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17 And ye thall obferve 26 And it thall conte to 100% the teaf of unleavened paß, when your children tread; for in this felf-fame thall fay unto you, Whac day have I brought your mean ye by this fervice. armies out of the land of 27 That ye hall fay, It is Egypt; therefore fhall ye the facrifice of theLORDS toblerve this day in your paffover, who paffed over generations, by an ordi the houfes of the children nance forever. b of Ifrael in Egypt, when. 18In the first monethon he more the Egyptians, the fourteenth day of the and delivered our houses. monerhat even, ye hal eat And the people bowed the unleavened bread, until head and worshipped: 2 the one and twentieth day 28 And the children of of the moneth at even.Ifrael went away, and did 19 Seven days hall there as the LORD had combe no leaven found in your manded Mofes and Aaron, houfes: for whofoever eat fo did they



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eth charwhich is leavened, 29 And te cameto pafs
even that foul thall be cut, that at midnight the Lord
off from the congregation fmore all the first born In
of Ifrael, whether he be a, the land of Egypt, from
franger, or born in the, the first born of Pharaoh,
land. CELLO F that fat on his throne, un
20 Ye fhall eat nothing to the firft-born of the cap
leavened: in all your hative that wasin the dunge
bitarions. thall ye eat un on and all the firf-born
Jonvened bread-

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21 Then Mofes called 30 And Pharaoh rofe up for all the elders of Ifracl, in the night, he and all his and faid unto them, Draw fervants, and all the Egyp out and take you lamb rians; and there was 2 according to your famf great, cry in Egypt: for lies, and killthe paflover. there was not a houfe 22, And ye hall take 2 where there was nor one hand it dead men inte tes bunch of hyfop, and dip f in the bloud that is in the 31 And he called for bafon, and Brake the lintel, Mofes and Aaron by nights and the two fide-pofts and fald, Rife up, and gen with the bloud that is in you forth from among mg the bafon: and none of people, both you and the you all go our at the children ofIfrael and go, door of his houfe until ferve the LORD, as yo the morning125 have fald,

1. 123 For the LORD will 32 Alfe take your flocks, pals through to fmite the and your herds, as ye have Egyptians, and when he faid; and be gone, and feeth, the blood upon the blefs mealfo.



intel, and on the two fide. 33 And the Egyptians
pofts, the LORD will pafs were urgent upon the peo
over the door, and will ple, that they might fend
not fuffer the deftroyer to them our of the land In
come in unto your houfes hafte: for they faid, We
to fmire you
an be all dead men.
24 And ye shall obferve 34 And the people took
this thing for an ordinance their dough before it was
to thee, and to thy fans leavened, their knead
ing troughs being bound
2 And it fhall come to up in their clothes upon
pals when ye be come to their fhoulders.

for ever.

the land, which the Lord, 35 And the children of will give you, according Ifrael did according to the as be hath promised that word of Mofes and they ye hall keep this fervice.: borrowed of the Egypti

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zas jewelt of filver; and forthought of the felhá jewels of gold, and raiment (broad out of the Houfe go! And the LORD gave neither hall ye break the people favour in the bone thereof.

fight of the Bgyptians, fo 47-All the congregation that they tene unto them of Ifrael halt keep it t fith thugs they required: 48 And when aftranger" andthey spoiled the Egyp- all Tojourn with thee, and will keep the paffoyer37 And the children of ro the LORD, let all his Tildeneyed from Ramales be circumcifed, and Tresco Shecoth, about then fertilm come near and fix hundred rhousand on keepit: and he thall be as fout this were men, befides, one that is born in the children. and for ho unclrelimelfed

BaAnda mixed multi perton tall ear thereof. tude went cup alfo with One law that be to, them and flocks; and Him that is home bern, herds suevery hucir cat- and unto the ftrangertha calon Improjournerh among you. And they baked uno Thus did all the chil leavened cakes of the dren offfrael as the Lord donghwhich theybrought commandée Motes and

forth out of Egypt, for it aron, fo did me to país,

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they was notleavened becaure came to pafs, shey were thruft our of the felf-fame day, thit the sh and conidinor carry, LORD did bring the chil neither had they prepared dren of Ifrael out of the for themfeires any victual land of Egypt, by, their 20Now the fofourning armiesigen of the children of Ifrat CHAP. XIII. who dwelt in Egypt, was ANd the LORDipake un four handsed and thirty to Mofes, faying, years! 2 sanctifie unto me alt 546 And it came to party the firft-born, whatsoever, at the end of the four hun openech the womb among dred and thirty yeatsleven the children of Ifrael, bo thefelfame day It came of man and of bealt; it is thepals, tirar all the hofs of mine

the LORD went out from 3 And Mofes fiid unto the land of Egypt, the people, Remember this 416 is a digbo to be much day, in which ye came out obferved into the LORD, from Egypt, out of the for bringing them out from houfe of bondage for by the land of Egypt: this is Arength of hand the Lord that night ofthe LORD to brought you out from this be obferued of all the chit. Place, there shall no lea dren of Ifrael in their ge- vened bread be eaten. derations 4 This day came ye out, in the monet Abib

