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HE secrets of our destinies are hid within the folds of coming years. We are thus permitted to indulge our propensity to believe that every thing of which we are ignorant is pleasant and beautiful. The sorrows and woes of life being concealed, we are wont to people the future with existences as bright and fair as the hopes within our bosoms. This looking forward to pleasant things we call joyous anticipations.

When we consider the wondrous power of the mind, the wise adaptation of all things in nature to our wants and our necessities, we are convinced that our Creator designed us for happiness. For us there lurks a spirit of peaceful pleasure in the shady woodland, the sunny dell, in the flush of morn, and in the dusky, starlit sky of evening, and a spirit of harmony floats around all the wonders of the universe, and an inheritance of rich memories from all the ages of the past is also ours.

does not regard the future as the great storehouse of happiness. We all look forward to a time not far distant when every thing shall float smoothly along, and happiness pure and lasting shall be ours. The youth looks forward to the full stature and high privileges of manhood as the acme of all his hopes. If you ask the professional man why he applies himself with such unwearied energy to the arduous duties of his calling, his reply will be, "I expect to attain a noble distinction in my profession, and am determined to strive nobly till my anticipations are realized." Go ask the honest farmer why he labors through storm and endures the scorching heat of summer, and he will tell you that he anticipates a time when, in the bosom of his family, he shall enjoy the fruits of his labor, and be happy. See the student bending over the volumes of classic lore long after the wee small hours have passed. Hope is breathing around him her enchanted atmosphere, and urging him on by the anticipation of all that man holds dear-visions of wealth, honor, fame, love, and happiness. But of what avail will all our anticipations be if they reach not beyond the tomb? Naught. Like beautiful delusions they will melt away at our approach; for they all speak of perfect happiness, which may not be found pure and

The bitter dregs rise so easily that we seldom quaff pure bliss from the cup of life.

But when the spirit of pleasure has lost its power to charm, when the mind is sated with the enjoyment of pleasant memories, wearied by the multiplied cares of the present, we turn to the future, and in the wild beauty of our own anticipations we find a pleasing pastime, a never-fail-lasting this side the golden hills of immortality. ing source of enjoyment. Hope paints upon the dark clouds of the future a picture tinged with the light of our brightest imaginings. And as a child gazing at the stars holds sweet converse with them, deeming them angels, so we, gazing at the fair picture of fancy, live in the atmosphere of another world, and so complete is the charmed existence, that we forget for a time life's sorrows and are happy. Yet we are often prone to think it would be well for us could we know what awaits us in life, and are apt to question the benevolence of an arrangement by which we are excluded from a knowledge of coming events. But in this arrangement, as in all else in nature, the wisdom of our great Benefactor is remarkably displayed. Could we lift the mysfic vail and view the future, the happy and propitious would be obscured by the gloomy and sorrowful. Thus a knowledge of coming events, far from increasing our joys, would only crowd into one moment all the woes of a lifetime, and, overwhelmed by so many troubles, we would sit down in despair. Happily for us our all-wise Father has decreed that the future shall be as a sealed book to the eyes of man. But to none of us is denied the guide to happiness-the bright angel of hope. Indeed, it is hardly probable that there could be found one individual among the millions of readers of the Repository who

Yet some tell us that the grave shall swallow us up forever, that the moldering shroud shall never be exchanged for the garb of heaven. Surely such men covet the mantle of oblivion to hide their crimes, and have learned to forget the lessons of immortality taught by every thing around us. The flowers bloom for a few days, shedding around our pathway the spirit of beauty, and then droop and die, to be revived when spring cometh. The pale moon fades away-is lost in the realms of darkness and returns. When the king of day sinks to rest beyond the western horizon, the clouds and darkness gather¦ around us for a season; they all flee away before the brightness of his coming. If the flowers perish but revive, if the pale moon retires away | into the heavens and comes back again, if the sun leaves us in darkness but comes again in glory, if a man die shall he not live again? Ay, and in a brighter world than this; live where tears and woe never come. Though our anticipations of perfect happiness are never realized here, though like beautiful visions they continually advance just beyond our reach, yet up there in heaven's fair clime bliss shall be ours, purer than our loftiest hopes, and more glorious than our fondest imaginings.


