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the influence of these organs, she commenced an animated conversation with the company, in which she took the lead, and soon became the sole speaker. She began by expressing the opinion that she was qualified for a higher station in life than she has always occupied, and that she possessed intellectual powers sufficient to exert a controlling influence over public opinion. She proceeded to vindicate in an eloquent manner the rights of her sex, during which she gesticulated with great vehemence, and her countenance displayed an almost unnatural brilliance. She spoke in glowing terms of the good she might do, if placed in her proper sphere; and when now reminded by Dr. Buchanan that the domestic sphere is the one proper for woman, and that her own feeble constitution and delicate health would incapacitate her for such exertions, she replied in a proud and energetic manner, But the mind can overcome the body's weakness.' As she was continuing her harangue in the same vehement and thrilling style, Mr. Inman, Dr. Buchanan's assistant, who was standing behind her, approached and placed his fingers on the organs, as designated by Dr. Buchanan, of humility and physical relaxation. For about five seconds, no apparent effect was produced. In the next five, her manner changed greatly; her voice lost its force; the brilliant animation of her countenance almost immediately disappeared; and her arms fell languidly by her side. The change in her countenance was perhaps the most remarkable we have ever witnessed under the influence of any mental emotion. Under the former influence, her features assumed a marked and striking expression, as if flushed with excitement; her eye was brilliant and sparkling, and her whole bearing was that of exalted enthusiasm. But under the influence of humility and despondency, her countenance in less than a minute lost its tense and flushed appearance, and exhibited the collapse which always follows high excitement of the human system; her voice became feeble, her eye was downcast, while tears trickled over her cheeks; and presently, in a sad and moralizing tone, she gave utterance to the expression- Ah! but I am only a poor weak woman! and what can she do?' She now spoke of her own weakness and the general frailty of her sex; and in this desponding strain-the language of physical and mental depression-she continued until self-esteem, combativeness, and firmness were again touched. In perhaps a single minute she was roused once more to the highest excitement. The

unwiped tears were soon dried upon her cheeks. In this condition, she was even more determined than previously, and seemed resolved that nothing should prevent the accomplishment of her great designs. I will crush under foot,' she exclaimed, the monster, Prejudice, that man has erected as a barrier around woman;' and she proceeded to show, in the same excited language, that she possessed powers of mind qualifying her for the accomplishment of great benefits to mankind, instead of being confined to the duties of domestic life. The organs of humility, despondency, and relaxation, being again touched, the same remarkable change, above described, was renewed. The flushed, excited countenance again collapsed; her arms fell languidly at her side; she again spoke of the frailty of woman, and despaired of ever accomplishing her great designs. In this state, she burst into a flood of tears, and burying her face in her handkerchief, she said, 'Gentlemen, excuse me.' Mr. Inman now restored her by placing his hand on what are called the restraining organs, and by touching that part of the intellectual organs which gives a clear and correct consciousness of our condition. She now looked up, and, with a smile, said, in a natural tone, 'I fear, gentlemen, I have acted very foolishly.'

"It was next proposed to produce dreaming, which Dr. Buchanan did by placing his finger on the special organ, lying on the side of the head anteriorly. She soon closed her eyes and seemed unconscious of surrounding objects. Her hands and lips were continually moving, as if in reference to objects seen in a dream. When waked up, she said that many scenes had passed before her, but that her memory of them was indistinct. She seemed to have a shadowy recollection of many vivid colors and brilliant objects, without the power to form a connected chain among these events of the land of dreams.

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"Dr. Buchanan now placed her hand upon that region of his head, which he regards as the source of innervation to the viscera of the body. The effect she represented as agreeable. Placing her hand in the same position on Mr. Bryant, in whom the digestive functions possess less vigorous action, the influence conveyed, she described as not so agreeable or apparently beneficial to her. She was then requested to place her hand on the side of Mr. Bryant's forehead, upon which she spoke of increased intellectual activity and stronger powers of reasoning. Whilst her hand was thus resting on Mr.

