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FOR MARCH, 1826.


SUBSCRIPTIONS and DONATIONS in aid of the Funds of this Society will be thankfully received by the Treasurer or Secretaries, at the Mission-House, Austin Friars, London.

THE Directors have great pleasure in announcing to their numerous Friends, that they have engaged the following Ministers to preach on behalf of the Society, at the next Anniversary in London, on the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of May :

REV, R, S. M'ALL, A.M, Macclesfield.

REV. T. MORTIMER, A.M. London,


THE Officers of the Auxiliary Societies are respectfully and earnestly requested to transmit their respective Contributions, on or before the 31st instant, together with correct Lists of Subscribers of Ten Shillings and upwards, alphabetically arranged, for insertion in the Annual Report, with a separate Statement of the sums collected from Congregations or Branch Associations, by Deputations sent from London. They are also requested to mention the number of large and small Reports that will be required for Subscribers respectively.

THE Ladies' Auxiliary Societies in London and its Vicinity, are respectfully requested to meet at the Mission-House, Austin Friars, on Wednesday, the 29th instant, at Eleven o'clock in the Morning, to pay their Subscriptions, and the amount of their respective Collections, &c, After which an address will be delivered by one of the Directors.

THE Committees, Officers, and Collectors, of the various Auxiliary Missionary Societies, both of Ladies and Gentlemen, in London and its Vicinity, will hold their Annual Meeting at the City of London Tavern, Bishopsgate-street, on Tuesday, April 5, when the sums contributed by the Societies respectively, will be reported; the said sums having been paid in, at the Mission-House, Austin Friars, on or before the 31st of March, William Alers Hankey, Esq. Treasurer, will take the Chair precisely at half-past Six o'clock; several Ministers, and Missionaries from different parts of the world, have kindly engaged to address the Meeting, N


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Letter of Rev. Messrs Humphreys, Collie, and Kidd, Missionaries at Malacca, dated 6th October, 1825, addressed to the Seeretury.


WE have the pleasure of forwarding to you some papers relative to the erection of a Mission Chapel in the town of Malacca. This mission has now been established for a considerable length of time; the truths of revelation have been, to a considerable extent, disseminated among the Heathen and Mahommedan population; our objects are now pretty well known to the natives, whose confidence we have in some measure gained; and if we may judge from their willingness to read our books, we must conclude that they are in some degree inclined to listen to the messages of mercy which we are sent to proclaim. The Roman Catholics, the Mohammedans, the Clings, and the Chinese, have their respective temples, where they pay their adorations to their several objects of worship; we alone, as yet, have no house erected to the honour of Him whose gospel we wish to proclaim. Hence we have deemed it our duty to adopt measures for the erection of a small and commodious chapel in the town of Malacca, and thus ostensibly plant the standard of the cross in the very centre of the camp of the aliens.

It was our wish to build in the centre of the Chinese town, in order to afford them the greatest facility of attending; but after a long and fruitless search, we found it impossible to find such a situation, but at an enormous expense. At last we succeeded in purchasing a piece of ground, close by the principal Chinese temple in Malacca. The situation is at once retired, and yet in the immediate vicinity of the Chinese and Malay population, although not so central as we could have wished. The ground is at present covered with fruit trees, some of which we mean to let remain, to defray in part the expenses attending the worship of God in the chapel.

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No sooner had the Chinese heard that we intended to build a chapel directly in front of their temple, than they took the alarm, and a deputation waited upon us, begging that we would give up the ground to them, in exchange for some other spot which they promised to purchase for us. In reply we told them, that we had no wish to shock their prejudices; that nothing but our having failed to procure a suitable place elsewhere had induced us to propose building so near their