mathematical precision among his advisers when rendering their schedules of minor expenses. The philosophical kite-flyer, who first demonconclude a chapter of postulates, a recent strated man's dominion over as subtile an agent


To are priv as lightning, in a sober moment cautions his peo

ileged to enjoy more fully the provisions of nature than those mental organizations which are content with mere recognitions of facts and circumstances. The proposition is certainly not far from being self-evident-approaching quite as near that ultimatum as does the assumption that the general tendency of fire is to burn. He who is accustomed to separate the elements composing those objects which engage his attention, must naturally arrive at a better understanding and appreciation of their purposes as a whole, and without this exercise many of our ordinary surroundings are utterly incomprehensible. The complex relations which spring from a high state of civilization, can have no other effect than to confound those persons who have been described as leading a negative existence-who are indis posed to examine the textures of the innumerable fabrics which constitute the web of life-who derive no satisfaction in contemplating the varied operations beneath the surface of society, which impart to it its pleasant or repulsive aspects for the time being. Hence, he who regards the present as a something just sprung from the past, as directly as did Minerva from the brain of Jupiter, uses it for his purpose ere it shall take flight; and as he has not considered the components of those privileges in hand, the little things of every-day occurrence-the events of today which must influence life to-morrow-are permitted to perform their functions unobserved. Indeed, this class is by no means small in every community, and there are but few persons who attach to little things that importance which belongs to them. It is nothing less than an evidence of true greatness to be able to comprehend grave matters in their minor details, and to execute apparently-trivial duties in a creditable manner, while superintending interests of greater magnitude. The mind which can not contract, as well as dilate itself, observes Bacon, is not great in the most important sense and to its full

extent. If Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach have vindicated their claims to human sympathy in the production of the most magnificent oratorios which have yet fallen upon the ear of man, it is not less a historical fact that each possessed the power of entrancing the multitude by performing a touching ballad with the left hand. Washington would not abandon the regulation of his financial affairs to his most confidential friend; and in the stately sentences of Carlyle, we are informed that the great Frederick exacted a rigid

ple to have an eye upon those trifling expenses which will gradually consume the largest fortune. There is no individual in society, no matter how exalted by virtue of material or intellectual circumstances, who may not engage in the common concerns of existence, without compromising his position. Even nature is not wholly composed of the vast and stupendous. If a Niagara here and a Mont Blanc there, apologize for the insignificance of mortality and fill the heart with awe, the vast expanse is incomplete without the flowers, the shrubs and herbs, the vines and grasses which glisten in the dew of morn, the trees, the water-plants and sea-weeds, the shells upturned by the waves, the graceful and delicate coralline formations which mock man's puny efforts, the fishes of the sea, the birds of the air, reptiles and animals. These multifarious objects, when taken in the aggregate, inspire astonishment and excite the imagination; but it is in the investigation of their respective constituents that opportunities are afforded for the display of intellectual vigor. The analyst engages in this exercise, and in proportion as he is enabled to determine the value of separate organisms can he form a correct estimate of the grand whole. Hence, the study of details is essential to the acquisition of practical knowledge. All individual achievements which are truly worthy of the name, are the offspring of this process, and owe their existence to causes which at one time appeared comparatively unimportant. The sum of human knowledge can be resolved into small facts, the contributions of patient workers in successive generations. The world's great men are those who "despise not the day of small things," as has been exemplified in their actions a thousand times. Michael Angelo was one day explaining to a visitor to his studio the labor which he had bestowed upon a statue since his previous visit. "I have retouched this part-polished that-softened this feature-brought out that muscle-given some expression to this lip, and more energy to that limb." "But these are trifles," remarked the visitor. "It may be so," replied the master of the chisel, "but recollect that trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle."

