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Ne quid falfi dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat.


Printed by MURRAY and COCHRANE,

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A CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES of Events, continued from the preceding volume. To each article is annexed the number of the page of this volume in which it is to be found.

1784. 08. Morris Keaton and several others seize upon a ship, and murder most of the crew, in a voyage from America to the Weft Indies, p. 95.

1785. Jan. 7. M. Blanchard and Dr Jefferies cross from Dover to France with a

balloon, p. 32.

11. The magiftrates of Dantzick and the King of Pruffia reconciled, p. 198. Great inconvenience occafioned at Edinburgh, &c. by the stoppage in the circulation of the copper coin of George III p. 150.

Feb.4. A petition from the operative weavers of Glasgow, Paisley, &c. prefented to the House of Commons, for a repeal of the tax upon linens and inulins, p. 70. 7. A mafon lodge under the name of the Roman Eagle inftituted at Edinburgh, the bufinefs of which is to be conducted in the Latin language, p. 149.

8. High Bailiff of Westminster examined by the House of Commons regarding the Westminster fcrutiny, p. 73. 117.

11. Eleven refolutions refpecting a commercial intercourse between Great Britain and Ireland, agreed to by the Irish House of Commons, p. 102.

16. The Irish House of Peers fignified their concurrence therein, and bọth Houfes voted addreffes to his Majefty in confequence, p. 102.

March 3. Mr Pitt introduces into the Houfe of Commons propofitions for regula ting the trade between Great Britain and Ireland, p. 217.

The High Bailiff of Westminster ordered by the House of Commons to put an end to the fcrutiny, and to make an immediate return; in confequence of which he returned Lord Hood and Mr Fox, p. 218.

9. A mutual agreement entered into by the courts of London and Paris, to deliver up the felons of either kingdom who take refuge in the other, p. 199.

14. An alledgeance, that whipping was inflicted in examining criminals in the heriff-court of Edinburgh, refuted, p. 151.

April 2. The winter-feafon, from the firft fall of fnow on Oct. 7. 1784 to that which fell this day, lafted 177 days, and, if about twelve days towards the end of January be excepted, the whole of this period was frofty or fnowy, or both.

A great many petitions from different bodies in Great Britain against the propofitions for regulating the trade with Ireland presented to the House of Commons,

P. 200.

22. A new French Eaft-India Company inftituted, p. 199.

25. A board of General Officers appointed to inspect the fortifications at Portf mouth and Plymouth, affemble at Portfmouth, p. 303.

17. Several counties in Scotland enter into resolutions for obtaining an alteration of the diftillery-laws, and for levying the duty by an annual tax upon the contents of the ftill, p. 203.

The Lord Advocate of Scotland moved, in the Houfe of Commons, for leave to bring in a bill for regulating and altering the system of the courts of exchequer and feffion in Scotland, p. 278. 332.

A court-martial appointed to try Gen. Rofs, find it incompetent to try an officer upon half pay, p. 303.

May. A treaty of confederation entered into between the Kings of Pruffia and Sweden, the Electors of Hanover, Saxony, &c. p. 402, 458.

23. Bridget Bonner, discovered on Blackheath by the driver of the mail-cart, fruggling for life, p. 294.

June 1. John Adams, ambaffador from America, introduced to the King, p. 305. 3. A grand mufical concert performed in Weftminster Abbey in honour of Handel, p. 304.

14. The shops in London, &c. fhut, to show the abhorrence in which the shop. tax is held, p. 304. 355.

15. M. Pilatre de Rofier and the Sieur Roman killed by the balloon with which they afcended from Boulogne having taken fire, p. 301.

June 18.

June 18. Prince William Henry appointed a Lieutenant by the Lords of the Admiralty, p. 305.

24. The tenants on the estate of Auchinleck address the King upon the proposed alterations in the court of feffion, p. 358.

27. John Lawson of Weftertown indicted before the High Court of Jufticiary for perjury, for voting at the election of a member of parliament upon a qualification which was faid to be nominal and fictitious, p. 308. 412. 565.

27. Lord Derby prefents a petition to the Houfe of Lords, from the manufacturers at Manchester, against the Irish propofitions, figned by one hundred and twenty thoufand, p. 432.

July 2. A grand expedition fet on foot by the Emprefs of Ruffia for exploring the western parts of her dominions, p. 458.

17. An arret published by the French King, prohibiting the importation of English manufactures into France, p. 351.

19. Mr Crosby afcends with a balloon from Dublin, intending to cross over to England; but falls into the fea, and is taken up by a boat from the fhore, p. 356. 29. Lords and Commons present a joint address to his Majesty, after having agreed to the Irish propofitions, p. 440.

Aug. 1. The foundation ftone of the South Bridge laid, at Edinburgh, by Lord Haddo, Grand mafter mason of Scotland, p. 410.

2. A bill prefented to the Houfe of Commons, for regulating the commercial intercourfe with Ireland, p. 440.

15. A bill for regulating the commercial intercourse between Britain and Ireland, founded upon the twenty refolutions of the British parliament, prefented to the Irish Houfe of Commons, and given up, p. 488.

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Sept. 15. A meeting held at Edinburgh to confider of applying to the treasury, to get paper upon which a stamp-duty is imposed, in Scotland, to be ftamped at Édinburgh, p. 464.

