Sidor som bilder


Or, bee

friends with



47 Then the king called to the Lewes for helpe, who came vnto him all at once, and dispersing themselues through the city, slew that day in the citie to the number of an hundred thousand.

+ Gr. beasts.

↑ Gr. and seruice.

48 Also they set fire on the citie, and gat many spoiles that day, and deliuered the king.

1 Or, went beyond the

49 So when they of the city saw, that the Lewes had got the city as they would, their courage was abated, wherefore they made supplication to the king, and cried, saying:

50 Graunt vs peace, and let the Lewes cease from assaulting vs and the citie.

51 With that they cast away their weapons, and made peace, and the Lewes were honoured in the sight of the king, and in the sight of all that were in his realme, and they returned to Ierusalem hauing great spoiles.

52 So king Demetrius sate on the throne of his kingdome, and the land was quiet before him.

53 Neuerthelesse hee dissembled in all that euer hee spake, and estranged himselfe from Ionathan, neither rewarded he him, according to the benefits which hee had receiued of him, but troubled him very sore.

54 After this returned Tryphon, and with him the yong childe Antiochus, who reigned and was crowned.


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them the

62 Afterward when they of Gaza
made supplication vnto Ionathan, the tGr. he gave
made peace with them, and tooke the right hand.
sonnes of the chiefe men for hostages,
and sent them to Ierusalem, and passed
through the countrey vnto Damascus.
63 Now when Ionathan heard
that Demetrius Princes were come to
Cades which is in Galilee, with a great
power, purposing to ||remoue him out
of the countrey,

64 Hee went to meet them, and left
Simon his brother in the countrey.
65 Then Simon encamped against
Bethsura, and fought against it a long
season, and shut it vp:

66 But they desired to haue peace
with him, which he granted them, and
then put them out from thence, and
tooke the city, and set a garrison in it.

67 As for Ionathan and his hoste, they pitched at the water of Gennesar, from whence betimes in the morning they gate them to the plaine of Nasor.

68 And behold, the hoste of strangers met them in the plaine, who hauing layed men in ambush for him in the mountaines, came themselues ouer a

55 Then there gathered vnto him
all the men of warre whom Deme-gainst him.
trius had put away, and they fought
against Demetrius, who turned his
backe and fled.

56 Moreouer Triphon tooke the + E-
lephants, and wonne Antioch.

57 At that time yong Antiochus wrote vnto Ionathan, saying; I confirme thee in the high Priesthood, and appoint thee ruler ouer the foure gouernments, and to be one of the kings friends.

58 Vpon this he sent him golden vessels + to be serued in, and gaue him leaue to drinke in gold, and to bee clothed in purple, and to weare a golden buckle.

59 His brother Simon also he made riuer, and captaine from the place called the ladthrough the der of Tyrus, vnto the borders of Ecities: Or, gypt.


went and passed be

60 Then Ionathan || went foorth and passed through the cities beyond through the the water, and all the forces of Syria,

uer, and cities, Gr.

69 So when they that lay in ambush rose out of their places, and ioyned battel, al that were of Ionathans side fled.

70 In so much as there was not one of them left, except Mattathias the sonne of Absolon, and Iudas the sonne of Calphi the captaines of the hoste.

71 Then Ionathan rent his clothes, and cast earth vpon his head, and prayed.

72 Afterwards turning againe to battell, he put them to flight, and so they ranne away.

Or, to re

mooue him from the af kingdome.

73 Now when his owne men that were fled saw this, they turned againe vnto him, and with him pursued them to Cades, euen vnto their owne tents, and there they camped.

faires of the

74 So there were slaine of the heathen that day, about three thousand men, but Ionathan returned to Ierusalem.






1 Ionathan reneweth his league with the Ro-
manes and Lacedemonians. 28 The forces
of Demetrius thinking to surprise Ionathan,
flee away for feare. 35 Ionathan fortifieth the
castles in Iudea, 48 and is shut vp by the
fraud of Tryphon in Ptolemais.


Owe when Ionathan saw that the time serued him, hechose certaine men and sent them to Rome, for to confirme and renew the friendship that they had with them. 2 He sent letters also to the Lacedemonians, and to other places, for the same purpose.

3 So they went vnto Rome, and entred into the Senate, and said, Ionathan the high Priest, and the people of the Lewes sent vs vnto you, to the end you should renew the friendship which you had with them, and league, as in former time.

