Sidor som bilder

the innocent ;-do not commit murder-'tis a crime of the deepest die, and denounced by the holy One. More money, however, I will soon bring you, that is to say, when the cause for secrecy is removed, and I can apply at the proper quarters to obtain it. At present my hope is, that as I have not entrusted my scheme with any breathing soul, you will the more readily enter into it.

"You will ask, I know, what I would have you do; I can only answer, find means for his escape for the escape of him, whom they say has been guilty of forgery-the foul slanderers! Take him out of the hands of the law, in which is embodied more wickedness than was ever enclosed within the walls of that place, where they have shut up all my soul values on this side the grave. Find, I say, means for his escape; no one shall-no one can betray you-I am the sole repository of my own secret. Oh! if I had a masculine arm-an arm of strength, I would rescue him at the risk of ten thousand lives, each life ten thousand times doomed to suffer death.

"I have somewhere read, and often been told, that money has and will again prevail upon these occasions, and that men have been saved even by you. Is it not known that Dr. Dodd and several others, particularly one person in Ireland, have been saved by some contrivance which, if known to others, can only be practised by you? Heaven looks down and smiles, I tell you, upon the deed. Bring him out of their hands any way!-some way!-You shall never want-shall never lose by the blessed act. My faith, my honor is pledged to provide for you ever afterwards; and I can only assure you, that I shall shortly have the means at my own command. Again, I repeat, save him, and my fortune is yours -say, may I hope-have I assurance it shall be attempted? Bid me breathe with less difficulty, and look as if you intended to aid the righteous and confound the wicked,

"Yours distressed."

As I read this letter I occasionally paused -involuntarily paused to steal a look at the weeping spirit; the angel which had descended to awaken and stir up new feelings in my breast. Some of my old notions flew off as gunpowder_explodes upon the application of a match. I had probably at that time seen

more women in distress and trouble than any one other individual, but I was never before affected or roused into a full sense of my own innate feelings, and made conscious of so much sensibility to the sufferings of others as this lady. "What a selfish wretch is man, and what a stupid dolt I am !" thought I, as I contemplated the devotion of this woman, "to hesitate; but then what can I do? She is evidently distracted, and is laboring under a mistake as to my ability to serve the gentleman. People never reason justly when their feelings are excited. But how was I to undeceive her in her last hope, and convince her that I had no power at my command?"

"Madam,” said I, after several efforts to say something to the point, "the villany of an individual is desperately avenged by the law, but the villany of the law cannot be avenged or counteracted by any one. With regard to the methods to which you allude in your letter of saving life, they have all had their origin in the fanciful imaginations of man. I never knew but one attempt, and that failed; but the gentleman is a surgeon, and must understand these things better than I do." "Oh, yes, yes! it has been done; indeed, it has been done," exclaimed the lady.

I told her that the public were formerly very credulous, which bred many marvellous tales. "The story of Dr. Dodd's escape," said I, "is unfounded; and with regard to the case in Ireland to which you refer, it occurred in the year 1759. The sheriff of Tyrone was, it is true, fined a 1007. and sentenced to two years' imprisonment for suffering William Barret to escape with life after being ordered for execution; and it is said, that the man was suspended the whole time, having a collar which brought him off clear. But if this were really so, which I very much doubt, it was the sheriff's own doing; no person present could have been deceived by appearance: this happened at a remote part of the country, where it is more than probable, it was the general wish of a party, who acted together and who surrounded the place and carried it, with the acquiescence of the sheriff, all their own way; but here in the metropolis, madam, nothing of the kind could be attempted with any probability of success,"

(To be continued.)


No. LIX.

MARCH, 1836.

