CHAP. fald and told Pharaoh, Thus thon faith the Lord GOD of If Egypt, rael, Let my people go that they may hold a feat unto me in the wilderness. thine And Pharaoh faid, ardes Who is the LORD, that notIfhould obey his voice to ler Ifrael go? I know not yun the LORD, neither will faith let Ifrael go, wget my. And they faldi The God of the Hebrews Bath met her, with us: ler is go, we he pray thee; three days lots honey into the defert, and feartered abroad through. 12 So the people were out all the land of Egypty to gather fabble in tead offraw. hated them, faying, Fulfill 13 And the task maters your works 70 daily tasks, as when there was fraw, children of Ifrael, which 14 And the officers of the Pharaohs task matters had fet over them were bearer and demanded, wherefore have ye not fulfilled your be crifice unto the LORD terday and to day, as pass that be all Hereroforen the officers of the children offfigel came Is Then the of i with peftilence, or with the fword. 4 And the king of Egypt and id unto them, Where- and cried unto Pharaoh fore do yes Mofes and A2 ook roh, let the people from of thelf works get you un on, to your burdens. And Pharaoh faid,Be u hold, the people of the land now are many, and en you make them reft from sf their burdens, of ཏ faying Wherefore dealeft thou Thus, with thy fer vants? torothy fervants,and they 16 There is no fraw given y to us. Make brick; and Behold, thy fervants are beaten, but the fault is in thine own people, 17 But he fald, Ye are fale, je are idle therefore te fag. Let us go, and do facrifice to the LORD. 6 And Pharaoh comman. ded the fame day,the task aid matters of the people, and thetr oficers, faying 7 Ye thall no more give ta, the people to make work for there thall po 18 Gatherefore now and ifbrick, as heterofore let draw be given you, yer them go and gather fraw hall ye dee tale of for themfelyes. nd $8 And the tale of the dibricks all bricks which they did dake heretofore, you maft Tay upon them; you that A not dimini ought there. dof:for they areidle; there of fore they cry, faving, Le us go and facrifice to our God. all rd ey o Let there more work be laid upon the men, chat, ethey may labour therein and let them not regard Vain words. the children of Ifrael did 19 And the officers pe fee that they were in syik cafe, after it was faid, Yo thall nor mini thought from your bricks of your daily task. 20 And they met Mofes the way, as they came and Aaron, who hood in forth from Pharaon them.The LORD look up21 And they faid unto 10 q And the task mafters caure you have made one on you, and judge, be of the people went out, favour to br abhorred fo and their cfficers, & they the eyes of Pharaof, and in apake to the people, fays: In the eyes of hisfervants, Ing, Thus faith Pharaoh, to put afword in their will not give you Araw. hands to lay us. 11 Goyer get you fraw where ye can find it; yet unto the LORD and fald 22 And Mofes returned not ought, of your work: LORD, wherefore hait thou fo 111 intread this D peopia haff fent me? people? why is it that thou 23 For lince I came to Pharaoh to fpeak. In thy uame, he hath done evil to this people; neither haft thou delivered thy people arall. CHAP. VI. THen the LORD fald unto Mofes, Now thalt thou fee what I will do to Pharaoh; for with a strong hand thall he let them go, and with a firong hand hall he drive them ont of bis land. 2 And God fpake unto Mo'es, and faid unto him, I am the LORD, 3 And Pappeared unto Abraham, unto Maac, and unro Jacob; by the name of God Almighty, by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. 4 And I have alfo eftabli fhed my covenant with them, to givethem the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, wherein they were frangers. And I have alfo heard the groaning of the chil, dren of Ifrael, whom the Egyptians keep in bon dage: and I have remem. bred my covenant. 6 Wherefore fay unto the children of Mrael, I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage and I will redeem you with a fretch. ed out arm,and with great: judgments. 7 And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and ye all know that I am the LORD your God, which. bringeth vou out frem un der the burdens of the E gyptians. And I'will bring yon, in into the land, concern. ing the which I did fwear to give it to Abrahan, to hac, and to Jacob: and I will give it you for an he ritage I am the LORD. and Mofes ipake fa unto the children of Iftae to And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, faying, 11 Go In, fpeak unto Pha raoh king of Egypt tha he let the children of Ifia el go out of his land. 12And Mofes fpake before the LORD,faying,Bekolde the children of lirael have not hearkened unto how then hall Pharaoh a hear me, who am of uncir cumcifed lips? 13 And the LORD fpake unro Mofes, and unro Aar ron, & gave them a charge unto the children of fra el, and unto Pharaoh king of Egypt; to bring the children of Ifrael out of the land of Egypt. 