temple; that we wished to convert them by reason, not by force; and that if they could give us any other spot equally valuable, and as suitable to our purpose, we would most gladly make the exchange. In order to prevent any misunderstanding on the subject, we addressed a letter to the captain of the Chinese, in which we assured him, that we should feel extremely sorry to hurt the feelings of our Chiuese brethren; and that we had rather build our chapel in some other place, could it be procured, than close by their temple. In the mean time, we went to see a spot of ground which they had selected for us, which being more central than that which we had purchased, and on the whole a good situation, we felt anxious to procure. We consequently expressed ourselves perfectly willing to accept of it in exchange for the other. But the proprietors not being inclined to dispose of it, we received a letter from Captain China, informing us that they had completely failed to procure a suitable spot of ground; at the same time assuring us that they felt highly pleased with the manner in which we had conducted the business, and commending our disinterested exertions in diffusing the knowledge of divine principles among the people.

You will see from the accompanying papers with what readiness Mr. Cracroft, Acting Resident, sanctioned and supported our objects. By his recommendation, our subscriptions have been already increased, and he has voluntarily promised to recommend the object to his friends. It is unnecessary to say, that he merits the public thanks of the Society for his liberality and patronage. We are bound likewise to mention, to the honour of our Malacca friends, that they most cheerfully subscribed to our object. None refused on being applied to; but some who were not applied to, begged to be permitted to subscribe.

The expense of erecting the chapel, including the purchase of ground, is estimated at 7007.; rather more than the third of which sum has been subscribed on the spot, and we hope to receive something more in India; so that we expect, with what our friends at home may do for us, to be able to present the projected chapel as a free gift to the Missionary Society. If any of the Directors, or any of their friends, will assist us a little, we shall feel very grateful; but we do not wish to apply for any assistance from the funds of the Society, until we see what our friends do for us. At the same time we trust that, should we fail to raise the requisite sum from other quarters, the Society will make up the deficiency.

We have purchased wood, and mean to commence building in the course of a few days. When finished, the chapel will be made over to the Society by legal deeds,

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To W. S. Cracroft, Esq. Acting Resident of Malacca, &c. &c.

The Petition of James Humphreys, David Collie, and Samuel Kidd;

Most respectfully showeth,

That your Petitioners are Protestant Missionaries residing in Malacca under the patronage of the London Missionary Society, whose sole object is the spread of the gospel amongst the heathen and other unenlightened nations.

That your petitioners have been sent to this place with a view to introduce the knowledge of Christianity amongst its Chinese population, by those means which may appear to them the most eligible; such as the distribution of tracts, the establishment of schools, and the preaching of the gospel.

That in pursuance of their object, they deem it their duty, in addition to the schools which are established, and the instructions which are by other means conveyed to embrace opportunities of preaching the doctrines of Christianity.

That although some years have elapsed since this mission was first established, there has been hitherto no place of worship in which the natives could assemble for religious


That you, Sir, being the chief authority in the settlement, your Petitioners, in hopes of their Petition being favourably received, have resolved to solicit your sanction to the erection of a small chapel in the town of Malacca, for the purposes above specified.

Wherefore, your Petitioners pray that you will take this case into your early consideration.

Your Petitioners will ever pray, &c.

Malaoca, 15th Sept. 1825.

No. 191.



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Copy of a Printed Address, circulated at Malacca to the Public, concerning the Building of a Mission Chapel in the Town of Malacca.

In the year 1815, the Rev. William Milne, Protestant Missionary, under the patronage of the London Missionary Society, arrived at Malacca, with a view to introduce the Christian Religion among the Chinese settlers of the colony.

Mr. Milne was most cordially received by Major Farquhar, Resident of Malacca, and by the other British authorities of the settlement. To those gentlemen, as well as to the Pinang Government, who most readily

granted a piece of land for the benefit of the Mission, the Missionary Society is laid under great and lasting obligations.

Mr. Milne opened his Mission, by establishing Free Schools for the purpose of instructing Chinese children in the principles culating small Chinese Tracts, explanatory of Christianity, and by drawing up and cirof the nature and importance of the Christian Religion.

