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Directors of our Society at home, have recognised it as a valuable branch of this Mission, and have promised to aid us in our measures concerning it. The general character of the Institution is there pourtrayed though not so fully developed, as we expect it will yet be.

The first expenses were greater on account of the general furnishing which was necessary, the large number of boys who were received on the foundation, and the very high price at which provision was sold during that season of scarcity. The expenditure is, however, at present limited to 120 rupees per month. We are happy to acknowledge the receipt of several very handsome subscriptions, since the issue of the Report. There are now sixteen boys educated and supported in the school. We are most anxious to procure a separate and suitable building for the Institution, that all its business may be transacted under one roof, and that it may have the benefit of the undivided superintendence of one of the Missionaries, or some person qualified for it; and trust we shall not be long left without this most necessary addition.

Free Schools, &c.

The free schools connected with the Black Town Chapel continue their average number of boys about eighty, and of the girls about sixty. The plan of the British and Foreign School Society is still pursued, and we are not without hopes that good is done among the children. The same schoolmaster and mistress retain their situations. We are sorry that in consequence of the death and the departure from the Presidency of several valued friends, who steadily contributed towards the Institution, the funds have gradually diminished, and are now much below the sum expended. We hope that others will arise to fill the places of those whom we have lost. A sermon was preached in the month of March, by Mr. Crisp, and about 100 rupees collected in behalf of these schools. A debt, however, has still been increasing, and is now upwards of 200 rupees. A separate appeal will be made in behalf of these institutions.* We trust friends who can will lend their aid in behalf of this general and important object; and that, in consequence, increased vigour will be imparted to these operations.

There is at present no school for female native children. The particular object is in this, not the want of funds, but of a proper person as instructor. Many abortive efforts have been made to procure such a person; but we mean more decidedly to strive for the accomplishment of this object during the ensuing year, and we trust the same complaint will not follow in our next report. Some female children have been introduced

* See page 123.

into our male schools, and a premium has been offered to increase the number, but this has not systematically been adopted.

English Preaching.

The attendance on the Sabbath services at Black Town Chapel have lately, we think, been moderate, but the attendance not so good as we could wish; at Persewaukum they continue much the same. A Wednesday evening service has been begun at Persewaukum Chapel, and is very encouragingly attended; also a prayer-meeting at Black Town Chapel, which frequently proves a season of great enjoyment to those who attend. Indeed we think a spirit of prayer is appearing among the people, which we would hail as an auspicious omen of important blessings being about to descend upon our labours.

During the past year, very peculiar interest has been felt, in a new sphere of labour which has opened to us in Fort St. George, among the soldiers. In the barrack schoolroom, which is kindly permitted for our use by the commanding officer, a service is conducted every Friday evening, when a numerous assembly meet together and listen with great eagerness to the words of eternal life. Seven from among these have come forward with a desire of being added to the church. In our English labours we have derived gratuitous assistance from the Rev. C. Traveller.

Preaching in Tamil.

The Tamil preaching at the chapel, Persewaukum, was not so well attended a few months ago as it had been before, and as it is beginning to be again. Mr. Crisp's indisposition, and his present distance from Persewaukum, prevented his labours from being continued as they were before; but the assistant has lately taken a share of the preaching duties in conjunction with the catechist. On Tuesday evening there is a Tamil service in the school-room, Persewaukum, the number assembling is generally fifty or sixty. The service which was held in Chitty-street has been removed to Black Town Chapel, and is held on Thursday évening alternately with the Persewaukum Chapel service. The house of one of the members of the church, living in Royapooram, has been opened for Tamil preaching. There is every prospect of considerable usefulness. The village is very populous, containing a great number of Roman Catholics and heathen. In the village of Chindatrepettah, where one of our schools is situated, there have been many pleasing opportunities of preaching to a numerous assembly of attentive hearers, and of distributing tracts, and conversing with the people. Besides these stated services, every visit to the native schools gives an opportunity of preaching to

the heathen, and on such occasions, large Congregations have frequently assembled. One of the missionaries has commenced a service on Sabbath morning for his servants. The servants of neighbouring houses have been invited to attend, and the native people have been brought in from their own houses, and the number has increased to upwards of thirty. The assistant, Mr. Nimmo, attends, and pursues a regular course of instruction, which we hope will be a blessing to those who assemble.

