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another, and doeth he seeke pardon
from the Lord?

4 Hee sheweth no mercy to a man,
which is like himselfe and doeth hee
aske forgiuenesse of his owne sinnes?
5 If he that is but flesh nourish ha-
tred, who will intreat for pardon of his

6 Remember thy end, and let enimi-
tie cease, [remember] corruption and
death, and abide in the Commande-


7 Remember the Commaundements, & beare no malice to thy neighbour: [remember] the Couenant of the highest, and winke at ignorance. Chap. 8. 1. 8 Abstaine from strife, and thou shalt diminish thy sinnes: for a furious man will kindle strife.

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9 A sinfull man disquieteth friends, and maketh debate among them that be at peace.

10 As the matter of the fire is, so it burneth and as a mans strength is, so is his wrath, and according to his riches his anger riseth, and the stronger they are which contend, the more they will be inflamed.

11 An hastie contention kindleth a fire, and an hasty fighting sheddeth blood.

12 If thou blow the sparke, it shall burne: if thou spit vpon it, it shall bee quenched, and both these come out of thy mouth.

13* Curse the whisperer, and double tongued: for such haue destroyed many that were at peace.

14 A backbiting tongue hath disquieted many, and driuen them from nation to nation, strong cities hath it pulled down, and ouerthrowen the houses of great men.

15 A || backbiting tongue hath cast out vertuous women, and depriued them of their labours.

16 Who so hearkeneth vnto it, shall neuer finde rest, and neuer dwel quietly. 17 The stroke of the whip maketh markes in the flesh, but the stroke of the tongue breaketh the bones.


20 For the yoke thereof is a yoke of yron, and the bands thereof are bandes of brasse.

18 Many haue fallen by the edge of the sword: but not so many as haue fallen by the tongue.

19 Well is hee that is defended from it, and hath not passed through the venime thereof who hath not drawen the yoke thereof, nor hath bene bound in her bands.

21 The death therof is an euil death, the graue were better then it.

22 It shall not haue rule ouer them that feare God, neither shall they be burnt with the flame thereof.

23 Such as forsake the Lord shall fall into it, and it shall burne in them, and not be quenched, it shalbe sent vpon them as a Lion, and deuoure them as a Leopard.

24 Looke that thou hedge thy possession about with thornes, and binde vp thy siluer and gold:

25 And weigh thy words in a ballance, and make a doore and barre for thy mouth.

26 Beware thou slide not by it, lest thou fall before him that lieth in wait.

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6 If he preuaile, he shall hardly re- Or, if he be ceiue the halfe, and he will count as if he had found it: if not; he hath depriued him of his money, and he hath gotten him an enemy without cause: he payeth him with cursings, and raylings: and for honour he will pay him disgrace.



Dan. 4. 24 matt. 6. 20.

luke 11. 41. and 12. 33.

acts 10. 4. 1. tim. 6. 18, 19.

Iob 4 8, 9, 10.

7 Many therefore haue refused to lend for other mens ill dealing, fearing to be defrauded.

8 Yet haue thou patience with a man in poore estate, and delay not to shew him mercy.

9 Helpe the poore for the commandements sake, and turne him not away because of his pouertie.

10 Lose thy money for thy brother and thy friend, and let it not rust vnder a stone to be lost.

11 Lay vp thy treasure according to the commandements of the most high, and it shall bring thee more profite then golde.

12 * Shut vp almes in thy storehouses: and it shall deliuer thee from all affliction.

13 It shal fight for thee against thine enemies, better then a mightie shield and strong speare.

14 An honest man is suretie for his neighbour but hee that is impudent,

Or, faile. will ||forsake him.

15 Forget not the friendship of thy suretie for hee hath giuen his life for thee.

16 A sinner will ouerthrow the good estate of his suretie :

17 And he that is of an vnthankfull minde, will leaue him in [danger] that deliuered him.

18 Suretiship hath vndone many of good estate, and shaked them as a waue of the Sea: mightie men hath it driuen from their houses, so that they wandred among strange nations.

19 A wicked man transgressing the commandements of the Lord, shall fall into suretiship and hee that vndertaketh and followeth other mens businesse for gaine, shall fall into suits.

20 Helpe thy neighbour according to thy power, and beware that thou thy selfe fall not into the same.

Chap. 39. 21 The chiefe thing for life is water and bread, and clothing, and an house to couer shame.

