With spiders I had friendship made, And watched them in their sullen trade; Had seen the mice by moonlight play — And why should I feel less than they? We were all inmates of one place, And I, the monarch of each race, Had power to kill; yet, strange... The works of the rt. hon. lord Byron - Sida 187efter George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1824Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - Om den här boken
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1815 - 324 sidor
...And watch'd them in their sullen trade, Had seen the mice by moonlight play, And why should I feel less than they ? We were all inmates of one place,...and I grew friends, So much a long communion tends 390 To make us what we are : — even I Regain'd my freedom with a sigh. SONNET. ROUSSEAU — Voltaire—... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1816 - 88 sidor
...mice by moonlight play, And why should I feel less than they ? We were all inmates of one place, Ajad I, the monarch of each race, Had power to kill —...and I grew friends, So much a long communion tends 390 To make us what we are : — even I Regain'd my freedom with a sigh. 1 SONNET. ROUSSEAU — Voltaire... | |
 | 1817 - 506 sidor
...watch'd them in their sullen trade, Hadiren the mice by moonlight play, And »hy should 1 feel It • -, than they ? We were all inmates of one place, And...race. Had power to kill — yet strange to tell !, In qniet we hadlearn'd to dwell— My very chains and I grew friends, fo much a long commanion tends 390... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1818 - 210 sidor
...And watch'd them in their sullen trade, Had seen the mice by moonlight play, And why should I feel less than they ? We were all inmates of one place,...and I grew friends, So much a long communion tends . 3QO To make us what we are : — even I Regain'd my freedom with a sigh. SONNET. ROUSSEAU — Voltaire—... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1818 - 216 sidor
...come To tear me from a second home : 380 Had seen the mice by moonlight play, And why should I feel less than they ? We were all inmates of one place,...and I grew friends, So much a long communion tends 3QO To make us what we are : — even I Regain'd my freedom with a sigh. SONNET. ROUSSEAU — Voltaire—... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1820 - 260 sidor
...And watch'd them in their sullen trade, Had seen the mice by moonlight play, And why should I feel less than they ? We were all inmates of one place, And I, the monarch of each race, Had power to kill—yet, strange to tell! In quiet we had learn'd to dwell— My very chains and I grew friends,... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 478 sidor
...And watch'd them in their sullen trade, Had seen the mice by moonlight play, And why should I feel less than they ? We were all inmates of one place,...each race, Had power to kill — yet, strange to tell I In quiet we had learn'd to dwell — My very chains and I grew friends, So much a long communion... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 294 sidor
...they ? We were all inmates of one place, 385 And I, the monarch of each race, Had power to kill—yet, strange to tell! In quiet we had learn'd to dwell—...and I grew friends, So much a long communion tends 390 To make us what we are:—even I Regain'd my freedom with a sigh. NOTES TO THE PRISONER OF CHILLON.... | |
 | George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1822 - 614 sidor
...mice by moonlight play, And why should I feel less than they ? We were all inmates of one place, 385 And I the monarch of each race, Had power to kill...and I grew friends, So much a long communion tends 3go To make us what we are : — even I Regain'd my freedom with a sigh. NOTES TO THE PRISONER OF CHILLON.... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 310 sidor
...made, And watchM them in their sullen trade, Had seen the mice by moonlight play, And why should I feel less than they ? We were all inmates of one place,...and I grew friends, So much a long communion tends 890 To make us what we are : — even I Regain'd my freedom with a sigh. SONNET. ROUSSEAU — Voltaire—... | |
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