We feel it our duty to acknowledge, that the operations of the mission have been greatly facilitated by the assistance of Mr. Nimmo, who has been very laborious in visiting the schools, both in town and country. During the past year he has become a member of the church, greatly to the satisfaction of every one composing it, and we trust be will be enabled to adorn his profession by humility, consistency, and rectitude of conduct. The mission has been authorized to employ Readers after the manner of the Travancore mission, and one has for a considerable time been employed in this capacity. His name is David; he has afforded satisfaction, and hopes are entertained that he will prove a useful member of the mission. We are desirous of employing at least another, if a suitable person could be procured for the work.

During the past year all the missionaries have for a season been absent from Madras, and their journies, it is hoped, have assumed a decidedly missionary character. Mr. and Mrs. Crisp visited Bangalore for the benefit of the climate. Mr. Crisp, besides preaching there, also engaged several times in religious services among the professing Christians at Chittoor.

At the close of the last year and commencement of the present, one of our number had occasion to visit the south of the peninsula, as far as Madura, and distributed a considerable number of Tamil tracts, both going and returning by different roads. He preached also at that place several times in English, and circulated there many tracts, and some copies of the Tamil Scriptures. By a variety of conversations and inquiries, he also hopes in some degree to have prepared the way for future usefulness, by himself or others, in that quarter, where it is greatly needed. Another Missionary has visited Trippasore, and preached to the pensioners and invalids there. He was greatly encouraged by the attendance of a very large congregation, who several times assembled to hear the gospel. He made arrangements for continued religious meetings there, for the establishment of a Sunday school, and for the periodical visits of one of our Missionaries. Many applied to him for Bibles and Prayer-books, in several instances offering to pay for them,

Black Town Missionary Free Schools.

These Institutions, which were founded by the Rev. W. C. Loveless, and have now continued in effective operation for several years, consist of a Male and Female Free School, in distinct buildings, superintended by a master and a mistress of religious principles. The children received are chiefly Portuguese and country-born, whether Protestant or Roman Catholic.

The boys are instructed, as nearly as practicable, on the principles of Bell and Lancaster. They are taught reading, writing, and common arithmetic; and are thus fitted, by a plain useful education, for many stations and employments which they would otherwise be utterly incapable of filling. They receive also direct Christian instruction, in committing portions of Scripture to memory with plain Catechisms, whence they derive knowledge which is likely to grow up with them, and to lay the foundation of further attainments in future years. Their number varies from 80 to 90. The girls are taught reading, writing, and arithmetic, together with Christian principles in the same manner, in addition to which they learn plain needle-work and marking. Several Ladies have at different times taken an interest in this useful School and have furnished plain work, the execution of which has given satisfaction. The number of girls has generally been about 60. In both Schools many children have been and are still, rescued from idleness, ignorance, and their consequences. Some have been ennobled, by the reception of real Christian principle; and may have reason to bless God, through eternity, for the instruction they have received. Many have left the Schools since their establishment, for various situations in life; and it has been remarked that few or none of those educated here, have afterward proved guilty of misbehaviour or of crime.

These Schools have from the commencement been supported by voluntary contributions, and have enjoyed a large measure of public confidence and patronage. By the death of some benefactors, and the departure of others to Europe, the funds have latterly fallen short. The Missionaries state this circumstance with regret; but they are justified it is hoped, in founding on it their present appeal. The monthly expenditure amounts to about 29 pags. while the subscriptions per month are at present not more than 19 pags. In consequence there is a balance against the Institution of nearly 200 rupees. In addition to this the buildings at present stand in great need of repair. A sermon was lately preached in their behalf, but the relief thereby afforded having been but temporary, there is a necessity for at least making known the circumstances of the case; leaving it to the benevolent to consi

der whether these Schools may merit a small portion of their assistance, either by donation or subscription.