43 And the LORD faid Moto Mofes and Aaron And it thall be when This is the ordinance of thepaflover,there thall no Aranger ear thereof,

Butevery man-fervant That is bought for money, when thou haft circumcifed him, then thall he eat thereof

45 A forreiner, and an hired fervant shall not eat thereof.

46 in one henfe it thalbe eacon, then halt not carry

the LORD thallbring thee into the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittires, and the Amorites, and the Hivites, and the Jebufites, which he fware unto thy fathers to give thee,aland flowing with milk and hb. ney, that thou shalt keep this fervice in this moneth

6 Seven days thale thon eat unleavened bread, and In the feventh day fhall be a feaf



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afeaf to the LORD
7 Unleavened bread hall
be eaten feven days: and
there all no leavened
bread be feen with thee,
neither thall there be
leaven feen with thee in
ately quarters,

8 And thou hair thew
tby fon in that day ying,
Tots dons because of that
which the LORD did unto
pe, which I came forth our
of Egypt.


the man ix, being males; but all the first-born of my children I redeem.

16 And it shall be for a token upon thine hand, and for frontlers between, tbine,eyes; for by ftrength of hand the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt.

17 And it came to pafs, when Pharaoh had let the people go, thar God led them not through the way of the land of the Philifines, although that was near: for God faid, Left peradventure the people' repent when they fee war, and they return to Egypt."

And It fhall be for a fign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thlhe eyes; that the LORDS law may be in by mouth for with a AS But God led the peo-" Arong hand hath the ple about, through the way LORD brought thee out of the wilderness of the et Bgypt on Red fea; and the children Jo Thou shalt therefore of Ifrael went up harnl Keep this ordinante in his, thed out of the land of Er fearon from year to year.


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11 And it thall be when 19 And Mofes took the the LORD thall hall bring bones of Jofeph with him. thee into the land of the fr he had fairly worn Canaanites, as he fware rbe children of Ifrael, fay." moto thee and to thy fa ing, God will furely vifit thers,and hall give it thee you; and ye thall carry up That thou shall fet amway arry up bones

part unto the LORD all
that openeth the matrix
and every firfling thar co
meth of a beat, which
thon haft, the males half
bethe LORDS.


to And they took their journey from Succorb, and encamped in Etham,in the edge of the wilderness. And the LORD went them a of a them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light: to go by day and night.

13 And every firftling of before cloud, to lead

with a lamb and If thou
wile not redeem it, then
thou hair break his neck
and all the first born of
man amongst thy children
thalt thou redeem, of

14 Aud irhall be when
thy on asketh thee in
time to come, faying
What is this? that choit
thair fay unto him. By
Atrength of hand the Lord
brought us but from E.
gypt. from the houfe of

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He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, northeplilaroffirepynight, from before the people,

CHAP. Xiv ANd the LORDfotke un, to Mofes, faying, And the LORD spake un. 2 Speak unto the children of frael, that they turn and encamp before Pilahi Hellroth, between Migdoland the fea, over against Baal. zephon: before it shall ye encamp by the fea.

15 And it came to pass when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD flew all the firft born in the land of Egypts both the first born ofman, and the first born of beaft Therefore I facritice to the LORD all that openeth

3 For Pharaoh will fay of the children of Ifrael, They are intangled in the lend, the wilderness harh fut them in... 4 And

A And Iwill harden Pha raobs heart, that he thall follow after them, and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his hoft; that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD. And they did fo.

And it was told the king of Egypt, that the people fled, and the heart, of Pharaoh, and of his fet, vants was turned against the people, and they fald, Why have we done this, that we have let Ifrael go from ferving us? be 6 And he made ready his And he made ready his charlot, and took his peo, ple with him,

7 And he took fix hun dred chofen charlots, and all the charlors of Egypt, and captains over every, one of them.

S And the LORD har, dened the heartof Phara oh king of Egypt, and he purtued after the children of Ifrael: and the children, of Ifrael went out with an high hand.

