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The power required for the works amounts at present to about 2,500 HP derived partly from the company's own electric plant, partly from two blast furnace gas engines, and partly from the State power works at Älvkarleö.

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Forsbacka, besides some iron mines of its own, possesses shares in several others for the high reckoned among the best ores in Sweden, such as Bispberg, Grängesberg, Norberg, quality of the Bastkärn, Stripa, etc. Of these the Bispberg ore the principal ore used in the Forsbacka fine-quality steel is worthy of a special mention. It contains only traces of sulphur, and the phosphorus content has often been found to be as low as 0.001%. It is therefore, probably, the purest iron ore in the world. As the quality of the ore is of great importance in producing what is called the »body » of the steel made from same, it is quite clear that the natural facilities and conditions greatly aid in obtaining steel of very superior qualities. The other important factor is that for the melting of the ore only pure Swedish charcoal is used.

Thanks to the incomparable ores and charcoal, and the fact that the charcoal pig iron is made on the spot it is possible to control the steel production through all its phases, an absolutely indispensable provision for obtaining a fully reliable steel, quite up to every requirement. The skill and


experience of the engineers, and
the employment of workmen
with knowledge and aptitude
inherited from generations of
steelmakers, are a further guar-
antee of the ultimate excellence
of the product. It ensures the
best treatment in making the
steel and also proper care in
the further processes of rolling,
forging, annealing, etc.

The up-to-date metallurgical
laboratory at Forsbacka is fitted
up with the latest appliances,
being rated as one of the finest
works laboratories in Sweden.

The Laboratory: Department for microscopical testing

The scheme for production.

All processes subject to close
supervision and strict control.

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The steel is examined there both as to its chemical composition, physical properties, and microscopically, by a scientifically trained staff.

In consideration of all these conditions it is safe to assert that the steelmaking at Forsbacka is at the top level of what can be done in Sweden or indeed anywhere. The homogeneity and superior properties of the Forsbacka steel together with the uniform quality of shipments have made it increasingly in request with international users of high grade steel.

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Semi-manufactured products: Ingots, billets, sheet billets, etc. Finished products: Iron and steel hot-rolled and forged, solid and hollow bars, ring discs, etc. Reeled steel.

The following kinds and grades of steel are supplied, viz:


1. Tool Steel. Forsbacka tool steel is one of the most important products of the works. What has been said above about the quality applies in a high degree to the tool steel, in the manufacture of which the utmost care is taken.

The tool steel is manufactured as carbon steel as well as alloy steel.

2. Special Steels: For purposes requiring steel with properties not possessed by carbon steel the works supply special alloy steels adapted to a great number of particular uses. The alloy steels are unsurpassed in quality, and include nickel, chrome, chrome-nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, and vanadium steel; for pneumatic tools, magnets, milling cutters, etc.-

3. Construction steels: Nickel, chrome-nickel, chrome-vanadium steel, etc. for motor, automobile, aeroplane and other machine constructions.

4. Chrome Steel of the PRINCE✶ brand for ball bearing manufacture has attracted much attention on account of its excellent quality, and has a very good market all over the world. It is supplied in rolled and hammered bars, rolled hollow bars, and forged discs. The greatest care is taken in the annealing. Call for PRINCE✶ steel. It is second to none.

5. Forsbacka FJAB Drill Steel is used, besides in Sweden, very largely at the important mines and quarries in the U. S. A., South Africa, Japan, as well as in other countries. This steel has proved to possess those qualities that a miner wants in a

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Iron and Steel Works,

Sawmills, Sulphite and Sulphate Mills.

Principal Agents:

For Wood goods, sawn and planed:

Great Britain and Ireland: Modin & Co. Ltd., Palmerston House,

34, Old Broad Street, London, E. C. 2.

France and Belgium: A. H. Nordin, 37, Boulevard Haussmann, Paris.
Hans Hals, 44, Paseo de Gracia, Barcelona.



Johann Kühn & Co., 43, Beursstraat, Amsterdam.

F. D. Bruins & Co., Groningen.

Denmark: Laur. O. Petersen, 45, Raadhuspladsen, Copenhagen, B.
Norway: Möller, Blom & Co., Christiania.

For Sulphite and Sulphate:

Great Britain and Ireland: Johnsen, Jörgensen & Wettre, Ltd.
26, Farringdon Street, London E. C. 4.





Agence Franco-Suédoise, 37, Boulevard Haussmann, Paris.
W. Pauly & Co., Casella Postale 1320, Genoa.

John Claes, 12, Rue Dupont, Brussels.

Otto J. Faber, 20-21, Prins Hendrikkade, Amsterdam.
Germany and Switzerland: Aktiebolaget Hugo Hartig, Stockholm.
Norway: Paus & Paus A/S, Postbox 281, Christiania.
U. S. A.

Scandinavian Pulp Agency Inc., 50, East 42nd Street, New York.

The Uddeholm company is among the oldest industrial enterprises in Sweden, owing its origin to blast furnaces and forges in Wermland operated since the middle of the 17th century. It was not until 1720, however, that the works emerged from primitive conditions in connection with being brought under the management of the Geijer

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