Amidst the constant clashing of opinions on other subjects, happily in the present day, there is very little difference of sentiment as to the propriety of bestowing on the children of the poor, a plain education, founded on correct, virtuous, and Christian principles. It is known and acknowledged that from ignorance proceed idleness and vice; from vice, misery. There are few Protestant Christians, it is presumed, who would be averse to as many children as possible being taught to read their Bible, and thus becoming prepared to receive the dictates of that pure and heavenly wisdom which is from above. The benefits of education are too numerous and evident, to need to be here enumerated. It is, therefore, simply and respectfully requested of the individual into whose hands this paper may come, that some assistance, proportioned to that person's feeling, ability, and view of the case, may be given to an Institution, undoubtedly meriting patronage; by which means, that benefactor, or benefactress, in union with others, may be administering invaluable blessings both to the present generation and the remotest futurity.

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Extract of a Letter from the Rev. William Beynon, dated Madras, 27th September, 1825, addressed to the Secretary.

I HAVE the pleasure to inform you of our safe arrival here on the 14th instant. During the whole of the way, we experienced few of the dangers and trials usual on a sea voyage. Perhaps few former missionaries have been so highly favoured while traversing the mighty deep, as we have been. Our religious opportunities too, on board, were so valuable and numerous, that we almost forgot the loss of our privileges in England. We had morning and evening family worship, which several of the passengers always attended. Our monthly missionary prayermeeting, and on the Sabbath morning, we united with cur friends in Britain, in supplications at the throne of God, for the influ. ences of the Holy Spirit. We also had the Lord's Supper administered on board, and I trust, it was not without the blessing of Him whose path is in the deep waters. It is impossible for us to speak too highly of Cap

* Viz. That of Mr. and Mrs. Beynon, Miss Dale, and Master Desgranges. Mr. and Mrs. Ray, and Mr. and Miss Piffard had sailed for Calcutta,

tain Chapman*. With gratitude shall I ever reflect on his kindness and Christain affection. From his uniform conduct we had every reason to regard him not only as a sincere friend, but also as a sympathising Christian brother. Since our arrival here, we have made our abode chiefly with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. I am sorry to say, that Mr. and Mrs. Chambers and family have just arrived here from Bangalore, and, in consequence of Mr. Chambers' state of health, are about to embark for Europe, as soon as they can procure a passage. Mr. Massie is gone to Bangalore for the recovery of his health. If there are a few things here to discourage, there are many to animate and cheer. The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Its advances are progressive, and a period will, I doubt not, at length arrive when the idolatrous millions of Hindoostan shall bow before the footstool of our God. I have received a letter from Mr. Hands, since my arrival here. He observes, that all things connected with the mission at Bellary, are going on well. We are just on the point of proceeding thither.

NATIVE READERS OF THE SCRIPTURES, &c. IN TRAVANCORE. For the satisfaction of our friends in general, and especially of those of them who have annually contributed so liberally towards the support of NATIVE READERS in Travancore, we lose no time in communicating the following particulars. We have repeatedly had to lament the delay of information concerning them, which appears to have been occasioned by the miscarriage of letters; and we have still to express our concern, that the names of a few of the READERS do not appear in the present communication. The letter from which the following extracts are taken, is written by the Rev. Charles Mault, and is dated Nagercoil, 28th September, 1825.

Samuel Stephenson Greatheed was one of the first that made a profession of Christianity in Travancore. He was employed by Mr. Ringeltaube as catechist, and the management of the mission, at his departure, was left in his hands. His knowledge of the word of God is considerable; but that it is the power of God to salvation to every one that believes, he has not till lately felt. The preaching of the word appears to have been the means of effecting an important change in his views. The doctrine of salvation through the blood of Christ greatly

Of the ship Woodford,

affects him, and the preaching of it frequently melts him into tears. His reports are becoming more interesting. The disorderly conduct of the professing people around him, seems to be a source of grief to him, especially the violation of the Lord's-day,—a sin that prevails among the people at Mayilaudy to a mournful extent. They have imbibed very loose ideas on this, subject, as well as on many others of vital importance, which has greatly retarded the work, and to counteract the bad effect of which, is a most difficult task. Mayilaudy is the place where this Reader is employed,-a town that has been so often described, that to mention it here is sufficient. There is a pleasing circumstance connected with his labours that we must not omit to notice. An aged person of some influence in the country has for a considerable time listened with much interest to his

instructions, and has appeared at times deeply impressed; but his family connections have hitherto prevented him from making an open profession of his sentiments.