4 Vpon this the Romanes gaue them letters vnto the gouernours of euery place, that they should bring them into the land of Iudea peaceably.

5 And this is the copy of the letters which Ionathan wrote to the Lacedemonians:

6 Ionathan the hie Priest, and the Elders of the nation, and the Priestes and the other people of the Lewes, vnto the Lacedemonians their brethren, send greeting.

7 There were letters sent in times past vnto Onias the high Priest from Darius, who reigned then among looke Ioseph. Ant. lib. 13. you, to signifie that you are our brethren, as the copy here vnder-written doeth specifie.

cap. 8.

8 At which time Onias intreated the Embassador that was sent, honourably, and receiued the letters, wherein. Or, kinred, declaration was made of the league and friendship.

Ios. Ant.

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conuenient dayes, doe remember
you in
the sacrifices which we offer, and in our
prayers, as reason is, and as it becom-
meth vs to thinke vpon our brethren :
12 And wee are right glad of your

13 As for our selues, wee haue had
great troubles and warres on euery
side, forsomuch as the kings that are
round about vs haue fought against vs.

14 Howbeit wee would not be trou-
blesome vnto you, nor to others of our
confederates & friends in these warres:
15 For wee haue helpe from heauen
that succoureth vs, so as we are deliue-
red from our enemies, and our enemies
are brought vnder foote.

16 For this cause we chose Numenius
the son of Antiochus, and Antipater the
sonne of Iason, and sent them vnto the
Romanes, to renew the amitie that we
had with them, and the former league.
17 We commanded them also to goe
vnto you,
and to salute you, and to deli-
uer you our letters, concerning the re-
newing of our brotherhood.

18 Wherefore now ye shall doe well
to giue vs an answere thereto.

19 And this is the copy of the letters which ||Omiares sent :

20 Areus king of the Lacedemonians, to Onias the hie Priest, greeting. 21 It is found in writing, that the Lacedemonians and Iewes are brethren, and that they are of the stocke of Abraham:

22 Now therefore, since this is come to our knowledge, you shall doe well to write vnto vs of your +prosperitie.

23 We doe write backe againe to you, that your cattell and goods are ours, and ours are yours. We doe command therefore [our Embassadours] to make report vnto you on this wise.

24 Now when Ionathan heard that Demetrius princes were come to fight against him with a greater hoste then afore,

25 Hee remooued from Ierusalem, and met them in the land of Amathis: for he gaue them no respite || to enter his countrey.

26 He sent spies also vnto their tents, who came againe, and tolde him, that they were appointed to come vpon them in the night season.

27 Wherefore so soone as the Sunne was downe, Ionathan commaunded his men to watch, and to be in armes,


Read out

of los. which

Areus sent



+ Gr. peace.

or, to set

foote in his countrey: or, countrey.


inuade his

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ding to the Romane rca

32 And remouing thence, he came to Damascus, and so passed through all the countrey.

33 Simon also went foorth, and passed through the countrey vnto Ascalon, and the holds there adioyning, from whence he turned aside to Ioppe, and wanne it.

34 For he had heard that they would deliuer the hold vnto them that tooke Demetrius part, wherefore he set a garison there to keepe it.

35 After this came Ionathan home againe, and calling the Elders of the people together, hee consulted with them about building steong holdes in Iudea,

36 And making the walles of Ierusalem higher, and raising a great mount betweene the towre and the city, for to separate it from the city, that so it might be alone, that men might neither sell nor buy in it.


41 Then Ionathan went out to meet him with fourtie thousand men, chosen for the battell, and came to Bethsan.

42 Now when Tryphon saw that Ionathan came with so great a force, hee durst not stretch his hande against him,

43 But receiued him honourably, and comended him vnto all his friends, and gaue him gifts, and commaunded his men of warre to be as obedient vnto him, as to himselfe.

44 Vnto Ionathan also hee said, Why hast thou put all this people to so great trouble, seeing there is no warre betwixt vs?

45 Therefore send them now home againe, and chuse a few men to waite on thee, and come thou with me to Ptolemais, for I will giue it thee and the rest of the strong holds and forces, and all that haue any charge: as for me, I will returne and depart : for this is the cause of my comming.

46 So Ionathan beleeuing him, did as he bade him, and sent away his host, who went into the land of Iudea.

47 And with himselfe hee retained but three thousand men, of whome he + sent two thousand into Galile, and one t Gr. left two thousand went with him.

48 Now assoone as Ionathan entred into Ptolemais, they of Ptolemais shut the gates, and tooke him, and all them that came with him, they slewe with the sword.

