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"Dear Sir,

"Since you desire to record with sacred care, a correct statement of the faith and feelings of your departed friend, during the solemn closing scene of his earthly pilgrimage; the following memoranda are, in compliance with your request, forwarded to you for this purpose. These short notes were written by individuals of the family, a very few days after the death of their greatly loved relative. If affection should tempt them to be too minute, and to transgress the limits which less interested spectators would have assigned to themselves in describing such a scene, it will be forgiven by those who are already deriving peace, and more than peace-joy, in the assurance, that 'Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.'

"Had you, my dear Sir, been in the dying chamber of the friend whom you so much valued, and who returned your friendship with unvarying affection and esteem through so long a period of years, you would have joined with his family in adopting the language of the Rev. John Scott, upon a similar occasion, when he says, 'We feel we have had a grand and most edifying Christian spectacle proposed to us.' And you would dwell with particular delight upon the apology offered by Hooker, for minuteness in the detail of scenes like these. The Lord himself hath not disdained so exactly to register in the Book of Life, after what sort his servants have closed up their days on earth, that he descendeth even to their very meanest actions; -their cries, their groans, their pantings, breathings, and last gaspings, He hath most solemnly commended to the memory of all generations. And shall it seem

unto us superfluous, at such times as these are, to hear in what manner they have ended their lives?'

"You have, dear Sir, already alluded to your friend's ill state of health, previous to his journey to Leamington, and to his unavoidably delayed visit to Shepperton, about two months afterwards. In this retirement, he was accustomed occasionally to relinquish, for a short time, his professional studies, and to unbend his mind in the midst of his family and friends. The memoranda you requested, state, that on the 23d of December he set out on his journey thither. Mrs. Good having left him as usual after the breakfast hour, till the time appointed for leaving home, observed, as he got into the carriage, that he looked extremely ill; and stated her full belief that he was unable to bear the ride; he would not, however, consent to the postponement of his visit, and proceeded on to Piccadilly, where, with great exertion, he paid a medical visit. On continuing their journey, Mrs. G. observed that the exercise produced great pain, and urged him to return; again he declined complying with her request, stating the extreme disappointment and anxiety it would cause his daughters, the youngest being then on a visit to her sister. They, therefore, proceeded slowly, and reached Shepperton an hour and a half after the appointed time. His children were much grieved to notice the alteration in his countenance and manner but he assured them that what he felt was the effect of the ride, and would be removed in a few days; and endeavoured, with his usual cheerfulness, to join the family in the dining-room, only resting on a sofa. He rallied for a few minutes after dinner, and calling his grandchildren to him, gave to each the little books

which he had selected for them, and in some of which he had made for his grandson interlineations, by way of explanation of some simple philosophical experiments; while in others were passages carefully erased with his own hand, as containing expressions or principles which he disapproved: these were his last gifts. Shortly afterwards he was obliged to remove to a room adjoining his sleeping chamber, so soon to become the chamber of death.

"On the same evening, the attendance of his friend Mr. Cooper was requested; he, at that time, being at his country-house, in the same village; and it was a cause of peculiar thankfulness to Dr. Good and his family, in this season of affliction, that Mr. Cooper

was so near.

"From Sunday, Dec. 24th, to Thursday, Dec. 28th, Dr. Good continued, though with daily increasing difficulty, to be moved on a sofa in the room adjoining. Frequent doses of opium were even then obliged to be administered; they produced occasional confusion of thought, which he was fully aware of, and recalled

* "In a later period of his illness, they were much indebted to the prompt and kind attendance, first of Dr. Hooper, with whom Dr. Good was formerly connected in some literary work, and afterwards of Mr. B. Travers, his colleague in a public office. Both these gentlemen afforded with the utmost kindness their friendly assistance, though they had twenty miles to travel for this purpose. Mr. Ives, of Chertsey, had long before this offered his kind and constant attendance, which had been gladly accepted. To none of these attentions was Dr. Good insensible; he gratefully felt them; but especially was he deeply indebted to his friend Mr. Cooper for his skill, his unremitting watchfulness, and unwearied kindness to himself and family. From the period in which Dr. Good became materially worse till after his death, Mr. Cooper never quitted him, except for a very short time to give some needed directions in his own house; he slept on a sofa in the room which opened into his friend's dying chamber, and with the most tender sympathy administered with his own hands all the palliations his skill could suggest."

himself, saying, 'O, this opium, it distresses me; I cannot separate imagination from reality; but I must be quiet.' The fear of committing himself, or speaking incoherently, not only at this time, but even in a much later period of his illness, Dr. Good's family and friends were consoled by remarking; because it gave the full weight to all his deliberate statements of his own views or feelings, which such statements would have deserved had they been delivered while in possession of entire health and vigour of mind. What regard was due to them may be judged by the consultation held with Mr. Cooper, already alluded to-and many others which may be noticed in these memoranda. Notwithstanding, however, his extreme suffering, he entertained not the smallest idea of immediate danger, and fully believed the present attack would pass off. It was at this period he said to Mrs. Good, 'You know my views have been for some years past materially changed. I have been now doctrinally right, but practically wrong.' The nurse, who at this time sat up with him, says that great part of the night was spent in prayer: sometimes, however, he spoke to her, exhorting her not to delay the consideration of religion. Unwilling to grieve his family by any expression of the agony he endured, his very delirium served to shew his kindness; as he then generally talked of being well, and begged those around him not to concern themselves so much.

"The wonderful ebb and flow of reason, the aberration of mind at some seasons, succeeded by a complete self-collectedness and full possession of his reasoning powers at others, can scarcely be conceived by those who were not eye-witnesses of the fact.

"Like many other individuals, he often manifested 'the ruling passion' during his last illness. After he was entirely confined to his bed, and whilst suffering great pain, he desired one of his daughters to prepare him a mixture, using the chemical terms for the different ingredients: she replied, 'Dear Papa, you must be more plain in your directions, or I am afraid I shall mistake.' Dr. G., who had just strength to raise his head a little from the pillow, said, in a gentle tone of half reproof, 'Don't you remember the name of that?' I thought you had known-it is only so and so-but it is well to call things by their right names.' At another time, when she urged him to take larger doses of Hyoscyamus, as they seemed to produce temporary relief, he entered minutely into all his reasons for preferring a more frequent repetition, rather than an increase of the quantity, adding, therefore give me just the number of drops I tell you.' These little incidents, in connection with his always using terms of art to describe his pain, and often saying to his family, 'You will find' this or that complaint he had to speak of 'in my book,' obviously indicate the yet unextinguished prevalence of his leading dispositions, a love of order, and an ardent attachment to his professional pursuits.

"None but those who intimately knew Dr. Good can conceive how, in the daily occurrences of life, he seemed to forget his own ease in his attention to the wants of others, and in his earnest desire to promote their comfort. And never was this disposition more manifested than during his last illness. On one occasion he said to his eldest daughter, 'Perhaps I did wrong in coming here on Saturday; but I knew how greatly distressed you and Margaret would be, and I

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