. : all I will be furety for him; gain@ne of my hand shalt thou re was returned in our facks at the first time, are we brought in, that he may feek occafion against us, and fall upon us, and take us for bond-men, and our affes 19 And they came near fakes, quire him: ifI bring him to the fteward of Jofephs 10g Slay onto thee, and fet him ring him before thee, then let me ver him bear the blame for ever. nd I will again. 10 For except we had lingred,furely now we had houfe, and they com the house, 20 And faid, O fir, we came indeed down at the My for returned this fecond time. firft time to buy food. ther n with alone him by hich ye e bring rs with to pa ren up ug ey had am, Go Ptheir a little 11 And their father Ifrael fald unto them, Ifit must be 12 And take double mo- unto the man. 14 And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may fend a way your other brother, and Benjamin: IfI be be |