49 Then sent Tryphon an hoste of footmen, and horsemen into Galile, and into the great plaine, to destroy all Ionathans company.

50 But when they knew that Ionathan and they that were with him were taken and slaine, they encouraged one another, and went close together, pre

37 Vpon this they came together, Or, accor- to build vp the citie || forasmuch as [part of] the wall toward the brooke on the ding, and he East side was fallen down, & they repai-pared to fight. to the wall of red that which was called Caphenatha the brooke 38 Simon also set vp Adida, in Sephela, and made it strong with gates and barres.

came neere

toward the East.

39 Now Tryphon went about to get the kingdome of Asia, and to kill Antiochus the king, that hee might set the crowne vpon his owne head.

40 Howbeit, he was afraid that Ionathan would not suffer him, and that he would fight against him, wherefore he sought a way, howe to take Ionathan, that he might kill him. So he remoued, and came to Bethsan.

51 They therfore that followed vpon them, perceiuing y they were ready to fight for their liues, turned back againe.

52 Whereupon they all came into the land of Iudea peaceably, and there they bewailed Ionathan & them that were with him, & they were sore afraid, wherfore all Israel made great lamentation.

53 Then all the heathen that were round about them, sought to destroy them. For, said they, they haue no captaine, nor any to helpe them. Now therfore let vs make war vpon them, & take away their memorial frò amongst men.


thousand in


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8 Simon is made captaine in his brother Iona-
thans roume. 19 Tryphon getteth two of
Ionathans sonnes into his hands, and slayeth
their father. 27 The tombe of Ionathan.
36 Simon is fauoured by Demetrius, 46 and
winneth Gaza, and the towre at Hierusalem.

Ow when Simon heard
that Tryphon had gathe-
red together a great hoste
to inuade the land of Iu-
dea, and destroy it,
2 And saw that the people was in
great trembling and feare, he went vp
to Ierusalem, and gathered the people

3 And gaue them exhortation, say-
ing: Yee your selues know, what great
things I and my brethren, and my fa-
thers house haue done for the lawes,
and the Sanctuarie, the battels also,
and troubles which we haue seene,

4 By reason whereof all my bre-
thren are slaine for Israels sake, and I
am left alone.

5 Now therefore be it farre from
me, that I should spare mine owne life
any time of trouble: for I am no bet-
ter then my brethren.

6 Doubtlesse I will auenge my na-
tion and the Sanctuarie, & our wiues,
and our children: for all the heathen are
gathered to destroy vs, of very malice.
7 Now as soone as the people
heard these words, their spirit reuiued.
8 And they answered with a loud
voice, saying, Thou shalt bee our leader
in stead of Iudas and Ionathan thy

9 Fight thou our battels, & what so-
euer thou commandest vs, that will we

10 So then he gathered together all the men of warre, and made hast to finish the walles of Ierusalem, and he fortified it round about.

11 Also he sent Ionathan, the sonne of Absolom, & with him a great power to Ioppe, who casting out them that were therein, remained there in it.

12 So Tryphon remoued from Ptolemais, with a great power to inuade the land of Iudea, and Ionathan was with him in warde.

13 But Simon pitched his tents at Adida, ouer against the plaine.

14 Now when Tryphon knew that Simon, was risen vp in stead of his bro


ther Ionathan, and meant to ioyne
battell with him, he sent messengers vn-
to him, saying,

15 Whereas we haue Ionathan thy
brother in hold, it is for money that he
is owing vnto the kings treasure, con-Or, for the
cerning the businesse that was commit-officers that
ted vnto him.


he had, for thenecessary 16 Wherefore, now send an hundred vses which he had. talents of siluer, and two of his sonnes for hostages, that when he is at liberty he may not reuolt from vs, and we will let him goe.

17 Heereupon Simon, albeit he perceiued that they spake deceiptfully vnto him, yet sent he the money, and the children, lest peraduenture he should procure to himselfe great hatred of the people:

18 Who might haue said, Because I sent him not the money, and the children, therefore is [Ionathan] dead.

19 So he sent them the children, and the hundred talents: Howbeit [Tryphon] dissembled, neither would he let Ionathan goe.

20 And after this came Tryphon to inuade the land, and destroy it, going round about by the way that leadeth vnto Adora, but Simon and his host marched against him in euery place wheresoeuer he went.