On commencing these operations he found, that among the Chinese Settlers there existed considerable prejudice against sending their children to his Schools. Their prejudices, however, have gradually subsided, and the number of Schools has, BY THE REQUEST OF THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES, been from time to time increased, so that at present there are seven Chinese Schools, containing upwards of two hundred boys, connected with the Mission and had we more funds, we might still increase the number of our Chinese Schools. In all these little Seminaries, the

To the Rev. J. Humphreys, D. Collie, and principles of the inspired records are taught,

S. Kidd, Protestant Missionaries. GENTLEMEN,

I HAVE had the honour to receive your Petition, dated the 15th instant, soliciting the permission of government for the erection

Le. No commodious place for that purpose be longing to the mission--ED,

and the children are, we trust, undergoing that discipline, which will ultimately prepare them for listening with advantage to the preaching of the Gospel.

Mr. Milne and his brethren, who subsequently joined the Mission, in addition to the opening of Schools, and the circulation of Tracts, likewise proclaimed the Gospel of peace by the living voice. But to the pro

sent day no Chapel has been erected, where either the Chinese, or Malays can assemble for the purpose of hearing the Gospel.

The way having been thus prepared by the above mentioned efforts, and a complete Chinese version of the Sacred Scriptures, having been made by Dr. Morrison, assisted by the late Dr. Milne, we consider that the erection of a small Chapel in the Town of Malacca, would, through the divine blessing, tend to give much more efficiency to the Mission.

Viewing the subject in this light, we, the undersigned, being Protestant Missionaries sent out by the London Missionary Society, having obtained the sanction of W. S. Cracroft, Esq. Resident of Malacca, have resolved to erect a small Chapel to be exclusively devoted to Missionary purposes.

Although intended principally for the benefit of the Chinese population, yet in the event of the Missionary Society sending out Malay Missionaries to this station, the projected Chapel, if deemed expedient, might be employed for the purpose of conducting divine worship, both in the Chinese and Malay languages.

It is only necessary to add, that we must look to the friends of Christianity for pecuniary aid towards the erection of the proposed House of Prayer. Nor can we doubt for a moment, that those who wish to see the principles of Christianity triumphing over the abominations of idolatry, and the delusions of Mahomet, will deny themselves the pleasure of lending their assistance to the erection of the first Protestant Chapel built in Malacca for the exclusive benefit of the native population.




Malacca, Sept. 19, 1825.

N. B. Donations will be received by Tho. Dent, Esq. and Co. China; Rev. C. H. Thomsen, Singapore; Rev. T. Beighton, Pinang; W. Chalmers, Esq. and G. H. Huttmann, Esq. Calcutta; W. A. Hankey, Esq. Treasurer to the Missionary Society, London; Rev. W. Thorpe, Bristol; James Bowden, Esq., W. Gibson, Esq., and W. Irving, Esq. Hull; Rev. R. Burns, Rev. W. Smart, and Mr. G. Cuthbertson, Bookseller, Paisley; Rev. J. Murray, and Rev. Mr. Thomson, Aberdeen; Mr. Dugdale, Dame-street, and Messrs. Wood and Yates, College Green, Booksellers, Dublin; and by the Missionaries, Malacca. Donations made in Great Britain and Ireland may be remitted to W. A, Han.. key, Esq. No. 7, Fenchurch-street, London, Subsoribers' Names.

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THE importance of this station is great. The number of the inhabitants, their diversity of character, and the extended nature of their connexions, the facilities there are of access to them, and the great influence it would have upon the surrounding districts, if the inhabitants of Madras were generally and in sincerity to embrace the doctrine of the Cross, give it a prominence in the moral world, not possessed by many other cities. And when we remember the very long period, during which the Gospel has been held up to the view of the natives, when we consider the supineness and apathy evinced by them concerning eternal things, the little interest with which they generally regard instruction when imparted, and the indiffer ence with which they behold any contrast exhibited between their own religion and what the Bible inculcates, we cannot but

view them as real objects of pity, as calling for our efforts and our prayers, and emphatically dependent upon the agency of the Holy Spirit, to convince them of the error of their ways.