Bryant's intellectual organs, it was quietly moved so as to touch the organ of ideality alone with one finger. Under this influence her head hung as if in a profound revery—her hand dropped by her side, and she made no reply to Dr. Buchanan's inquiries as to the effect produced. Having again placed her finger on the same point, her head once more dropped, and she let fall her hand by her side; and being now urged repeatedly to say what effect she experienced, she at length replied, 'It gives me a very pleasing sadness.' On being further asked by Dr. Buchanan whether it excited her judgment or reasoning faculties, she replied that it acted altogether on her imagination."

"Sub-committee met November 19th, 1842.-Present, Messrs. Bellows, O'Sullivan, and Forry. Experiments on Mrs. R., continued.

"Dr. Buchanan next attempted to show the control which can be exercised over respiration, by exciting the appropriate cerebral organs, called by him, "inspiration, expiration, and restraint.' Under the influence of the two former, her breathing became hurried, laborious, and panting. Under the influence of the latter, the movements of the chest became slow, and were partially arrested.

"Dr. Buchanan then proceeded, at the request of the committee, to excite the organ of calculation. She immediately drew back from the company in a state of seeming abstraction, and fixed her gaze intently on a house on the opposite side of the street; and on being asked what attracted her attention, she replied that she was counting the bricks in the wall of the house. She then arose and walked to the window, and still seemed intent on her favorite object. We now attempted to ridicule her strange propensity, and to dissuade her from this employment, but she insisted with much earnestness that it was both very agreeable and very rational.

"Dr. Buchanan next excited the moral and selfish feelings alternately, five or six times in succession, with the view of calling off her attention from surrounding circumstances, by the lively play of her own feelings. The former she describes as agreeable, and the latter as producing a disagreeable excitement which would no doubt have an injurious effect on her character. As he touched several points among the moral organs in succession, his hand at length reached that of firmness; and as he excited this organ and that of its antagonist, fear, she remarked that

the former seemed to increase her energy, whilst the latter appeared to enfeeble or relax the system. To produce an unequivocal physical manifestation, Dr. Buchanan excited alternately the organs producing physical sensibility or sensibility to pain, and on the other hand the organs producing hardihood. Under the influence of the latter, he requested her to remove a ring from her finger, which she easily took off and replaced. Then having excited sensibility to pain, she was requested to take off the same ring, but after several attempts, she gave it up, as causing too much pain, on account of its tightness. She tried other rings upon her fingers, and found that they also were too tight to be removed without causing great pain. Hardihood being now reexcited, she removed the ring with ease. To show how complete was her insensibility to pain under this influence, Dr. Buchanan requested one of the committee to offer his knuckles for a blow from hers, to show which would evince the greater sensibility by the contact. Although her hand was small and rather delicate, yet she inflicted several blows in succession upon the knuckles of the gentleman who offered his, with so much strength as to compel him to retire from the unequal contest; whilst to Mrs. R., it seemed to be a matter of mere sport, productive of no pain whatever. Dr. Buchanan now changed operations by restoring her physical sensibility, when she immediately began to feel the pain from the bruising that her knuckles had just received. She now appeared to suffer much more than her antagonist; and on being requested to strike again, she could not be induced to make more than a gentle contact, which could scarcely be called a blow.

"These physiological experiments were succeeded by several of a more striking and simpler character. Dr. Buchanan excited the organ of pride, the exaltation of which was not continued more than a minute before she arose from her chair and left the company. She walked about the room in silence, and refused to return to her seat to undergo experiments. Dr. Buchanan now approached her and excited the organ of humility, when she immediately resumed her place. Upon being asked the reason that induced her to leave the chair, she said that she had felt an indisposition to sit there and be gazed at by a number of gentlemen. She now seemed conscious of the impropriety of leaving the company so abruptly, and promised that she would not do so again ; but as Dr. Buchanan re-excited the organ of pride, it was scarcely a minute before

