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MATTHEW CAREY, PHILADELPHIA, 1819 (6th S. i. 16, 84, 237).—The title of the book, as taken from the second edition, published in 1823, is :"Vindicia Hibernica; | or, | Ireland Vindicated: | an Attempt to Develop and Expose a few of the Multifarious Errors and Misrepresentations respecting Ireland in the Histories of May, Temple, Whitelock, Borlace, Rushworth, Clarendon, Cox, | Carte, Leland, Warner, Macaulay, Hume, and others: particularly in the Legendary Tales of the Pretended Con- | spiracy and Massacre of 1641. | By M. Carey, | Member of the American Philosophical Society and of the American Antiquarian Society, author of the Olive Branch, &c. Second Edition, enlarged and improved. | Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & J. Lea, Chesnut Street, Oct. 20, 1823." The dedication is so remarkable and so characteristic that it is, I think, worth giving entire :— "To those superior spirits who scorn the yoke of Fraud, Imposture, Bigotry, and Delusion; who, at the sacred shrine of Truth, will offer up their prejudices, how inveterate soever, when her bright torch illuminates their minds; who, possessing the inestimable blessings of Thrice-Holy and Revered Liberty, acquired by an arduous struggle against a mere incipient Despotism, will sympathize with those who contended ardently, although unsuccessfully, against as grievous an oppression as ever pressed to the Earth a Noble and Generous Nation, which embarked in the same glorious cause as Leonidas, Epaminondas, Brutus, the Prince of Orange, William Tell, Fayette, Hancock, Adams, Franklin, and Washing; ton, This Work is Dedicated. It is likewise dedicated to the Immortal Memory of the Desmonds, the O'Nials, the O'Donnels, the O'Moores, the Prestons, the Fitz: geralds, the Sheareses, the Tones, the Emmetts, and the Myriads of Illustrious Irishmen, who sacrificed life or fortune in the unsuccessful effort to Emancipate a Country endowed by Heaven with as many and as choice Blessings as any part of the Terraqueous Globe, but, for Ages, a hopeless and helpless Victim to a Form of Government Transcendentally Pernicious."

This is followed by a list of about 400 subscribers. Both editions of Carey's book consist of 506 pages, but the pages are fuller and the type is smaller in that of 1823, so that, as the author states in the preface, it contains nearly twice as much matter as the edition of 1819. Carey observes that though he had for many years collected materials for his book he would probably never have published it had it not been for the appearance of Godwin's terror-inspiring novel of Mandeville, a tale based on Temple's miserable legends." MR. WHYTE will find some useful information about the author of the Vindiciae and also his son in Allibone's very valuable Dictionary.

Sutton, Surrey.


LORD BYRON AND ISAAC GREENTREE (6th S. i. 193, 240).-Since writing my note I have received

a communication from my father, an old Harrovian, the substance of which may be said to form an appendix to the letters of MR. FAIRFIELD and your correspondent C. I frankly admit myself in error as regards the Christian name of Greentree (not Greentrees), which was undoubtedly Isaac. My father, who spent the years 1815, 1816, and 1817 at Harrow, and whose elder brother was a contemporary of Byron, well remembers the following lines:

"There'll be a time when these green trees shall fall, And Isaac Greentree rise above them all," which were roughly written in black paint on the back of the wooden frame that bore on its front the name of Isaac Greentree, and the date of his birth and death. The Greentrees (of whom many had previously been buried in various parts of the churchyard) were well-to-do farmers in his time. During my father's schooldays it was generally considered indisputable that Byron, with his own hand, had inscribed the lines on the sepulchral frame, and from the same source I learn that the first couplet quoted by C. did not exist in the years above named. It is perhaps difficult to arrive at precision in these trivial matters, but I am sure, had they existed in 1817, that my father-then seventeen, and deeply inpregnated with the Byronic legend-would have noted them. It should further be remarked that in MR. FAIRFIELD'S statement the first couplet is not given, so we may score two as against one on that point. But in regard to the notion that these lines had the effect of first waking in Byron's breast the poetic instinct which he afterwards developed with such amazing fertility, it may safely be said, whatever the origin of the lines under consideration, that the following which may still be seen within the churchformed a far deeper impression on his mind, for the reason which he himself gives—namely, that he had generally his eyes fixed upon them :—