SNARLEYYOW; OR, THE DOG FIEND.* | acquaint him with the subject of the discus



In which, as often happens at sea when signals are not made out, friends exchange broadsides. NOTWITHSTANDING all the precautions of the party on the forecastle, this consultation had been heard by no less a person than the huge Corporal Van Spitter, who had an idea that there was some mystery going on forward, and had contrived to crawl up under the bulwark, and throw himself down on the forestaysail, which lay between two of the guns. Having done so without being perceived, for it was at the very moment that the party were all listening to Bill Spurey's legend of the dog's first appearance on board, he threw a part of the sail over his fat carcass, and thus remained undiscovered during the remainder of the colloquy. He heard them all descending below, and remained still quiet, till he imagined that the forecastle was clear. In the mean time Mr. Vanslyperken, who had been walking the deck abaft, unaccompanied by his faithful attendant, for Snarleyyow remained coiled up on his master's bed, was meditating deeply how to gratify the two most powerful passions in our nature, love and revenge; at one moment, thinking of the fat, fair Vandersloosh, and of hauling in her guilders, at another, reverting to the starved Smallbones and the comforts of a keel-hauling. The long conference on the forecastle had not been unperceived by the hawk's eye of the lieutenant, and, as they descended, he walked forward to ascertain if he could not pick up some straggler who, unsupported by his comrades, might be induced, by fear, to

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sion. Now, just as Vanslyperken came forward, Corporal Van Spitter had removed the canvass from his body, and was about to rise from his bed, when he perceived somebody coming forward. Not making it out to be the lieutenant, he immediately dropped down again and drew the canvass over him. Mr. Vanslyperken perceived this manœuvre, and thought he had now caught one of the conspirators, and, moreover, one who showed such fear as to warrant the supposition that he should be able to extract from him the results of the night's unusually long confer


Mr. Vanslyperken walked up to where the corporal lay as quiet, but not quite so small, as a mouse." It occurred to Mr. Vanslyperken that a little taste of punishment in esse would very much assist the threats of what might be received in posse, so he laid aside his speaking-trumpet, looked round, picked up a handspike, and raising it above his head, down it came, with all the force of the lieutenant's arm, upon Corporal Van Spitter, whose carcass resounded like a huge kettledrum.

"Tunder and flame!" roared the corporal under the canvass, thinking that one of the seamen having discovered him eaves-dropping had thus wreaked his revenge, taking advantage of his being covered up, and pretending not to know him. "Tunder and flame!" roared the corporal, muffled up in the canvass and trying to extricate himself; but his voice was not recognised by the lieutenant, and, before he could get clear of his envelope, the handspike had again descended; when up rose the corporal, like a buffalo out of his muddy lair, half blinded by the last blow, which had fallen on his head, ran full butt at the lieutenant, and precipitated his senior officer and commander headlong down the fore-hatchway.


Snarleyyow; or, the Dog Fiend.

Short came down and examined his superior officer.

"Is he dead?" inquired the corporal, with alarm.

Vanslyperken fell with great force, was had not Snarleyyow, who had no feeling in stunned, and lay without motion at the foot his composition, positively denied its being of the ladder, while the corporal, whose wrath put there. was always excessive when his blood was up, but whose phlegmatic blood could not be raised without some such decided stimulus as a handspike, now turned round and round the forecastle, like a bull looking for his assailants; but the corporal had the forecastle all to himself, and, as he gradually cooled down, he saw lying close to him the speaking-trumpet of his senior officer.

"No," replied Short.

"Vat can it be, then ?" said the corporal.
"Stunned," replied Short.

"Mein Got! how could it happen?”


Tumbled," replied Short.

"What shall we do, sir?" rejoined the corporal.

