Enter a Servant. What fay the Augurs? Ser. They would not have you to ftir forth to day. Plucking the entrails of an Offering forth, They could not find a heart within the beaft. [Exit Servant. Caf. The Gods do this in fhame of cowardife: Cafar fhould be a beaft without a heart, If he should stay at home to day for fear. No, Cæfar fhall not; Danger knows full well, That Cæfar is more dangerous than he. (15) We were two lions litter'd in one day, And I the elder and more terrible; And Cæfar fhall go forth. Cal. Alas, my lord, Your wisdom is confum'd in confidence: That keeps you in the house, and not your own. Enter Decius. Here's Decius Brutus, he shall tell them fo. Dec. Cæfar, all hail! good morrow, worthy Cafar; I come to fetch you to the Senate-house. We heare t The (15) We heard two Lions-] The first Folio Copies have been all corrupt, and the Paffage, of courfe, unintelligible. But the flight Alteration, I have made, reftores Sense to the whole, and the Sentiment will neither be unworthy of Shakespeare, nor the Boaft too extravagant for Cafar in a Vein of Vanity to utter: that He and Danger were Twin whelps of a Lyon, and He the Elder, and more terrible of the Two. A fimilar Thought again occurs in Antony and Cleopatra, about Victory for a while ftanding fufpended betwixt two Armies." When Vantage like a Pair of Twins appear'd, Both as the fame, or rather ours the Elder. I made this Emendation formerly in my SHAKESPEARE Reftor'd; and the ingenious Dr. Thirlby, without having feen it, ftruck out the fame Conjecture. Caf. Caf. And you are come in very happy time, And tell them that I will not come to day: Caf. Shall Cæfar fend a lie? Have I in conqueft ftretcht mine arm fo far, Caf. The caufe is in my will, I will not come; But for your private fatisfaction, Because I love you, I will let you know. Your Statue, spouting blood in many pipes, Caf. And this way have you well expounded it. Break up the Senate 'till another time, " When "When Cæfar's Wife fhall meet with better Dreams; If Cæfar hide himself, fhall they not whisper, "Lo, Cæfar is afraid! Pardon me, Cafar; for my dear, dear, love And reason to my love is liable. you this: Caf. How foolish do your Fears feem now, Calphurnia? I am ashamed, I did yield to them. Enter Brutus, Ligarius, Metellus, Cafca, Trebonius, And, look, where Publius is come to fetch me. Caf. Welcome, Publius. What, Brutus, are you stirr'd fo early too? 2 As that fame Ague which hath made you lean. Bru. Cafar, 'tis ftrucken eight. Caf. I thank you for your pains and courtefie. Enter Antony.c See, Antony, that revels long o' nights, Caf. Bid them prepare within: I am to blame to be thus waited for. Now, Cinna; now, Metellus; what, Trebonius! Treb. Cafar, I will;-and fo near will I be, [Afide. That your best Friends fhall wish I had been further. Caf. Good Friends, go in, and tafte fome wine with me, And we, like Friends, will straightway go together. Bru. Bru. That every like is not the fame, O Cafar, The heart of Brutus yerns to think upon! [Afide. [Exeunt. SCENE changes to a Street near the Capitol. C (16) Enter Artemidorus, reading a paper. ESAR, beware of Brutus; take heed of Caffius, come not near Calca; have an eye to Cinna; truft not Trebonius; mark well Metellus Cimber; Decius Brutus loves thee not; thou haft wrong'd Caius Ligarius. There is but one mind in all these men, and it is bent against Cæfar. If thou beeft not immortal, look about thee: fecurity gives way to confpiracy. The mighty Gods defend thee! Thy Lover Artemidorus. Here will I ftand, 'till Cæfar pass along, If thou read this, O Cefar, thou may'st live; Enter Porcia and Lucius. [Exit. Por. I pr'ythee, Boy, run to the Senate-houfe; (16) Enter Artemidorus,] In the Dramatis Perfonæ, thro' all the Editions, Artemidorus is call'd a Sooth layer. But, 'tis certain, the Poet defign'd two distinct Characters. Artemidorus was neither Augur, nor Soothsayer. 'Tis true, there was an Artemidorus, whofe Critic on Dreams we still have: but He did not live 'till the Time of Antoninus. He likewife wrote, according to Suidas, of Augury and Palmistry. But this Artemidorus, who had been Cafar's Hoft at Cnidos, as we learn from Plutarch, Appian, &c. did not pretend to know any thing of the Confpiracy against Cafar by Prefcience, or Prognoftication. He was a Sophift, who taught that Science in Greek at Rome; by which Means being intimate with Brutus, and thofe about him, he got into their Secret; and, out of his old Affection for Cæfar, was defirous of acquainting him with his Danger. Luc. Luc. To know my errand, Madam. Por. I would have had thee there, and here again, Set a huge mountain 'tween my heart and tongue; Luc. Madam, what should I do? Run to the Capitol, and nothing else? Por. Yes, bring me word, boy, if thy Lord look well, For he went fickly forth and take good note, Luc. I hear none, Madam. Por. Pr'ythee, listen well: I heard a bustling rumour like a fray, Enter Artemidorus. Por. Come hither, fellow, which way haft thou been? Art. At mine own houfe, good Lady. Por. What is't o' clock? Art. About the ninth hour, Lady. Por. Is Cæfar yet gone to the Capitol? Art. Madam, not yet; I go to take my Stand, To see him pafs on to the Capitol. Por. Thou haft fome fuit to Cæfar, haft thou not? Art. That I have, Lady, if it will please Cafar To be fo good to Cæfar, as to hear me : I fhall befeech him to befriend himself. Por. Why, know'st thou any harm intended tow'rds him? Art. None that I know will be, much that I fear; Good morrow to you. Here the ftreet is narrow: The throng, that follows Cafar at the heels, Of Senators, of Prætors, common Suitors, |