"When Sorrow weeps o'er Virtue's sacred dust Our tears become us, and our grief is just. Such were the tears she shed, who grateful pays This last sad tribute of her pray'r and praise." Byron's poetry was not the child of any sudden fancy. He fell in love at eight, and wrote verses at twelve. But he did not go to Harrow until he Greentree frame stood close to the so-called was thirteen years of age. C. states that the The framework rested under a row of limes, close "Byron's tomb"; this I am assured is a mistake. to the south-east angle of Harrow church, whereas Byron's tomb (if I remember aright) stands close to some elms on the western face of the churchyard. Thus the distance between the two graves must have been considerable. I think, under any circumstances, that the legend, undisputed in 1817, may still retain its force; and I very much regret that 'twixt 1828 (when the framework was last seen) and 1868, when my father searched in vain

for this interesting relic, no one evinced concern for its preservation. RICHARD EDGCUMBE.

Kew, Surrey.

.66 "PAMFHLET " (6th S. i. 389, 441).-Looking through Hone's Table Book, ed. 1841, for another object, I came upon the following, at p. 730, pt. i.: "Pamphlet.-This word is ancient, see Lilye's Euphues P. 5; Lambarde's Perambulation of Kent, p. 188; Hearne's Cur. Dis., p. 130; Hall's Chronicle, in Edward V. f. 2, Richard III., f. 32; Skelton, p. 47; Caxton's preface to his Virgil, where it is written paunfl this; Oldys's British Librarian, p. 128; Nash, pp. 3, 64, and also his preface, wherein he has the phrase to pamphlet On a person,' and pampheleter, p. 30. The French have not the word pamphlet, and yet it seems to be of French extraction, and no other than palm feuillet [sic], a leaf to be held in the hand, a book being a thing of greater weight. So the French call it now feuille volante, retaining one part of the compound."


WELSH MOTTO (5th S. xii. 429, 453; 6th S. i. 186).-BOILEAU has given the right meaning of the inscription quoted, and, although I only pretend to a mere smattering of the Welsh language, I confess I do not understand how any difficulty can have arisen in translating the motto. It may be plainly construed thus, word for word: "" Hury," longer; "peri," lasts; "clod," fame; " na," than; "hoedl," life. Two words in this sentence are worthy of note. It can hardly be doubted that our word "laud," signifying praise, is derived from clod, the cl being merely a sort of guttural l. If a Latin origin be asserted, I can only say that I claim for the Welsh language greater antiquity than that of Latin. The other word alluded to is na, literally "nor," but used in Welsh following the comparative degree for "than." We have the We have the same idiom in English amongst the vulgar in particular counties, .g., "Bigger nor I," instead of "Bigger than I."

M. H. R.

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"In short, I conceive that the greater part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by the false estimates they have made of the value of things, and by their giving too much for their whistles. Yet I ought to have charity for these unhappy people, when I consider that, with all the wisdom of which I am boasting, there are certain things in the world so tempting, for example, the apples of King John, which happily are not to be bought; for if they were put to sale by auction, I might easily be led to ruin myself in the purchase, and

find that I had once more given too much for the whistle" (The Life of Benjamin Franklin, &c., edited by J. Bigelow, 3 vols., 1879, iii. 493).

Surely, when Franklin speaks of " the apples of King John" as things "not to be bought," he must allude to something more rare and more precious than the fruit apple-john, suggested by MR. MARSHALL (5th S. xii. 418). The allusion having baffled Mr. Bigelow, the very able editor of Franklin's Life and Letters, it seems worth while to seek further for an explanation. JAYDEE.