22 Better is the life of a poore man in a meane cottage, then delicate fare in another mans house.

23 Be it little or much, holde thee contented, that thou heare not the reproch of thy house.

24 For it is a miserable life to goe from house to house for where thou art a stranger, thou darest not open thy mouth.


25 Thou shalt entertaine and feast, and haue no thankes moreouer, thou shalt heare bitter words.

26 Come thou stranger, and furnish
a table, and feede me of that thou hast

-27 Giue place thou stranger to an
honourable man, my brother commeth
to be lodged, and I haue neede of mine

28 These things are grieuous to a
man of vnderstanding: the vpbraiding
of house-roome, and reproching of the


1 It is good to correct our children, 7 and not to

cocker them. 14 Health is better then wealth.
22 Health and life are shortened by griefe.

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Ee* that loueth his sonne, of children.
causeth him oft to feele the
rodde, that hee may haue 13.
ioy of him in the end.

2 He that chastiseth his
sonne, shall haue ||ioy in him, and shall! Or, good
reioyce of him among his || acquain-Or, kinse-


by him.

folke. 3 * He that teacheth his sonne, grie- • Deut. 6. 7. ueth the enemie : and before his friends he shall reioyce of him.

4 Though his father die, yet he is as though hee were not dead: for hee hath left one behinde him that is like himselfe.

5 While he liued, he saw and reioy- Psal. 128. ced in him: and when he died hee was not sorrowfull.

6 He left behinde him an auenger against his enemies, and one that shall requite kindnesse to his friends.

7 He that maketh too much of his sonne, shall binde vp his wounds, and his bowels wil be troubled at euery cry. 8 An horse not broken becommeth headstrong: and a childe left to himselfe will be wilfull.

9 Cocker thy childe, and hee shall make thee || afraid : play with him, and or, astonihe will bring thee to heauinesse.

10 Laugh not with him, lest thou haue sorrow with him, and lest thou gnash thy teeth in the end.


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11 *Giue him no liberty in his youth, Cha. 7. 23. and winke not at his follies.

12 Bow downe his necke while heel
is young, and beate him on the sides
while he is a childe, lest hee waxe stub-
borne, and be disobedient vnto thee, and
so bring sorrow to thine heart.
6 R

13 Cha-l


Of health.

1 Or, afflicted.

Pro. 12. 25. & 15.


13 Chastise thy sonne, and hold him to labour, lest his lewd behauiour be an offence vnto thee.

14 Better is the poore being sound and strong of constitution, then a rich man that is afflicted in his body. 15 Health and good state of body are aboue all gold, and a strong body aboue infinite wealth.


7 It is a stumbling block vnto them that sacrifice vnto it, and euery foole shall be taken therewith.


8 * Blessed is the rich that is found Luke 6. without blemish, and hath not gone after gold:

9 Who is he? and we will call him blessed: for wonderfull things hath hee done among his people.

16 There is no riches aboue a sound 10 Who hath bene tried thereby, and body, and no ioy aboue the ioy of the found perfit? then let him glory. Who heart. might offend and hath not offended, or 17 Death is better then a bitter life, done euill, and hath not done it? or continuall sickenesse.

18 Delicates powred vpon a mouth shut vp, are as messes of meat set vpon a graue.

19 What good doth the offering vnto an idole? for neither can it eat nor smell: so is he that is persecuted of the Lord. 20 Hee seeth with his eyes and groneth, as an Eunuch that embraceth a virgine, and sigheth.

21* Giue not ouer thy mind to hea13. and 17. uinesse, and afflict not thy selfe in thine owne counsell.


22 The gladnesse of the heart is the Or, exul life of man, and the ||ioyfulnes of a man prolongeth his dayes.


23 Loue thine owne soule, and comfort thy heart, remoue sorrow far from thee: for sorrow hath killed many, and there is no profit therein.

24 Enuie and wrath shorten the life, and carefulnesse bringeth age before the time.

1 Or, a noble. 25 || A cherefull and good heart will haue a care of his meat and diet.

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1 Of the desire of riches. 12 Of moderation and excesse in eating, or drinking wine.


Atching for riches, consumeth the flesh, and the care therof driueth away sleepe. 2 Watching care will not let a man slumber, as a sore disease breaketh sleepe.

3 The rich hath great labour in gathering riches together, and when he resteth, he is filled with his delicates. 4 The poore laboureth in his poore estate, and when he leaueth off, hee is still needie.

