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Dramatis Perfonæ.

AIUS Marcius Coriolanus, a noble Roman, hated by the common People.

[blocks in formation]

Tullus Aufidius, General of the Volfcians.

Lieutenant to Aufidius.

Young Marcius, Son to Coriolanus.

Confpirators with Aufidius.

Volumnia, Mother to Coriolanus.

Virgilia, Wife to Coriolanus.

Valeria, Friend to Virgilia.

Roman and Volfcian Senators, Ediles, Lictors, Soldiers, Common People, Servants to Aufidius, and other Attendants.

The SCENE is partly in Rome; and partly in the Territories of the Volfcians, and Antiates.


A C T I.

SCENE, A Street in Rome.

Enter a company of mutinous Citizens with ftaves, clubs, and other weapons.



EFORE we proceed any further, hear me fpeak.

All. Speak, fpeak.

1 Cit. You are all refolv'd rather to die, than to famish?

All. Refolv'd, refolv'd.

1 Cit. First, you know, Caius Marcius is the chief enemy to the people.

All. We know't, we know't.

1 Cit. Let us kill him, and we'll have Corn at our own price. Is't a Verdict?

All. No more talking on't, let't be done; away,


2 Cit. One word, good Citizens.

1 Cit. We are accounted poor Citizens; the Patricians, good: what Authority furfeits on, would relieve us: if they would yield us but the fuperfluity, while it

B 2


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were wholesome, we might guefs, they relieved us humanely but they think, we are too dear; the leannefs that afflicts us, the object of our mifery, is as an inventory to particularize their abundance; our fufferance is a gain to them. Let us revenge this with our Pikes, ere we become Rakes: for the Gods know, I fpeak this in hunger for bread, not in thirst for revenge.

2 Cit. Would you proceed especially against Caius Marcius?

All. Against him first: he's a very dog to the Commonalty.

2 Cit. Confider you, what services he has done for his Country?

1 Cit. Very well; and could be content to give him good report for't; but that he pays himself with being proud.

All. Nay, but speak not maliciously.

1 Cit. I fay unto you, what he hath done famously, he did it to that end; though foft-confcienc'd Men can be content to fay, it was for his Country; he did it to please his Mother, and to be partly proud; which he is, even to the altitude of his virtue.

2 Cit. What he cannot help in his nature, you account a vice in him: you maft in no way fay, he is


1 Cit. If I muft not, I need not be barren of accufations; he hath faults, with furplus, to tire in repetition. [Shouts within.] What fhouts are those? the other fide o'th' City is rifen; why stay we prating here? To the Capitol

All. Come, come.

1 Cit. Soft-who comes here?

Enter Menenius Agrippa.

2 Cit. Worthy Menenius Agrippa; one that hath always lov'd the People.

í Cit. He's one honeft enough'; 'would, all the rest were fo!

Men. What Work's, my Countrymen, in hand? where go you


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