History is pregnant with facts to prove that little things may operate to produce great results. How many revolutions, how many wars, how many changes of government have been effected by trifling causes! The loves of Paris and Helen caused the fair maiden to be carried away from

the house of Menelaus; all Greece espoused the husband's cause, a ten years' war ensued, and the besieged city of Troy was finally reduced to ashes. The last appeal of Columbus touched the heart of Isabella, and the simple observation of some floating sea-weeds enabled the same man to quell a mutiny which had arisen among his crew when almost in sight of the New World. Oliver Cromwell had sent his trunks on board a vessel lying in the Thames, in which he proposed to embark for America; but the order was revoked, he remained on his native soil, and England gained constitutional liberty. An English manof-war was anchored in the Potomac, waiting to carry the boy, Washington, from his home to serve in the British navy; but his mother shed holy tears at the idea of losing her darling; the youth was affected, his baggage was returned, and his country was delivered in "the days that tried men's souls." The first Napoleon came humiliated from a Jew with a pawnbroker's ticket in his pocket; he contemplated suicide in the Seine, but Austerlitz, Waterloo, and St. Helena were yet to come; some trifle interposed, and he did not die. Glancing from the consideration of causes which have subserved the interests of nationalities to circumstances which have, in a different manner, exerted a marked influence upon human destiny, we find the agency of trifles not less distinctly asserted. Newton's beautiful theory of gravitation was developed by the falling of an apple, after he had devoted many years of patient labor to the investigation of the subject. Galileo conceived the idea of applying the pendulum to the measurement of time from witnessing the regular swinging of a large lamp suspended in the cathedral at Pisa, and was also led to the invention of the telescope from observing the magnifying effect produced by two pieces of glass which had accidentally been placed together. The germ of the electric telegraph lay in Galvani's discovery that the leg of a frog quivered when placed in contact with different metals. If Euclid had not persevered as he did over the abstract relations of lines and surfaces, of obtuse and rectilineal angles, rhombuses and rhomboids, we should, in all probability, have been without most of the mechanical inventions which are at this time blessings to man. The world would have remained in a state of ignorance far removed from bliss, if the originators of the mighty results which have been instanced had not regarded the trifles which helped to make up their existence. The circumstances which elicited their observation were the same which had existed for ages, but had hitherto remained unnoticed. It is the intelligent vision of the careful man which detects the value of these apparently-trivial

phenomena, while his less meditative neighbor observes nothing in them worthy of interest. In the words of the Russian proverb, the latter character " goes through the forest and sees no firewood," and Solomon speaks of him as one that "walketh in darkness." On every hand is asserted the necessity of an acquaintance with little things, though the mere sciolist may affect to disregard them. Success in any pursuit is entirely dependent upon the degree of attention which one bestows upon its minor details. In order to become a Newton in natural philosophy or a Butler in metaphysics, one must resort to the searching | analysis which was the prelude to their broad generalizations. The price of perfection in art has been defined by Angelo himself, and another eminent authority remarks that "he who aspires to attain the stars must build a foundation upon the mind's gold dust." The trifles of life, health, and conduct, also, demand care and thought, for upon them is founded every thing which can render manhood and old age peaceful and se



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As the mirror reflects the image of the object which is placed before it, so do the daily acts of a person's life serve to indicate his character. The manner in which we conduct ourselves in our relations to superiors or inferiors, is an infallible! test of true nobility. Says a modern author, "The sweetest, the most clinging affection is often shaken by the slightest breath of unkindness, as the delicate tendrils of the vine are agitated by the faintest air that blows in summer. An unkind word from one beloved often draws the blood from many a heart which would defy the battle-ax of hatred or the keenest edge of vindictive satire. Nay, the shade, the gloom of the face familiar and dear, awakens grief and pain. These are the little thorns which, though men of rougher form may make their way through | them without feeling much, extremely incom mode person of a more refined turn in their journey through life." Since so much of the happiness of others depends upon the conduct of a single individual, how essential it is that the finer feelings of human nature should be regarded with sacred reverence in the intercourse of each day, and that each should use toward his fellow that civility which, to quote Lady Montague, costs nothing and buys every thing!" The little acts of charity and kindness which one may constantly perform for his brother's benefit in the humble walks of life, besides causing light to shine in darkness, will also, in that day for which all other days were made, serve as the actor's little deeds to the consideration of Him who said, "Inasmuch as ye did it to one of the least of these, ye did it also to me."