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"The committee being about to retire, Dr. Buchanan, in order to place her in the most agreeable condition, touched an organ producing enlivening effects, which he denominates the organ of levity. This produced so much buoyancy of spirit, that she moved about the room with girlish gayety and lightness, and even offered to dance with any one that would accompany her. The antagonist organ being excited, she became dull and slow, and at length unable to stir. From this state she was relieved by a slight re-excitement of the organ of levity. Her husband, observing the fine effect of the action of this organ, requested that its locality might be pointed out to him, so that he might excite it whenever it became desirable to enliven her. This being done, Mr. R. held his fingers on the spot till he produced so much excitement that she could not contain herself, but frolicked around the room as if under the influence of exhilarating gas. This excessive excitement so overcame her physical powers, that she sank exhausted into a chair, apparently unwell, with a chilly rigor and other unpleasant sensations.. It was now necessary for Dr. Buchanan to use means for her restoration, which was speedily effected by stimulating other portions of the brain which, he said, re-established a healthy equilibrium."

"Sub-committee met November 25th, 1842. Present, Mr. Bryant and Dr. Forry. Also, Major John Le Conte, by invitation. Continued experiments on Mrs. R.


"Before proceeding to the house of Mrs. R., Dr. Buchanan performed, at his own rooms, several experiments upon gentleman (Mr. O., of this city), whom the doctor had discovered to be slightly impressible. It should be remarked that Mr. O. had been a total disbeliever in the reality of the neurauric influence, until he had felt peculiar sensations in his hand from the influence communicated by Dr. Buchanan. The object of the first experiment was to produce that somnolent state, resulting from the influence of the front lobe of the brain, which might be not inappropriately called an intellectual or self-conscious sleep. Dr. Buchanan requested Mr. Bryant to place his hands on the outer part of the forehead of Mr. O. In this position Mr. Bryant held his hands for several minutes, while the rest were observing the counte

nance of the subject. In about two minutes we detected a singular appearance about the eyes, soon after which Mr. O. remarked that it had passed off, meaning that he had felt a peculiar influence which had now ceased. Mr. Bryant, however, continued to hold his hands in the same position, and in about two minutes more the eyelids of Mr. O. began to quiver with a very rapid motion, and gradually closed. They opened again, winked and quivered alternately for a few moments, and finally closed firmly. About this time we observed that his arms fell relaxed by his side, and one of his legs resting on the other fell to the floor, as if he had suddenly fallen asleep. We spoke to him, but he made no answer. We asked him whether he was fully conscious, and he nodded assent. Being now requested to open his eyes, he raised the eyebrows several times to their extremest height, stretching the membrane of the eyelids, and rolling the eye-balls, as if making a great effort; but he did not succeed even in getting the lids apart. Mr. O. was allowed to remain in this state a few moments, unable to relieve himself. Dr. Buchanan then showed Mr. Bryant how, in order to relieve Mr. O., to apply his fingers on the back part of his head. The fingers were applied accordingly, and almost instantly the eyes of Mr. O. flew open, and he was restored to the command of his speech. On resuming this faculty, he said that he had been conscious all the time, but that it was utterly impossible to open his eyes or to speak, notwithstanding he had made the greatest effort.

"Dr. Buchanan now attempted with his own hands to produce animal sleep-a condition of the system in which the intellectual faculties are arrested, and consciousness is destroyed, while the animal functions are vigorously sustained. For about two minutes Mr. O. evinced no effect on his countenance, averring that he was not conscious of any impression being made upon him. His countenance, however, appeared rather dull, and he soon gave way under the symptoms of sleep. His eyes closed, his head hung on one side, his limbs relaxed, and his body rested in a reclining position, as if completely under the dominion of sleep. He is snoring,' remarked Mr. Bryant. Dr. Buchanan now addressed several remarks to his sleeping subject, which received no reply or recognition. The breathing of Mr. O. was rather heavy, accompanied by a slight moaning noise. Dr. Buchanan proceeded to restore him, which was not accom

plished so promptly as in the case of intellectual sleep. It was nearly a minute before he was fully recovered from his sleep. He did not, however, believe that he had entirely lost his consciousness; but upon being questioned as to what had been said to him during his sleep, it was apparent that he had heard nothing.