147 Thefe be the heads of their fathers houfes:the fons of Reuben the fir born of Ifrael; Hanoch and Phallu, Hezron, and Carmi: thefe be the fami lies of Reuben, 15 And the fons of Sime Sime. on; Jemuel, and Jamin and dhad, and Jachin,and Zohar, and Shaul the fon of a Canaanitlah woman; gy thefe are the families of si meon. 16 And there are the names of the fons of Levl according to their genera tions; Gerthon, and Kok hath, and Merarl: And the years of the life of Levi were an hundred thirty and feven years. 17 The fons of Geront Libni, and Shiml, accord Ing to their familles. 18And the fons of Kohath Amtam, and Izhar, and I Hebron, and Uzzlef: And, the years ofthe life cf Kohath were an hundred thir ty and three years. 19 And the fons of Merati; Mabli, and Muthi: there are the families of t Levi, according to their generations, 26 And Amram took him Jochebed his fathers fitter t A Iftar no ishe bcz Spak o P -: th ofli Befa ebold to wife and the bare hips 214 And the fons of Is. 23: And the fons of Uz zlel; Mihael, and Elza phan,and Zichrl. 13 And Aarón took him Elleba daughter of AmiThat nadab, fifter of Naahon to wife; and the bare him Na dab, and Abibu, and Eleazar, and hamar. - me arad Inci fpak harp Min kin 24 And the fons of Ko rah Affir, and Elaknah, Art and Abiafaph there are the families oftheKorhires 24 And Eleazar Aarons fon took him one of the daughters, of Putfel to wife; and he bare him Phinehas: thefe are the heads of the fathers of the th Levices, according to their familles. mead s:th fir Och ad Fami me nio 30 for man:. 26 Thefe are that Aaron and Mofes, to whom the LORD id, Bring out the children of Ifrael from the land ef Egypt: according to their aimies. 27 Thefe are they which fpake to Tharaoh king or Egy, to bring our the f children of lfrael from ERypt: thefe are that Mofes and Aaron. fSi 29 And it came to pafs, on the day when the Lord fpake unto Mofes in the land of Egypt, 20 That the LORD fpake yaro Mofes, faying, I am the LORD fpeak thou o unto Pharaoh king of E. dgypt all that I fayunto thee on 30 And Mofes faid bet CHAP. VII. he fend the children of Is rael out of his land. raohs heart, and multiply 3 And will harden Pha. my figns and my wonders, In the land of Egypt 4 But Pharaoh thall nos hearken unto you, that t may lay my hand upon Egypt and bring forth mine children of Ifrael, out of armies, and my people the she land of Egypt,by great judgments. know, that I am the Lord, And the Egyptians fhall when I ftretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Ifrael from among them. did as the LORD com6 And Mofes and Aaro manded them, fo did they. fcore years old, and Aaron 7 And Mofes was fourfourfcore and three years old, when they spake unto Pharaoh, S And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, faying, peak unto you, faying 9 When Pharaoh fhall Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt fay unte Aaror, Takerby rod and cat ir before Pharaoh, and it thall become a ferpent. 10 And Mofes and Aaron went in unre Pharaoh,and had commanded: and Aa they did fo as the LORD ron caft down his rod bo fore Pharach, and before his fervants, and it be came a ferpent. 11 Then Pharaoh alfo called the wife-men, and the forcerers now the magicians of Egypt, they alfo did in like manner with their incbantments. 12 For they caft down every man his rod, and they became ferpents: but their rods, Aarons rad fwallowed up A Mofes, See, I have made 13 And he hardened Pha thee a god to Pharaoh 2 Thou fair peak all rachs heart, that he hear kened not unto them as the LORD had fald. 14 And the LORD.aid unto Mofes, Pharaohs heart is hardened, be rea feth fufeth to let the people go. 15 Get thee unto Pharaoh In the morning, lo, he goeth out unto the water, and thou shalt ftand by the rivers brink, again he come, and the rod which was turned to a ferpent fhalt thou take in thine hand,ho our all the land of Egypt 16 And thou shalt fay anto him, The Lord GOD of the Hebrews hath fent me unto thee, faying, Let my people go that they may ferve me In the wil dernefs and behold, bl therto thou wouldeft not heart 23 And Pharaoh turned and went into his houfe, neither did he fet his heart to this allo, A 24 And all the Egyptians digged round about the tiver for water to drink for they could not drink of the water of the river, 17Thus faith the LORD, In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD be hold, I will finite with the rod that is in mine hand. pon the waters which are In the river, and they hal be turned to blood, Flyer. 