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Else how should a child conceive what a rule meaneth, when he neither knoweth what the Latin word importeth, nor what manner of thing it is which is signified to him in his own native language, which is given him thereby to understand the rule? For rules consisting of generalities, are delivered (as I may say) at a third hand, presuming first the things, and then the words to be already apprehended touching which they are made. I might indeed enlarge upon this subject, it being the very basis of our profession, to search into the way of children's taking hold by little and little of what we teach them, that so we may apply ourselves to their reach: But I leave the observation thereof to your own daily exercise, and experience got thereby.

And I pray God, the fountain and giver of all wisdom, that hath bestowed upon us this gift of teaching, so to inspire and direct us by his grace, that we may train up `children in his fear, and in the knowledge of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and then no doubt our teaching and their learning of other things subordinate to these, will by the assistance of his blessed Spirit make them able and willing to do him faithful service both in church and commonwealth, as long as they live here, that so they may be eternally blessed with him hereafter. This, I beseech you, beg for me and mine, as I shall daily do for you and yours, at the throne of God's heavenly grace; and remain while I live, ready to serve you, as I truly love and honour you, and labour willingly in the same profession with you, From my School in Lothbury, London, Jan. 25, 1658.


N. B. Those Heads or Descriptions which concern things beyond the present apprehension of Children's wits, as, those of Geography, Astronomy, or the like, I would have omitted, till the rest be learned, and a Child be better able to understand them.

The Judgment of Mr. Hezekiah Woodward, some time an eminent Schoolmaster in LONDON, touching a work of this nature; in his Gate to Sciences, chap. 2.

C could make out we is as legible to children as pictures are,

ERTAINLY the use of images or representations is great: If we

their information therefrom would be quickened and surer. But so we cannot do, though we must do what we can. And if we had books, wherein are the pictures of all creatures, herbs, beasts, fish, fowls, they would stand us in great stead. For pictures are the most intelligible books that children can look upon. They come closest to nature, nay, saith Scaliger, art exreeds her.




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to do rightly, and to speak out agere rectè, et eloqui rectè, rightly all that are necessary. omnia necessaria.

P. Who will teach me this?
M. I, by God's help.
P. How?

M. I will guide thee through all.

I will show thee all.

I will name thee all.

P. See, here I am; lead me,

in the name of God.

P. Quis docebit me hoc?
M. Ego, cum DEO.

P. Quomodo?
M. Ducam te per


Ostendam tibi omnia.

Nominabo tibi omnia. P. En, adsum; duc me, in nomine DEI.

M. Before all things, thou M. Ante omnia, debes oughtest to learn the plain discere simplices Sonos, ex sounds, of which man's quibus Sermo humanus conSpeech consisteth; which stat; quos Animalia sciunt living Creatures know how formare, & tua Lingua scit to make, and thy Tongue imitari, & tua Manus potest knoweth how to imitate, and pingere.

thy Hand can picture out.

Afterwards we will go into Postea ibimus in Mundum, the World, and we will view & spectabimus omnia.

all things.

Here thou hast a lively and Hic habes vivum et vocale Vocal Alphabet.


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