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The second group of phenomena was manifested at the house of a well-known literary gentleman, and in the presence of several other witnesses whose names are equally well known.

In this instance the gentleman at whose house friends had met, anxious again to witness spiritual manifestations, asked Mr. Home to allow a séance to be held; but this the prohibition of his medical man compelled him to refuse. Despite, however, of his reluctance to concede to the wishes of his friends, the invisibles soon gave signs of their presence by raps on and inside the piano in the adjoining room, followed by raps all over the room, on the floor, window, ceiling, mantelpiece, &c. Unable to resist these demonstrations, a séance was arranged, and the party seated itself round a small kettle-drum octagon table covered with velvet, the legs being screwed into the top, and then we awaited the result. After a short pause raps were heard on the table, which was tilted and raised straight up in the air, next rolled into the lap of Mrs., then into the lap of Mr. H.; after which it was placed on Mr. H.'s foot, and balanced to and fro whilst in that position; it finally turned itself upside down. Raps were then heard, and a sentence spelt out, to the effect, that this was the present condition of Spiritualism, that it would soon be otherwise. The table was then seized by an invisible power, and again set on its legs. Mr. Home had in the meantime risen from his chair, impelled he said to do so, and was walking to and fro. Then followed the extraordinary phenomenon of the lengthening out and shortening of the medium's body; a phenomenon not unknown to those who have followed this inquiry, but nevertheless very remarkable, and equally unaccountable. Mr. Home said he felt as if his hair was being pulled, but without causing pain; on the contrary he described the sensation as pleasant. At his request one of those present held his feet, his body becoming elongated whilst thus held, to the height of seven feet-the time occupied in this elongation being about one minute. Between Mr. Home's waist-band and waistcoat the clothing separated the span of a hand wide, showing distinctly that his body had become stretched. Those present now grouped round Mr. Home to satisfy themselves as to the reality of what they saw; the interest in the phenomenon being increased by the repetition of the lengthening and shortening. The act of elongating and drawing in appeared to take place almost at will; for strange to say, Mr. Home alternately shrank into the size of a boy, and then again lengthened out to quite seven feet. Every means was resorted to by those present to test the truth of this extraordinary manifestation; the phenomenon was so inconceivable and strange that all felt it needed more than ordinary proof to convince them that no self

deception was deluding them into belief of an absurdity. These manifestations lasted for quite seven minutes.*



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On Mr. Home resuming his seat, raps were heard in different parts of the room. The octagon kettle-drum table was again seized by an invisible power, raised straight up into the air and placed inverted the head of Mr. Home. It is necessary to state that Mr. Home remained perfectly motionless whilst the table was being held and balanced on his head. Words were again spelt out, significant of the meaning of this droll procedure, such as It is hard to bear, but it is a crown." The table was then replaced in the centre of the circle, and again raised straight up over the heads of those present, and carried to the farther end of the room. Mr. H. then said he felt something hard touching his hand, and that the palm of his hand had been opened by an invisible power. On examining what it was that had touched him it was found to be the leg of the octagon table, which, it now appeared, had been screwed off, and placed in Mr. H.'s hand. Sentences were then spelt out, "Truth is strength,' "We will give you strength when you most need it,"-followed by other sentences of a similar meaning. The leg of the table was taken by the invisibles from Mr. H.'s hand, and carried across the table to Mr. Home. It was then observed to pass between Mr. Home's coat and waistcoat, down his spine, then moved up and down, and from side to side. To make certain that no self-deception was practised, those present examined the table leg as it passed up and down Mr. Home's spine, touching the end with their hands. During this process Mr. Home decribed his sensations as if under influence of shocks from an electric battery. The octagon table now, with its two legs, was replaced by the invisibles in the centre of the circle. Next the leg of the table was taken from Mr. Home's back and carried round to each present, gently touching their faces and hands, and finally, in the presence of all, screwed firmly into the top of the octagon table. Again raps were heard all over the room, movements of furniture, and sounds not unlike the laugh of a child resounded in the air.

When these had subsided, the final and culminating phenom

That this elongation and contraction of the body of mediumistic persons, or "the inspired," as they were then called (as well as other forms of modern mediumship), was not unknown to the ancients appears from the following passage in Jamblictrus:-" The signs of those that are inspired are multiform. Some are agitated throughout the whole body, others in some of their members, others, again, are entirely quiet. Sometimes there are pleasing harmonies, dances, and according voices, and sometimes the contraries of these. Again, the body is seen to be taller or larger, or is elevated, or borne aloft through the air; or the contraries of these are seen to take place about it." On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians. Sect. III. cap. 5.-[EDITOR.]

menon was manifested, which in itself constitutes quite an epoch in the history of spiritual phenomena, replete as the records of spiritual manifestations are with what, under ordinary circumstances, would be regarded as impossible. After a short pause, a luminous coronet of star-like light points settled upon the head of Mr. —, and remained stationary, resting on his head for several minutes. Then a semi-luminous appearance was manifested, which assumed the outline of a face with two starlike eyes; Mr. H— said he felt as if this form was pressing against him. Mr. Home had in the meantime arisen from his chair, and was walking to and fro complaining of pressure on the head; suddenly he said he felt a weight on his head. It was then noticed that a luminous crown, narrow at the base, and broad at the top, had been placed on his head. Tendrils and

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outlines of leaves were plainly visible, the leaves being vineshaped, fashioned into the form of a crown as already described. Mr. Home appeared greatly agitated, and repeated, "I am crowned,"-I am free from pain,' "-"I am receiving a new mission,' "The pain in my head is gone." He then walked up and down the room, the excitement all but overpowering him. Finally the luminous crown was removed from his head, while sweet-toned notes were distinctly heard proceeding from it; after which it was gently carried towards those present, as though for their inspection, and then removed into the angle of the door, where it remained luminously visible for four or five minutesvisible as though it were from its own intrinsic light. The brilliancy of its star-like form had so deeply impressed all present, that after its disappearance they continued to gaze at the place where the beautiful luminous crown had once stood, unable to realise its disappearance. I may add that Mr. Home has since that evening been quite restored to health. We have thus on record a second instance of the curative power of Direct Spirit Mesmerism.