Among the villagers and inhabitants of country-places, there are seen a simplicity of character, a curiosity of disposition easily excited, and an ingenuousness of mind all highly favourable to the preacher who would declare to them the tidings of salvation; but among the inhabitants of the city there is a willingness of character, an apparent pliancy of disposition, and a very thorough knowledge of the defects of merely nominal Christians, which are calculated to obstruct the unbiassed reception of divine truth. The difficulties in the latter case are great, but not more so than may be overcome, and that Spirit who brooded upon the waters, and brought order out of chaos, and beauty out of confusion, is Omnipotent and able to give a new heart to the very chief of sinners, and to convert the most hardened characters. We have, therefore, encouragement, and, if our difficulties be great, the more incitement to labour. Nor are appearances altogether unpropitious. There are many very encouraging circumstances to be found, in the unity of effort in the missionary body here, and the simultaneous operations they are carrying forward, in the increasing spheres of usefulness which are occupied, in the efficiency of the means put into our hands, in the inquiries made and the desire to be taught evinced by not a few of the inhabitants, in the spirit of prayer, and of humble waiting for the operations of the Holy Ghost, which is pervading those who labour for the good of their fellow-creatures.

The Missionaries of this station have been called to sympathise with each other in personal and domestic affliction. Some of them have had to experience trials and bereavements of a very peculiar nature. They believe and even rejoice that these afflictions were intended for their good and the glory of their God. The infant son of Mr. Massie died in the month of October, after a lingering illness. Mr. Crisp was laid aside from labour for nearly five months by severe affliction, in which he was brought to the verge of the grave. The other Missionaries have severally experienced bodily affliction during the year, but gratitude demands from us the song of praise that so great a measure of good health is enjoyed at the present time. Some of the circumstances above alluded to have obstructed to a considerable extent the progress of the work in this station but it is hoped that we have all, as Christians, derived benefit from these afflictive visitations,


The state of the general schools is in appearance very much improved, and seems to promise that ere long they will open a wide field for the immediate exertions and religious instructions of the Missionary. There are at present ten Town schools and four in the country, containing 600 children, who attend regularly. Three schools have been relinquished, principally because of diminution in numbers, which was to be traced to the carelessness or inefficiency of the teachers. These were those of Davidson-street, Nursingapooram and the Choolay Bazar, the teachers of which have been discharged. The plan which was adopted previous to the last meeting, of paying the school-masters, according to numbers has rendered it necessary and advisable also to adopt the principle of regulating the pay according to the advancement of the children attending. The introduction of this method has been delayed till the proper degree and kind of improvement can be fixed upon, so as not to injure the teacher and yet to secure the proficiency of the pupil. The schools are regularly visited by the Assistant and the Catechist. They are examined not merely as to the number and the regularity of attendance but also the attention which has been given to the subjects of study. The Missionaries also occasionally visit them, but from various circumstances we have not been able so regularly to do it as is our desire, and as we have soon to do. The Missionaries maintain the full power of introducing, or of prohibiting whatever books they may approve or condemn. We do not restrain the use of books by native authors, either historical or moral, or books of arithmetic or grammar, &c. The Christian books which are read in the schools, are the New Testament, and Abridgment of Sacred History, Spiritual Instruction. The Way of Prayer, and a Book of Prayers. Portions of the New Testament are committed to memory in all the schools, and two Catechisms on Scripture Doctrine by the Rev. C. Rhenius. Several petitions have been presented for an increase of our School Establishment, but we have deferred complying with them at present.

Central School.


The Central School has, during the year, occupied a great share of our time and attention, and has been the subject of our prayers, our fears, and our hopes. It more and more assumes an importance in the Mission peculiar to itself and which we trust will be sustained and warranted by the results. first report has lately been issued, which details the general circumstances and the internal transactions connected with it. By that report it will be seen, how very liberally and generally it has been supported by friends in this country, and that the

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