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13 Remember that a wicked eye is an euill thing: and what is created more wicked then an eye? therefore it weepeth ||vpon euery occasion. 1 Or, before 14 Stretch not thine hand whither- that is preevery thing soeuer it looketh, and thrust it not with sented. him into the dish.

15 Iudge of thy neighbour by thy selfe and be discreet in euery point.

16 Eate as it becommeth a man those things which are set before thee: and deuoure not, lest thou be hated.

17 Leaue off first for maners sake, and be not vnsatiable, lest thou offend.

18*When thou sittest among many, reach not thine hand out first of all. 19 A very litle is sufficient for a man well nurtured, and he fetcheth not his wind short vpon his bed.

20 Sound sleepe commeth of moderate eating he riseth early, and his wits are with him, but the paine of watching and choller, and pangs of the bellie are with an vnsatiable man.

21 And if thou hast bin forced to eate, arise, goe forth, vomit, and thou shalt haue rest.

22 My sonne, heare me, and despise me not, and at the last thou shalt finde as I told thee in all thy workes bee quicke, so shall there no sickenesse come vnto thee.


Chap. 37.

or, & lieth not puffing and blowing.

23 * Who so is liberall of his meat, Prou. 22. men shall speake well of him, and the 9. report of his good housekeeping will be beleeued.

5 He that loueth gold shall not bee 24 But against him that is a nigiustified, and he that followeth corrupti-gard of his meate, the whole citie shall

on, shall haue enough thereof.

6*Gold hath bin the ruine of many, and their destruction was present.

murmure; and the testimonies of his niggardnesse shall not be doubted of. 25 Shew not thy *valiantnesse in iudet. 13. 8

Isai. 5. 22.

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wine, for wine hath destroyed many.

26 The furnace prooueth the edge by dipping: so doth wine the hearts of the proud by drunkennesse.

27 Wine is as good as life to a man if it be drunke moderatly what life is then to a man that is without wine? for it was made to make men glad.

28 Wine measurably drunke, and in season, bringeth gladnesse of the heart and cheerefulnesse of the minde.

29 But wine drunken with excesse, maketh bitternesse of the minde, with brawling and quarreling.

30 Drunkennesse increaseth the rage of a foole till he offend, it diminisheth strength, and maketh wounds.

31 Rebuke not thy neighbour at the wine, and despise him not in his mirth: giue him no despitefull words, and presse not vpon him with vrging him (to drinke.)


1 Of his duty that is cheefe or master in a feast.
14 Of the feare of God. 18 Of counsell.
20 Of a ragged and a smooth way. 23
Trust not to any but to thy selfe and to God.
Fthou be made the master
(of the feast) lift not thy
selfe vp, but bee among
them as one of the rest,
take diligent care for them,

and so sit downe.
2 And when thou hast done all thy
office, take thy place that thou mayest
be merry
with them, and receiue a
crowne for thy well ordering of the

3 Speake thou that art the elder,
for it becometh thee, but with sound
iudgement, and hinder not musicke.
4 Powre not out words where
Eccle. 3.7.there is a musitian, and shew not forth
chap. 20. 7. wisedome out of time.

5 A consort of musicke in a banket


make not thy selfe equall with them,
and when ancient men are in place, vse
not many words.

10 Before the thunder goeth lighte-
ning: and before a shamefast man shall
goe fauour.


11 Rise vp betimes, and be not the last but get thee home without delay. 12 There take thy pastime, & do what thou wilt: but sinne not by proud speach 13 And for these things blesse him that made thee, and hath replenished thee with his good things.

14 Who so feareth the Lord, will receiue his discipline, and they that seeke him early, shall find fauour.

15 He that seeketh the law, shall be filled therewith: but the hypocrite will be offended thereat.

16 They that feare the Lord shall find iudgement, and shall kindle iustice as a light.

17 A sinfull man will not be reproued, but findeth an excuse according to his will.

18 A man of counsell will be considerate, but a strange and proud man is not daunted with feare, euen when of himselfe he hath done without counsell.

19 Doe nothing without aduice, and when thou hast once done, repent not. 20 Goe not in a way wherein thou maiest fall, and stumble not among the


21 Be not confident in a plaine way.
22 And beware of thine owne chil-



23 *In euery good worke trust thy Rom. 14. owne soule: for this is the keeping of the commandements.

