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" And in each pillar there is a ring, And in each ring there is a chain; That iron is a cankering thing, For in these limbs its teeth remain, With marks that will not wear away... "
The works of the rt. hon. lord Byron - Sida 176
efter George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1824
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The Hand-book for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy and ...

John Murray (Firm) - 1811 - 620 sidor
...dungeons deep and old There are seven columns massy and grey, Dim with a dull, imprison'd ray, A sunbeam which hath lost its way, And through the crevice and...o'er the floor so damp, Like a marsh's meteor lamp." Byron has exaggerated the depth of the lake, which near Ihe castle does not exceed 280 ft. "It is by...
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Hebrew Melodies

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1815 - 324 sidor
...deep and old, There are seven columns, massy and grey, Dim with a dull imprisoned ray, 30 A sunbeam which hath lost its way, And through the crevice and...there is a ring, And in each ring there is a chain ; That iron is a cankering thing, For in these limbs its teeth remain, With marks that will not wear...
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The Prisoner of Chillon, and Other Poems, Volym 1

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1816 - 88 sidor
...deep and old, There are seven columns, massy and grey, Dim with a dull imprisoned ray, 30 A sunbeam which hath lost its way, And through the crevice and...there is a ring, And in each ring there is a chain ; That iron is a cankering thing, For in these limbs its teeth remain, With marks that will not wear...
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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

1816 - 692 sidor
...deep and old,— There are seven columns, massy and grey, Dim with a dull imprisoned ray, A sunbeam which hath lost its way, And through the crevice and the cleft Of the thick wall is fallen ;i»<i left; Creeping o'er the floor so damp, Like a marsh's meteor lamp: And in each pillar there...
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The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature, Volym 4

Tobias Smollett - 1816 - 674 sidor
...old, — There are seven columns, massy and grey, Dim with a dull imprisoned ray, A snnbeam which bath lost its way, And through the crevice and the cleft Of the thick wall is fallen and lelt ; Creeping o'er the floor so damp, Like a marsh's meteor lamp.: ; And in each pillar there is...
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Spirit of the English Magazines, Volym 1

1817 - 506 sidor
...dull imprisoned ray, A snnbeam which hath lost its way, Aor) through the crevice and the cleft Of He thick wall is fallen and left ; Creeping o'er the...there is a ring, And in each ring there is a chain ; That iron is a cankering thing. For in these limbs its teelh remain, ~i(h marks that will not wear...
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The works of ... lord Byron, Volym 6

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1818 - 210 sidor
...deep and old, There are seven columns, massy and grey, Dim with a dull imprisoned ray, 30 A sunbeam which hath lost its way, And through the crevice and...there is a ring, And in each ring there is a chain ; That iron is a cankering thing, For in these limbs its teeth remain, With marks that will not wear...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron: Prisoner of Chillon. Manfred ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1818 - 216 sidor
...deep and old, There are seven columns, massy and grey, Dim with a dull imprisoned ray, 30 A sunbeam which hath lost its way, And through the crevice and...there is a ring, And in each ring there is a chain ; That^iron is a cankering thing, For in these limbs its teeth remain, With marks that w ill not wear...
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The works of lord Byron, Volym 3

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1820 - 260 sidor
...dungeons deep and old, There are seven columns, massy and gray, Dim with a dull imprison'd ray, A sunbeam which hath lost its way, And through the crevice and...there is a ring, And in each ring there is a chain; That iron is a cankering thing, For in these limbs its teeth remain, With marks that will not wear...
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Lord Byron's Works ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 478 sidor
...dungeons deep and old; There are seven columns, massy and grey, Dim with a dull imprisoned ray, A sunbeam which hath lost its way, And through the crevice and...there is a ring, And in each ring there is a chain ; That iron is a cankering thing, For in these limbs its teeth remain, With marks that will not wear...
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