18. A letter fent by the King of Pruffia to the States-General, refpecting the rights of the Stadtholder, p. 507.

20, Preliminary articles of peace between the Emperor of Germany and the StatesGeneral, figned at Paris, p. 506.-Nov. 8. Definitive treaty figned, p. 556.

Oct. 5. Mr Lunardi afcends with his balloon from Heriot's garden, Edinburgh, and lands within a mile or two of Cupar in Fife, p. 510.—O&. 22. Makes an aerial excurfion from Kelfo, p. 512.-From Glafgow, p. 567.-From Edinburgh, p.652. The workmen begin to level the High street of Edinburgh, p. 513.

9. A remarkable darknefs at Quebec in North America, p. 611.

19. The convention of delegates from the Royal Boroughs of Scotland meet at Edinburgh, for the purpose of adjusting the propositions of reform to be laid before Parliament, p. 513.

28. Mr Mackay robbed in an extraordinary manner at London by one Chameron, P. 561.

Several county meetings declare their refolution to oppofe the proposed reduction of the number of judges in the Court of Seffion, p. 516, &c.

Nov. 9, A Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures inftituted at Edinburgh, P. 564.625.

10. Treaty of alliance between France and the United Provinces figned at Fontainbleau, P. 558.

13. Col. Dundas and Mr Pemberton, commiffioners appointed to inquire into the claims of the American Loyalists, arrive at Halifax in Nova Scotia, p. 613.

25. Chriftopher Atkinson, Efq; ftood in the pillory in Mark-lane, London, for perjury, p. 615.

25. A memorial prefented by the British ambaffador to the States-General of the United Provinces, on the fubject of a commercial alliance, p. 609.

29. A compenfation of 21,5801. granted by verdict of a jury in the Court of Exchequer, to Mr Forbes of Culloden, in lieu of the exemption from excife-duties which he enjoyed for his lands of Culloden, p. 620.

Number of English bankruptcies during 1785.- Jan. 38.- Feb. 52.-March 48, April 36.-May 42.-June57.-July 38.-Aug.41.-Sept. 28.-Oct.21.-Nov. 61. —Dec. 47.—In all 509.


JANU AR Y, 1785.


PARLIAMENT meets. King's fpeech 1. Duke of Hamilton moves the address in the Houfe of Lords, which is carried unanimoufly 2. Commons on their addrefs; fpeeches of Lord Surrey, Mr Pitt, Lord North, Mr Burke, and Mr Fox 2. 3. Addrefs carried 4.

IRISH PARLIAMENT. Lord Lieutenant's speech 4. Lords and Commons on the addreffes 5.

Dr JOHNSON's Last-Will 6.

Bad effects of the entertainments of the STAGE 8.

Account of PETER the WILD Boy 9.

Gov. HASTINGS's letter to the Directors 13. Mander of TRAVELLING in Sweden 17. NEW BOOKS Hiftory of Modern Europe 18. Remarks on the Commutation-act 21. Reflections on the duties on fugar and rom 23. Fielding's Peerage of England, &c. 25. The Calendar of Nature 27.

Account of the difcovery of MONT BLANC by M. Bourret of Geneva 29. Anecdote of Queen Caroline 35.


Blanchard and Jeffries's AERIAL VOYAGÈ from Dover to France 32.

Mr Harper's AERIAL VOYAGE from Bir mingham 34.

Scale of NATURAL BEINGS 35. Remarkable anecdotes of Mr MATHEW 36. POETRY. Ode for the new year 40. Verses to Mifs Seward by Mr Sedgwick on reading an ill-natured criticifm on her Louisa 40. Winter, an ode 41. On the death of a beloved mother ib. The foldier's farewell on the eve of a battle 42. Sonnet to G. Dempiter, Efq; on his retufing to have his carriage drawn by his fellow-fubjects ib. Anagrant on Dr Oldys ib.

HISTORICAL AFFAIRS. United Provinces, Germany, Italy 43. America 44. Weft Indres 45. England ib. Ireland: Refolutions of the delegates 47. Scotland: Windowa trial 49 Trial of Lieut. G. Storie for the murder of Mr Stuart 50. Trial of Andrew Low for theft ib.

LISTS. Marriages, Buths, and Deaths 51. Preterments, Mortality-bill, &c. 52.

PARLIAMENT. [vol. 46. p. 570.]
Seffion ad.

N purfuance of a Royal proclama tion, dated Nov. 26. the parliament met at Weftminster on Tuesday, Jan. 25. The King opened the fellion with the following speech. "My Lords and Gentlemen, AFTER the laborious attendance of the laft feffion of parliament, it has given me peculiar pleasure, that the fituation of public affairs has admitted of fo long a recefs.

Among the objects which now require confideration, I muft particularly recommend to your earneft attention the adjuftment of fuch points in the commercial intercourfe between Great Britain and VOL. XLVII.

Ireland as are not yet finally arranged: the fyftem which will unite both kingdomą the most closely on principles of recipro cal advantage, will, I am perfuaded, bett enfure the general profperity of my dominions.

I have the fatisfaction to acquaint you, that, notwithstanding any appearance of differences on the continent, I continue uniformly to receive from all foreign powers the ftrongeft affurances of their good difpofition towards this country.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

I have ordered the eftimates for the

enfuing year to be laid before you; I confide in your liberality and zeal to grant the neceffary fupplies, with a juft regard, as well to the economy requifite in every department, as to the mainte



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