John Palmer is a native of Mayilaudy, and was formerly employed there as schoolmaster. His conduct was so satisfactory, as to point him out as a suitable person for a native teacher, when the religious public first enabled us to appoint so many to that important office. He has hitherto proved himself worthy of the confidence placed in him; and, by his example as well as instructions, preaches Christ and kim crucified. Several, I trust, have been brought, through his instrumentality, to embrace the truth, as it is in Jesus. He is daily growing in knowledge, and has a very interesting and affectionate way of communicating it to others. Pitchekoodaeruppoo was the first scene of his labours; but at Tamarakoolum, which is surrounded by many villages, and situated in the midst of a grove of Palmyras, he has been stationed for more than two years. Several additions have recently been made to this congregation.

James Clark is also a native of Mayilaudy, and was employed by Mr. Ringeltaube to superintend the cultivation of the Mission fields. He is a person of superior abilities, and his knowledge of the Scriptures is extensive. To this may be added, that bis conduct is correct, and I hope he has a sense of the evil nature of sin, and of the necessity of the blood of Christ to take away its defilement. He was at first stationed at Tamarakoolum, and had Agatesurum under his superintendence; but since the number of Readers has been increased, his sphere of labour has been confined to the latter place, which is very populous, and surrounded by many villages, in most of which Christian families reside. The congregation has greatly increased by his labours, and is now the largest in the mission, in which, I trust,

there are several who worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. The chapel that was lately erected is not sufficient to contain the people.

William Haweis Cooper. The first person who bore this name was dismissed more than two years ago; the person now bearing it was employed as a schoolmaster in Mr. Ringletaube's time. I hope he is a diligent and conscientious man, though he has not that deep view of the depravity of the human heart, and the necessity of an application to the blood of sprinkling, which it is so desirable to see in public teachers. He has daily opportunities of disputing with the Roman Catholics and heathen around him. The former are frequently made ashamed of their ignorance of the Scriptures, and the latter often com

pelled to yield to the force of truth.

Puttalum, the centre of a large district, is the station that this Reader occupies. An aged man in this congregation was lately baptized, of whom I gave some account in a former communication.

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Charles Seymour. The first person who was called by this name possessed good natural abilities, and a very amiable temper, which endeared him to all around him. was suddenly called from his labours on earth, I trust, to his reward in heaven. His successor is truly devoted to his work, and so consistent in his walk, that his neighbours, who do not like his religion, are constrained to speak well of him. He has no particular congregation under his care, but visits the principal ones in the Western District, to exhort the Readers in those stations, to a more diligent discharge of their duties; to encourage the younger part of the congregation to study the Scriptures, and the discourses given them by the Travancore Tract Society; to exhort all to a walk and conversation becoming the gospel, and to ascertain particularly what progress they make from month to month.

John Clapham is esteemed among the heathen on account of being of high caste. He made a profession of Christianity in the year 1819, and has remained steadfast to the present time. He is a person of considerable energy of mind, and has been the principal means of raising two or three small congregations. In many instances, he has afforded great assistance to the people, by maintaining their rights, and vindicating their conduct from misrepresentation. To accomplish this object, the Dewan of Travancore allows him free access to him at all times. His more particular charge is the small congregation at Puenguddy.

