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Notices of Books.


THE first thing to settle before religious discussion can have any useful result, is to be able to give an answer to this question,and yet it is one that we have never seen either asked or answered in an intelligent manner, until the publication of the Essay by Thomas Brevior. That part of the inquiry in which he shews what Religion is not, sweeps away at once, one half of the difficulty under which the subject has hitherto laboured, and if there were nothing more done by Mr. Brevior than that, he would have rendered us an invaluable service. But not less valuable are the chapters in which he shews what is Religion, and places it in a clearer light than we have ever seen it in before. We venture to say, that those who will read and catch the spirit of what Mr. Brevior says, will have more doubts resolved than by all the controversies which they have waded through. A powerful analytical process is here to their hand, which is useful to settle many questions of daily occurrence and pressing difficulty, and the want of which is constantly setting mankind by the ears, and keeping them at the grinding of chaff.


Gentle voices in the night-tide, pulseless pressures of the hand,
Softest sound of snowy footsteps on the stair:

Happy music faintly echoed from the far off summer-land,
Struggling earthwards through our cold and sombre air.
Recollections-crowding memories of the old and happy past,
Flitting ghost like from a tiny cross-crowned grave;
Pointing onwards to re-union when our time has come at last,
In a Promised Land beyond the Jordan-wave.

Hoarded relics-O so priceless!-treasured scraps of broken toys—
One bright curling lock of sunny golden hair-

And a little fading picture of the brave form once our boy's-
Tokens of our dear lost darling everywhere!

Christmas, 1867.

* What is Religion? A Tract for the Times. By THOMAS BREVIOR, Author of The Two Worlds, &c. London: J. BURNS, 1, Wellington-road, Camberwell, S. HEYWOOD & Co., 335, Straud, W. C.



To the Editor of the "Spiritual Magazine."

SIR,-In Madame Pfeiffer's Second Voyage round the World, Vol. II., p. 36, occurs the following curious narrative, which I believe has not been yet noticed in your pages. To every Spiritualist familiar with the phenomena which have occurred at home, it bears internal evidence of truth; and it is particularly interesting as repeating in a distant land and among a people who certainly never heard of similar occurrences in Europe or America, the exact form and conditions of some of the best attested and most extraordinary manifestations. I may add for the information of some of your readers, that "siri" is the pungent leaf chewed with the betel nut, and that to chew "siri" includes both substances. This chewing causes a great secretion of red saliva which is freely expectorated; and as all natives chew "siri" many times every day, and it is invariably offered to every visitor as a token of civility or friendship, nothing could more clearly manifest the presence of a human being in Java, than the spitting which accompanies chewing "siri." Madame Pfeiffer's account is as follows: "Speaking of marvels I am reminded of rather a puzzling occurrence that took place in Java a few years ago, and caused such a sensation that it attracted the attention of Government. In the residency of Cheribon was a small house, which the natives declared to be quite full of ghosts. As soon as ever the evening set in, there began in the rooms a continual throwing of stones and spitting of siri, without the perpetrator in either case being visible to mortal eye. The stones and the expectoration fell quite close to the people, but without exactly touching any of them, though this undoubtedly formidable shower seemed to be somehow specially directed against a certain little child. So much was said of this inexplicable affair, that at last the Government authorities commissioned a trustworthy officer to enquire into it and find it out. He had the house surrounded by soldiers, so that nobody could go in or out, and then entered and seated himself with the child on his lap. He had no sooner done so, however, according to most authentic history, than the shower of stones and siri set in as hard as ever, and fell close all round both officer and child, though still without touching them. Every hole and corner of the house was then searched, but of course without making any discovery. The officer could not get to the bottom of the mystery, but sagaciously bethought himself of having the stones marked, carried to a considerable distance, and buried—but in vain. The next night at the usual hour the customary projectiles began to fall about; and what was more, the very stones that had been so cunningly marked and hidden underground. At last, however, the Dutch Government proved more than a match for the ghost, and checkmated him by having the house pulled down; but the mystery who threw these stones, and who chewed the siri and ejected that preternatural saliva will remain profound and inexplicable to the end of time.""

I think it may be well to reprint this in your columns in case any of you readers should visit Java, and be able to obtain the authentication of names and dates. ALFRED R. WALLACE.


To the Editor of the "Spiritual Magazine."