BUTTER AND EGGS (5th S. xii. 408; 6th S. i. 64, 225).-How many versions are there of the anecdote given by DR. BREWER; aud of how many eminent divines is it told? I have read it some half dozen times, but always attributed to a different person, and with a change of the expression on which it turns. In one it was "bottles and corks," in another, "green lizards, snakes, and caterpillars." There is another anecdote, which has shared a similar fate-the Lancashire tale of the baby who was baptized Benjamin, and afterwards discovered to be a girl. This, too, is told of a different Nonconformist minister nearly every time I see it related. I have heard it from my father years before I ever saw it in print. He always told it of Dr. Raffles, and, unless my memory errs greatly, I have understood him to say that Dr. Raffles himself was his authority for so doing.


xii. 68, 117, 150, 198, 417; 6th S. i. 125).—I have BOOKS PUBLISHED BY SUBSCRIPTION (5th S. Histoire des Quatre Dernières Campagnes du Marechal de Turenne (Paris, 1782), in which are the kings, five hundred dukes, princes, princesses, names of seven hundred subscribers, including four counts, marquises, and viscounts, also twenty public libraries, and twenty other literary institutions. I have also Penault's Architecture, 1708, with about three hundred subscribers, mostly members of the aristocracy. WM. FREELOVE. Bury St. Edmunds.

NAOGEORGUS'S "SPIRITUALL HUSBANDRIE, ENGLYSHED BY BARNABE GOOGE" (6th S. i. 38, 160).-MR. BLOXAM'S copy has the right number of leaves, counting his fragments as leaves. In the Bodleian there are two (neither quite perfect) copies of the Popish Kingdom with the Spirituall Husbandrie following, and in both the completed work ends on Bb iiii, fol. 88. I took the particulars last year, in the hope of seeing before long a reprint of the Popish Kingdom, the whole of which these two examples would supply.

Windham Club.


THE "CHICKEN HOUSE ESTATE, HAMPSTEAD " (6th S. i. 137, 200).-J. J. Park, in his History of Hampstead, gives a short account of the Chicken

House, and an engraving of the stained glass window which was there. Among my collection of Hampstead views I have one of the house dated 1797, which I should have pleasure in showing to BEPPO if he cares to see it.

Grove Road, Holloway, N.

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"LONDON V. "LONDRES" (6th S. i. 57, 117, 181). Surely MR. BATES is rather rash in asserting that "the brave Belgians require education to know that by 'Ghent,' Antwerp,' 'Mechlin,' and 'Brussels' we seek to indicate their time-honoured cities, Gand, Anvers, Malines, and Bruxelles." I always thought that the language of those parts was Flemish, and certainly the English names are far nearer the original Gent, Antwerpen, Mechelen, and Brussel than the disfigured form in which they appear in French. It is only since Belgium became a separate nation that the affectation of calling these cities by their French names has crept into English literature. E. MCC-.

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"Knows he that never took a pinch," &c. In the palmy days of "annuals," about the period from 1830 to 1840, when the Keepsake, Literary Souvenir, Book of Beauty, and others made their annual appearances in their superb bindings, there was one, called the Comic Offering, which began its career in 1831, and was edited by Miss Louisa Henrietta Sheridan, and in the volume for 1834 occur the lines as given by X. P. D., and they are stated to be "By the author of Absurdities."


In A Pinch of Snuff these lines are stated to be by
Alfred Crowquill, and to have first appeared in Miss
Sheridan's Comic Offering for 1834. A. H. BATES.
(6th S. i. 437.)

"Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re."
Since MR. GANTILLON'S previous inquiry for this ex-
pression (5th S. iv. 339) attention has been drawn in
"N. & Q." by PROF. MAYOR to the use of Büchmann's
Geflügelte Worte in the search for such references. He
traces it to Aquaviva, who, in a treatise published at
Venice in 1606, Industria ad Curandos Anima Morbos,
&c., has: "Rationem gubernandi fortem et suavem debere
esse, non modo constans SS. Patrum auctoritas, sed nostræ
etiam constitutiones copiose docent," and sums up the
discussion with this maxim, "Fortes in fine assequendo
et suaves in modo assequendi simus." In the Secreta
Monita S. J., Lond., 1824, c. viii. § 1, there is Sicut
matribus fortiter, sic nostris suaviter in hac materia est
agendum," and in c. ix. § 9, "Superiores hujusmodi
viduarum et conjugatorum confessarios suaviter et for-
titer moneant," &c. It is possible that the form of the
expression may be traced in its earliest use to some Jesuit
manual, but the source of it is Wisdom, ch, viii. v. 1, where
it is, "Attingit ergo a fine ad finem fortiter et disponit
omnia suaviter." There is here no distinction in the