"Tousand tyfels," murmured Corporal Van "Bed," replied Short, turning on his heel, Spitter, "but it must have been the skipper. Got for damn, dis is hanging matter!" Cor"Mein Got, the dog will not let him go to poral Van Spitter was as cool as a cucumber and a minute after turning into his hammock. as soon as he observed what a mistake he had "Let's put him in," said one of the marines, made; in fact, he quivered and trembled in bed," exclaimed the corporal. his fat. "But then," thought he, "perhaps So the marines lifted up the still insensible he did not know me-no, he could not, or he "the dog won't bite his master." never would have handspiked me." So Corporal Van Spitter walked down the hatchway, Mr. Vanslyperken, and almost tossed him inwhere he ascertained that his commandant to his standing bed-place, right on the body "Dat is good," thought he, of the snarling dog, who, as soon as he could lay insensible. and he went aft, lighted his lantern, and, as disengage himself from the weight, revenged a ruse, knocked at the cabin door. Receiv- himself by making his teeth meet more than ing no answer but the growl of Snarleyyow, once through the lantern cheek of his mashe went in, and then ascended to the quarter-ter, and then leaping off the bed, retreated "Well, you are a nice dog," exclaimed one deck, looked round him, and inquired of the barking and growling under the table. man at the wheel where Mr. Vanslyperken might be. The man replied that he had gone of the marines, looking after Snarleyyow in forward a few minutes before, and thither the his retreat. corporal proceeded. Of course, not finding him, he returned, telling the man that the skipper was not in the cabin or the forecastle, and wondering where he could be. He then descended to the next officer in command, Dick Short, and called him.

"Well," said Short.

"Can't find Mr. Vanslyperken anywhere," said the corporal.

"Look," replied Dick, turning round in his hammock.

"Mein Got, I have looked de forecastle, de quarter-deck, and de cabin,-he not anywhere."

"Overboard,” replied Dick.

"I come to you, sir, to make inquiry," said the corporal.

"Turn out," said Dick, suiting the action to the words, and lighting with his feet on the deck in his shirt.

Now, there was no medical assistance on board so small a vessel. Mr. Vanslyperken was allowed a small quantity of medicine, unguents, &c. but these he always sold to an from the authorities. The teeth of the dog apothecary as soon as he had procured them had, however, their effect, and Mr. Vanslycried " Snarleyyow." Oh, if the dog had perken opened his eyes, and in a faint voice been stung with remorse at his ingratitude to any spark of feeling, how must he then have so kind a master! But he apparently showed none, at least, report does not say that any symptoms were manifest.

After a little burnt oakum had excoriated salt water from alongside had wetted through his nose, and a certain quantity of the cold his bed-clothes, Mr. Vanslyperken was com look about him. Corporal Van Spitter trempletely recovered, and was able to speak and bled a little as his commandant fixed his eyes upon him, and he redoubled his attention.

"Mein Got, Mynheer Vanslyperken, how was this happen?" exclaimed the corporal in a pathetic tone. Whereupon Mr. Vanslyperken ordered every one to leave the cabin but Corporal Van Spitter.

While Short was dressing himself, the corporal summoned up all his marines; and the noise occasioned by this turn out, and the conversation overheard by those who were awake, soon gave the crew of the cutter to understand that some accident had happened to their commander. Even Smallbones had it whispered in his ear that Mr. Vanslyperken Mr. Vanslyperken then communicated to had fallen overboard, and he smiled as he lay in the dark, smarting with his wounds, the corporal that he had been knocked down muttering to himself that Snarleyyow should the hatchway by one of the men when he soon follow his master. By the time that Short was on the quarter-deck, Corporal Van Spitter, who knew very well where to look for it, had, very much to the disappointment of the crew, found the body of Mr. Vanslyperken, and the marines had brought it aft to the cabin, and would have laid it on the bed,

went forward; that he could not distinguish who it was, but thought it must have been Jansen from his size. Corporal Van Spitter, delighted to find that his skipper was on a wrong scent, expressed his opinion in corroboration of the lieutenant's; after which a long consultation took place relative to mutiny,

disaffection, and the proper measures to be occasionally to city wealth, so have these potaken. Vanslyperken mentioned the consul- tentates condescended to reign over us. tation of the men during the first watch, and Mr. Vanslyperken received his despatches, the corporal, to win his favor, was very glad and made the best of his way to Amsterdam, to be able to communicate the particulars of where he anchored, delivered his credentials, what he had overheard, stating that he had and there waited for the letters of thanks from concealed himself for that purpose. his Majesty's cousins.