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THE BATTLE OF THE DICTIONARIES. edition is the only one now published under the



is to be presumed that every citizen of this great and enlightened republic is or might be an orator or an essayist; hence all must be interested in the literary war now raging between Springfield and Boston. The rival publishers of Webster and Worcester seem determined to prosecute the campaign vigorously, and to decide if possible which of the two great competing dictionaries shall be the standard of the English language. The contest is carried on by means of circulars, pamphlets, etc., which fly thick and fast from side to side. "Webster's Dictionaries," "The Critic Criticised: A Reply to a Review of Webster's System," "Worcester Vindicated," "A Review of Worcester's Dictionary," "Recommendations of Webster's Dictionary from Presidents of Colleges," etc., "Webster's Dictionary in Boston," etc., are some of the titles of these pamphlets. It is to be regretted that this struggle is not conducted in very good temper, on the part of the Boston firm at least. A pamphlet issued in March last by this house contains many unjust and ungenerous allegations against Dr. Webster, such as a high-minded rival should disdain to make. When, for instance, it is said, "Noah Webster possessed no extraordinary natural ability, and not sufficiently profound philological learning to qualify him," etc., that "his labors, though long and patiently protracted, were, to a great extent, barren of any satisfactory results," fair-minded and intelligent readers must be forced to the conclusion that it is a desperate cause which demands such aid. There will necessarily be a lively competition between these two rival works, the effect of which will undoubtedly be to increase the circulation of both.

But there need not be a war of extermination. There is room enough in the United States for both. Scholars who are able will become possessors of both; those who are not so happy in their financial circumstances will, of course, "get the best."

It is a fact somewhat discreditable to Worcester that he intentionally ignores-for purposes of citation-all editions of Webster later than that of 1841-the last published during Webster's lifetime. And thus it happens that some things are attributed to Webster's Dictionary which the work known to the public by that name does not contain. If, for instance, the reader compares the pronunciation of aiddecamp, aerie, and many other words in the two dictionaries, he will see pronunciation attributed to Webster which no edition of his work since 1811 authorizes. Inasmuch as Prof. Goodrich's

title of Webster's Dictionary, it would certainly occur to any really-honorable competitor that citations should be made from it.

The immediate cause of this lexicographical war was the almost simultaneous publication at the close of the year 1859, and at the beginning of this year, of Dr. Worcester's new and attractive quarto Dictionary and a new and greatlyenlarged and improved edition of Webster's Unabridged. Of the latter work, which is undoubtedly the standard of the English language in this country, it seems almost impossible to speak too highly. As it came from the editorial hand of Prof. Goodrich in 1847, it was hailed with enthusiastic approval by the public, and was thought to be a great advance upon even the last labors of Dr. Webster. The edition of 1859, however, shows a still greater advance, and really leaves very little to be desired in the way of a complete dictionary. We may briefly refer to the new matter contained in this noble quarto of nearly two thousand pages; and, 1. Fifteen hundred very finely-executed pictorial illustra tions of objects in architecture, heraldry, mechanics, natural history, mythology, archæology, costume, etc. In justification of the use of pictorial illustrations, the editor quotes the following capital remarks from Locke: "It is not unreasonable to propose that words standing for things which are known and distinguished by their outward shapes should be expressed by little draughts and prints made of them. Naturalists that treat of plants and animals have found the benefit of this way, and he that has had occasion to consult them, will have reason to confess that he has a clearer idea of opium or ibex from a little print of that herb or beast than he could have from a long definition of the names of either of them." The wood cuts in Webster are presented all by themselves among the introductory matter of the volume. Some would prefer Worcester's plan of scattering them through the body of the work, but one great advantage of placing them together is, that the reader is enabled to refresh the memory with meanings, addressed at once to the eye and the understanding, of a series of cognate terms instead of having to hunt for them through thousands of pages.

In the body of the work a star is attached to each word illustrated, showing the reader where the illustration may be found. In neatness of finish, scientific accuracy, and beauty of design, these illustrations are unsurpassed. There are some fifteen hundred of these in all, being several hundred more than Worcester's Dictionary contains, to say nothing of their superior

execution a point that may be settled easily by a comparison of the two books. In the illustration of nautical affairs Webster has fifty-five elegant drawings and Worcester three. In the department of heraldry Webster inserts the coats of arms of Austria, Brazil, Chili, Denmark, Colombia, France, England, Greece, Guatemala, Hayti, Ireland, Mexico, Monte Video, the Netherlands, Prussia, Rome, Russia, St. Salvador, Saxony, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, the United States, and each of the states of the United States, with a translation of their legends into English, together with one hundred and sixteen additional plates illustrating the terms of heraldry; but the reader will search Worcester in vain for any thing of the description of the former, and will find very few illustrations of the latter.