SIR,-As a constant reader of the Spiritual Magazine, and admiring it for its consistent advocacy of Christian Spiritualism, I desire to put a question in reference to the remarkable manifestations elicited through the mediumship of Miss Nicholl and others. I have had the pleasure of being introduced to Miss

Nicholl at the house of a mutual friend, and am quite sure that neither that lady nor any of her friends would, if they knew it, encourage any dishonest. practice whatever; but I and others have for some time past felt a doubt as to whether the spirits come honestly by the flowers, fruits, perfumes, &c., which they have so liberally and marvellously bestowed on various occasions. I take it for granted that the various articles presented at these séances have not been created by the spirits for the occasion, but have been taken from private human stores, and could not therefore belong of right to any being of the spirit-world. If I am correct in this view of the case, I am forced to the conclusion that the spirits are dishonest spirits, amusing themselves and us unguarded mortals at the expense of others, beside incurring the danger of getting innocent guardians of such property into serious trouble for petty pilfering.

If we desire to act in accordance with the will of God, and to be Christians in heart and practice, and at the same time follow out these wonderful manifestations with an honest desire to elicit truth, and that only, I would ask are we right in encouraging manifestations which bear even the shadow of untruth or dishonesty in the face of them? Should we not rather endeavour to direct this wonderful power and influence towards communion with such pure spirits as could and would influence our hearts and minds to live a pure and Christian life? I think we should, and in so doing would more surely derive comfort, consolation, and hope in the contemplation of our future state, which I incline to think these marvellous indications are intended to afford us.


To the Editor of the "Spiritual Magazine."

H. D.

SIR,-The reviewer of these works in the January number of the Spiritual Magazine, does not appear to me to have treated Mr. Harris, in many respects, with fairness; nor does it prove, to the satisfaction of the unprejudiced, that which I gather he aims at proving, namely that the author of the Arcana of Christianity is a mere self-sufficient visionary. First then, it is stated that Mr. Harris has believed since 1861 that all the spirits who dictated his precious poems are "devils and impostors ;" and, continues his critic, "yet he suffers the sale of these books complacently to go on in order to reap the benefit of such sale." Now, sir, the writer is in a position to contradict this in toto, having in 1865 received a most kind letter from Mrs. Harris, accompanied by a present of one of the poems in question, the letter stating at the same time her regret that the other poems by her husband were out of print." Then again, the reviewer states that the Songs of Satan are published in a volume alone. There, too, we think he will find he is mistaken, and that these not very admirable verses were inserted as examples only in the appendix to the first volume of the Arcana of Christianity. The reviewer then proceeds to accuse Mr. Harris of inconsistency, because, in spite of all he says of the spiritual state of England, and which the reviewer himself owns is quite true, he comes to England to get his books published; this reminds us of the "pious pastrycook" once advertized for, who was "converted and could make tarts." In wicked England paper and labour are cheaper than in "spiritual America," as unconverted pastry is sometimes superior to, and costs less than unleavened bread. Then fault is found with our author for saying the Brotherhood of the New Life will arise, &c., when, says the reviewer, "this society has been some years in existence." Yes, if half-adozen people constitute a society it has, but as it is yet infantile Mr. Harris is certainly justified in using the future tense.

So much for what is personal in the article. But the writer does not stop He is " ambitious;" he here, but proceeds to attack Mr. Harris's mission. desires to be the "founder of a sect," &c. This, we who know him, most implicitly deny, for never did a more humble Christian breathe, either externally or internally, than this wonld-be prophet, who, to use the reviewer's language, has received a superb commission" from no less an authority than the "King of kings." After an exposition of the critic's notions of what Harris


thinks of himself, he makes a most remarkable assertion. "That he (Harris) has seen all that he so authoritatively states, we do not for a moment question; but he has seen them as visions." And who doubts it? And did the reviewer actually imagine that Harris thought he had roamed bodily all about the planets, and passed in boots the golden courts of the three heavens? He then says that these visions, which he owns are "highly poetical and luxuriant in fancy," are communicated by the very class of spirits who communicate in "séances." We can only say that were such séances held in London, we ourselves should be the constant attendants on them, as we think they would be rather more profitable to Spiritualism, than noisy manifestations and dark circles. In short, the arguments used against Harris, may be or rather have been used against the supernatural in every form, from our Lord and his apostles, down to Swedenborg and modern Spiritualism; and we confess we are surprised that a Spiritualist should thus argue. It would be more generous, it appears to us, had he rather said in the words of the excellent Fletcher, speaking of Swedenborg, that "his writings are a magnificent feast of many dainties, but he had not appetite for every dish." And we would add, in the words of, we believe, Coleridge. speaking of the same great seer-" What I do understand of these books so commends itself to my mind, that I would fain believe that that which passes my comprehension, is equally true and beautiful.” Begging you to excuse so long a trespass on your space, I am, Sir, respectfully yours,

January 6, 1868.

M. J. H.

To the Editor of the "Spiritual Magazine."