"And where did you conceal yourself?" But what a hurry and bustle there appears said Vanslyperken, with a keen, inquiring to be on board of the Yungfrau-Smallbones look; for it immediately occurred to him that, here, Smallbones there-Corporal Van Spitunless it was under the sail, there could be ter pushing to and fro with the dog-trot of an no concealment for such a huge body as that elephant; and even Snarley yow appears to of the corporal; and he had his misgivings. be unusually often up and down the hatchBut the corporal very adroitly observed, that way. What can it all be about? Oh! Mr. he stood at the lower step of the foreladder, Vanslyperken is going on shore to pay his reswith his head level with the combings; and pects, and continue his addresses to the Wihad, by this means, overheard the conversa-dow Vandersloosh. His boat is manned tion unperceived, and had only walked away alongside, and he now appears on the cutter's when the party broke up. This restored the quarter-deck.

plain clothes, are invariably improved by it; while those who look most like gentlemen in plain clothes, lose in the same proportion. At all events, Mr. Vanslyperken is wonderfully improved.

confidence of Mr. Vanslyperken, and a long Is it possible that this can be Mr. Vanslydiscussion took place, in which it was agreed perken? Heavens, how gay! An uniform between them, that the only way to prevent certainly does wonders with some people; that Snarley yow from being destroyed, was to try is to say, that those who do not look well in some means to make away quietly with poor Smallbones. But this part of the conversation was not carried to any length; for Mr. Vanslyperken, indignant at having received such injury in his face from his ungrateful cur, did not, at that moment, feel the current of his affection run so strong as usual in that direction. After this, the corporal touched his hat, swung round to the right about in military style, and left the cabin.


He has a loose pair of blue pantaloons, with boots rising above his knees pulled over them. His lower parts remind you of Charles the Twelfth. He has a long scarlet waistcoat, with large guilt buttons and flap pockets, and his uniform coat over all, of blue turned up with red, has a very commanding appearance. To a broad black belt over his shoulder hangs his cutlass, the sheath of which is mounted with silver and the hilt of ivory and gold threads;

In which Mr. Vansly perken goes on shore to woo and above all, his small head is almost the Widow Vandersloosh.

dignified by being surmounted with a threecornered turned-up and gold-banded cockedThree weeks of comparative calm now hat, with one corner of the triangle in front passed away, during which Mr. Vanslyper- parallel with his sharp nose. Surely the wiken recovered of his wounds and accident, dow must strike her colors to scarlet, and and meditated how he should make away blue, and gold. But although women are said, with Smallbones. The latter also recovered like mackerel, to make such baits, still wiof his bites, and meditated how he should dows are not fond of a man who is as thin as make away with Snarleyyow. Smallbones a herring. They are too knowing? they prehad returned to his avocations, and Vanslyperken, intending mischief, treated him more kindly, as a blind. Snarleyyow also, not forgetting his defeat on the quarter-deck, did not renew his attacks, even when the poor lad helped himself to biscuit.

The Yungfrau anchored in the Downs, and Mr. Vanslyperken received despatches for the Hague. King William having written some letters to his friends, and sent over to them a little English money, which he knew would be acceptable; for continental kings on the English throne have never appeared to have a clear sense of the honor conferred upon them. England, in their ideas, has always been a parvenu kingdom; her nobles not able to trace farther back than the Conquest, while, in their country, the lowest baron will prove his sixteen quarters, and his descent from the dark ages. But, nevertheless, upon the same principle that the poor aristocracy will condescend to unite themselves

fer stainina, and will not be persuaded to take the shadow for the substance.


Mr. Vanslyperken was, nevertheless, very well pleased with himself, which was something, but still not quite enough on the present occasion; and he strutted the deck with great complacency, gave his final orders to Dick Short, who, as usual gave a short answer; also to Corporal Van Spitter, who, as usual received them with all military honor, and lastly to Smallbones, who received them with all humility. lieutenant was about to step into the boat, when a doubt arose, and he stopped in his advance, perplexed. It was one of no small importance-was Snarleyyow to accompany him or not? That was the knotty question, and it really was a case which required some deliberation. If he left him on board after the conspiracy which had been formed against him, the dog would probably be overboard before he returned; that is, if Small

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