"The committee now proceeded to the house of Mrs. R. The first experiments consisted in the application of medicines in the same manner as was practised at the previous sitting, for the purpose of ascertaining to what extent a medicinal influence may be imparted through the hand. Dr. Forry having brought with him six different articles of the Materia Medica, each was tried successively; and as none of these parcels-each being enclosed in double papers-had any labels, the result could not be anticipated, as the contents of each paper were unknown even to Dr. Forry himself. A decided effect was usually produced in the course of thirty seconds; and most of the effects which did occur were similar to those observed in the usual mode of administering such medicines. In those cases in which it was necessary for her to describe her feelings, the experiment would not, of course, be so successful as when the effects would speak for themselves. In regard to sulphate of quinine, however, she described the effect with much correctness, as cooling and strengthening.' The narcotics, however, told their own story, and in language, too, admitting of no two-fold meaning. A paper, for instance, was placed in her hand, (it being at the same time held by Dr. Buchanan), which speedily produced so powerful a narcotic effect as to create some alarm; and it was some minutes before she could be recovered by Dr. Buchanan from its poisonous influence. As she was being restored to a state of consciousness, she made several efforts to vomit; but after the lapse of eight or ten minutes, during which time various 'passes' were made for her relief, she seemed quite recovered. On examination, this paper was found to contain the extract of stramonium, (Jamestown weed). One of the papers which had been previously tried, and found to produce an irritating effect and copperish taste in the mouth,' and which was laid aside for subsequent trial, was now again presented. The effect, as it now perhaps proved less irritating, she described as 'stimulating, heating, and exciting' to a greater degree than she could well bear. This was opened and found to contain Cayenne pepper. Another paper was presented which induced narcotic and sickening effects somewhat VOL. XII.-NO. LV.


similar to those of the stramonium. It was immediately removed, and the paper, on being opened, was found to contain opium.

"Dr. Buchanan now excited the organ of skepticism, and she soon evinced the highest action of the faculty. She ridiculed the idea of making experiments upon her, declaring that no effects were produced, and that she considered all such effects as perfect nonsense. She denied that any effects had been produced upon her in the early part of the evening, either by medicines or by the application of the hand. She denounced Neurology as a ridiculous absurdity, and endeavored to convince one of the committee that he was quite mistaken in believing in such a pretended science, as there was no reason at all in its support. She spoke of other sciences and doctrines, which she denounced in similar terms, and declared that she relied only on facts and experience and the evidence of her own senses. Whatever proposition was advanced, she would always assume the negative and demand the proof of its truth. She denied the existence of thunder and lightning, saying that as she did not comprehend them, she did not of course believe in their reality. Being asked if she did not believe that fire would burn, she denied most positively that it would; and to prove the negative, she ran to the heated stove to place her fingers on it, and was only prevented apparently by her husband's grasping her hand, he being unwilling that her fingers should be burnt for the illustration of science.

"Her mind was now, for a few moments, alternately placed in a state of profound faith and unbounded skepticism, showing how completely her belief in anything was regulated by the state of the two organs.

"These experiments being concluded, one of the committee_ entered into conversation with Mrs. R. in the German and French languages, in both of which she conversed fluently; and being asked how many languages she could speak, she replied, five or six.' To ascertain the extent of her lingual powers, Dr. Buchanan excited, at the same time, her organs of memory and language. Under this influence, she made a long recitation from the Talmud, in the Chaldaic language, and chaunted, in a fluent and graceful style, the fifty-second chapter of Isaiah in the Hebrew tongue, which fell upon the ears of the listeners in the most impressive, distinct, and pleasing tone. These languages, which she learned

in her youth, she has now almost entirely tion. Dr. Buchanan, all this time, was forgotten.

"Sub-committee met November 29th. Present, Messrs. Bryant and O'Sullivan, and Dr. Forry.