21 Now they that were in the towre, sent messengers vnto Tryphon, to the end that he should hasten his comming vnto them by the wildernesse, and send them victuals.

22 Wherefore Tryphon made readie all his horsemen to come that night, but there fell a very great snow, by reason whereof he came not: So he departed & came into the countrey of Galaad.

23 And when he came neere to Bascama, he slew Ionathan, who was buried there.

24 Afterward Tryphon returned, and went into his owne land.

25 Then sent Simon and tooke the bones of Ionathan his brother, and buried them in Modin the citie of his fathers.

26 And all Israel made great lamentation for him, and bewailed him many daies.

27 Simon also built a monument vpon the Sepulchre of his father and his brethren, and raised it aloft to the sight, with hewen stone behind and before.

28 Moreouer

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28 Moreouer hee set vp seuen pyramides one against another, for his father and his mother, and his foure brethren.

29 And in these he made cunning deuices, about the which he set great pillars, and vpon the pillars he made all their armour for a perpetuall memory, and by the armour, ships carued, that they might be seene of all that saile on the sea.

+ Gr. in the strong holds.

† Gr. All Tryphons doings were

30 This is the Sepulchre which he made at Modin, and it standeth yet vnto this day.

31 Now Tryphon dealt deceitfully with the yong king Antiochus, and slew him,

32 And he raigned in his stead, and crowned himselfe king of Asia, and brought a great calamitie vpō the land. 33 Then Simon built vp the strong holds in Iudea, and fensed them about with high towres, and great walles and gates and barres, and layd vp victuals + therein.

34 Moreouer Simon chose men, and sent to king Demetrius, to the end he should giue the land an immunitie, because all that Tryphon did, was to spoyle. robberies. 35 Vnto whom king Demetrius answered and wrote after this maner. 36 King Demetrius vnto Simon the high Priest, and friend of kings, as also vnto the Elders and nation of the Lewes, sendeth greeting.


gan to write in their instruments, and contracts, in the first yeere of Simon the high Priest, the gouernour, and leader of the Lewes.

37 The golden crowne, and the scarlet robe which ye sent vnto vs, we haue receiued, and wee are ready to make a stedfast peace with you, yea and to write vnto our officers to confirme the immunities which we haue granted.

43 In those dayes Simon camped against Gaza, and besieged it round about; he made also an engine of warre, and set it by the city, and battered a certaine towre, and tooke it.

38 And whatsoeuer couenants we haue made with you, shall stand, and the strong holdes which yee haue builded shalbe your owne.

44 And they that were in the Engine leapt into the citie, whereupon there was a great vproare in the citie:

39 As for any ouersight or fault committed vnto this day, we forgiue it, and the crowne taxe also which yee owe vs, if there were any other tribute paide in Ierusalem, it shall no more be paide.

45 Insomuch as the people of the citie rent their clothes, and climed vpon the walles, with their wiues and children, and cried with a lowd voice, beseeching Simon +to grant them peace. Gr. to give 46 And they said, Deale not with vs according to our wickednesse, but according to thy mercy.

40 And looke who are meet among you to be in our court, let them be inrolled, and let there be peace betwixt vs. 41 Thus the yoke of the heathen was taken away from Israel, in the hundred and seuentieth yeere.

42 Then the people of Israel be

47 So Simon was appeased towards them, and fought no more against them, but put them out of the citie, and cleansed the houses wherein the idols were and so entred into it, with songs, and thankesgiuing.

48 Yea, he put all vncleannesse out of it, and placed such men there, as would keepe the Law, and made it stronger then it was before, and built therein a dwelling place for himselfe.

49 They also of the towre in Ierusalem were kept so strait, that they could neither come foorth, nor goe into the countrey, nor buy, nor sell, wherefore they were in great distresse for want of victuals, and a great number of them perished through famine.

them his

right hand.

make peace with them.

50 Then cried they to Simon, beseeching him to bee at one with them, or, to which thing hee graunted them, and when he had put them out from thence, he cleansed the towre from pollutions:

51 And entred into it the three and twentieth day of the second moneth, in the hundred seuentie and one yere, with thankesgiuing, and branches of palme trees, and with harpes, and cymbals, and with viols and hymnes, and songs: because there was destroyed a great enemy out of Israel.

52 Hee ordained also that that day should be kept euery yeere with gladnes. Moreouer, the hill of the Temple that was by the towre he made stronger then it was, and there hee dwelt himselfe with his company.

53 And when Simon sawe that Iohn his sonne was a valiant man, he madel

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