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The New Plutarch.--Joan of Arc, "The Muid." By
Janet Tuckey. (Marcus Ward & Co.)
"THE NEW PLUTARCH" is serving a useful purpose.
English literature is not rich in good lives as distinguished
from biographical collections. This want is being in no
small measure supplied by the present series. This life
of "The Maid" must take a high place. It is not an
easy matter to treat a character like hers with becoming
reverence and yet to avoid making it, like a life of a
popular saint, a work for "edification" only. Miss
Tuckey has avoided this error, and we have no hesitation
in saying that she has produced the best book in our
language concerning the very noblest woman of the
written, nor can one ever be unless a new Dante should
Middle Ages. No poem worthy of her has ever been
be given to the world. The Florentine alone, could he
have known her, would have been worthy to tell her
story in verse. She has, however, as was natural, been
the subject of no little writing which its authors thought
poetic, and is, as all know, the chief character in Vol-
taire's "detestable" Pucelle. Miss Tuckey quotes with
evident approval Southey's statement that he had
never been guilty of reading it." We have not been
so wise, and are bound to say that, all things considered,
it seems to us about the vilest book we ever opened.
There is not space for criticizing Miss Tuckey's book
chapter by chapter, and it is so good all through that if
there were we should have but little to say. We would
remark, however, that medieval law proceedings, eccle-
siastical and civil alike, are but very imperfectly appre-
hended by most English people, and that, therefore, a
few short notes to some of the later chapters might not
have been out of place.

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Science a Stronghold of Belief. By Richard Budd
Painter, M.D., F.R C.S. (Sampson Low & Co)
Psychological and Ethical Definitions on a Physiological
Basis. By Charles Bray. (Trübner & Co.)
IT would not be easy to place side by side two works
more widely differing from each other than the above.
Yet the very divergences of these authors serve to illus-
trate the complicated relations between science and
religion, and the altered aspect of some scientific theories.
Dr. Painter keeps before him the Materialist as the
enemy whom he has principally to combat. Mr. Bray
tells us that "it is difficult at present to find Materialists
of the old school; the doctrine they now hold is not
materialism, they say, but naturalism, which is a con-
siderable advance towards spiritualism." To the ques
tion, What is matter? Dr. Painter's answer appears to be
that there is "no certainty" on the point, but that he
believes the "common-sense view" to be that it must
consist of "substance," however subtle or attenuated
that substance may be. If we turn to Mr. Bray we read,
"matter is known to us only as it affects our conscious-
ness; and as we do not know what our consciousness is
in itself, we know no more of matter." Dr. Painter has,
therefore, stated his case with perfect fairness. The
positions of the two writers are entirely different, how-
ever, when they advance their individual views as to the
nature of matter. Mr. Bray's suggestion is the, for him,
characteristic one that matter may be "that mode or
form of Force which we are accustomed to perceive
through our senses." We doubt whether either of these

formulæ is adequate to the full solution of the problem, which, indeed, is only a part of the vast series of questions connected with life so keenly debated at the present moment. Dr. Painter proposes, in succeeding volumes, to go through the whole field of discussion. On some points yet to be treated, especially those connected with "Organism," reserved for vol. ii., and " Evolution," reserved for vol. iv., bis medical knowledge and experience would give a special value to his opinions. We ourselves, we must confess, prefer to keep the fields of science and religion apart, because their postulates appear to us essentially different. But we hope Dr. Painter will continue his labour of love, and complete the entire course of his interesting scheme.

The Hugonots of the Dispersion. By R. L. Poole. (Macmillan & Co.)