25 And feven days were fulfilled, after that the Lord had fmitten the river CHAP. VIILE to unt Mofes, Go unto Pha ANd the LORDfpake unraob. and fay unto him, Thus faith the LORD,Let my people go, that they may ferve me. 2 And if thou refufe to let them go, behold, I will fmire all thy borders with frogs. ken SLOR And 18 And the fish that frin the river all die, and the river thall ink; and the Egyptians thall lothe to drink of the water of the 3 And the river thall bring forth frogs abun 19 And the LORD, dantly, which hall go up fpake unto Mofes, Say un- and come into thine houfe to Aaron, Take thy rod, and into thy bed chamber, and stretch our thine hand and upon thy bed, and In upon the warers of Egypt, to the house of thy ferupon their ftreams, upon vants, and upon thy peo their rivers, & upon their ple, and Into thine ovens, kneadingponds, and upon all their and into thy kne pools of water, that they troughs. may become blood, and that there may be blood, throughout all the land of Egypt, both In veels of wood, and in wefels of Яone. 4 And the frogs al come up both on thee, and upon thy people, and upon all thy fervants. do And Mofes and Aaron did fo, as the LORD com manded and he lift up the rod and fmote the was sers that were in the river, in the fight of Pharaoh and in the fight of his fer vants, and all the waters that were in the river, were Furned to blood. from And the LORD fpake unto Mofes, Say unto Aaron, Aretch forth thine. band with thy rod-over the ftreams, over the ri vers, and over the ponds, and caufe frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt. 21 And the fish that was in the rivers died and the river tank, and the Bgypi Hans could not drink of he warer of the river and here was blood through 6 And Aaron ftretched out his hand over the was ters of Egypt; and the frogs came up,and covered the land of Egypt 7 And the magicians did fo with their inchant ments, and brought up frogs upon the land of E gypt. in med ken RD ned 120367 throughout all the land of Egypt. 18 And the magicians did fo with their inchantments to bring forth lice but they could not: fo there were lice upon man, and upon beaft 8Then Pharaoh called for Mofes and Aaron, and faid, Intreat the LORD, that he may take away the frogs from me, and from my people; and will let the people go, that they may do facrifice unto the LORD 9 And Mofes fald unto at Pharaoh, Glory over me: when thall I Intreat for thee and for thy fervants, tht and for thy people to deroy the frogs from thee, nk and chy houfes, that they20 And the LORD fald may remain in the river ere only at ki er, 10 And he fald, To more KOW. CAnd he faid, Be it according to thy word; that thou mayet know, ha that there is none like unto the LORD our God. Im 19 Then the magiciants fald unto Pharaoh, This fr the finger of God; and Pharaohs heart was harde ned, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD bad fhid.. unto Mofes Rife up early In the morning, and tand before Pharaoh, (lo, he cometh forth to the water) and fay unto him, Thus faith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may terve me. II And the frogs fall de 21 Elfe if thou wilt not ef part from thees and from: let my people go, behold. thy houfes, and from thy I will fend fwarms of fites to fervants,and from thy peon upon thee, and upon thy will plos they hall remain in fervants, and upon thy ith the river only do feed people, and, into thy Is And Mofes and Aaron houses, and the houses of went out from Pharaoh; the Egyptians fhall be full and Mofes cried unto the of the warms of, and up LORD,because ofthe frogs alfo the ground whereon fe, which he had brought as they are. er, gainst Pharaoh, all 13 And the LORD did according to the word of Mofes and the frogs died out of the houfes, out of the villages, and out of the fields. 22 And I will fever in that day the land of Gothen, In which my people dwell that no fwarms of Bles hall be there; to the end thou mayeft know, that I ANS the LORD in the midst of 14 And they gathered the earth water ofthom together upon heaps: and the land ftank. 15 But when Pharaoh faw that there was refpites he hardened his heart and 23 And I will put a diver fion between my people and thy people:ta morrow half this fign be did 24 And the LORD, d ne hearkened not unto them, fo: and came a grie d as the LORD had faid. 16 And the LORD faid: unto Mofes, Say unto Aa. pron, Stretch out thy rod, and fmite the duft of the land, that it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt. d17 And they did fo; for, Aaron stretched out his dhand with his rod, and fnote the due of the earth, and it became lice, in man and in beat: all the duft of the land became lice there vous warmffies into the houfe of Pharaoh, and into his fervants houses, and into all the land of Egypt the land was corrupted by reafon ofthefwarmsoffit. 25 And Pharaoh called. for Mofes, and for Aaron, and fald, Go ye, facrifice to your God in the land... 26 And Mofes faid. It is not meet fo to do for we fhall facrifice the abomina tion of the Egyptians to the LORD our God: Lo hall D |