I have now to record the last group of manifestations which occurred at a friend's house, also at Great Malvern, towards the middle of last month.

In this instance the séance was held by appointment. Our object being that of investigation, we limited the number to three, and I must add used every precaution we could think of, to preclude the possibility of self-deception; we likewise guarded against any possible preparatory arrangement. Accordingly we changed from the library to the dining-room. We were soon seated at a heavy square table. Twenty minutes passed without any manifestation; then came gentle raps, followed by the table being lifted, tilted, and gently vibrated. Then raps were heard simultaneously in different and opposite parts of the room.




my suggestion the lamp was partly turned down, when a cold current of air was felt to pass over our hands and faces. A pause ensued. The dining-room table-leaf stand in the corner of the room then commenced to vibrate, and one of the leaves being taken from the stand was passed between Mr. Home and the table at which we were seated. It was then raised straight up and passing vertically over my friend, gently touched him; in passing over me it struck me on the crown of the head, but so gently that I could hardly realise it to be the heavy leaf of the diningroom table; the touch nevertheless caused the leaf to vibrate all but sonorously. I name this to prove how delicately balanced and suspended in the air the leaf of the table must have been to have produced the vibration. It then passed over to the right, touching my shoulders, and finally was placed upon the table at which we were seated. The distance the leaf was carried I compute at nearly twelve yards (allowing for the circuit made) and at an elevation of six feet. A small round table was then moved from the corner of the room, and placed next to my friend, and in reply to his question who it was, he received the answer, audible to us all, "Pa'--Pa', dear-darling Pa'." An arm chair behind my friend, and at a distance of three yards, was raised up straight into the air, carried over our heads, and placed upon the dining-room table to my left-a voice clearly and loudly repeating the words, "Papa's chair." We then observed the wooden box of the accordion being carried from the extreme corner of the room, up to my friend. In passing my right hand, I passed my hand under and over the box, as it travelled suspended in the air to my front. I did this to make sure of the fact of its being moved by an invisible agency, and not by means of mechanical aid. The box was finally deposited on the table in front of my friend. Mr. Home had in the meantime taken the accordion in his right hand, and given me his left hand. Words were spelt out that the spirits would play his life, from early infancy to the final drama" Daniel in the Lion's Den," evidently in allusion to his suit with Mrs. Lyon. accordion immediately commenced playing, and continued so for fifteen minutes. What added to the interest was the accompaniment by voices imitating the clock in the hall, the rush of the waves, and when the "Lion's Den" was played, loud roars in imitation of lions were heard. I counted three or four voices. The accordion was then taken from Mr. Home, carried about in the room and played. Voices were distinctly heard; a low whispering, and voices imitating the break of a wave on the shore. Finally the accordion placed itself upon the table we were seated at, and two luminous hands were distinctly seen resting on the keys of the instrument. They remained luminously visible for


from twenty to thirty seconds, and then melted away. I had in the meantime, and at the request of my friend, taken hold of the accordion; whilst so held by me, an invisible hand laid hold of the instrument and played for two or three minutes what appeared to me to be sacred music. Voices were then heard, a kind of murmuring or low whistling and breathing; at times in imitation of the murmur of the waves of the sea, at other times more plaintively melodious. The accordion was then a second time taken by an invisible power, carried over our heads, and a small piece of sacred music played-then a hymn-voices in deep sonorous notes singing the hallelujah. I thought I could make out three voices, but my friend said he could speak to four. A jet of light then crossed the room, after which a star or brilliantly luminous disk, followed by the appearance of a softly luminous column of light, which moved up between me and my friend. I cannot say that I could discern any distinct outline. The luminous column appeared to me to be about five to six feet high, the subdued soft light mounting from it half illumining the room. The column or luminous appearance then passed to my right; and a chair was moved and placed next to me. I distinctly heard the rustling as of a silk dress. Instinctively I put my hand forward to ascertain the presence of the guest, when a soft hand seized my hand and wrist. I then felt that the skirt of a dress had covered knees. I grasped it; it felt like thick silk, and melted away as I firmly clenched my hand on it. By this time I admit I shuddered. A heavy footstep then passed to my right, the floor vibrating to the footfall; the spirit-form now walked up to the fire-place, clapping its hands as it passed me. I then felt something press against the back of my chair; the weight was so great that as the form leaned on my shoulder I had to bend forward under the pressure. Two hands gently pressed my forehead, I noticed a luminous appearance at my right; I was kissed, and what to me at the time made my very frame thrill again, spoken to in a sweet, low, melodious voice. The words uttered by the spirit were distinctly heard by all present. As th spirit-form passed away, it repeated the words, "I kissed kissed you," and I felt three taps on each shoulder, audible to present, as if in parting to reimpress me with the reality its presence. I shuddered again, and in spite of all my he felt very "uncanny." uncanny." My friend now called our attenti being patted by a soft hand on his head. then the words, "Papa, dear papa." He said his was being kissed, and that a soft child-like hand was him. A cloud of light appeared to be standing at his


I heard a

Direct spirit writing, which has so often been quest



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