THE Revocation of the Edict of Nantes brought the settled policy of the architects of the royal despotism in France to its logical conclusion. It was, therefore, no mere ebullition of tyrannical zeal or female piety. So long as the Hugonots were a living force in the state there was, if not an imperium in imperio, a people within a people, and Louis XIV.'s boast, "L'état c'est moi," was false. A policy which demanded the expulsion of thousands of the most intelligent and self-reliant Frenchmen, who swelled by their manufacturing skill the revenues of the enemies of France, must be condemned as suicidal. Mr. Poole has carefully traced the fortunes of the settlements formed by the Hugonot refugees in various parts of Europe, and has accumulated much interesting information. He displays considerable power of research, and has drawn his materials from sources which are to many readers inaccessible. But as genius is akin to madness, so is research to pedantry. He has made an unnecessary display of learning in voluminous notes, which are the bulkiest portion of his book. This fault may be due to the requirements of the Lothian Prize at Oxford, which his essay obtained; it is, at least, easily remedied, either by incorporation or by excision. Detling in Days gone by; or, the History of the Parish. By John Cave-Browne, M.A., Vicar. (Simpkin, Marshall & Co.)

As charming a little history of a quiet Kentish parish as ever was written. Mr. Cave-Browne is not quite a novice in such matters; his History of Brasted, published in 1874, was a model for works of its class, and upon that he seems to have even improved. Starting from the principle that every parish, however obscure and apparently insignificant, has some history of its own, he tells, in less than a hundred pages, all that is worth telling about "little Detling," and it is to his credit that he rejects the superfluous b or p interjected into its orthography by modern historians, and persists in giving the parish its only proper name. He has covered the whole ground, and includes in his little brochure all the monumental inscriptions, important extracts from the registers, succession of incumbents, &c. If all the clergy of Kent would do for their parishes what Mr. CaveBrowne has done for the two with which he has dealt, and would do it as well, the coming historian of the county would find his work, to a great extent, done to

his hands.

THE second volume of the Folk-lore Record is a decided improvement on the previous one. Mr. Lang supplies a valuable preface; and among the many interesting papers that follow may be mentioned one by Mr. Napier on old ballad folk-lore, while Mr. Coote supplies an important chapter on the Neo-Latin Fay. Mr. Thoms gives a version of the story of Thomas of Erseltown, and Mr. Sibree discourses on the superstitions of the people

of Madagascar. Many curious items of folk-lore are given by Mr. Hardy in his chapter on the Cuckoo. to the excellent (and very cheap) Handbook to the Dyce OUR readers will thank us for drawing their attention and Forster Collections at South Kensington, just issued by the Committee of Council on Education. It contains steel engravings of Mr. Dyce and Mr. Forster, with memoirs, that of the latter being specially prepared by his friend Prof. Morley. There are full accounts of both collections, and numerous fac-simile autographs. The Dyce library rich in Elizabethan literature and poetry in general, the Forster library in eighteenth century authors and modern works. Let us add that all these books, many of them exceedingly rare, can be consulted daily upon payment of a trifling fee, and that the courteous librarian, Mr. R. F. Sketchley, is untiring in his efforts to assist inquirers.

WE have much pleasure in announcing that the Prime Minister, with Her Majesty's approval, has just granted a pension from the Civil List to Miss G. F. Jackson, the authoress of the Shropshire Word-Book. Part II. of this work, it will be remembered, was noticed by us last week.

HERALDIC BOOK-PLATES.-MR. W. H. K. WRIGHT, Plymouth Free Library, writes:-"I have a few duplicates of the fine book-plate of the late George Prideaux, a well-known book-collector of this town. These, with other duplicates, I shall be pleased to exchange with any collector of these ex-libris who will do me the favour of communicating with me."

MR. DOMINICK BROWN, Wellington, New Zealand, writes:-"I have employed myself for some time in making a collection of engraved portraits of remarkable persons, and have already obtained a great many from books published, some of them many years ago, by Knight, Vertue, Blackie, &c. I should feel very much obliged if you could put me in communication with some one who would help me in obtaining more portraits, as I cannot find any one out here who cares much for such things. Any information as to where the best collections of engraved portraits are to be found, either in England or on the Continent, or where I could obtain priced catalogues of them, will be most thankfully received."

Notices to Correspondents.