"The subject of the experiments to-day was a Mr. M., a young man residing in this city-a mechanic; but he was not regarded by Dr. Buchanan as sufficiently impressible to produce any very decided results.

"The first experiment consisted in a trial of strength in the arms. In the first place, his natural strength of arm was tested by means of a carpet-bag containing some books, the weight being made equivalent to his utmost muscular power. Dr. Buchanan then operated in such a manner as to relax the muscular system; and in perhaps ten minutes, he was unable to support what he had previously done with ease; nor was he able to sustain it after a large heavy volume and one of a smaller size were removed from the bag. Dr. Buchanan now reversed the operation by exciting those organs which give tone to the system, when Mr. M., notwithstanding the fatigues of repeated attempts at lifting at his utmost strength, was so effectually re-invigorated as to be again able to support with ease the greatest weight he had at any time lifted.

"The second experiment was intended to illustrate the peculiar relaxation of the muscular system, which attends a state of intoxication. Dr. Buchanan, as Mr. M. stood up in front of him, placed his hand on the appropriate organs; and, in a few moments, we observed Mr. M. recoiling or staggering back, as if unable to support himself. This experiment was several times repeated with the same result. In walking across the floor, Mr. M. appeared incapable of proceeding in a straight and steady manner; and one time, he became so weak as to be obliged to take a chairwhen asked how he felt, he answered that he felt as if he had been drinking too much.

"Dr. Buchanan now remarked that he would endeavor to excite an organ in Mr. M. of which he (the subject) could not, by any possibility, have the slightest conception. But as Mr. M. possessed only a moderate degree of impressibility, Dr. Buchanan added that he did not expect to produce any vivid manifestation of the action of the organ; nor was he sure even of inducing any decided result. The first effect that could be imputed to the operation, was the remark of Mr. M., that his mind felt like a perfect blank, being merely conscious of surrounding objects, without the capability of reflec

attempting to excite the organ of insanity; and he now modified his operation by touching two portions of the head at once, requesting the committee to watch closely the results. In a few minutes, we discovered the expression of Mr. M.'s countenance illumed by an unusual animation; and this we regarded with the more surprise, as Mr. M., who is usually of a dull, heavy, and diffident deportment, appeared quite embarrassed and shy when he first came into the presence of the committee. Soon after this change in the expression of his countenance, Mr. M. suddenly inquired of Mr. Bryant whether he was not the editor of the Evening Post;' and upon being answered in the affirmative, he arose and shook hands with Mr. Bryant in the most familiar manner, saying, 'I am very happy to become acquainted with you, not on account of your politics, but your poetry.' As remarked above, Dr. Buchanan was at this time stimulating two portions of the head-one the region of insanity, and the other, the poetical portion of the organ of ideality. As these two points were the only parts of the head touched by Dr. Buchanan, we were of course struck by the remarkable coincidence. Mr. M. now said that he had heard much of Mr. Bryant's poetry, and had read some detached pieces; and he also expressed a strong desire to have an opportunity of perusing a volume of his poems, in which Mr. Bryant promised that he should be gratified. He also inquired of Mr. Bryant, in great earnestness, whether he did not think that he himself might learn to write poetry, and complained of his never having been able to compose a single verse. To the question whether he did not now feel as if he could write poetry, Mr. M. replied that he felt unable to get his ideas together; and if he did, he feared that they would be good for nothing. It was then suggested that, as he did not receive any poetic inspiration from the hand of Dr. Buchanan, he might perhaps be inspired by the touch of Mr. Bryant. This suggestion he seemed to adopt as quite plausible; and Mr. Bryant accordingly placed his hands on the regions of imitation and credulity, and, after some time, on that, also, of self-esteem. Mr. M. now not only talked in glowing terms about poetry, but recited several passages with the most extravagant enthusiasm and vehement gesticulation, his eyes expressing an almost furious excitement, and seeming ready to start out of their sockets. One subject was the following, from Campbell's Pleasures of Hope:'

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