Like brutes within an iron den ; But what were these to us or him? These wasted not his heart or limb ; My brother's soul was of that mould Which in a palace had grown cold, Had his free breathing been denied The range of the steep mountain's side; But... The works of the rt. hon. lord Byron - Sida 180efter George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1824Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - Om den här boken
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1815 - 324 sidor's soul was of that mould 140 Which in a palace had grown cold, Had his free breathing been denied The range of the steep mountain's side ; But...his dying hand — nor dead, Though hard I strove, but strove in vain, To rend and gnash my bonds in twain. He died — and they unlocked his chain, And... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1816 - 88 sidor's soul was of that mould 140 Which in a palace had grown cold, Had his free breathing been denied The range of the steep mountain's side ; But...his dying hand — nor dead, Though hard I strove, but strove in vain, To rend and gnash my bonds in twain. He died — and they unlocked his chain, And... | |
 | 1817 - 506 sidor
...palace had grown cold, Had his free breathing been denied The ran»e of the steep mountain's Sid* : Hnl why delay the truth ? — he died. I saw, and could...his dying hand — nor dead, Though hard I strove, but strove in rain, To rend ami gnash my bonds in twain. He died — and they nnlocked bis chain, And... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1818 - 216 sidor
...My brother's soul was of that mold 140 Which in a palace had grown cold, Had his free breathing been denied The range of the steep mountain's side ; But...his dying hand — nor dead, Though hard I strove, but strove in vain, To rend and gnash my bonds in twain. And scoop "d for him a shallow grave iSo Even... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1818 - 210 sidor
...My brother's soul was of that mold 140 Which in a palace had grown cold, Hod his free breathing been denied The range of the steep mountain's side ; But...his dying hand — nor dead, Though hard I strove, but strove in vain, To rend and gnash my bonds in twain. He died — and they unlocked his chain, And... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1820 - 260 sidor
...limb; My brother's soul was of that mould Which in a palace had grown cold, Had his free breathing been denied The range of the steep mountain's side; But why delay the truth?—he died. I saw, and could not hold his head, Nor reach his dying hand—nor dead, Though hard... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 478 sidor
...; My brother's soul was of that mold Which in a palace had grown cold, Had his free breathing been denied The range of the steep mountain's side ; But...his dying hand — nor dead, Though hard I strove, but strove in vain, To rend and gnash my bonds in twain. He died — and they unlocked his chain, And... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 294 sidor
...My brother's soul was of that mold 140 Which in a palace had grown cold, Had his free breathing been denied The range of the steep mountain's side; But...truth ?—he died. I saw, and could not hold his head, 145 Nor reach his dying hand—nor dead, Though hard I strove, but strove in vain, To rend and gnash... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1822 - 614 sidor
...— but not in chains to pine : His spirit wither'd with their clank, I saw it silently decline — The range of the steep mountain's side ; But why delay...? — he died. I saw, and could not hold his head, ?45 Nor reach his dying hand — nor dead, Though hard I strove, but strove in vain, To rend and gnash... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 310 sidor's soul was of that mould 140 Which in a palace had grown cold, Had his free breathing been denied The range of the steep mountain's side ; But...his dying hand — nor dead, Though hard I strove, but strove in vain, To rend and gnash my bonds in twain. He died — and they unlocked his chain, And... | |
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