We must call special attention to the following notice: ON all communications should be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

ACHE ("Juste Judex ultionis," &c.).-Part of the Dies Ira, the sequence appointed for requiem masses in the Roman Missal. It is also printed in Moll's Hymnarium (Halle, 1861), in the Crown of Jesus, &c.

C.-"The most probable explanation of these letters is, that N was anciently used as the initial of Nomen, and that Nomen vel Nomina was expressed by A vel AA the double A being afterwards corrupted into M."-Blunt's Annotated Book of Common Prayer.


Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor of Notes and Queries ""-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher"-at the Office, 20, Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C.

We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print; and to this rule we can make no exception.

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A, its sounds in English, 36, 103

A. (A. P.) on "All ware," street cry, 65
Fir tree introduced into England, 79

A. (A. S.) on duel on horseback, 101
Irish hierarchy, 1641-61, 170
Kennaquhair, 100
Saying, old, 126

A. (B.) on Esopus prices, 45

A. (B.) Oxon. on Kestell-Wadge, 516

A. (E. H.) on Bishop Jewell's "Apology," 76
A. (H. J.) on Election colours, 382

A. (H. S.) on Octave Delepierre, 24
Literary forgeries, 65

A. (J. G.) on Goldworth family, 376
A. (M.) on curious epitaphs, 262

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A. (T. L.) on 'History is philosophy," &c., 306

A. (W. E. A.) on an erudite menu, 312

A-z on bull-baiting in England, 86
Gravestones, early, 105

Pick Vomit, 344

Psalm, "Old Hundredth," 86

Abhba on burned in the hand, 37

Abner, his retort to Ish-bosheth, 512

Abney (Sir Thomas), Lord Mayor of London, 176
Accamaravelous, its derivation, 304, 346
Ache on 66

Silverlings," Isaiah vii. 23, 222
Acton, Middlesex, its former owner, 195
Adams (H. J.) on copper coins of 1864, 36
Adder stones, 23, 478

"Adeste Fideles," 85, 141, 160, 224
Advocates' Library, its printed catalogue, 248
Affodil and Daffodil, 412

Ainscow (John), of Blackrod, his kin, 296
Aisle, its derivation and meaning, 73, 241
Albini (Nigel de), his descendants, 276
Alfred the Great, his likeness, 37, 201

Aliri, its meaning, 232, 318, 386

"All ware," street cry, its meaning, 65

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Almanacs, Christmas, issued by tradesmen, 115, 146 Almoner, Lord High, his precedence, 136

Alpha on Brahan seer, Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche, 96 Altar in the Pyx Chamber, Westminster Abbey, 334, 379, 400, 458

Altham family and title, 36, 103, 505

Altruism, its etymology and meaning, 117, 286

Alwyn (Sir Nicholas), Lord Mayor of London, 212

Ameer, its derivation, 40, 506

American diplomatic uniforms, 256, 339

American Folk-lore, 16, 75, 234

American hymns, 376

American spelling, 16, 161, 204

Americus on American diplomatic uniforms, 339

Amicus on paintings on tea-trays, 199

Amulet, inscribed, 354, 482

An, its Lincolnshire use, 376

Ancestor, use of the word, 74, 223, 245

And, "short," 474, 500

Anders meate, a meal, 34

Andersen (Hans Christian), his "Bilderbuch ohne Bilder," 58

Andrews (Henry), almanac maker, 183

Anglo-Celt on "He that will to Cupar," &c., 265

Angus (J. K.) on the clergyman and the actor, 421 Feng-shui, its meaning, 404

Zulu pillows, 201

Anne of Cleves, her portrait by Holbein, 223
Anne (Queen), naval medal, 515
Anon. on brasses in churches, 294

Digby (Kenelm Henry), 292
Distich, old, 514
Wingfield brass, 401
Woman's tongue, 404

Anonymous pamphlets, 194

Anonymous Works :

Adventures of Naufragus, 47, 67

Æsop at the Bear Garden, a poem, 157, 202, 340
Art of Living in London, 153, 202, 305, 486
Chronicle of an Illustrious House, 115

Chronicles of the Kings of England, 126

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