The second new feature in the last edition of Webster's Unabridged is the Table of Synonyms, prepared by Prof. Goodrich. All who use the English language, and especially all who have occasion to write, will highly prize this excellent table-the most valuable compilation on the subject ever published, in the judgment of many able critics. Good writing and good talking are characterized-we might almost say-chiefly by a selection of words with reference to nice shades of meaning. In Roget's Thesaurus, Crabbe's Synonyms, and similar works, the general resemblance of words is shown, but the reader looks in vain for the exact shade of differences, as in the following from Webster:

"AMPLE, COPIOUS, ABUNDANT, PLENTEOUS. These words agree in representing a thing as large, but under different relations according to the image which is used. Ample implies largeness, producing a sufficiency or fullness of supply for every want; as ample stores or resources, ample provision. Copious carries with it the idea of flow or collection at a single point; as a copious fountain, a copious supply of materials, 'copious matter for song'-MILTON. Abundant and plenteous refer to largeness of quantity; as abundant stores, plenteous harvests."


guilty passions; a mar-
iner abandons his vessel
and cargo in a storm
when he has lost all
hope of saving them; we
abandon our houses and
property to the spoils of
an invading army; men
are abandoned by their
friends; they abandon
themselves to unlawful
pleasures; we desert a
post or station; leave
the country; forsake
companions; relinquish
claims; quit business;
the soul quits the body;
resign an office; renounce
a profession, the world;
abdicate a throne; sur-
render a town; surren-
der what we have in
trust; cede a province;
concede a point; yield to
an opponent; yield not
to temptation; resign an
office; abandon a meas-
ure; forego a claim or a

ABASE. The proud should
be abased; the lofty
humbled; the unworthy
become degraded; the
vicious disgrace and de-
base themselves by their
follies and vices.


their guilty passions; men are abandoned by their friends; they abandon themselves to unlawful pleasures; a mariner abandons his vessel and cargo in a storm; we abandon our houses and property to an invading army; we desert a post or station; leave the country; forsake companions; relinquish claims; quit business; resign an office; renounce a profession or the world; abdicate a throne; surrender a town; surrender what we have in trust; abandon a measure or an enterprise; forego a claim or a pleasure; banish offenders.

ABASE. The proud should be abased; the lofty humbled; the unworthy become degraded; the vicious disgrace and debase themselves by their follies and vices.

It will be observed by the reader that there is not even an attempt in the above to point out the precise shades of difference in meaning-the very thing, it would seem, for which a treatise on synonyms is designed. A comparison of Webster with his rival in this department will sufficiently exhibit the superiority of the former. We take the first of the above examples:

"TO ABANDON, DESERT, FORSAKE. These words agree in representing a person as giving up or leaving some object, but differ as to the mode of doing it.

In the matter of synonyms Webster unquestionably has the advantage, notwithstanding a "The distinctive sense of abandon is that of great deal was said to the public about "getting giving up a thing absolutely and finally, as if the best" in waiting for Worcester. The follow-placed under a ban; as to abandon one's friends ing exhibit is but a specimen of numerous simi- or profession. Crabbe is wrong in saying that it lar coincidences which might be furnished, show ing that in this department Worcester is mainly a transcription from Platt:


ABANDON. Bad parents abandon their children; men abandon the unfortunate objects of their


is always used in a bad sense, since we speak of abandoning a hopeless enterprise, or abandoning a shipwrecked vessel. Desert is from de and sero, to cease cultivating or taking care of one's land. As this ordinarily supposes criminal neglect, the verb, when applied to persons in the active voice, bas usually or always a bad unfortunate objects of sense, implying some breach of fidelity, honor,

ABANDON, syn. Bad par

ents abandon their chil-
dren; men abandon the

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