24 He that beleeueth in the Lord, taketh heed to the commandement, and he that trusted in him, || shall fare neuer Or, shall not the worse.


of wine, is as a signet of Carbuncle set in 1 The safety of him that feareth the Lord. 2

6 As a signet of an Emeraud set in a worke of gold, so is the melodie of musicke with pleasant wine.

7 Speake yong man, if there be need of thee: and yet scarsely when thou art twise asked:

8 Let thy speach be short, comprehending much in few words, be as one that knoweth, and yet holdeth his tongue.

Iob. 33. 6. 9 *If thou be among great men,

The wise and the foolish. 7 Times and
seasons are of God. 10 Men are in his
hands, as clay in the hands of the potter. 18
Cheefely regard thy selfe. 24 Of seruants.

Here shall no euill happen
vnto him that feareth the
Lord, but in temptation
euen againe he wil deliuer

2 A wise man hateth not the Law,
but he that is an hypocrite therein, is as
a ship in a storme.
6 R 2
3 A

be hurt.

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3 A man of vnderstanding trusteth in the Law, and the Law is faithfull vnto him, as an oracle.

4 Prepare what to say, and so thou shalt be heard, and binde vp instruction, and then make answere.

5 The heart of the foolish is like a Chap. 21. cartwheele and his thoughts are like a rolling axeltree.

Or, ordained for the number of dayes.

Gen. 1. 27. and 2. 7.


6 A stallion horse is as a mocking friend, hee neigheth vnder euery one that sitteth vpon him.

7 Why doth one day excell another? when as all the light of euery day in the yeere is of the Sunne.

8 By the knowledge of the Lord they were distinguished: and he altered seasons and feasts.

9 Some of them hath hee made high dayes, and hallowed them, and some of them hath hee ||made ordinary dayes.

10 And all men are from the ground, and Adam was created of earth. 11 In much knowledge the Lord hath diuided them, and made their wayes diuers.

12 Some of them hath hee blessed, and exalted, and some of them hath hee sanctified, and set neere himselfe but some of them hath hee cursed, and brought low, and turned out of their

Or, stan-places. dings.

Esay 45. 9. rom. 9. 20,



13 As the clay is in the potters hand to fashion it at his pleasure: so man is in the hand of him that made him, to render to them as liketh him best.

14 Good is set against euill, and life against death so is the godly against the sinner, and the sinner against the godly.

15 So looke vpon all the workes of the most High, and there are two and two, one against another.

16 I awaked vp last of all, as one Or, glea that gathereth after the grape-gatherers by the blessing of the Lord I profited, and filled my wine-presse, like a gatherer of grapes.

Chap. 24. 39.

17 * Consider that I laboured not for my selfe onely, but for all them that sceke learning;

18 Heare me, O ye great men of the people, and hearken with your eares ye rulers of the Congregation:

19 Giue not thy sonne, and wife, thy brother and friend power ouer thee while thou liuest, and giue not thy goods to another, lest it repent thee:


and thou intreat for the same againe.

20 As long as thou liuest and hast breath in thee, giue not thy selfe ouer Or, sell not. to any.

Or, looke

21 For better it is that thy children should secke to thee, then that thou shouldst ||stand to their courtesie. 22 In all thy workes keepe to thy hands. selfe the preheminence, leaue not a staine in thine honour.

23 At the time when thou shalt end thy dayes, and finish thy life, distribute thine inheritance.

to their

24 Fodder, a wand, and burdens, of seruants. are for the asse: and bread, correction, and worke for a seruant.

25 If thou set thy seruant to labour, thou shalt finde rest: but if thou let him goe idle, he shall seeke libertie.

26 A yoke and a collar doe bow the necke: so are tortures and torments for an euill seruant.

27 Sende him to labour that hee be not idle : for idlenesse teacheth much cuill.

28 Set him to worke, as is fit for him; if he be not obedient, put on more heauy fetters.

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29 But be not excessiue toward any, and without discretion doe nothing. 30* If thou haue a seruant, let him Chap. 7. bee vnto thee as thy selfe, because thou hast bought him with a price.

31 If thou haue a seruant, intreate him as a brother: for thou hast neede of him, as of thine owne soule: if thou intreate him euill, and he runne from thee, which way wilt thou goe to seeke him?


1 Of dreames. 13 The praise and blessing of them that feare the Lord. 18 The offering of the ancient, and praier of the poore innocent.


+ Greeke, in blood.

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