13 And Mofes faid un' to the people, Fear ye not, fand ill, and fee the fal varion of the LORD, which he will thew to you to day: for the Egyptians, whom ye have feen to day, ye thall fee them again no more for ever.

14 The LORD halfight, for you, and ye shall hold your peace

15 And the LORD fald.. unto Moles, Wherefore, celeft thou unto me?Speak unto the children of Ifrael,+ that they go forward.

16 But lift thon up thy rod, and fretch our thine hand over the fea, and divide it: and the children, of Ifrael, hall go on dry. ground through the mids, of the fea

17 And, Behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they fhall follow them: and I will get me honour upon Phat raoh and upon all his hoft upon his charlors, and upon his horsemen,

hall know that I am the LORD, when I have got ten me honour upon l'haraob, upon his charlots. and upon his horfemen..

9 But the Egyptians pur18 And the Egyptians fued after them (all the horfes and chariots of Pha iraoh and his horsemen, and his army and over took them encamping by the fea, befide Piha hiroth before Baal zephon.

10. And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Ifrael lift up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them, and they were fore afraid; and the children of Ifrael cried out unto the LORD.

IT And they faid unto Mofes, Because there were no graves in Egypt, haft thon taken us away to die in the wilderness. Where fore hast thou dealt thus with us to carry us forth put of Egypt?

42 Is not this the word that we did tell thee in E gypt, faying, Let us alone, that we may ferve the E gyptians? For it bad bren better for us to ferve the Egyptians, than that we hould die in the wilder refs

19 And the angel of God which went before the camp of Ifrael removed and went behind them;and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and food behind them..

20 And it came between the camp of theEgyptians, and the camp of Ifrael, and it was a cloud and dark nefs to them, but it gave light by night to thefe fo that the one came not near the other all the night..

21 And Mofes Aretched out his hand over the fea, and the LORD caufed the fea to go back by a frong east-wind all that night, and made the fea dry land, & the waters were divided.

22 And the children of Ifrael went into the midft of the fea upon the dry3655 ground,

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ground, and the waters LORD diduponthe Egyp era wall unto them on tians and the people fear-b their right hand, and on ed the LORD,and believed

CHAPA XV. THenfang Mofes and the

their left. Meleelathe LORD and his fervant
23 And the Egyptians Mofes. mud's boyni
purfied, and went in after
them, to the midst of the
fea even all Pharaohs
horfes, his chariots, and
his horfemen!***

14 And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the hoft of the Egyptians, through the pillar of fire and or the cloud, and trous bled the host of the Egyp tians.

25 And took off their charlor wheels, that they drave them heavily to that the Egyptians fald, Det us flee from the face of Ifrael for the LORD fighteth for them, against the Egyptians be

26 And the LORD faid unto Mofes, Stretch out thine hand over the fea that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariors, and upon their horfemen.

27 And Mofes Aretched forth his hand over the fea, and the fea returned to his Rrength when the morning appeared, and the Egyptians fed against it. And the LORDoverthrew the Egyptians in the mide of the fea.

28 And the waters re turned and covered the chariors, and the horfe men, and all the hoft of Pharaoh that came into the fea after them: there remained not fo much as one of them.

29 But the children of Ifrael walked upon dry land in the midlt of the fear and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their Jeft,

To Thus the LORD faved Trael that day out of the hand ofthe Egyptians and Ifract faw the Egyptians dead upon the feauthore,

3t And Ifracl faw that great work, which the

children of Ifrael this fong unto the LORD, and fpake, faying, I will fing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously; the horie & hisrider hath he thrown into the fea.

& The Lord is my frength and fong and he isbecome my falvations: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation my fa thers God, and I will exalt him. parasolo

3 The LORD is a man of war the Lord is his name. 4 Pharaohs chariots and his hoft hath he caft into the fearhis chofen captains alfo are drowned in the Red silly, a mo

5 The depths have covered them: they fank into the bottora ás à fone.

6 Thy right hand, O LORD is become glorious. in power: thy right hand.

LORD, hath dached in pieces the enemy. To bro 7 And in the greatness of thine excellency thou hast overthrown them that rofe up again thee thou fentet forth thy wrath, which, confilmed them as fuble. -8 And with the blaft of thy noftrfls, the waters were gathered together: the floods ftood upright as an heap and the depths were congealed in the heart of the feastede 9 The enemy faid, I will purfue, I will overtake, 1 wilt divide the fpoil, my luft thall be factsfied upon them: I will draw my fword, my hand hall deAray them. We a

10 Thou did blow with thy wind, the fea covered them they fank as lead in the mighty waters.

Who is like unto thee, O LORD, COLORD, amongst the rods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fear.

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