John Oldfield. The first person who was called by this name, changed his office for one of a more lucrative nature under the

Circar. However, he is not like many, who, for the sake of office, exchange their religion. He continues his attendance on the preaching of the gospel, and, I hope, appreciates its value. The person who now bears this name demolished his idols in 1821, and since that period has exerted himself with great zeal in a better cause, and has been the means of bringing many families under the sound of the gospel, that otherwise might have remained to the present time devoted worshippers of the Evil Spirit. He has chiefly laboured in the neighbourhood of Munsey Sevier Chapel, but he is now stationed at Trevanderam.

Henry Martyn, aged about fifty, died suddenly at Eraniel, in January last. He retired to rest in the evening in good health, but was found the next morning a corpse. He was a man of a studious and contempla.. tive turn of mind, which was directed to the study of the Scriptures, in an acquaintance with which he had in a short time made

much progress. He had to contend with much opposition, on account of his religion, from the heathen, but more especially from some branches of his own family; which, like his divine Master, he bore with much patience, till he was called to his reward. The person that succeeds him is the eldest son of the Reader J. Clapham, who has enjoyed many advantages in the seminary at Nagercoil. He is stationed at Eraniel where Catherine Chapel is erected.

Richard Knill. The first person that was called by this name was a native of Tanjore, who removed thither with his family in 1822. Since that period several have been called F. Knill, whose conduct has proved them to be very unworthy of the name. The person now so designated was educated at our Seminary, and was called J. Munro at the time, I believe, when Mr. Knill was in South Travancore. He is a young man of good moral character, acquainted with the Scriptures, and has appeared at times to be deeply affected under the preaching of the word. Tittavilly is the sphere of his labour, called by Mr. Knill, in his account of the congregation in Travancore, "the earthly paradise."

Rowland Hill is a native of Tanjore, and received a Christian education under the

Missionaries at that place. As he is a person of high caste and good address, he has been principally employed among the heathen in the towns and villages contiguous to Nagercoil, in many of which a man of lower caste would not be able to gain a hearing. Thousands, by his means, have been warned to flee from the wrath to come, and pointed to the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world. Many hundred tracts are also silently repeating the same thing, which he has had abundant opportunities of distri

buting among all classes of people. O, that the seed thus sown may spring up, and bring forth fruit to the glory of God!

William Eceles. The Reader that originally bore this name gave great satisfaction, which made us exceedingly sorry to part with him; but as the climate of Travancore disagreed with his health, he was obliged to relinquish his situation, and remove to a distance. He was succeeded by a person who had long professed the Christian Religion, and who seemed for a time to run well; but temptations prevailed, and he was drawn by his heathen relations again into idolatry. The present W. Eccles is a young man who was educated in the Seminary, of very promising abilities; and since he has held his present situation he has pursued his work with zeal and humility. He has the charge of the small congregations at Covilvilly and Autekaudu. Two additional families have lately joined the congregation at the latter place.

Charles Noel Welman. The first person thus designated, had been educated among the Roman Catholics, but being much impressed by reading the New Testament, he renounced the errors of Popery, and seemed zealous for the propagation of his new tenets. But, I am very sorry to say, (for there were many pleasing traits in his character,) he sunk into a state of slothfulness, out of which it was impossible to arouse him; and he manifested such a particular objection to pursue a course of studies with the other Readers, that we were compelled to discharge him. The young man now employed, has enjoyed some advantages in the Seminary at Palamcotta, under the care of our much esteemed friends, the Lutheran Missionaries. He is a person of an amiable temper, diligent in his work, and particularly attentive to the instructions given him. Vadahhankollum in Tinnevilly, and the large district, by which it is surrounded, is the scene of his labour. A few have lately been added to the congregation there.

William Bushe. An aged man, who had formerly been a Catechist among the Roman Catholics, and much esteemed by the natives for his learning, was first called by this name; and his conduct afforded us much satisfaction, during the time he maintained his office. But when our Girls' school became so large as to require more assistance, he was considered the most suitable person we could obtain to fill this situation, which he has occupied with much credit ever since. The person chosen in his place, as Reader, during the short period, he had made a profession of Christianity, had made, so much progress in reading, and in the knowledge of divine things, that we were encouraged to believe that he would prove suitable for the

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