SIR,-The following details from my note-book may not be without interest to your readers:

On the evening of December 2nd, I attended a séance at the residence of Mr. Cogman, 22, New Road, Commercial Road, E., when some striking manifestations were given through the mediumship of Miss Price, a young lady, some account of whose mediumship I think has already appeared in the pages of the Spiritual Magazine. A small bell placed under the table was rung at the further end of the room; and amidst various knockings and blows, both on the table and behind the medium's chair, an invisible carpenter went to work with saw, plane, auger, and mallet, the sounds of these instruments when in use being exactly imitated.

I again attended on Wednesday evening, the 11th, when the manifestations partook of a test character, and were, if possible, still more remarkable, Descriptions were given of the deceased relatives of various members of the circle, identification, in most instances, being easily made. The portraiture presented to me answered in every respect to that of my father; and when I mentioned the fact, loud and continued knockings were heard proceeding from the table. So was it with others present. A lady had several relatives described and various incidents in their earth-life, that were given, were said to be correct. Then a spirit-child, with ringlet tresses, was spoken of as standing near its papa (one of the circle). The description was satisfactory so far; but the child had died, I think, at the age of four, and the name was required. The medium, however, could not give it, and turned her attention to other spirit attendants; but in a few minutes, she said, the child holds in her hand a bouquet of gorgeous flowers, and in this bouquet, has formed the name Emily." The gentleman addressed acknowledged, with surprise, that the name was correct-that it was, indeed, the name of his own child!

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During the evening, a large heavy table-much too ponderous for me to lift entirely from the ground-was tossed about as if it had been a plaything, and the blows it received from beneath, given with surprising momentum, startled all present. By one or two of these it was raised from the floor, evenly; it was also frequently elevated at one end and brought down with great force; and,

despite its weight, it was moved to and fro something like a weaver's shuttle. These manifestations of intelligence and power, proceeding from an uuseen source, call for consideration; and our scientific men especially would do well to give them full and fair investigation.

Yours, &c.,


The Westminster Club,

December 24th, 1867.

To the Editor of the "Spiritual Magazine."

ON "AN OCCASIONAL NOTE" IN THE PALL MALL GAZETTE. From the Pall Mall Gazette of the 18th inst., under the heading of Occasional Notes, I quote the following:

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"Mrs. Murray, the Devonshire witch, having been brought up on remand, has been sentenced to three months' imprisonment with hard labour for having obtained from Thomas Rendle £4 10s. for certain charms,' which, she asserted, would cure his wife, who is paralysed, but which failed to do so. Rendle is now under treatment by another local witch, named Gribble, who has undertaken to cure her or to refund all payments. It is hard to see why a woman should be sentenced to imprisonment with hard labour for undertaking to do by charms' what quack doctors, homeopathists, mesmersiers, and spiritrappers undertake every day to do with equal want of success-with perfect impunity."

Ignorant and superstitious notions of charms, quack doctors and want of success jare evidently associated, in the mind of the writer of that note, with Homœopathy, Mesmerism, and Spiritualism. If that writer does not know that the discovery of the principle of homeopathy has led to any modification of medical routine; if he has had no experience in mesmerism, and if he is now in 1867 unaware that amongst the greatest and best of men in all countries, great numbers habitually practise some form of spiritual medium power, and of the influence that Spiritualism has had on the morals and literature of to-day, I beg very respectfully to call his attention to the subject. He will at all events discover that it is too late in the day to talk about its want of success." I am Sir, your obedient servant,


A CLERGYMAN, who encloses his card, sends the following:-
To the Editor of the “Spiritual Magazine."

SIR,-Four years ago, I was staying in a Pension, at Montreux. Among the inmates at that time were two young collegians, brothers. During a boating party one afternoon, the elder brother laughingly remarked to a lady, "If I were to fall into the water and be drowned, what a sensation I should make in the newspapers." The next morning, he and his brother set off for an excursion in the mountains early. About eight o'clock, a.m., the younger brother returned alone. The two, wishing to make a short cut, had imprudently ascended the side of a steep mountain torrent. All who have tried it, know how much easier it is to ascend than to descend; finding this out too late, they saw their only chance was to attain the summit if possible. This was all but accomplished, when the elder brother, who was leading, fell; the younger dashed at a branch of a tree, caught it, and drew himself up to the top, and looking down some hundred feet, saw his brother dead at the bottom. While we were sitting at breakfast, sorrowing over this melancholy affair, a lady came down rather later than the rest. We, of course, imparted to her the sad intelligence, She burst out laughing, declaring that she had only that minute met him in the passage; another lady present affirmed that she had dreamt

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