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sent representatives to them who have returned-as did those sent in ancient times to spy out the Promised Land— bearing tokens substantial and convincing of the superiority of Christian institutions. From the last World's Exposition-grandest and best of all,—especially from that department of it known as the "World's Parliament of Religion," returned many an intelligent, devout, and truth-loving delegate who exclaimed, as did the Queen of Sheba, returning from the court of Solomon, "Behold the half was not told me."


And all this is not, as some of the scoffers might say, "American spread Eagleism" or "nineteenth century brag" or the "partisan boastings of Christian bigotry." As one of our prominent Christian ministers, heard and known all over the earth, has recently said, "It is the religion of Jesus that has abolished slavery, emancipated childhood, uplifted womanhood, and fought all battles for human freedom and the rights of man. All that distinguishes the workingman of America and Europe from the Chinese coolie, the Hindoo pariah, the Egyptian fellah, and the proletare of ancient Rome is due to Christianity. Christianity has promoted intelligence, has been the mother of science, the nurse of art, the promoter of invention. Industry in its greatest sensethe industry of steam and electricity-which defies time and space, does not exist except in Christian lands."

Lest this should be called the "special pleading" of interested parties of clergymen and others who are paid to say it-let us quote also the recent language of one who is not an ecclesiastic, nor a theologian, nor even an orthodox" Christian, one of our most distinguished American scientists, doctor of laws, professor of chemistry and mineralogy in Harvard University :

"As modern science dates from Newton, so all that is noblest and best in man, all that is most pure and lovely in life, all most unselfish morality, all most heroic chivalry, all most holy charity is dated Anno Domini. Looking at

Christian Institutions simply as outward facts-without regard to sanctions of doctrines, dogmas or creeds of any sort -what do we see? No less than this: that everything in the world that is loftiest and profoundest in thought, which is most ennobling and heroic in character, which is bravest and most unselfish in action, which is purest and loveliest in art, which is most consoling and hopeful in philosophy; and above all this, every form of most beneficent charity, every great movement for the amelioration of mankind, every influence most sanctifying to family ties, dates from one conspicuous and definite epoch of the world's history from which civilized men began to count again the revolving years. Who can speak the matchless worth of Christianity."

These are fair and honest statements of the results, to date, of this science which is now widely known as the Science of Comparative Religion. But, lest this too should be considered partisan, or be classed among the Exclusive Statements of Sectarian Religionists, let us add one of many statements from those who have been born and bred in other Religions. One of the distinguished delegates to the World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago, a reformed Brahmin of India, afterwards made scores of addresses in various parts of this country, every one of which was a fervent eulogy of Christianity. His favorite quotation was that of his great fellow reformer of India: "How we wish that Jesus had been born in India! We should have devoted an epic to his glory, sung his name through every city and village, comforted the weak in their sorrows and the dying on their death beds with his holy words, remembered him in every act of daily life, and died finding consolation and strength in his blessed example. We wish indeed that Jesus had been born in India."


So it is that even the chief representatives of so-called Pagan Religions are joining in the testimony; are coming to acknowledge not only that Christian civilization is supreme, but also that it is verily the personality of Jesus and the promulgation of his gospel upon which, as a chief corner

stone, Christian Civilization is built. The great masses of truth lovers and truth seekers, impressed with the supreme majesty and dignity of Jesus, convinced of his superior wisdom, authority, purity and grace, have taken his Gospel the Gospel of the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, the Forgiveness of Sins and the Immortal Hope-and, upon this for nineteen Centuries have been building, and building "better than they knew," a great kingdom of light, and love, and humanity. They have proclaimed the teachings of Jesus, perpetuated his memory, immortalized his deeds, and exalted his example; so that now, more than ever, he stands out in glory, with all the world wondering before him. They have taken the name of Jesus, "name of wondrous love, name all other names above," and crying out "All hail to its power," have been singing all through the centuries-and to-day with a louder, fuller, sweeter voice than ever: a voice heard in millions of temples all over the earth, yes, in every corner of every continent and in every habitable island of the sea-are singing the old hymn, the one united, unbroken Hymn of Christendom, we may call it:

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'Jesus shall reign where'er the sun

Does his successive journeys run;

His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more.

To him shall endless prayer be made,
And praises throng to crown his head;
His name like sweet perfume shall rise
With every morning sacrifice.

"People and realms of every tongue
Dwell on his love with sweetest song;
And infant voices shall proclaim

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"Let every creature rise, and bring
Peculiar honours to our King:
Angels descend with songs again,
And earth repeat the loud Amen.”


All this in spite of the many, great, and persistent Degenerations with which genuine Christianity has been cumbered; and by which, from the Second Century increasingly until now, its progress has been impeded! What then must have been the inherent, latent, as yet largely undeveloped and widely misapprehended power of original Christianity! What it was may be inferred from what it accomplished as a world-conquering, world-regenerating Religion, “pure and undefiled before God and man" during the First Century. What it is, may be, and shall be, may be gathered from the title of this volume, Renascent ChristianityChristianity springing up anew. Had original Christianity escaped the universally prevailing law of Tendency to Revert, had it remained pure and uncorrupted, as it issued from the lips and life of its Divine Founder! verily, verily, his Holy Dream, and that of all his Apostles and first zealous followers, would have actually been accomplishedthe Kingdom of God would have come and His Will would have been done, on Earth as in Heaven, long before the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds were imposed as yokes and goads upon the degenerate Christians of the degenerate Christian Church! And now, should Christianity become truly renascent-springing up again as it did in the First Century, and so continuing-verily, verily, the long dreamed of Millennium would actually be here before the close of the Twentieth Century !

"Even so, Jesus Master, come quickly!" "Repent, Prepare the Way"-so shall the "Kingdom of Heaven" verily be" at hand."


What then is Christianity? Why is it, as we have shown, essentially superior? In all truthfulness we are reminded that it "was inferior during several Mediæval Centuries." We are also told that it only happens to be at the top now: and why may it not again revert to Heathenism so completely as to become inferior again to one or more of the Pagan Religions? We answer-This sad Reversion may indeed take place again, and repeatedly. There will doubtless come yet many fallings away as Jesus and his chief Apostles repeatedly predicted. But "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again.' Simply because Christianity is "Truth" in a broader, as well as purer, and higher form than is found in any of the other forms of Religion, therefore has it been—as in the Protestant Reformation-still more now is, in the present Reformation, and promises more and more to be as Scholarship, Culture, and Civilization increase—a ceaselessly renascent Religion.

But why is it a “broader, purer, and higher form of Truth"? Simply because it was in the beginning, is now, and ever must be an Eclectic Religion-and the only one of the Great Religions that was, is, or can be eclectic. This claim has been made and substantiated in a previous section, and so need not be further considered here. As an Eclectic Religion it still as at first, and forever as now, claims, takes possession of, and appropriates as its own, all Truth wherever found.

Thus it is that the Spiritual Fruitage of all the Ages, the genuine Inspirations and Products of the Holy Ghost everywhere and always, "world without end," belong to genuine Christianity. If those who call themselves Christians will only recognize this and permit renascent Christianity to claim and appropriate its own, then will it soon become and to the end continue, in fact as in name, The One Holy Catholic and Apostolical Religion of Mankind.


Christianity as an Eclectic Religion, as the only Eclectic Religion, still as at first, and forever as now, claims, takes

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